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My First Wedding Show: Overcoming Nerves and Preparing for Success

In summary, the individual is new to PC and is hosting a 50 guest wedding show without a food demo. They have put a lot of work into the show and are bringing a friend to help with orders. They are nervous about the limited number of items the couple has chosen and are prepared with a "bank" for cash orders. The individual is unsure whether to use Catalog Show order forms or 2-plys, and the mother of the bride/hostess wants all orders completed by the end of the shower. The individual has learned their boundaries and is looking for any last minute tips or advice. A suggested tip is to remain calm and organized, and to use 2-plys for order forms if comfortable. Extra help from friends or
Heather Rogers
I am brand new to PC and doing a confirmed 50 guest wedding show on Sunday. No food demo, so no pressure there. I am bringing a friend who had a PC shower herself to help with orders. I've put a TON of work into this, but it am still nervous. I've cut out all of the pictures of the items the couple wants (that my team did not already have in our community Wedding Show registry bag).

One issue I am foreseeing, they only picked out 77 items and the groom refused to hear any suggestions from me. Just a little worried their guests won't have much to choose from.

I've got a "bank" for cash order change.

Should I use Catalog Show order forms or my 2-plys? The mother of the bride/hostess wants to have all the orders completed by the end of the shower. I have been pushed to my limits and I have learned what boundaries I am not willing to be pushed to in the future (thanks Jeanine for those words of wisdom).

Any last minute tips, tricks, or ideas? Prayers? Lol.
My biggest tip would be to remain calm and collected. Remember that you have put a lot of hard work into the show and that you are more than capable of handling it! Also, it's important to stay organized and have everything ready to go before the show starts. As for order forms, I would recommend using your 2-plys (if you are comfortable with them) as they will allow guests to easily browse and pick out items. If you need extra help, bring a few extra friends or family members to assist with orders and setup. Lastly, try to make sure that each guest is greeted warmly and with a smile, as this will help make the show run smoother. Good luck!
I am going to be using the PC Wedding Show Checklist and doing a drawing for a free product, but any other suggestions on how to make this a successful show? Thank you!1. Use the Catalog Show order forms instead of 2-ply forms. This will make it easier for guests to browse and choose items without having to flip through the catalog.2. Make sure to have plenty of pens and order forms available for guests to fill out their orders.3. Offer a special promotion or discount for guests who place an order at the show. This can incentivize them to purchase an item or two even if they weren't initially planning on it.4. Have a display table set up showcasing some of the top-selling products or must-haves for couples. This can give guests ideas and inspiration for their own wedding registry.5. Encourage guests to add items to the couple's registry even if they are not attending the shower. This can be done through the PC website or by calling in their order.6. Have a laptop or tablet available for guests to browse the PC website and add items to the registry on the spot.7. Consider offering a raffle or giveaway for guests who place an order at the show. This can be a great way to generate excitement and increase sales.8. Make sure to have all the necessary supplies such as bags, tissue paper, and labels for wrapping orders.9. Don't forget to follow up with guests after the show to thank them for attending and remind them to place their orders before the deadline.10. Stay organized throughout the show by keeping track of orders and payments. This will make it easier to process orders and ensure accuracy.11. Finally, remember to have fun and enjoy the experience! A positive attitude and enthusiasm can go a long way in making the show a success.

Related to My First Wedding Show: Overcoming Nerves and Preparing for Success

1. How can I overcome nerves before my first wedding show?

First, remember that nerves are natural and everyone experiences them. Take deep breaths and remind yourself that you are prepared and capable. Additionally, practice your pitch and set up beforehand to build confidence. Finally, have a positive attitude and focus on the opportunity to showcase your business.

2. What should I bring to my first wedding show?

It's important to have a professional and eye-catching display at a wedding show. Consider bringing business cards, brochures, samples, and a sign with your business name and logo. You may also want to offer a special promotion or giveaway to attract potential clients.

3. How should I interact with potential clients at a wedding show?

Be approachable and friendly, but also professional. Engage in conversation and ask questions to learn more about their wedding plans. Be prepared to answer questions about your business and services, and be genuine and enthusiastic about your work. Don't forget to collect their contact information for follow-up after the show.

4. How can I stand out among other vendors at a wedding show?

Make sure your display is visually appealing and reflects your brand. Offer something unique or eye-catching, such as a photo booth or interactive activity. Engage with potential clients and offer a special promotion or discount. It's also important to have a strong online presence, as many attendees may research vendors before or after the show.

5. How should I prepare for a successful first wedding show?

Aside from practicing and having a professional display, it's important to research the event and its attendees beforehand. This will help you tailor your approach and pitch to the target audience. It's also helpful to have a plan for follow-up after the show, such as sending personalized emails or offering a special discount for those who visited your booth.

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