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One Thing You Learned From Conference!

In summary, the Ah-ha from this conference for me was learning that I need to be more consistent with the activities I do to try to be successful, and that I need to focus on my goals a little more and not just what other people might decide for me.
Gold Member
Thought we could share our big Ah-ha from conference!

I took 2 TL classes and wasn't too impressed with them but I took Top Sellers Show How and LOVED it! I'm really wanting to try to earn the Excellence Award in Sales (which would mean basically doubling my sales from last year) so I loved the tip she shared on ways to get your orders above $60 by promoting "give-aways" instead of guest specials and buying multiples of items (kitchen shears, chef's tongs, etc).
I loved General Session with the Go for No! That is going to stay with me.
wadesgirl said:
Thought we could share our big Ah-ha from conference!I took 2 TL classes and wasn't too impressed with them but I took Top Sellers Show How and LOVED it! I'm really wanting to try to earn the Excellence Award in Sales (which would mean basically doubling my sales from last year) so I loved the tip she shared on ways to get your orders above $60 by promoting "give-aways" instead of guest specials and buying multiples of items (kitchen shears, chef's tongs, etc).
Would you mind sharing more about that? (Or if her notes are on her website or something- which ones?)
OMG I had so many aha's from this conference, its hard to pick just one or two!!! My biggest ones were:*When I was brutally honest with myself on the Skills Self-Assessment from Promote to Director NOW. I like to think I am doing activities in an effort to be successful, but when I took that assessment, I discovered I'm not doing this activities consistently enough for them to impact my business. *In Go For No, the Shaquille O'Neal story*In Go For No, the quote "never make decisions for others as to what they'll decide, do, or spend" because I know I do that often.*In Go For No, the Persistence Statistics. OMG...so eye-opening!!!
wadesgirl said:
Thought we could share our big Ah-ha from conference!

I took 2 TL classes and wasn't too impressed with them but I took Top Sellers Show How and LOVED it! I'm really wanting to try to earn the Excellence Award in Sales (which would mean basically doubling my sales from last year) so I loved the tip she shared on ways to get your orders above $60 by promoting "give-aways" instead of guest specials and buying multiples of items (kitchen shears, chef's tongs, etc).

Who was your speaker for Top Sellers?
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  • #6

It was actualy Minday Banks but her website has her maiden name on it. She said she would have her notes on there but I haven't had a chance to look.
She doesn't yet....
wadesgirl said:

It was actualy Minday Banks but her website has her maiden name on it. She said she would have her notes on there but I haven't had a chance to look.

I had her too! Wasn't she awesome!

I LOVED her story about how she'd wanted to be a PC consultant since she was 15- she kept the business card of the consultant who did the show she went with her mom to and now she said that she gives her card to all the kids who are at their show because you never know, they might want to aspire to do PC as well! I LOVED that! I am definitely going to implement that one!
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  • #9
chefsteph07 said:
I had her too! Wasn't she awesome!

I LOVED her story about how she'd wanted to be a PC consultant since she was 15- she kept the business card of the consultant who did the show she went with her mom to and now she said that she gives her card to all the kids who are at their show because you never know, they might want to aspire to do PC as well! I LOVED that! I am definitely going to implement that one!

I know, is that awesome or what? I love how she said she tried to sign up when she was 17 but PC sent her contract back with a note to wait until she was 18!
  • #10
I'm disappointed I didn't do that one!!

This was one of mine too: *In Go For No, the quote "never make decisions for others as to what they'll decide, do, or spend" because I know I do that often.

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  • #11
mountainmama74 said:
I'm disappointed I didn't do that one!!

This was one of mine too: *In Go For No, the quote "never make decisions for others as to what they'll decide, do, or spend" because I know I do that often.


I always try to hit up a top seller class!
  • #12
I"m thinking next year I am going to take ALL TS classes, if they let me because I learned more from that ONE class than the other 2 combined. And has been like that every year I've taken a Top Seller workshop.
  • #13
There really were many AHA moments. I still have to type up my notes to share....catching up on biz before I get to those. My speakers have still to post their notes, but I'll share once they're up.

For now, I loved that our speaker suggested you have your recruit do 4 shows in 2 weeks. This will get the ball rolling quickly and will get them accustomed to 2 shows a week. PLUS if they only want to do 1-2 shows a month, let them know all PT jobs require FT training. Also, walk them through what these 4 shows mean in terms of PCD and commission. (Use the $475 national avg for numbers).
  • #14
Jolie_Paradoxe said:
There really were many AHA moments. I still have to type up my notes to share....catching up on biz before I get to those. My speakers have still to post their notes, but I'll share once they're up.

For now, I loved that our speaker suggested you have your recruit do 4 shows in 2 weeks. This will get the ball rolling quickly and will get them accustomed to 2 shows a week. PLUS if they only want to do 1-2 shows a month, let them know all PT jobs require FT training. Also, walk them through what these 4 shows mean in terms of PCD and commission. (Use the $475 national avg for numbers).

Laurie - were you in the Start Strong workshop with Christie McDaneld and Codi Ayers?

If so - I totally missed you! I was in that one, and that's what was suggested in there too! That was a great workshop - I had NO idea there were coaching topics and notes in CC behind every consultant's name!
  • #15
ChefBeckyD said:
Laurie - were you in the Start Strong workshop with Christie McDaneld and Codi Ayers?

If so - I totally missed you! I was in that one, and that's what was suggested in there too! That was a great workshop - I had NO idea there were coaching topics and notes in CC behind every consultant's name![/QUOTE]

  • #16
mountainmama74 said:
ChefBeckyD said:
Laurie - were you in the Start Strong workshop with Christie McDaneld and Codi Ayers?

If so - I totally missed you! I was in that one, and that's what was suggested in there too! That was a great workshop - I had NO idea there were coaching topics and notes in CC behind every consultant's name![/QUOTE]


I think you might have to be a director to get them...
  • #17
Mindy's notes are on her site now. She refers you to the handout. Anyone able to post that?
  • #18
pamscookingshows said:
Mindy's notes are on her site now. She refers you to the handout. Anyone able to post that?

It's the Workshop notebook we got at NC. It had pages for each workshop- some notes/word choices/resources etc were in there. I would expect they'll post the handouts on CC later (Download Center). They did for 2009.
  • #19
mountainmama74 said:
ChefBeckyD said:
Laurie - were you in the Start Strong workshop with Christie McDaneld and Codi Ayers?

If so - I totally missed you! I was in that one, and that's what was suggested in there too! That was a great workshop - I had NO idea there were coaching topics and notes in CC behind every consultant's name![/QUOTE]


I think TL's and above have access to them (topics and notes on Consultant Connection).

Becky, I was bummed that I didn't bump into you at the reception....but I was pretty overwhelmed with the number of people there! lol

I was in a different workshop....it was the Strong Start too, but with Yvette Yeoman (who had 100% qualified recruit rate last year!) and Kathy Thompson. It was a GREAT workshop and I couldn't write fast enough! LOL
  • #20
wadesgirl said:

It was actualy Minday Banks but her website has her maiden name on it. She said she would have her notes on there but I haven't had a chance to look.

chefsteph07 said:
I had her too! Wasn't she awesome!

I LOVED her story about how she'd wanted to be a PC consultant since she was 15- she kept the business card of the consultant who did the show she went with her mom to and now she said that she gives her card to all the kids who are at their show because you never know, they might want to aspire to do PC as well! I LOVED that! I am definitely going to implement that one!

Mindy lives not too far away from me (well, a little further now that she got married) she and I are under the same Director. She really is awesome (and extremely successful) the way she works her business. I was in that workshop too - wish I had seen you all there - I was sitting in the middle next to the microphone.
  • #21
My aha moment is hard to pinpoint as there was so many.One was the Go for No presentation. I loved it!! It made me realize I had to set a No goal and go for that. Another one was from my workshop Prospecting on the go. I learned some ideas on how to prospect my biz better. Finally, in the Top Seller Show How... just some cute wording like our spatula's come in 4 sizes A cup, B Cup, C cup, and D cup. Just thought it was cuteSarah
  • #22
sarahsellcm said:
Another one was from my workshop Prospecting on the go. I learned some ideas on how to prospect my biz better.


Any chance you could share some of the tips and ideas from this? Would love to share with the team.
  • #23
I'm really hoping they post the recordings of all the workshops on line like they did for last year. I love that they gave us all the note taking cues for each workshop!! I'm looking forward to filling them up! :)
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  • #24
pamperedlinda said:
Mindy lives not too far away from me (well, a little further now that she got married) she and I are under the same Director. She really is awesome (and extremely successful) the way she works her business. I was in that workshop too - wish I had seen you all there - I was sitting in the middle next to the microphone.
Well we did run into each other at the Sheraton! It's easy to pick you out of a crowd!

ChefBeckyD said:
mountainmama74 said:
I think you might have to be a director to get them...
Team Leader - I know cause I have done them before.

ChefBeckyD said:
Laurie - were you in the Start Strong workshop with Christie McDaneld and Codi Ayers?

If so - I totally missed you! I was in that one, and that's what was suggested in there too! That was a great workshop - I had NO idea there were coaching topics and notes in CC behind every consultant's name!

This was my 2nd fav class, I loved the ideas that were shared. Codi is such a cutie!
  • #25
My moment was realizing that this is MY business. I tend to make my life harder by trying to please everyone because I don't want them to get upset with me. If I can't do a show on a certain day, I can't do it. They can pick a different day. I can tell them that I will pay all the postage on invites if they give me 40 names, otherwise we will split the postage. It's my business and I set the rules, not them. Re-reading that it might sound "snippy" and I don't mean it that way at all (see, I'm a people pleaser!!), hope you get my drift.
  • #26
Thanks so much to all of you for sharing your learnings... and I just read the notes on Mindy Bank's website - great stuff there as well!Keep it coming - you guys are awesome!!
  • #27
Go for NO! was even better than I anticipated. Loved the exercise where we all decided what was too much to spend on dinner for two or a stereo. That along with the story about the guy who bought a whole wardrobe will be with me for a long time.Reminder from the time management workshop: plan at night for the next day. I'd gotten out of that habit.Another big aha! for me was that it's just as important to share as it is to learn. Things I thought everyone knew turned out to be news to several. Who knew?
  • #28
cookie325 said:
OMG I had so many aha's from this conference, its hard to pick just one or two!!! My biggest ones were:

*When I was brutally honest with myself on the Skills Self-Assessment from Promote to Director NOW. I like to think I am doing activities in an effort to be successful, but when I took that assessment, I discovered I'm not doing this activities consistently enough for them to impact my business.

*In Go For No, the Shaquille O'Neal story

*In Go For No, the quote "never make decisions for others as to what they'll decide, do, or spend" because I know I do that often.

*In Go For No, the Persistence Statistics. OMG...so eye-opening!!!

WOO HOO! Just saw your profile pic on TPC's Facebook page! Great shot! You look like someone they would use on their marketing materials. Congrats!
  • #29
wadesgirl said:
Well we did run into each other at the Sheraton! It's easy to pick you out of a crowd!

hmmm - just exactly how should I take that???? LOL I remember we chatted at the Sheraton - just didn't see you in the workshop.
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  • #30
pamperedlinda said:
hmmm - just exactly how should I take that???? LOL I remember we chatted at the Sheraton - just didn't see you in the workshop.

In a good way! I saw you a couple rows ahead of me in the workshop.
  • #31
Melissa78 said:
WOO HOO! Just saw your profile pic on TPC's Facebook page! Great shot! You look like someone they would use on their marketing materials. Congrats!

Awe thanks Melissa!! I'm totally blushing and grinning from ear to ear right now! :D :blushing:
  • #32
Here is some of the things I learned from prospecting on the go.I had Barbi SHaw and Anna Vierling as my speakers and they were AWESOME!!!THey reminded us that this biz is a law of averages. The more people you are around the more recruits and shows you will have.To follow 3 steps.1. Make a comment, offer a compliment or ask a question to make a connection. Basic questions. Carry your tote with you. Keep with you.... recipes, calendar or know your two open dates, door prize slips and pens, mini catalogs, and recruiting info.2. ask more open ended questions to continue the conversation.3. Exchange contact infoact professional when you are out and about. Place tote bag where it can be seen, put bag visible when checking out. Give people a recipe card and ask them when was the last time they were at a party. A person isn't a contact until you get their information so remember to get it.Keep asking open ending questions while they fill out the drawing slip.Have host packets in your car. Follow up is important.Make $ where you spend $ (pamper a biz)Don't assume anyone won't be interested until you ask.Learned some cute theme shows ideas.Also learned that some people take 10 mini catalogs with them each week and will try to hand them out and getting their information. Thought I could do this with 15 and make it my goal every week to hand them out. That would be my 3 contacts a day. They have post it notes on the back of them to get their info. Very simple.Really stressed us getting their email address since email is sometimes a great way to contact someone.Sorry this is all over the place. I am trying to type this with an 18 month old crying and shouting, "momma". Any other questions let me know.Sarah
  • #33
One of the quick tips I loved was to put a post-it note on the catalogs (or minis, or whatever you carry to give out to people) and get their information on that. Tell them you do a monthly drawing just from the people you meet out and about (with the prize, of course, being a free show!)! It seems so easy, but I never thought of it before! Also, if you stamp your catalogs, you can immediately cover it with the post it and the ink won't smudge when you stack them!
  • #34
More of my notes from Prospecting on the Go.Have logo wear visibleWe have a lot of power because we are hiring and a lot of other business's are notHave a Recipe of the month club to get info from people. People want recipes to try.Have to get yourself out of your comfort zone and try to reach out to othersSmall kids -- never get your kids haircut at the same place twice so you can mingle with the hair stylistTent cards from Merrill are good to useAsk everyone-- when they say no nothing changes but when they say yes things change for you and them.have a 30 second commercialBe READY to talk and get shows and recruit.
  • #35
cookie325 said:
Awe thanks Melissa!! I'm totally blushing and grinning from ear to ear right now! :D :blushing:

I agree, Nicole, that is a truly beautiful picture, let's start a campaign to have her on a recruiting brochure or something! :)
  • #36
My favorite --

Plant your seeds but don't let anyone else pick your flower!

In otherwords, invite/ask everyone, follow-up! :)
  • #37
I loved Mindy's workshop. This was the one workshop that I got the most out of.

Related to One Thing You Learned From Conference!

1. What are the benefits of attending Pampered Chef Conference?

Attending Pampered Chef Conference allows you to connect with other consultants, learn new tips and strategies for growing your business, and get inspired by successful top sellers.

2. What are the top lessons or takeaways from Conference?

Some of the top lessons and takeaways from Conference include learning how to increase sales through promoting "give-aways" and buying multiples of popular items, such as kitchen shears and chef's tongs.

3. Can you earn any awards or recognition at Conference?

Yes, you can earn awards and recognition at Conference, such as the Excellence Award in Sales for doubling your sales from the previous year.

4. How can attending Conference benefit my business?

Attending Conference can benefit your business by providing you with new ideas and strategies for increasing sales, connecting you with other consultants for support and collaboration, and motivating you to reach your goals.

5. Are all the classes at Conference worth attending?

While everyone's experience may differ, many consultants find the Top Sellers Show How class to be particularly valuable for learning effective sales techniques and strategies.

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