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Exciting Plans for Tomorrow: Christmas Day, Family Time, and Festivities!

In summary, the conversation is about everyone's plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Some are spending time with family, while others are having a quiet day with their partner. A variety of traditions are mentioned, including opening presents, going to a football game, making special meals, and watching Christmas movies. Some are incorporating their own traditions with those of their partner's family. Everyone is excited for the holiday and wishes each other a Merry Christmas.
Gold Member
What's everyone got planned for tomorrow?
We'll get up in the morning, have breakfast, let the kids each open ONE gift and then wait for my parents to come over - once they arrive we'll start opening all the presents.
Later in the day we'll all head over to my parent's house for Christmas dinner. Then tomorrow night my older son is going to the Miami Dolphins game with his Dad and we'll take my younger son to a movie or something.
Oh...and not only is Santa coming tonight but the tooth fairy will be coming too!! My older son lost a tooth!
So, let's hear what everyone else will be doing tomorrow?
Watch those teeth....lookit where they got me!:D :D :D
  • Thread starter
  • #3
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Watch those teeth....lookit where they got me!

:D :D :D

Well, you can always come and play Tooth Fairy and take this little tooth here...it may work better than yours!
Tooth Fairy? You must have read my post over in the Victoria's Secret thread. ;)
DH and I have his family's Christmas dinner today (they always do Christmas Eve) - cripes! I have to start cooking! It'll take us an hour to get to my SILs, and we'll have to leave our house at 2:00.
Tomorrow we have no plans, other than going out for Chinese food with our Jewish friends. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #6
chefann said:
DH and I have his family's Christmas dinner today (they always do Christmas Eve) - cripes! I have to start cooking! It'll take us an hour to get to my SILs, and we'll have to leave our house at 2:00.
Tomorrow we have no plans, other than going out for Chinese food with our Jewish friends. :)

What are you cooking?
I have a vision of the last scene of A Christmas Story - Deck the harrs with bars of hary
Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra, Ra-ra-ra-ra-ra.
Today we're going to my parents' for their annual Christmas Eve catfish chowder night with my dad's family.
Tomorrow we'll get up & open present with my girls, have breakfast, then drive to my grandma's 2 1/2 hrs away. I've never missed a Christmas there:)
(we had get-together with my dh's dad & step mom yesterday & we'll have it with his mom on Wed & then with his grandma on Sat!)
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I have a vision of the last scene of A Christmas Story -

Deck the harrs with bars of hary
Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra, Ra-ra-ra-ra-ra.
That is one of my favorite movies!!!!

I have to admit that Christmas Eve on Sesame Street has been a favorite since I was little. It still is! I watched it with my 4 year old son and couldn't believe I had a son-LOL---Time flies.

We go to my sisters tonight and tomorrow my MIL comes for breakfast then in the afternoon we go to my parents for dinner.
  • #10
I have not had a Christmas with my blood related family since 2000. That only happened because we took our 30 day leave with plane tickets at that time. We were rewarded with the trip when we choose to stay in Japan for another tour of duty.
All of our traditions are a hodge podge of our family traditions and well as traditions our friends have shared with us. We always have pick and eat for Christmas Eve dinner...appetizers and such. I am making a blue cheese ball, cheese and crackers platter, sausage and cheese balls, shrimp w/ ****tail sauce, stuffed mushrooms and mini ham puffs. We all will open one gift tonight.......and it will be new Christmas pajamas to wear tonight. The kids will get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to open everything else. Santa brings three gifts per person at our house...just like Baby Gesus(that is what my 4 yr old and the 2 & 3 year old neighbors call him!). I will make pancakes for breakfast...like I always do on Christmas morning. We will eat our Ham dinner in the afternoon. That is pretty much it. I have drifted away from some of our family traditions-actually my family's like lutefisk, I jsut can't stomach it! Also we have always made potato sausage for our Christmas eve but I don't like doing it by myself...maybe next year.

Anyway...so Merry Christmas to all.....
  • #11
We will get up in the morning and let the kids open up there presents from Santa and then my parents and grandma and brother will come over about 10 and I will put the breakfast casserole and hashbrowns in the oven to cook while we open our family presents to each other.

We all hang out at our house until we have an early Chrsitmas dinner of ham and a few other simple things. We keep Christmas dinner easy so we can all enjoy each others company and not have to slave in the kitchen all day.
  • #12
We have five fun-filled days ahead!! Ugh! Tonight starts off with dinner at my parent's house followed by gift for the kids from them. Tomorrow morning the kids will open their presents from Santa and other people who can't come over. At 10 am my IL's and DH's entire family (25 people!!) are coming over to open gifts. At 5 pm we have a big dinner at my MIL's with DH's grandparents and aunts and uncles. On Tuesday we see my Grandparents and let them give the kids their gifts. Wednesday is my daughter's 3rd birthday, so we are having a taco bar and letting the kids decorate their own cupcakes (decorator bottle plug!!). More presents (NOOOOOOO!!!!) for her!

I am tired just from typing that out!! The week is finished off by my neice's 3rd birthday party on Sat (our girls are 4 days apart) and a HUGE New Year's Eve poker game at our house. I will get wasted on sparkling apple cider!! Whoooooo!!
  • #13
Gill, I don't feel bad. Mine isn't quite as busy.
Today me and my son are baking cookies for santa, and I am making my pies for x-mas dinner. Anyone ever make the pecan tassies? I was thinking of making those instead of a pie, except I was going to add choc. chips to them because I love choc. pecan pie. yum!In the morn, we will open presents from Santa. I got mine yesterday, my sofa & loveseat. Then we will head over to my IL's early to open presents and have breakfast. Then we will come back relax or try to at least for an hour then head over to my DH cousins for x-mas dinner at 1, then go to my Aunts for dinner #2 at 4ish for Prime Rib, and open presents from my side of the family. Thank God we all live w/in a 5 mile radius. Next year I think we will have x-mas here so I don't have to move that much!!
  • #14
We are going to my mom's at 2 to open presents & have lunch. Should be quite crazy because the kids are now 3 (nephew), 22 months (daughter)& 14 months (nephew), so they are now all walking & LOUD! Then we'll head to the IL's at 6 for dinner & more presents! DH & I are going to Midnight Mass tonight (SIL is watching DD). Then tomorrow is all OURS! First time ever! We usually open presents at my mom's early in the morning, but my brother is a police officer now & works 1st shift today & tomorrow, so we decided to do Christmas Eve this year. This will be the first time in the 7 years we've been married that we've been able to stay at home on Christmas morning & open presents! We'll open our presents in the morning & Santa's presents--I'm SO excited b/c my daughter actually understands what's going on this year! Then we are having my parents, sister, her husband & son, & my husband's parents & sister for dinner. We always have a party afterwards for anyone that wants to come. Those for dinner will stay & my brother & his wife & son will come & some friends. Then hubby took Tuesday off so we can enjoy relaxing!
  • #15
lets see...DH and I will be all nessled in our warm snug bed when ALL OF A SUDDEN there will be blood curdling screams and loud noises, like the christmas tree just up and spontaneously combusted, then yelling and shouting, something about "no thats mine", and "dont touch that or i'll sock you in the head" and DH and I will lye there thinking to ourselves "self's, where did we get these small insane creatures we seem to know as our children and what planet can we ship them back to once we've figured it out?" then we do a quick round of rock paper scissors to decide which one of him will get up to be the enforcer and maintain riot control before we sit down to peacefully open the gifts. I then decide about an hour later to wander out to the kitchen to decide what it is I am going to do in the short term for a breakfast...which usually means cinnamon rolls, orange juice and scrambled eggs. Then we all gather under the, thankfully, still standing Christmas tree with the MOUNTAIN of toys and goodies for the offspring and all chose to open one present. After that calm, organized gift exchange has taken place, its a FREE FOR ALL for the next 6 1/2 hours at which time they have played with each item once and discarded it for the next best thing, and then grow tired with their newfound treasures only to ask "what do we do now?" and make blantent statements like "I'm bored" and "how long till Christmas next year?". But given our yearly routene, I would not change it for all the $$ in the world. My family. Got to love them...and I DO!!
  • #16
Darby~That is such a funny story!

Gillian~My next 2 days sound like yours!:eek:

We are going to my IL's at 4 pm for prime rib dinner and gift exchanging. My kids are going to be overloaded with presents tonight that tomorrow Santa is bringing so many more!:eek: My hubby and I said that we would spend $100 per kid and THAT'S IT! Well, of course that didn't happen and now I'm wondering where we're going to store all of these new found toys. So this past week, we went into both children's room and threw away toys that were missing pieces and have 2 boxes of donated toys just sitting in my grarage. I need to find a someone to give it to! My mom, sister, her hubby and 2 year old is coming tonight from Georgia to stay with us for 3 days so it should be quite crazy here tomorrow morning! We will get up by the kids, I'm sure, and go open presents. After presents, we will make a HUGE breakfast then to get showered to go to my grandparents house 30 miles north of here. We will then get home to finally let the kids play with their presents once again. i'm sure they will stay busy until school resumes again! :D
  • #17
Well we are on our way to my husbands aunt's house for Christmas Eve dinner. My son will get some presents there from his family. Then tomorrow morning we will get up and open presents from Santa. My mom and brother will be here with presents and then we will have more family over around 11:00 to exchange gifts. Then they will leave before dinner and we will have dinner around 2:00 and then just play and eat the day away.

We have a relaxing Christmas which is nice the week will be somewhat busy seeing friends and playing with toys.

Enjoy everyone, Christmas is about spending time with family and friends.

  • #18
We are off to my SIL where we do Eve dinner and gift exchange with her family and my parents come too. Tomorrow we wake up bright and early, open gifts, run to my parents to open gifts and have a huge Breakfast, finally we end up at the grams for more gifts and dinner with the rest of the family. Busy 2 days!

Merry Christas to Everyone! Have a Happy and Safe Day!!!!
Heather Isackson
  • #19
dannyzmom said:
What are you cooking?

I made veggies (green beans and broccoli). And a Rectangular Baker full of Polish soul food: smoked and fresh kielbasa, and 4 kinds of pierogi: potato and white cheddar; potato, cheese and bacon; mushroom and onion; and plum. I bought the pierogi, but still had to pan-fry them and heat the sausage through.

We had way too much food at dinner. SIL who hosted had a spiral ham. SIL who bossed everyone about what to bring (that's a whole 'nother story) brought meatballs and chicken. Then there were rolls, mashed potatoes, corn, pickles, chocolate cupcakes, and pumpkin pie.

Oh-- I drank a whole bottle of Asti myself. That's gonna hurt in the morning (and explains any typos in this post, although I'm going slower than usual to catch them).
  • #20
OK, I wasn't homesick until you all started writing about visiting family. We chose to stay in Texas this year (at the request of our teenagers). My family who are in their 80's understood, 60 something IL"S pitched a fit, I invited them here but, it is TOO FAR !! (I mentioned it was the same distance for us to travel) "Nuf said!!
Our kids didn't ask for anything & I told DH there wasn't anything I wanted (I'm holding out for an INCREDIBLE 40 b~day gift next month.)
They asked me not to cook turkey so I'll bake prime rib for lunch.
we went to see Night at the Museum & then had dinner at our sons girlfriend's house tonight with her whole family.
Tomorrow will be quiet, reflecting on what we are celebrating & enjoying each other company.
May you all be safe in your travels!
  • #21
We are staying at my mom and dad's house on Chrismtas eve, and then later on Christmas day we are going to my DH's parents house!! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!!
  • #22
Saturday was Christmas at the IL's. Everyone was on their best behavior this year, so it was actually really enjoyable. :D (My folks live in Florida and won't be up this year, so Christmas with my brother & his family will take place next Saturday.)

Christmas Eve I puttered a bit around the house getting things ready for Christmas. Our son is 20 and leaving soon for Texas, so he spent the day with friends. Christmas Eve we have cocoa (this year with orange extract and Cinnamon Plus--yum!!) and our son opens one gift.

Christmas day will go like this: I get up about 5 a.m. (I'm always up between 4:30 and 5) to fill stockings and make breakfast. (This year it's Cranberry Twists, bacon, and hot coffee.) I then relax and enjoy the quiet until my guys get up around 9 a.m. Stockings will be emptied. We'll have breakfast. We'll open gifts. We'll lie around watching movies we've received (lots of those from the IL's). Late morning I'll pop a pork roast (that's been brining for a few hours) in the rotisserie and the mac & cheese (that I prepped yesterday) in the oven along with some yummy Bob Evans yeast rolls. With the fruit and fresh veggies, that's dinner.

We'll spend the entire day just being together. One big slug day. ;) Since we leave to move our Baby Boy (actually an only child) to Dallas, Texas on January 6, time together is precious.
  • #23
Where is your son moving to in Dallas? a suburb?
Is he starting a new job?
I am 30 miles form Dallas if he ever needs anything let me know.
Best of luck to him as he starts a new adventure.
  • #24
Teresa Lynn said:
Where is your son moving to in Dallas? a suburb?
Is he starting a new job?
I am 30 miles form Dallas if he ever needs anything let me know.
Best of luck to him as he starts a new adventure.

Thanks, Teresa! He's going to be attending Christ for the Nations Institute (aka CFNI--it's like a tech school for Christian service workers). From what I can tell from the map, it's just southwest of downtown.

He's excited and we're excited for him. This is step one of his goal. His plan is to graduate from the three-year program at CFNI, complete his BA at a local (Dallas) university, then go to England to start youth ministries.
  • #25
We're East of Dallas.
He will LOVE the area.
  • #26
raebates said:
Thanks, Teresa! He's going to be attending Christ for the Nations Institute (aka CFNI--it's like a tech school for Christian service workers). From what I can tell from the map, it's just southwest of downtown.

He's excited and we're excited for him. This is step one of his goal. His plan is to graduate from the three-year program at CFNI, complete his BA at a local (Dallas) university, then go to England to start youth ministries.

How absolutly wonderful!! May God bless him and keep him safe on all his life journeys step by step, and allow the work of the Holy Spirit to shine through your boys, eyes, mouth and hands doing the work of the Lord. I am a devout Christian and I LOVE hearing that the young people see their life as a mission for the works of Christ and to actually go out and make it a better place!! Yea!! (No, I am not a bible thumping weirdo:eek: ...LOL...I just love my God and the goods he does through the youth!!!)
  • #27
Teresa Lynn said:
We're East of Dallas.
He will LOVE the area.

He already does. He visited Teen Mania Honor Academy in August. It's just east of Dallas. The guys with him almost died (or at least felt like it) in the 105 degree weather. He loved it!
  • #28
thechefofnorthbend said:
How absolutly wonderful!! May God bless him and keep him safe on all his life journeys step by step, and allow the work of the Holy Spirit to shine through your boys, eyes, mouth and hands doing the work of the Lord. I am a devout Christian and I LOVE hearing that the young people see their life as a mission for the works of Christ and to actually go out and make it a better place!! Yea!! (No, I am not a bible thumping weirdo:eek: ...LOL...I just love my God and the goods he does through the youth!!!)

Thanks so much, Darby. And, actually, there are people who would definitely consider my boy a "Bible thumping wierdo!" :eek: He's not the women-must-wear-a-long-skirt-and-a-bun type wierdo. He's the, "Yo, dawg, Jesus died for you, man! You gotta respect and betta represent!" type wierdo. :D LOL
  • #29
raebates said:
Thanks so much, Darby. And, actually, there are people who would definitely consider my boy a "Bible thumping wierdo!" :eek: He's not the women-must-wear-a-long-skirt-and-a-bun type wierdo. He's the, "Yo, dawg, Jesus died for you, man! You gotta respect and betta represent!" type wierdo. :D LOL

In my eyes, what other kind is there?!? DH and I are the SAME WAY!!! Crazy christians...LOL :D

Related to Exciting Plans for Tomorrow: Christmas Day, Family Time, and Festivities!

What are some fun activities to do with family on Christmas Day?

Some fun activities to do with family on Christmas Day may include baking and decorating cookies, watching Christmas movies, playing games, or going for a walk to look at holiday decorations.

How can I make Christmas Day special for my family?

You can make Christmas Day special for your family by planning a special meal, creating homemade gifts, or starting a new holiday tradition together.

What are some festive recipes for Christmas Day?

Some festive recipes for Christmas Day may include a glazed ham, roasted vegetables, eggnog, or a traditional Yule log cake.

How can I involve my kids in Christmas preparations?

You can involve your kids in Christmas preparations by having them help decorate the tree, make ornaments, or assist in wrapping presents. You can also have them help with meal preparation or setting the table.

What are some ways to unwind and relax with family after a busy Christmas Day?

Some ways to unwind and relax with family after a busy Christmas Day may include playing board games, watching a holiday movie, having a hot cocoa or wine night, or simply sitting around and chatting together.

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