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How Should You React to Unexpected Competition at a Vendor Event?

sort of... between the two. I have heard great things about both and I am definitely interested in trying out their products!BUT...I have also heard that Boiron is a little more expensive than Hylands...so maybe I'll just stick with Hylands for now. I am really interested in trying out both though!
Gold Member
2 PC Vendors at Same Event: What Would You Do?Well, I am officially frustrated. Over 8 weeks ago, I specifically contacted the coordiantors of a community craft and vendor sale advertising for vendors. I confirmed that they did not have a PC consultant yet and that they wouldn't have more than 1.

It is a 2 day event, an hour drive, and I had to take a vacation day from work for this Friday/Saturday show.

I set up this morning (a beautiful display if I might say so myself). Imagine my surprise when I was going around shopping the other booths that a gal who showed up late starts setting up a PC display. I spoke briefly with the other gal -- she was late and far enough away from me that I felt she probably wouldn't realize I was in the room until way later. Turns out she just signed up for the booth, she just finished her 4th show and she also sells candles so she was doing 2 tables. I indicated it was unusual to have 2 of the same direct sales company at such a small show (15 vendors) and she said "oh, the when I called, the gal told me there was another PC consultant coming. I said it was ok with me and they said that it was fine". I did try to indicate to the PC gal that at an event this size, it is really unfair to both of us and that I would have been happy to not attend if contacted about this issue. (Well, happy is not really the word since I was the FIRST to apply WEEKS ago and ASKED about this type of situation....)

Did I mention she has a huge advantage on me cause the way the traffic flow is naturally sends all customers past her booth first.

So...I'm pretty much flabbergasted and irritated and freakin out. There is no way to ignore the elephant in the room : 2 PC vendors. But, I was already set up, the event was starting and I was hesitant to cause a scene by leaving. I also have a pretty big clientel in that area and a December show in that town with a repeat host so I had to look at a lot of issues.

About 1/2 way thru the day, the coordinator came over to me and apologized. She said that her mother recently died and she had done some screwy things in the weeks that followed and she acknowledged that she accepted the 2nd PC vendor without even thinking. She further acknowledged that it was not a wise decision.

She bought a trifle bowl which was my only order of the day. I watched the other PC consultant take at least 4 orders so my frustration increased leaps and bounds but now I felt hamstringed by the coordinators obvious total screw up due to sad circumstances.

So...I froze my buns off all day (I was in a back corner of a converted barn by a door with no weather sealing....it was snowing and windy outside. More greatness. Finished the day. Drove home. Still trying to thaw out.

Ok, the question: What would you do in this circumstance? My husband wants me to go tomorrow, pack up and leave. I don't feel that is the best approach but I'm also feeling I need to make some type of statement to this group about how inappropriate this situation is.

I'm so frustrated and confused.

Sorry this was so long. I'm just flat out not sure how to handle tomorrow...paste another smile on my face and pretend it is all just fine and dandy?

Any advise appreciate, or calming words.

WOW! I just don't know if I would have been able to remain calm! I am sure I would have blown a gasket and said something wrong and walked away with my tail between my legs!
I'm just not sure if it worth wasting another day on by the way you explain your location and lack of sales today. Would it be more profitable to stay home and make calls?
I wouldn't harass the coordinator too much as she already has a loaded plate, but I would be sure to say something to the other consultant~sounds like you are going to have to be blunt! She needs to understand that it just is not the kind of business tactic she should have taken to be the 2nd PC consultant there!
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  • #3
Yes, I'm torn, on many levels. Another factor is that I have an inactive consultant on my team who just moved to this little town and she is helping me at the booth tomorrow. Plus the factors noted earlier: a good clientele in that area (small town) and a scheduled show in that town with a host who is related to literally 70% of the flippin town.

Since I will have the help of my other consutlant, I will take my booking lead list, and make calls on my cell phone. Good idea.

I think I made it pretty clear to the other consultant WHY it is not a good idea for 2 to be there...I said something like "nothing against you, and nothing against me, but it is just not fair to either of us when we are selling the exact same thing". It should be noted that she came over late in the day, trying to avoid me I think but I made eye contact with her and she did stop and comment on my booth. I shared some of the things I do for booth presentation (hers was flat, items just layed out), and spoke about some of the gift ideas I had with me. I then asked her who her director was and it is someone about 4 hours from her. I invited her to consider attending my cluster meetings as a hospitality consultant (I'm not sure she understood what that was) and handed her my biz card so if she does figure out that she'd like to attend local meetings she can. She seemed relieved that I didn't hate her (I don't, this is just such a series of bad and unintentional circumstances I can hardly believe it.

On the plus side, I just submitted shows before I left this mornign that OFFICIALLY earned me the Level II cruise and I have confirmed orders for November shows to achieve the 6000 level and get another set of products free (a couple of unexpectedly high catalog shows are makign that possible!).

So...I am greatful for my successes and have to try to make the best of a bad thing on this deal.

And then whine about it some more to my hubby I guess. I sound like I'm taking it better than I am...believe me, I'm still ticked, confused, frustrated, angry.....you name it. But I'll be there tomorrow.
It sounds like you have a plan for how to handle it tomorrow. I would make a point of telling the coordinator that although you understand she made an honest mistake, that you will not be doing this event again unless you can be guaranteed to be the only PC booth.
I would ask for half my money back because you are only getting half the business!
cmdtrgd said:
I would ask for half my money back because you are only getting half the business!

I agree!! I don't know if this organizer does other events throughout the year, but I think you're entitled to be given free registration at any future events if you choose to have a booth there! What a bummer.
I had this happen once before at a huge venue. I asked for my money back and got it. I even had the director of the venue call both of us together (the other PC consultant and myself) and tell us "sorry this happened. The first one to give me a check for next year can have the spot. Get this. She said this while we were standing in front of the OTHER consultants PC booth. The other consultant calmly walked over to her purse, pulled out her checkbook and wrote a check and handed it to her. I was absolutely flabbergasted, especially when the director of the event TOOK HER CHECK FROM HER and looked at me and said "sorry". It was at that point that I hit the roof and asked for my money back. And got it. So it happens to everyone, but it is quite discouraging. I would ask for my money back and a committment that you are the only one next year.
Congrats though on Level III and $6000 for Sell-a-thon!
I would hope that the coordinator would ask the other PC gal to not set up the second day and I would definitely ask for my money back.

Congrats on earning the cruise!
  • #10
YEAH! Congratulations!
  • #11
bethcooks4u said:
I would hope that the coordinator would ask the other PC gal to not set up the second day and I would definitely ask for my money back.

I agree with this plan of action.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Thanks for all the advise and support...I'm leaning toward either asking for a refund or free registration next year.

There is no doubt in my mind that the main coordinator of this event doesn't have the stamina to ask the other gal to leave. Plus she has that 2nd table selling some type of candle (I don't recognize, could be homemade). She also has a prime location that they wouldn't want empty.

I spoke to my upline advanced director last night and she reminded me of my successes and that I should mentally focus on those today ~~ good advise, which I'm going to take. I'm also going to dress in long john's, wool lined boots, and have gloves and a hat for the early morning till the building warms a bit.

Guess it was just my turn for this type of disappointment....I dont' do tons of craft/vendor events and I tend to stick to smaller ones, and I have heard sad stories from others who've faced similar. It's just one of those things that until you experience it, you don't know how you'll react!

My growing team is doing more and more craft/vendor events and I'm going to use this experience to make some suggestions on how to TRY to avoid this situation in the future.

Thanks again! I'll update you all tonight on whether today was more successful.
  • #13
just FYI you might want to remind the other gal that we aren't supposed to be selling anything else at the same time as PC. (Not just directors). At least you could get the last word
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  • #14
Good point....I think she is "selling them for her sister"....so I'd probably just look like I was trying to start trouble. But, I truly forgot that rule so thanks for the reminder.....I do a "rules reminders" every few months and I'll add this to my list for the next one.
  • #15
I would ask for a refund and ask to be guaranteed for next year.
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  • #16
Well, today was warmer in the building, I'll give it that.

I set up a demo section and had contact with a lot of people that might otherwise have walked by. I have lots of people planning to buy the salad chopper...just not today.

Today, there were fewer people than yesterday and I took two orders for a grand total of $70.00..... I did set a dated booking for a January show from a gal I know is in it to do it, not just saying so. And I have door prize drawings that indicate several people would like to be added to my mailing list AND one "maybe" show. So, not a complete waste but the overall event was poor.

No contact with the other consultant today but many folks stopped by to say "why are there 2 of you"....I was diplomatic and focused on my knowledge of the products.

Glad its done. I need to rest and regroup for my next few weeks.
  • #17
when you get a cold or flu, what things do you try in order to lesson the effects or duration? what works for you?
  • #18
I have learned that I can not self medicate...the OTC meds don't work for me...I have to go to the DR...but I do drink lots of Tea...and drinks lots of OJ...also if I have a swollen throat I gargle Hot Salt Water.
  • #19
Stay away from HEIDI and CHRIS...LOL
  • #20
really if I start to feel sick I take a Zinc lozenge after eating a meal and it helps a lot. My dad's DR had recommended this to him and my pharmacist had to me. It helps the both of us!!!
  • #21
I take the Walmart brand DayQuil and Nyquil. But mostly, I think the only real cure is time.
  • #22
Admin Greg said:
when you get a cold or flu, what things do you try in order to lesson the effects or duration? what works for you?

For Cold... I take Cold Calm and/or Airborne (or something like it) at the VERY first sign...

For Flu... I take Oscillicocsenum (I know I spelled that wrong... ugh) at the very first sign.. .

Both Cold Calm and the Oscil-blah-blah-blah are homeopathic formulas by Boiron. They're designed to lessen the severity and/or knock it out of your system. The sooner you take it on the onset the more likely you'll have success with it, so both products are something I keep stocked up on in the cabinet.

Once sick... for nasal congestion, I use a neti pot like the one called SinuCleanse. It really helps keep the nasal passages clean and while you feel like a goober using it, it does help and no, you don't drown. LOL... also warm compresses where ever it hurts (either hot water bottle or a warm rice sock... put plain white uncooked rice in a clean sock... microwave for a few minutes and voila! nice portable heat)... Vitamin C... I don't care what the experts say, I take massive quantities of Vitamin C and it helps me. It's water soluble so if you get too much you'll know it (let's just say you may not need fiber that day)... Echinacea too can help... you don't want to take it all the time but it can help boost the immune system as can zinc but you don't want to take more than 100mg I think it is... more and it'll be counterproductive actually.

Ummmm... think that's it other than having lots of teas like the Throat Coat, Gypsy Cold Care and Breathe Easy teas by Traditional Medicinals. Oh and using a vaporizer at night.. .and those Breathe Easy nose things if I can't sleep at night due to clogged nose... I like to knock these things out so they don't knock ME out.
  • #23
Prevention is the best medicine!
I take Shaklee's vitamin C and Defend & Resist to build my immune system when I feel something coming on. It usually does the trick!
  • #24
I so rarely get sick (knock wood) - I have gotten the flu shot the last 5 years and am pretty healthy in general - I wash my hands constantly and try not to touch my nose or mouth when others around me are sick. I don't take medicine (very rarely - like a tylenol).
  • #25
Stay away from dairy and eat more vegetables and drink water. Don't give up totally on exercise. Get in a little walk. That runny nose outside in the cold is the way your body is getting rid of the garbage inside.
  • #26
lkprescott said:
Both Cold Calm and the Oscil-blah-blah-blah are homeopathic formulas by Boiron. They're designed to lessen the severity and/or knock it out of your system. The sooner you take it on the onset the more likely you'll have success with it, so both products are something I keep stocked up on in the cabinet.

I *love* Boiron products ... I keep Coryzalia on hand for when the kids get colds (like now) ... works like a charm and (typically) lets them sleep, except last night when they all decided to stay awake and play!!! AARGH!!!!
  • #27
Karaboo2 said:
I *love* Boiron products ... I keep Coryzalia on hand for when the kids get colds (like now) ... works like a charm and (typically) lets them sleep, except last night when they all decided to stay awake and play!!! AARGH!!!!

I love Boiron and Hylands too! My real good friend got sold on Hylands for their teething tablets and c tablets for lil ones while she's caring for her granddaughter (mommy's in Iraq)... I gave her some that I had left over from DD and she's been sold on them ever since. I think it's Hylands that also makes Calms Forte for help with sleep *wink wink nudge nudge*...

Related to How Should You React to Unexpected Competition at a Vendor Event?

What are some natural remedies for cold and flu?

Some natural remedies for cold and flu include drinking plenty of fluids, getting enough rest, using a humidifier, and taking supplements like vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea.

How can I prevent getting sick during cold and flu season?

To prevent getting sick during cold and flu season, it is important to wash your hands regularly, avoid touching your face, and get the flu vaccine. It is also helpful to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly to boost your immune system.

What are some ways to relieve symptoms of a cold or flu?

Some ways to relieve symptoms of a cold or flu include staying hydrated, using over-the-counter medications like pain relievers and decongestants, and using a saline nasal spray. Resting and using a humidifier can also help alleviate symptoms.

Should I stay home from work if I have a cold or flu?

If you have a cold or flu, it is best to stay home from work to prevent spreading the illness to others. Resting at home will also give your body the time it needs to recover and prevent potential complications.

What should I do if my cold or flu symptoms persist?

If your cold or flu symptoms persist for more than a week or become more severe, it is important to see a doctor. They may prescribe antiviral medication or antibiotics if necessary. It is also important to continue practicing good hygiene and staying home until you are fully recovered.

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