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Feeling Defeated with My Pampered Chef Business - What Should I Do Next?

In summary, you have been trying to sell Pampered Chef products for a year and a half and have only been able to get a few bookings. You are at a loss and your self esteem is low. You have tried networking but it has not been successful. You have a low self esteem anyways and your family and friends will not host. You have a few friends who do not want to host because they are Pampered Chef Consultants and it would not be fair to them. You have tried to set up a few fundraisers but they have not been successful. You have a few friends who are cancer survivors and you tell them about HWC and the 7.9 million dollars that Pampered Chef customers and consultants
I have no idea what to do. I only have about 99 contacts -- have gone through them (outside contacts, not family) -- have had about 3 parties over the last year and a half. NONE of my family or friends will host. I feel like a failure, I no longer have the belief that I can succeed at this. I don't want to quit, but I do not want to sit at a stand still. I have a few friends who do not want to host because they have other friends that are Pampered Chef Consultants and it "wouldn't be fair" - I understand. I tried to set up a few fundraisers, both fell through. I have gone to every single booth and fair I have been invited to. I have made food for people. Shared recipes. I am at a loss. I have a low self esteem anyways. This just kicks me further. I publish on my fb wall the new month's goodies, share recipes on a fb page I have made for my PC... but family keep posting from other consultants. I feel drug through the mud. Hurt. I have joined several networking groups in my area -- doesn't seem like they really are meant for more than just groups of people who know each other talking. I don't know what I am supposed to do at them. I have my catalogs, hand them out. I even have stickers on the side of my truck. As much as I like cooking, as much as I love the product.... when is it time to just say I gave it a chance - quit spending money on catalogs, samples and stuff -- just cut my losses. Has anyone else been here? How do you turn it around?
Ask yourself, 'do I really want to do this?'. If yes - keep trying. If no - hit the 'marketplace' link, sell your stuff and get on with something you want to do_One show turns it around. You're in a slump - gather yourself by your big boy boots or your big girl knickers and try something different. FB is great, but it is a secondary market to the actual in-person shows. Rather than go to a vendor event and just "be", engage with people and begin to develop personal relationships. What worked for me recently at market/fairs, is to have a "plinko" board with free Pampered Chef prizes (a recipe card / $5 off your order today / a free product (I have some past-season non sellables). Do a search on here for PLINKO and you'll find the thread.Make a deal with your best friend, your mom or your dad - someone who "one more time" will host for you but do it like this... I want you to invite as many people as you can, who don't know me. Get your recruiter or your director off their duff and get them invovled. Don't approach them with a whining tone, but with a - I'm ready to really make this work...will you work with me? When is the last time you went to a cluster/team/sales meeting? While May and June have their challenges, it is also an awesome time for graduation gifts and college prep parties, all the way through August and early September. Have you done a sorority or college dorm party yet? SO fun! Sorority will be the girls, plus their moms and friends!Who's doing a Relay for Life event? Who is a cancer survivor - tell them about HWC and the 7.9 million already raised by PC customers and consultants.Go to the library and read Doris's book
http://www.amazon.com/dp/0385515359/?tag=pfamazon01-20The board of your Pampered Chef business just took a vote and decided to give you a raise. It becomes effective when you do!Follow Donald Trump's advice. N E V E R , E V E R Q U I T ! !
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  • #3
Thank you. I plan to make at least 5 customer calls tonight. I do now have a party booked with a friend in another city - been asking for a year :) So this is a good thing. Bad thing - once I have the party all parties booked off of that one will need to be catalog parties - she is about 4 hours away. Hopefully, this will give me a little boost of confidence I need to continue this journey.
You can do it dooleycrew!! :)
You could always recruit your friend or one of the guests! If you get lots of bookings, you could give them to the recruit!
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  • #6
I didn't get to make phone calls :( After dinner was done, kids settled... it was after 9. I will only call someone after 9 if they say it is ok. When does everyone else make their phone calls? Unfortunantly I do not have a place I can "lock myself" to keep 4 kids 2 german shepherd puppies and a hubbie at bay. I will find a way to get some in today and tomorrow. I really really do love the product, believe in the product and want to help others get into the kitchen - I have done it for friends BEFORE getting into PC - I am the one they call to see if I have "this or that" --- sure some of you do too!! I feel accomplished if I have helped someone learn something new. :) I get a real "high" from others liking what I cook also...
When it comes to your FB posts, don't be too discouraged. FB only shares our posts to a handful of people that like our pages. I have the same annoyance of seeing my friends share pics/ideas from other consultants who have thousands of likes, but then I find out that they never even see my posts. Posts without pic or links show up on more walls, and the more often you post the more often you will be seen. GL!!!
I am going through the same thing. I tried a vendor show and it was way too much money and I got nothing out of it. I vooked a show outside of my friends and family circle and she completely cut off contact with me and it fell through. I have been trying Facebook shows and fundraiser but I scrounge to get $150 for a show. My husband works 6 days a week and I am a single mom most of the time. I don't get time for the phone calls and when I do, I end up just leaving messages. I still love it and I want to continue. My plan is to maintain and stay active, but allow myself to let go of the stress and pressure of making a ton of money or advancing up the ladder. Maybe by not pressuring myself, my approach will be happier and attract more customers. And a new catalog in a few months will help too :) I think I can do it and I think you can too. But if you decide to take a break (it doesn't have to be forever) that's ok too!
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I am going to ramp up my facebook things -- I don't know the balance between posting too often, or not enough. I have a party scheduled this Saturday - had things shipped (early) and they are not going to get here in time :( I am sure I can make do. My german shepherd puppy LOVES all my PC stuff -- she doesn't chew the non pc stuff -- just the pc gadgets. I have lost silicone basing brush, 2 spatulas, mini spatula, a measuring spoon and countless sticks of butter. (no joke on the butter, she eats the WHOLE stick paper and all... before I can chase her down and get it from her.) I am going to set aside 2 days a week to do my phone calls for now - background noise is just going to be there. Anyone who comes within 5 feet of my knows I have 4 kids and a small zoo. :)
  • #10
Good Luck with your show & let us know how it went. I did an 'indoor flea market' in March and only had 1 sale, but had 2 people say they wanted to book shows. Well, they both did this month! I only got 1 booking from one of the shows, but both hosts LOVE PC and I know will be repeat customers. One is a pastor's wife who is new to this area and loves to have shows every year or so to get new products - yay!! You just never know which show/event/conversation will turn out so much better than you thought. I think it was Sheila Darcy (sorry if I'm wrong!) on CS here that compared offering PC to a stick of gum: Offer it to everyone, several times. If they say no, they just aren't in the mood for 'gum' right then, but maybe another time they will be. I thought that was brilliant and try to keep that in mind when things aren't going well in my business. It's really helped me. And, just as we tell our hosts to invite 'FRANK' (there's a flyer on CS for that), we also need to remember that and talk about our business to 'FRANK'. Don't forget to mention at your show that the customer's can contact you at any time to order; it doesn't have to be through a show. I've had so many people say they never even thought about directly contacting a consultant to order something. Hope your show goes well!
  • #11
Love the gum analogy!
  • #12
I realize it's been a while since this thread started but I've just come back to PC after almost a year away. I didn't think I would but I missed it. lol I went through the same things you've mentioned. The economy tanked and I live in a very rural area where the median income isn't high. While the economy was sinking, many here were losing their jobs. I had a hair salon that I had to close. When a business can't pay for itself, it's time to do something else. So after much deliberation, I decided to renew with PC. I already have a potential recruit that looks very promising. I actually had to sign back up so I could get my kit to be able to sign her, should she decide. lol Anyway, I'm really hoping to make it work this time. Before, i was having to place orders myself to meet the minimum to stay active. Needless to say, lots of my family got great gifts. haha The discouraging thing was that people under my Director were making $3-4000 a month in sales. They were in small cities. My Director is actually in Louisiana so I don't have any help from her. So, you may have to travel a little farther but with internet, it's not that hard. Book catalog shows wherever you can. I've had friends from out of state do it so give it a shot. Do Facebook shows every month or two. Whatever it takes within reason. I just want to wish you good luck and keep your head up. We can do this! ;)Marisa
  • #13
I am still hanging in. I love the product! I want to succeed - my version of success right now comes to a party a month -- lol. I am blessed that my husband makes enough for us to have what we need - some of what we want. I think he would be a little more "gung ho" if I actually had something fruitful to show for it. It is intended for me to buy more stuff with the money I make. I know the holidays ARE the time to sell. I do need to get a little more "aggressive" lol. I think the problem I have is that I do not believe in myself. My kids are REALLY against me quitting or giving up. They love using the products and know the quality from the other products. :)

Related to Feeling Defeated with My Pampered Chef Business - What Should I Do Next?

1. What is "Defeated.very Very Defeated."?

"Defeated.very Very Defeated." is a seasoning blend offered by Pampered Chef. It is a combination of garlic, onion, red bell pepper, and other herbs and spices that can be used to add flavor to a variety of dishes.

2. Is "Defeated.very Very Defeated." gluten-free?

Yes, "Defeated.very Very Defeated." is gluten-free, making it a suitable option for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.

3. How do I use "Defeated.very Very Defeated."?

You can use "Defeated.very Very Defeated." as a rub for meats, sprinkle it over roasted vegetables, mix it into sauces or dips, or add it to soups and stews for extra flavor. The possibilities are endless!

4. Can I purchase "Defeated.very Very Defeated." in stores?

No, "Defeated.very Very Defeated." is a Pampered Chef exclusive product and can only be purchased through a Pampered Chef consultant or on the Pampered Chef website.

5. Is "Defeated.very Very Defeated." spicy?

While "Defeated.very Very Defeated." does have a bit of a kick, it is not considered to be a spicy seasoning blend. It is a great option for those who enjoy a mild level of heat in their food.

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