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What are some tips for staying motivated and successful with PC?

In summary, to stay motivated and successful with PC, set achievable goals and track your progress, stay connected with your team and attend training sessions, and take breaks to recharge. For a more consistent calendar, create a schedule and use social media and online tools. To recruit more people, reach out to friends and family, attend networking events, and highlight the benefits of joining your team. For ideas and advice, ask for help from your team, attend meetings and training sessions, and stay in communication with your upline. To make the most out of your PC business, keep educating yourself, stay connected with your team and customers, actively seek out new customers and opportunities, and consistently work towards your goals.
Hi Everyone,
I've been online the past few days reading all of your posts and I just want to say I am so glad to be here! I'm with PC almost a year, I have good months and not so good months, I get no ideas/advice/etc. from my "team", so I'm glad to have found a group that has so many great ideas and offers each other so much support.

I have noticed that generally the same people are on each day and that you are all just about everywhere on the site, and I think that's great! I hope I can keep up with all of it!!!

Keep the great ideas coming. My goals this year are to have a more consistent calendar and to recruit, recruit, recruit.
Chat with you soon,
Hi Kim - This is a great group. I have an awesome local cluster but this is my virtual cluster so I am not pestering my director every 5 minutes


Glad you could join us!
Welcome. The more the merrier!
Hi Kim!

Welcome to our virtual cluster! I hope that you enjoy yourself here, and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! Good luck!
Welcome! Glad you can join us!! :)
Welcome..we are fun bunch full of laughs...never know what will come about and I found we tend to get very excited..almost like we are sitting in a cluster meeting EVERY NIGHT....LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #9
I Know!
Jilleysue said:
Welcome..we are fun bunch full of laughs...never know what will come about and I found we tend to get very excited..almost like we are sitting in a cluster meeting EVERY NIGHT....LOL

I know, it is like a cluster meeting every night. Yesterday I wasn't online all day and already I missed you guys!!!
  • #10
Welcome Kim! Please post any questions you may have! There is a TON of info on here but make sure you spend time on your business OFF of the computer!;) Believe me, I'm on here a lot and I need to pry myself away!!!:eek:
  • #11
Kathytnt said:
Hi Kim - This is a great group. I have an awesome local cluster but this is my virtual cluster so I am not pestering my director every 5 minutes


YES, WELCOME! This has become my surrogate family and if I"m not careful I'll have to start selling PC Full-Time! LOL

See Gillian......I'm not the only one who doesn't want to pester my director so much! :p She's already a crazy lady (in a good way). I don't want to drive her over the edge!!! LOL :rolleyes:
  • #12
PLEASE PESTER YOUR DIRECTORS!! That is what they are there for! I sit here all day waiting for someone to call and need anything! This is an awesome place for quick questions or ideas, but call your director for more catalogs PLEASE! It would seriously make my week!
  • #13
gilliandanielle said:
PLEASE PESTER YOUR DIRECTORS!! That is what they are there for! I sit here all day waiting for someone to call and need anything! This is an awesome place for quick questions or ideas, but call your director for more catalogs PLEASE! It would seriously make my week!

  • #14
Welcome aboard!! This website is so great, although it can be a little addictive (ok-a LOT!). Use your time wisely. This is THE best place to get a quick answer because everyone is so helpful.
  • #15
Welcome to our online family!!! This is a great place to be. You definitely need to do your stuff offline too though! If you have any question don't hesitate to ask.
  • #16
Welcome! You'll have a ball her and learn SO much! Please make sure and share with us too!

Related to What are some tips for staying motivated and successful with PC?

1. How can I stay motivated and successful with PC?

One tip for staying motivated with PC is to set achievable goals for yourself and regularly track your progress. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you motivated to continue working towards your goals. Another tip is to stay connected with your team and attend training sessions or events to stay up-to-date on the latest tips and techniques for success. Additionally, make sure to take breaks and give yourself time to recharge so you can stay energized and focused.

2. How can I have a more consistent calendar with PC?

One way to have a more consistent calendar with PC is to create a monthly or weekly schedule for yourself and stick to it. This can include setting aside specific days for booking parties, follow-up calls, and other tasks related to your business. Another tip is to utilize social media and online booking tools to reach a wider audience and fill up your calendar. Additionally, always follow up with party guests and offer incentives for booking future parties.

3. How can I recruit more people to join my PC team?

One strategy for recruiting is to reach out to your friends, family, and acquaintances and share your passion for PC with them. You can also attend networking events and reach out to potential recruits through social media. Make sure to offer incentives and show the benefits of joining your team, such as flexible hours, training and support, and the opportunity for personal and financial growth.

4. How can I get ideas and advice from my team?

If you are not getting ideas and advice from your team, don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help. You can also attend team meetings and training sessions, or join online groups and forums to connect with other PC consultants and exchange ideas and tips. Additionally, make sure to stay in communication with your upline and ask for their guidance and support when needed.

5. How can I make the most out of my PC business?

To make the most out of your PC business, it's important to constantly educate yourself on the products and techniques, stay connected with your team and customers, and consistently set and work towards your goals. You should also actively seek out new customers and host parties, as well as regularly follow up with existing customers to keep them engaged and interested in PC products. Additionally, always be open to new opportunities and ways to grow your business.

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