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Can You Make up Potstickers Ahead of Time?

In summary, Michelle's open house had a lot of success, but she was not as successful as she wanted to be because her son was sick the night before and she was not able to do any prep work.
Michelle K
I am having a open house/mystery show at my house this Friday night and want to have the potstickers as one of my premade recipes can anyone tell me if you think they will still be good if I prepare them ahead of time but not cook them until I need them. I don't want to try to put everything off until Friday afternoon. Also it was suggested to cook the Molten Chocolet Skillet Brownie do you think I could make this the day before and the Potstickers the day before just not bake the Potstickers? Thanks for the help.
I'd say yesHi Michelle.

I have not tried making the potstickers yet, but since it is made with wonton wrappers my guess would be that you could make it ahead of time, and freeze them.
I always keep samoosas, spring rolls and pies in my freezer pre-made but not baked/fried. Everyone I know does this along with a whole whop of other savouries that use some sort of pastry or wrappers etc... and they are perfect when made. I really don't see how this could be different. Just make sure you place them in an air tight container and in single layers with wax / parchment paper in between. Then when you need them just take them out and bake them. You might need to bake them for longer if you bake them from frozen though.

Hope it works out :)


I've made the potstickers (which I really liked by the way!) and I really don't think you can make them ahead. Unless you fully cook them, then freeze, then reheat, but I don't think they'd taste as good. I don't think you can wrap them up, then save them to cook the next day. The wonton wrapper would get all hard and icky I think. I guess it's just worth a try to see if it works to make them the day before. I would be afraid that if you made them and cooked them all the way, froze them, then reheated them, it would cook the wonton again.

Who knows, it might work. Just try it and see! :)
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  • #4
Well I think I will just mix everything up for the potstickers today and assemble them tomorrow afternoon right before my show I am afraid they will be soggy too. I will experiment with the freezing when it is just for my family and not a open house. Thanks for your advice.

I Am Also Getting Ready To Do An Open House. Does Anyone Have Some Good Receipes To Make Ahead Of Time. I Would Like To Make A Few Things Ahead Of Time .

Michelle K said:
Well I think I will just mix everything up for the potstickers today and assemble them tomorrow afternoon right before my show I am afraid they will be soggy too. I will experiment with the freezing when it is just for my family and not a open house. Thanks for your advice.


Definitely make the mixture tonight and form them before your show. That will save you some time. I made these last weekend to practice and the wontons form better when they stay wet (when you brush the water on them). I'm not sure how they would be if you formed them the night prior and left them in the fridge. The only we'll know is by trial and error and as we all know it's better to play it safe at your shows!! ;) Good luck with your show!
I do spring rolls which are make with wontons and assemble them then freeze them all the time. When I need them I take them out and fry them up and I've had no problems. I would not suggest cooking them entirely and freezing them.

I will be trying it out and I will let you know how/if it works.

For now though you probably are better off assembling it tomorrow.

Good luck, I hope it all goes well.
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  • #8
How do you turn a maybe into a yes?Well I had the show my son was sick the night before my show so I could not do ahead like planed. I did make the Potstickers, Molten Chocolate brownie and I demoed Fiesta Sandwich Ring the food was all good but I only had 5 people show :eek: I did all the hostess coaching steps and I did find out that alot of people could not come because it was opening day for the rec football/softball teams here. My show was 313 in product total (I got 4 outside orders before the show) but I got 9 maybes to do shows. So how do I get the maybes to turn into yes? :confused: Thanks for all the support!

Getting a yesThat's a good question! One thing I learned at a recent cluster meeting, was not to be negative or invite a no. Do not ask "so, did you want to do a show?" Instead, give a real positive spin and say "I would love to do a show for you!!! We have an amazing host special in September--the stoneware--that you could get for 60% off!!"
If you don't end with an obvious yes or no question, (so I'm told), people will be more inclined to agree. If you try this and it works, let me know!!
  • #10
Michelle K said:
Well I had the show my son was sick the night before my show so I could not do ahead like planed. I did make the Potstickers, Molten Chocolate brownie and I demoed Fiesta Sandwich Ring the food was all good but I only had 5 people show :eek: I did all the hostess coaching steps and I did find out that alot of people could not come because it was opening day for the rec football/softball teams here. My show was 313 in product total (I got 4 outside orders before the show) but I got 9 maybes to do shows. So how do I get the maybes to turn into yes? :confused: Thanks for all the support!

Sounds pretty successful to me - but you made too much food ;)

What I do to get those bookings is to call them in the day or so after the party and say "I noticed on your door prize slip that you wanted to have a party. Have you thought about the best date for it?" Never mind that she might have said no AT the party and that she said maybe on the door prize slip - be positive. If she hesitates I ask if I can tell her the upcoming specials. That usually works but if she still doesn't commit I remind her that the host will get a booking benefit if she agrees to do it and we can pencil it in for now and firm up the date later (if the show is a month or more ahead). If she still doesn't want to pick a date I thank her and ask when it would be okay for me to check back in with her.
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  • #11
I am planning on calling everyone today.Well wish me luck and I am going to use what you said DC and see if I can get these shows booked. I know at least one girl really is surious for having a show in October and she is a friend of a friend so it will be good because I will be out of the circle of people I seem to have been stuck in for awhile. I just hate getting on the phone but I know if I do this then I will maybe not have to cold call again for awhile. This site is so helpful! My director quit so I have a new director that lives in California and she tries but it is nice to have everyone here for support thanks alot!

  • #12
Scary phoneI know how you feel--I hate getting on the phone, too!!!
I even hate doing host coaching calls (and these are people who are already committed to HAVING a show! :rolleyes: )
I know I have to do this if I want my business to be successful, but I find it so intimidating. I'm much better with people in person.
On the bright side, it's almost never as bad as I imagine it could be. I've had people sound impatient or dismissive, but nobody has ever been outrightly rude to me.
I hope this goes really well for you! Please let us know how things turn out!
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  • #13
My son is sick again!Well my son came home yesterday sick with a 103 fever so I did not get to call anyone! I am hoping to lock myself in my room this evening and call at least 3 people I will let you know what happens. It is nice to know I am not the only one with phone phobia. I keep telling myself these people told me they were interested in doing a show and I don't want them telling someone (another consultant) they told me they wanted to do a show and I never called them back. I have been told that by hostess before and I think wow how could that consultant not call them back well now I know so I will get on the phone and will let everyone know what happens.


Related to Can You Make up Potstickers Ahead of Time?

1. Can I make potstickers ahead of time and freeze them?

Yes, you can make potstickers ahead of time and freeze them for later use. To do this, follow the recipe instructions and assemble the potstickers. Place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and freeze for 2-3 hours. Once frozen, transfer them to a freezer-safe bag or container and store for up to 3 months. When ready to cook, simply thaw and follow the cooking instructions.

2. Can I refrigerate potstickers before cooking them?

Yes, you can refrigerate potstickers before cooking them. After assembling the potstickers, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and cover with plastic wrap. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 days before cooking. Make sure to let them come to room temperature before cooking.

3. How long can I keep cooked potstickers in the fridge?

Cooked potstickers can be stored in the fridge for 3-4 days. Make sure to place them in an airtight container or zip-top bag to keep them fresh. When reheating, you can either steam them or fry them in a pan with a little oil.

4. Can I make the filling for potstickers ahead of time?

Yes, you can make the filling for potstickers ahead of time. Prepare the filling according to the recipe instructions and store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. When ready to use, assemble the potstickers and cook as directed.

5. Can I freeze leftover cooked potstickers?

Yes, you can freeze leftover cooked potstickers. Place them in an airtight container or zip-top bag and store in the freezer for up to 2 months. To reheat, thaw in the refrigerator and then steam or fry them as desired.

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