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Politics I'm so Freaking Mad Over This ...

well, this is not the first time that Lisa Cash has done something like this. She's been known to fabricate stories & take advantage of people in her missionary work. Shame on her!
Gold Member
99% of the time, I'm easy going & laid back ... but once in a while something (or someone) comes along who gets under my skin and just really ticks me off. And tonight was one of those nights.This woman claims that her hubby works on the base where I normally live & that they live in Ebina which is 15 minutes WEST of the base (further inland from the coast). She claims that she was FORCED to leave her home and took donations to help her during this time. Wait until you hear how much she took!http://www.clipsyndicate.com/video/play/2310551/sand_springs_family_back_from_japanLet me just clarify for anyone who doesn't quite get it ...
None of us on NAF Atsugi or the surrounding area were FORCED to leave. This was a VOLUNTARY Departure of Dependents on the Government's dime. Anyone who's married to the military or married to someone who works for the school (DODDS) qualified to get on the free flight that I took. They kept showing her in the video holding an infant, but it's apparently someone else's child. Her youngest is 2. But, by having a 2 year old, it put her in Category 1 for the flights. They had 4 Categories. When they called each one, they started with all the last name A, then B, then C. There were still 9 seats left when they got done with Cat1, & letter C. 3 D families made it on the flight & I happened to be one of the 3. We were #120-#122 of 125. Had she waited, she would have made the fist flight, me and the 3rd family would have been bumped to the flight the next day and a family of 2 from the D's would have been added to the 1st flight.Her stories of the stores being bare of food and the gas stations being completely out of gas is fabricated. That is sooooo not true! There were a few things like bread that & bottled water for the first few days, but there were still things to eat at the grocery stores. No one in our area was starving.And the blackouts? Yes, we were having pre-planned rolling blackouts for up to 2.5 hours per day. But we had warning!!! It wasn't like the power was just going off & on constantly. Seriously? Who can't just sit down & play with their kids for 2.5 hours? Anyone with a little sense can plan meals around a blackout that might occur during a meal time. My family worked it out just fine!It just irritates the crap out of me to see Americans fabricate things for personal gain, but to see a missionary do it? :rolleyes:Google "Lisa Cash+Japan" - there are SEVERAL more stories out there. One of them even goes so far to say:
People can make tax-deductible donations at index.gif via Paypal
:eek:I'd like to say that I've vented & I'm off my soap box now, but I doubt I'll forget about this one any time soon. I'm just too freaking mad!!! :mad:ETA: Oh, here's the link to that quote: http://jenksjournal.com/news/article_fa0e972e-60b2-56f6-b66e-8ff157d9dcf1.html
all i can say is WOW! I looked her husband up on the global and he's not there..most DoD workers are on there. I thought the same things when I saw that she was a missionary.
I posted that story on FB warning everyone that the woman is a big fat liar. I feel for the victims, but do not believe in making a buck from others misfortune because you can prey on the generousity of others.
So, do you think she was even there, or do you think she is a complete scammer?I didn't get that she was a missionary at all from the clip. Where did you hear that?ETA: Nevermind, read the article you linked.
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Wow....I can't believe they did that! Sure, we all could use a few extra bucks around, but to play on that?
She made the big mistake of getting too greedy and allowing herself to go on television to tell her 'story'....she will be called out very soon by a lot of people. Shame on her! I hate seeing people take advantage of a tragedy for personal gain. There may come a day when she really needs help and no-one will step up after this.
pamperedlinda said:
I hate seeing people take advantage of a tragedy for personal gain.

Only in America. And this is exactly how the rest of the world sees us.
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  • #8
Yes, she was actually in Japan. One of my Japan friends saw me posting about her & admitted that Lisa is her friend. She's shocked by what has happened, but said that this is not what she would have expected from her friend.I asked my friend for a place to crash and she's being my chauffeur while I'm trying to find a car. But I've not asked anyone for anything else. With the hotel in Seattle (I'll be reimbursed later by the military), the fee to get my dog on the plane from Seattle, buying stuff like Shampoo, conditioner, cold medicines, clothes at the resale shop, buying a tank of gas for my friend who's been driving me around, etc. all add up! I've already estimated about $750 that I've spent since arriving stateside this week. So this hasn't been a cheap trip by any means. Two of Janie's friends loaned us twin beds so the kids would have a place to sleep. Janie's church friends also collected some appropriate sized summer clothing for my 2 little ones and a few age appropriate toys for them to play with while we are here. All used, not new. Her church donated $100, a woman's group donated $50 and another one of her friends donated $25. I'm thankful for the little bit to offset my costs, but didn't ask for it and would never advertise online or in an interview for donations.It looks like I'll be buying stuff to fill my vacant house here in Texas and making a home for me & the kids. Doesn't look like any of this will end in Japan any time soon. But that's what Pampered Chef is for! I can take my business anywhere & still work. Lisa (one of our cheffers here in the DFW area) has already volunteered to loan me stuff like she did when I was here on vacation last May so that I can do my shows. Between my Pampered Chef money & hubby's income, we'll do just fine. Plus, I have plenty of friends/family in this area who would love the opportunity to see the kids ... so I don't foresee having to pay for a sitter anytime soon either! LOL Settling down so far away from hubby is not the ideal situation ... but we'll make it work. I hear there are some GREAT deals on Craigslist here in Dallas! LOLHeck, if little miss Missionary hadn't have already proven to be a deceitful person, I'd try to recruit her! But I don't need someone who lies to cover their tracks on my team! :(
What sizes are your kids? More important, are they girls? I have a ton of girl stuff up to size 5 if you need anything I can send it to you. I shared the info with my immediate friends so they will throughly look at anyone they contriute to whois ASKING for help.
  • #10
If you where to contact HO that you do not have your kit due to what happened they just may replace it for you . I think it is worth a try
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  • #11
I think I have plenty now, but thanks Amy! I hit up a couple of resale shops and Janie's church donated a few items too. I still haven't finished sorting through the donations & the kids already have at least 9 summer outfits each. I brought winter stuff since it was still cold in Tokyo and that's all I had in their current sizes, so now we have stuff to handle any weather condition. But I definitely appreciate the offer!!! :DI'm now looking at furnishing my vacant house. I've found loaner couch & chair for the living room, loaner beds, etc. But I need to go over & check out the house. Last time I was in the house was my visit 10 months ago. If memory serves me correctly, there's no fridge, stove, washer or dryer. So I'll probably be hitting up craigslist to purchase those things. I'm also looking at police auctions to see if I can find a vehicle to work temporarily until we figure out how long we will be here. I don't want to buy one from a dealership for 2 months, or rent one for 6 months! LOL Gotta find a happy medium to suffice for any time frame up to 6 months. ;)So if anyone knows of a washer, dryer, fridge, stove, car, etc in the area for super cheap or loan ... I'd appreciate the referral!!! :DI think I'll just hit up goodwill for some kitchen stuff to get me by for a while. No sense in buying new stuff not knowing how long I'll actually be here.
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  • #12
Doreen, I used host benefits & sent some stuff out here to at least be able to do something at my shows. And there's a local cheffer who's already volunteered to loan me stuff. My upline has her mother-in-law in this area too. She's also a consultant, and I called her after the earthquake to let her know that I received a text from her daughter-in-law saying that they were okay, but still without electricity & internet & couldn't call stateside. So the MIL LOVES me for relaying that her son, DIL and granddaughters were safe! I'm sure she'd loan me ANYTHING that I wanted or needed too! ;)
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  • #13
PLUS ... Kit Enhancement starts in a few days ... so I could always get more essentials that way too. ;)
  • #14
I am so glad you have people to help you get settled back in the states. But, lets all not be so harsh on someone we don't know. Yes, the news broadcast looks bad and her story differs from yours, but she says she received an memo that they weren't going to receive the same benefit you did...with transportation, etc. Perhaps she just panicked and her wording is not the best. We don't know her full story and we all know that the media only shows what they want to show. Who knows, her interviews may have been edited to meet the media's perception of the whole Japan nuclear situation.
I know from experience that people can take things you do/say way out of context and use it to destroy you. It is very hurtful and can be devistating to a family. I'm not trying to dispute anyone's word...and I'm not meaning this to be anything personal to anyone, I just think everyone should get the benefit of the doubt. I for one will be in prayer for this family and all of our military personnel...and anyone else in Japan.
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  • #15
A mutual friend e-mailed me saying she was in shock by what Lisa was doing before & after she left Japan.My ex was a cop and I'm a retired Police Dispatcher. I've been around law enforcement long enough to pick up interview techniques. She's looking to the right when she's searching for phrases to use in the video. Right is imaginative side, left is memory. She's not recalling facts from memory, she's choosing the words she wants to use. Trust me, this is not "jumping to conclusions" ... I'm not that type of person. I always give people the benefit of the doubt and was actually told on a personality test once that I was in the wrong career field. Because I sit on the line between a feeler & a thinker & don't sway either direction ... that I was the perfect personality to be a judge. Because I can fairly evaluate situations. ;)
  • #16
I have military dependent blood in me....there might be someone willing to let you use their vehicle while they are deployed for a minimal fee if they still have a payment....might be an option for the vehicle side of things....I wish you the best of luck! My husband was a submariner for 23 years and did 24 patrols...I know what it is like to be separated from loved ones.....plus my dad did service for 22 years.
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  • #17
My nephew just left on deployment, but I'm in TX & his vehicle is in NC. LOL Not real cost effective to get it here. ;) But that is a great idea!
  • #18
You could pay someone to drive it to you and then pay their flight or bus ride back home...If this appeals to you I have a friend who does this kind of thing...And she lives in NC, so depending where in NC the car is it may be worth while for both of you...
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  • #19
I appreciate the offer, but if this turns out to just be a short thing, it wouldn't be cost effective. I'm planning to check out the police auctions for seized vehicles to see if I can get a decent deal to last me for a while. That way, I'll be able to sell it on my way out of town & hopefully make at least half of my investment back. ;)Oh, and in reference to the Cash girl ... my husband showed the video to his Lt Commander who was one of the ones running the flights for people getting back to the states. She was so disturbed by what she was seeing, she also wrote an e-mail to the news letting them know the true facts for what was going on in out area and letting them know that this woman was exaggerating the statements of life in the area. She wanted to ensure that the news coverage knows that it's a scam for money and not validated. I laughed when I heard that!!! :D
  • #20
Well, that's very sad. And, I hope you can find a car. Being without a car is not a good thing in any situation. Best of luck to you and your family. I'm so glad you are safe. We will continue praying for all those involved in the Japan situation...
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  • #21
I agree Shawnna, the whole thing is sad. I have a feeling there will be a few people who actually did donate to her cause that will be upset with her if they find out her claims were misleading.And thanks, I definitely need transportation. I'm too old to adjust to having to rely on someone else to drive me around. I received my driver's license when I was 16 and have had a car for 27 years!!! I suddenly feel like a 15 year old having to ask someone to take me to the store or run out to grab something for me. At 43, it just doesn't feel right to not be able to go get what I want WHEN I want! LOLYes, please continue to pray. There are a LOT of people (and not just Japanese) who were living up near the epicenter that are either confirmed as being deceased or missing and presumed to be deceased. And so many who have lost not only friends/family but everything that they owned too. THOSE are the ones who need the donations and the prayers.
  • #22
So glad that you and your family are safe! The young teacher from Virginia that was killed, is a local from my area. So sad for her family. What a terrible disaster. The Japanese people that I have seen on TV are so patient. No fussing, or pushing. Waiting patiently for rice balls . . . such compassion for eachother . . . we should take a lesson from them. And your story about the woman preying on other's for money! The comparison between the 2 types of people speak volumns about her character and the character of the Japanese.

Yes, we all need to continue to pray for those affected. I wish you the best! ~Connie
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  • #23
Thanks Connie. And yes! You are right!!! They are extremely calm & patient. I noticed back on day 2 or day 3 and asked my hubby if he had noticed what was missing. He had no clue. No riots, no civil unrest, no armed guards at the shelters, no looting ... so totally the opposite end of the spectrum from what we saw after Hurricane Katrina. I posted it on FB and about 24 hours later I heard CNN was talking about it too. I hope the whole world is watching & learning from the Japanese. They have a LOT to teach us all!!!
  • #24
I think I would write a letter to the editor of her town's paper... and just tell what your experiences were. I wouldn't call her out directly, but I would raise the question of why anyone in the same circumstances had such different experiences.
  • #25
Tragedies always bring out the scammers. Unfortunately the result is that people get hardened to the pleas of people who actually do need help.
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  • #26
I already wrote an e-mail to the one news company and it's my understanding that several others from our base have done the same, including a very mad Officer who saw the video. Oh! LOL
  • #27
What I find so dang blasted upsetting about this is that not only does she make out like a bandit but this really makes the military look like a bunch of really bad SOBs. Like they had no intention of getting her and her family out of there at all. I sure hope they get what is coming to them. This was really awful.
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  • #28
Yup. You are right John. And I have a feeling they'll have some one-on-one comments when they get back to Japan with a few of the other local Americans. There are quite a few people upset with her over this. ;)
  • #29
I know you have said you are doing OK. Have you heard from your husband? How is he doing? And is there anything we can do for you?
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  • #30
They are working him like crazy. Between his regular job and working the Emergency Operations Center he's not getting a lot of sleep.I appreciate the offer, but we are doing okay right now. I'm working on trying to get my vacant house furnished with loaner stuff so that me & the kids can move in. So far, we are having a LOT of luck getting loaner stuff to suffice for a while. I just can't justify going out & buying stuff not knowing how long we will be there! ;)

Related to I'm so Freaking Mad Over This ...

1. Who is this woman and what did she do?

This woman is Lisa Cash and she fabricated stories about her experience in Japan after the earthquake and tsunami in order to receive donations.

2. What did she claim about her husband's job and where they live?

She claimed that her husband works on a military base in Japan and they live in Ebina, which is 15 minutes west of the base.

3. How much did she claim to have received in donations?

She claimed to have received a significant amount of donations, but the exact amount is not specified.

4. Was anyone on the military base forced to leave?

No, the departure of dependents from the military base was voluntary and funded by the government.

5. Were her claims about the situation in Japan true?

No, her claims about food and gas shortages and constant blackouts were fabricated and not representative of the actual situation in Japan.

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