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Yeah!!!! My Neighbors Are Selling Their House!

I'm not kidding...pulled his car into a ditch on the side of the road. Well, the trooper happened to be driving by and saw the car in the ditch and called for backup. By the time backup got there, the drunk student had woke up and saw the trooper and sped away. The trooper chased him down and pulled him over. The trooper asked him what he was doing and the student said he was just driving around. The trooper said 'well where were you going?' And the student said 'I don't know, I was just driving around'. The trooper asked him to get out of the car and the student said 'what are you going to do, shoot me?' and the trooper said 'no, I'm not
Okay, let me preface this by saying, I truly am a nice person. But -- these people...I'll share the story.

We moved here in Feb. of '05, and we soon met our neighbors across the street. It turns out they have a little girl a few months younger than our DS. So, we meet them, we get along, they hang out at our house, we hang out at their house, the kids play together, etc. Then, one day, about a year after that...POOF! They've totally disowned us. They won't speak, wave, or even acknowledge our existence. And -- we have NO idea why!

Well, they soon become friends with some of our other neighborhood friends. They get all nice and cozy with them, and then POOF! They disown them, too. We can only figure that it's b/c our other friends still talk to us. But -- we truly don't know the reason.

I hate it more for my DS than myself. He's only 3 1/2, so give me a break...let the kids be kids and play together. It hurts me to have him see the kids outside, and they just ignore him. We typically just play in the backyard to avoid this scenario. But -- if we go for a bike ride, then he obviously is waving and speaking, and they just ignore him...how RUDE!

Anyway, I had to share b/c I'm soooo excited that they are moving. I'm hoping for a QUICK sell, and if not, I'm hoping they'll just move soon. And -- we're hoping for a nice, friendly family to buy the house. So, wish us luck on that one...LOL!

Thanks for listening (oops...reading).
I hate to burst your bubble but I had to share!

We moved into our new construction home the same week our neighbor's moved into theirs. We introduced ourselves and they seemed like a nice normal family with 3 little girls. After a few weeks we realized that the mom would lock the kids outside all day unattended (at 6,4 and 2!) and they would play in my yard with my dog. I even caught the 4 year old with a string tied around my dog's neck as a leash!! Then the mom called me and told me that my dog attacked her daughter... I went over to see what happened and the girl had a scratch on her leg- not even breaking the skin.

I was so thankful when they moved away!! BUT- no we have dog owners that let their dogs out, watch them and encourage them to pee/poo in my DRIVEWAY, not even the trees in between while my dog goes crazy! It is so frustrating!! We have no money right now, but my dream item would be a HUGE fence!!

Good luck with your new neighbors, but beware they could be worse!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Yeah, I know...but one can hope, right?!!? :) As long as they aren't party people like our "other" neighbors, then we'll be okay. I can't tell you how many times we've called the police. I cannot stand to hear the music you're playing inside your house in MY home...give me a break...have some courtesy! GEEZ...why can't everyone be like us? :)
Neighbors are a scary thing. We've been rather lucky in this neighborhood -- across teh street is one of my best friends nad her kids play beautifully with my kids. Two doors down is a family we socialize well with...the rest of teh neighbors pretty much keep to themselves but everyone comes together during hurricanes and stuff like that. We like it here.
I'm lucky.Remember, when we were kids, there was always one house that on one ever went to for Trick or Treat, because there was some weird old guy there that ate kids or something?I'm that guy.In 20 years, I've never had a Trick or Treater come here.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
LOL KG! We don't have trick-or-treaters either, but that's another story, and I don't want to start a debate...just suffice it to say, we don't let our son go t-or-t.
LOL, this is a super funny well almost funny story. The guy who recruited me for pc is a state trooper and he lives near the beach in a nice subdivision. Well they had some drunk college students that were driving around and instead of taking the curve they decided to drive straight up someones driveway and through there closed garage door and almost through the other side of the garage. The driver didn't have a clue what was going on and passed out in the car. On another incident another drunk college student decided he wasn't going to drive on the road anymore so he started driving through peoples yards and tore down at least 10 mailboxes...lol
so at least you don't have these problems but that is weird of those people to just stop speaking and the nerve not to even act nice in front of a 3 yr. old. people can be so mean.
gilliandanielle said:
I hate to burst your bubble but I had to share!

We moved into our new construction home the same week our neighbor's moved into theirs. We introduced ourselves and they seemed like a nice normal family with 3 little girls. After a few weeks we realized that the mom would lock the kids outside all day unattended (at 6,4 and 2!) and they would play in my yard with my dog. I even caught the 4 year old with a string tied around my dog's neck as a leash!! Then the mom called me and told me that my dog attacked her daughter... I went over to see what happened and the girl had a scratch on her leg- not even breaking the skin.

I was so thankful when they moved away!! BUT- no we have dog owners that let their dogs out, watch them and encourage them to pee/poo in my DRIVEWAY, not even the trees in between while my dog goes crazy! It is so frustrating!! We have no money right now, but my dream item would be a HUGE fence!!

Good luck with your new neighbors, but beware they could be worse!

I'd seriously enjoy shoveling up the poop and flinging it into the air onto their property. If I was really ticked, I'd fling it onto their porch or against the windows!
LOL! That is what I should do!! We let our dog run loose because she stays in the yard, and she does her business in the trees on our property. They let their dogs out and WATCH them run into our yard and poop. I drives me crazy!! I should collect a bunch and throw it all at once!
  • #10
Paige Dixon said:
I'd seriously enjoy shoveling up the poop and flinging it into the air onto their property. If I was really ticked, I'd fling it onto their porch or against the windows!

we had a short-lived neighbor who used to walk their dog and let it poop on the sidewalk in front of our house. My kids ride bikes & rollerblade on that sidewalk!! One day my across the street neighbor yelled out the window to them "You ARE going to scoop that up, right?" and they said "OH yeah = we're just gonna run home for a bag" and never came back. So...we scooped it and left it on their doorstep with a note!
  • #11
gilliandanielle said:
LOL! That is what I should do!! We let our dog run loose because she stays in the yard, and she does her business in the trees on our property. They let their dogs out and WATCH them run into our yard and poop. I drives me crazy!! I should collect a bunch and throw it all at once!

Thinking of the line of Madagascar "If you have any poop, fling it now!"
  • #12
Oh my gosh..talking about neighbors...i have lived in my neighborhood my entire life, and let me tell you, it went from very nice, kids playing in the streets, no crime, to police on the street every week, junk cars at every other house...its nasty and very sad. I wish you could just kick people out who haven't lived on the street for a long amount of time and are bringing your prop. value down!!
  • #13
May they move soon and you get a great family that moves in.
  • #14
We have the brady bunch cul de sac! Every one gets along, we all have kids, it's great! There is one house on the corner that no one really associates with, but mostly cuz the kids are mean--but they are a different "culture" and don't come out to associate with us either--plus they have other family living in the other two houses right next to them--so they stick together and the rest of us stick togetehr!

I really can't complain at all. Although our one neighbor just moved and the new people haven't "come out" to introduce themselves yet--the kids have, but not the adults--but they wave when we pass--so we're hoping its just the weather! when it gets nice, we all go outside and watch the kids play and we drink and chat until about 8pm, sometimes we end up at the one neighbors pool, other times the hot tub, other times a basement!

my hubby says we're a throw back to the 50's. I always tell him that i'm not old enough to remember :) i'm really not--but watched leave it to beaver to know what he's talking about :) :) hehehe
  • #15
gilliandanielle said:
After a few weeks we realized that the mom would lock the kids outside all day unattended (at 6,4 and 2!) and they would play in my yard with my dog.

Did anyone catch this as being child abuse?!?!?:eek:
  • #16
gilliandanielle said:
I hate to burst your bubble but I had to share!

We moved into our new construction home the same week our neighbor's moved into theirs. We introduced ourselves and they seemed like a nice normal family with 3 little girls. After a few weeks we realized that the mom would lock the kids outside all day unattended (at 6,4 and 2!) and they would play in my yard with my dog. I even caught the 4 year old with a string tied around my dog's neck as a leash!! Then the mom called me and told me that my dog attacked her daughter... I went over to see what happened and the girl had a scratch on her leg- not even breaking the skin.

I was so thankful when they moved away!! BUT- no we have dog owners that let their dogs out, watch them and encourage them to pee/poo in my DRIVEWAY, not even the trees in between while my dog goes crazy! It is so frustrating!! We have no money right now, but my dream item would be a HUGE fence!!

Good luck with your new neighbors, but beware they could be worse!

Oh no! We have the same type of neighbors!! :eek: LOL
The neighbor next door always lets her dogs sneak under our fence and poop in our yard. When I went to her house to talk to her about it, she acted as if the dogs just couldn't be stopped. She mentioned that her fence is not the way it used to be and could use some fixing up so she would go half with us if we wanted a new fence.
I warned her that in June we were getting a German Shepherd and that I will not be liable if my dog eats her dog. I think I will teach the dog a special command "Eat it!" LOL Just kidding!! But I hate small dogs and it just so happens my daughter has a small maltipoo she got for her birthday. He's annoying but part of the family.
Anyway we also had about 20 people living across the street in a 3 bedroom when we first moved in. They parked their 6 cars in the driveway, on the grass, on the sidewalk. It was pretty sad. Well we found out they were being evicted for not paying their mortgage and after our truck was broken into, they moved away (not a coincidence)! They stole my $120 Kitchenaid blender! :eek:
We use to rent a home across from horrible neighbors so it's better now.

One set also neglected their three children and I always saw the four year old wandering the streets barefoot and shirtless at all times of the day. He didn't go to school yet. The mom worked nights so she slept all day. They were always hungry and dirty.
She sold drugs because many different vehicles stopped by and then left after knocking on the door and exchanging goods! We even saw one guy smoking pot across the street. We could smell it wafting in the air to our house!! We called CPS and the police but it never materialized into anything. The CPS worker told me that he checked it out and it was ok. Then they disappeared one day. I had those kids over time and time again to feed them and to tell them of our Lord Jesus. I was so sad when they left, because I was afraid for them. I hope they are ok.

Debbie :D
  • #17
here's your signI was catching up on these posts...I had to laugh. Although my yard has chain link fence, I have a circular drive way with dbl gates at both ends. DH is too lazy to open gates, drive through, close gates, go to work so they stay open all the time

Well my neighbor has 3 Aussie's that she takes with her to the community mailbox which happens to be in front of the corner edge of our property. She always allows those dogs to come and crap in our yard. Gosh it infuriates me. I have no grass in my front yard...just lots of rocks and gravel while they have lush green grass. Plus the fact that I have 5 dogs of my own (in the back) to clean up after...like I need hers to add to my piles! I have asked her nicely on a couple of occasions to not let them do that (they aren't on a leash EVER). Finally, I just made up this sign. View attachment got baggies.pdf
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  • #18

Thanks for sharing!

That's a great idea! I hope no one tries to steal your sign. We had some teenagers come to our yard once to try to steal our "Vote for Bush" sign!! It was hilarious, I couldn't believe they would do that. My husband caught them and they took off! It was pathetic. It was at our rental house. Here at the house we own, I don't think we'll have that problem!

Debbie :D
  • #19
Val I love your sign.
Our house before we moved in sounds like the neigbors from you know where. They didnt have grass in the front yard it was weeds and they had a sign that said our neigbors hate us. They always partied in the backyard when we went to the back (bought house in winter) we found 3 fire pits and tons of broken beer bottles. Our neighbor was out fixing the fence and he said there was a police raid and a bunch of people jumped the fence and broke it. When we were finally able to redo the backyard we found in one of the fire pits a burnt matress spring. We have been here 2 yrs and we can finally let our kids out in the backyard without worring about them getting dirty from weeds and no grass.
I wish you all the best in the sale of your neigbors house and am sending good vibes for awsome neigbors
  • #20
Instead of dogs pooping in our yard we have our neighbors 3 cats.

My husband has a fit everytime he sees them in out yard. They go in our gargage if it is open (which usually is in the summer when the kids are playing out side) and pee. One time I was getting something out of our garden shed and shut the cat in there, neighbor came over looking for it.

But here is the kicker. We have an invisiable fence for our dogs and one day, in the winter, the line got dug up from the plow. So my older dog walked over (we live on a dead end street) and lifted his leg on their mailbox. Now my dogs have in 12 years of living here, gotten out of our yard maybe 4-5 times. The neighbor calls here complaining about the dog peeing on her mailbox and I said well could you do please see about keeping the cats over in your own yard. Quess what she tells me?? There is no leash law here to prohibit cats from going where they want! I said I would really like them to stay out of our garage, she tells me to keep my door closed!! This is my garage, not the cats!! :mad:
  • #21
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I'm lucky.

Remember, when we were kids, there was always one house that on one ever went to for Trick or Treat, because there was some weird old guy there that ate kids or something?

I'm that guy.

In 20 years, I've never had a Trick or Treater come here.

KG and Sherrie ~ consider yourself LUCKY ~ we get over 125 kids every year! I love to see them every year, but it sure it costly. No, there's no way I could one of those who turns off the lights and not answer the door...are you kidding? They're just too cute, plus I get about an average of 8-10 orders and 3-5 bookings every year since I answer my door with my PC apron on! We lucky in the sense, we don't many older kids...mostly 8-10 and younger.

  • #22
I live in a mobile home park - Used to be a pretty nice one. The house is paid off so we just pay lot rent. We are getting lots of people areound here getting dogs but not following the rules. RUles like, picking up after your dog, dogs on a leash, no dogs tied up in the yard without supervision. I work late and the neighbor across the street ties her dog out almost every morning so he barks at every kid and every bus starting at 7 a.m.. ANother new neighbor her kids are all out with rails for their skateboards in the street and their dog tied out. I know that if their dog get loose with my dog out there (Kyra) that there will be blood shed. Her dog has shown vicious tendencies. Both of these dogs are regularly out running the neighborhood as are several other dogs. We try to be good owners and follow all the rules but then we are taking out dogs for a walk and the loose dogs show up and pester us. When we are walking at night we even bring a flashlight so that we can pick up after our dogs.

Kelly - As far as the cats - There is probably a liscencing requirement in your city. I would check it out but cats are required to be monitored just like dogs. Your neighbors have not right to infringe on your rights. Let her know that time you find her cats in your yard or your garage that you will be calling animal control since she is not controlling her animals.

We have ther right to life liberty and the persuit of happiness as long as we are not infringing on other peoples rights

I dated a guy one time that saw no problem with playing his stereo as loud as he wanted in his apt. I told him he should be considerate of the other people in his building. He thought that was ridiculous. He has a right to do what he wants - He also only went out on only one date with me. That was the sign of a person that I would never go out with again. He thought it was silly but it showed his charecter or lack thereof

Related to Yeah!!!! My Neighbors Are Selling Their House!

1. What is the best way to prepare my home for a successful sale?

The best way to prepare your home for a successful sale is to declutter, depersonalize, and deep clean your home. This will help potential buyers envision themselves living in the space and allow them to see the true potential of your home.

2. How can I increase the value of my home before putting it on the market?

There are a few ways to increase the value of your home before putting it on the market. Some suggestions include updating outdated fixtures and appliances, adding a fresh coat of paint, and making any necessary repairs or upgrades.

3. Is it necessary to hire a real estate agent when selling a home?

While it is not necessary to hire a real estate agent, it is highly recommended. A real estate agent can provide valuable guidance and expertise throughout the selling process, including pricing your home, marketing it effectively, and negotiating with potential buyers.

4. How can I make my home stand out to potential buyers?

To make your home stand out to potential buyers, consider staging it with neutral and inviting decor, highlighting its unique features, and providing a thorough and detailed listing description. It's also important to have professional photos taken to showcase your home in the best possible light.

5. How long does it typically take to sell a home?

The length of time it takes to sell a home can vary depending on various factors such as the current market, location, and condition of the home. On average, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to sell a home, but having a well-prepared and marketed home can help speed up the process.

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