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Is Dave's New Business Better Than Amway?

In summary, Dave's new business with Pampered Chef is similar to Amway in that they both operate under a multi-level marketing model. However, there are significant differences between the two, including the focus on products and methods for earning income. Pampered Chef specializes in high-quality kitchen tools and products and has a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction and hosting cooking parties. While it is possible to make money with Pampered Chef like Amway, it's important to approach the business with an open mind and learn about its unique aspects. Ultimately, the quality of products may vary based on personal preference.
Gold Member
Howdy all,
I am Dave I am new to this forum and pc. I have looked over a lot of the products and I can say is wow. I will be signing after the holidays with a local rep that the HO sent me to. This is much different than the other business I was in(quixtar/amway). you will see me contribute every once in awhile to a thread. the best thing I can say is if you can believe you can then go for it. talk to you all later
Dave,Glad to hear you decided to start! PC is an awesome company with tons of incentives for the hosts, guests AND consultants! I suggest you try to find a friend or two who would like to start this business alongside you. It is so much fun learning the business with friends AND you promote when you have 2 sign up!
Congrats on your decision to sign! I know that the men in this group have GREAT success!! You have that going for you already!

Get ready for a great time, this business is too cool!
Welcome Dave! Best of luck and you will do great!!!:)
Welcome to our virtual cluster. May you have success in your new venture.
Welcome Dave! Just curious - why did you leave Quixtar/Amway? I have a friend who recently joined them and I know she would LOVE doing PC and would love to see her over here instead...
  • Thread starter
  • #8
dannyzmom said:
Welcome Dave! Just curious - why did you leave Quixtar/Amway? I have a friend who recently joined them and I know she would LOVE doing PC and would love to see her over here instead...

That business wasn't for me. The support materials, aka tools, were expensive; 4-8 tapes/cds a month, plus a book of the month, plus monthly rallys, and then 3 major conventions a year. big $$$. Just to compare their waterless cookware for a 16 piece set was over $1000:eek: . That is a really hard sell. I did learn a lot about myself during my time with them. I still have several great books that I might not have read before. The one I am rereading now is "The Magic of Thinking Big". I wish your freind well. Maybe she can make it work.
welcome Dave my DH did quixtar for about 6 months never earned anything and his support team stopped calling 2 months after he signed. We do know someone who is doing awsome in it though
  • #10
Welcome:) This is a great site, and an awesome company!
BTW, I'm getting ready to read the same book!
  • #11
Welcome to PC Dave!! There are some amazing guys and gals in this virtual group! I have many of them to thank for making my business grow and become successful since I started back in April!

  • #12
Hi Dave! Welcome from someone who lives in "Amway/Quixtar" Land! This is nothing like that! My DH was so leary of PC, because he was afraid it would be like Quixtar. This business is not based on the same principals....and you can make money w/o having a ton of people under you. From my experience w/ A/Q - the ONLY way you make money is by convincing others to spend their hard-earned money to convince others to spend, to convince others to spend.....can you say Pyramid Scheme? I have known so many who have lost their life-savings, or declared bankruptcy, etc....before discovering it was not all it was proposed to be at the beginning. ENJOY selling PC - it's a product and a company you can be proud of!
  • #13
Hey Dave! Welcome aboard. I wish you all the best.
  • #14
Isn't it funny how so many of us have the same experiences? When I met my PC recruiter, we started chatting because I paid for my order at my SIL's show with my Amway visa card. My recruiter and her DH were also Amway reps. She has since quit that and PC, and is doing something else (with nutrition shakes or something - she's moved twice). My DH and I only keep our IBO number to order products for personal use.

And I do love PC so much more! There's less emphasis on covetousness, and more on family and reachable goals. :)

Welcome, Dave! You're going to love it!
  • #15
Welcome Dave. You'll love it. I find myself just having a blast...still can't believe I am looking up recipes. (Laughing my way to the recipes box) Are you really the Jilleysue that hates cooking..hahahaha. Glad to have you here.

Related to Is Dave's New Business Better Than Amway?

1. Is Dave's new business similar to Amway?

While both businesses operate under a multi-level marketing model, there are significant differences between Dave's new business with Pampered Chef and Amway. Pampered Chef focuses specifically on kitchen tools and products, while Amway offers a wider range of products in different industries. Additionally, Pampered Chef has a reputation for high-quality products and a strong focus on customer satisfaction.

2. What sets Dave's new business apart from Amway?

One of the main differences between Dave's new business with Pampered Chef and Amway is the focus on the product. Pampered Chef prides itself on offering high-quality, innovative kitchen tools and products, while Amway offers a wider range of products and services. Additionally, Pampered Chef has a strong emphasis on hosting cooking parties and providing a fun and interactive shopping experience for customers.

3. Can I still make money with Dave's new business like I did with Amway?

Yes, it is possible to make money with Pampered Chef like you did with Amway. However, the methods for earning income may vary. With Amway, income is primarily generated through recruiting and building a downline, while with Pampered Chef, income is primarily earned through hosting cooking parties and selling products directly to customers.

4. How does the quality of Pampered Chef products compare to Amway?

Pampered Chef prides itself on offering high-quality, innovative kitchen tools and products. While Amway also offers products of good quality, Pampered Chef has a narrower focus on kitchen tools and has earned a strong reputation for its products among customers. Ultimately, the quality of products may vary based on personal preference.

5. What advice do you have for someone switching from Amway to Pampered Chef?

First and foremost, it's important to approach Pampered Chef with an open mind and a willingness to learn about the business and its products. While there may be some similarities to Amway, it's important to understand the unique aspects of Pampered Chef and how to be successful in this new venture. Additionally, connecting with a local rep and attending training sessions can be helpful in transitioning to Pampered Chef. Finally, have confidence in the quality of Pampered Chef products and the potential for success in this new business venture.

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