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Would You Drive 4 Hours for a Show?

I have a team in that area and I would love to get a show going. I don't think it's worth it to drive that far for a show.I would not do a show that far.
Gold Member
I have a couple leads 4hrs away... Hmmmm what to do? I know try to recruit them. I will do my best...
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No, I would not drive 4 hours for a show!
I would never drive 4 hours for a show
I would not drive 4 hours for a show but I would offer to do a catalog show. My sister lives in Georgia and when she wanted to have a show I suggested a catalog show. After we closed the show people where still asking if they could order from her and guess what...you guessed it she has been a consultant for over 2 years!
I did once for a relative and spent the night. Good visit with family and a write off.
One way thay's quite far. If it was family, and I could make it a weekend trip, I'd consider it. If the host was for sure signing and wanted me to come suppot and train her, I might.
I would. Host coach like crazy. Make sure she knows how far you are coming and tell her that you need at least 6 people and 4 outside orders MINIMUM. Definitely work on recruiting the host. If she's not interested, recruit someone else at the party - it's actually easier. After all if the consultant had to come so far the area must be in need of a consultant. ;)

I've gone much farther than that but mostly for family and made it a mini-vacation. Bookings are either made for when I can be back or catalog shows if I don't have a new consultant to leave behind. ...my family lives almost 1000 miles from me.

I did a show in Houston for my niece. She got a booking (catalog show). The catalog show got a booking but the host wanted a live show so after some urging and thinking the catalog host signed. Now I have a TX team. She'll be a director as soon as she gets her team to start recruiting.

Anything's possible.
NO! Even if you have a $800 show and make $160 - you're still spending at least $50 of that on gas not to mention any other freebies you might give away. If the lady had a guaranteed CONFIRMED guest list of 25-30, then maybe, but that is still a bit far unless it is a close friend/family member. I'd think you'd need it to be a $1000 show for it really to be that profitable for your time/gas/expense that you'd make! Consider asking the lady to become a consultant and doing the show on her own! You'd earn WAY more from her that way!

Just my 2 cents....
personally I might. I'm going to try to get a friend that lives near Hartford to have a show night before Launch meeting in hartford. It's only 2 hours and a nice write off for a visit with a friend. She is also a recruit lead so it would be totally worth it. In fact I need to get in touch with her now to discuss this option and see if she's still interested in having a show. It's about a 21/2 hour drive.

I would happily drive 8 hours to Pittsburgh for a show if my SIL wanted to and I'd get to see my nieces! Next time I plan a trip out there I'll have to see if she's receptive to having a show and if I get bookings interest maybe I'll recruit her or a friend!:):D

Actually I'm glad I opened this thread. I might just be on to something after all!
  • #10
I actually drove 5 hours for a show, and ended up getting 3 bookings from it (750 show). i tried to talk them into having it the same day (or two of them), but they didn't want too. I ended up turning them into catalog shows...
  • #11
One of the execs got started because the consultant that did the party she went to drove so far that she didn't want to come back. She said that anyone who wanted to sign up would get all the bookings.
  • #12
I personally wouldn't. I have narrowed it down to about an hour from here. It's not worth it to me. Since you said you have a couple leads maybe you could get them to do a party on the same night or weekend so that you only have to make one trip.
  • #13
NO, NO, NO I would not do a show that far , Have her do the show you can be on the phone on speaker phone , sign her just before tell her you will answer all the questions ect , She can make the commission , free products , bookings , ect you know
  • #14
I would definately do a show 4 hours away. I have done that numerous times. It is a great way to build your team. One of my top selling consultants in my team is a consultant that lives 5 hours from me. You can go to the show and tell someone you will give them the bookings off the show to sign up on your team.

Also, I go to MPLS once a year for a family vacation and always book a show there to write it off on taxes.

Last thought the Dakota's are great. I live on the border of MN and ND. We are very nice! :chef:
  • #15
Where in the Dakotas are the shows?

Unless it is family 4 hours is a little far.
  • #16
Yup a relative called and I will cook it! I got a more local rep to assist with bookings though.
  • #17
Depends on where it is. Yes, if it's family or near family where I can visit. No if it's a random booking.
  • #18
I'm willing to go about anywhere -- especially if I'm trying to earn the trip! I would definitely host coach and try to recruit like the previous people have said. I love to meet new people and you never know where your next superstar is going to be! :) Or your next huge show!
  • #19
Only if it's family or people I know really, really well, and only then if the weather is good.

I posted last November about the "party switch from hell" ... I drove 90 minutes for that show ... turned into a 2.5 hour drive into the snowbelt ... and after all that, long story short, it didn't work out. Oh, and my fuel pump went on my aging car the next day. Coincidence? I think not.
  • #20
75% of my shows are 4-5 hours away. Thus far I have not had success with booking locally, but my friends and family where I grew up are willing to do so. It gives me the opportunity to take these trips and take in extra sights at the same time.
  • #21
I've enjoyed reading the responses. For me it would depend on a lot. I generally limit myself to within 2 hours of my home. However, The Furry Guy's cousin will be getting married this spring. They live about 4 hours from us. If the cousin's bride wanted to have a PC shower I wouldn't hesitate to make the drive.
  • #22
I would! I drive 6. :chef: You have 2 ways to think of it.. like someone else said host coach like crazy and you have a great show. the other there must be no one in the area thats taking care of them so shes coming to you. ( not meaning anything bad if there are other consultants in the area that you know, just stating business) 2nd way to look at it there may be leads to share the business and help show them or your host the way..

Good luck!
  • #23
Absolutely not, would I travel that far for a show.

I limit myself to shows under an hour away from me. And that's why I'll never make high levels within TPC....I'm too lazy. But having a full-time job, a toddler and four older step-children, a husband just about to graduate as a Doctor, and a part-time catering business, and we're about to move into our new home, I just don't want to put that much effort in to it.
  • #24
BadGirl said:
Absolutely not, would I travel that far for a show.

I limit myself to shows under an hour away from me. And that's why I'll never make high levels within TPC....I'm too lazy. But having a full-time job, a toddler and four older step-children, a husband just about to graduate as a Doctor, and a part-time catering business, and we're about to move into our new home, I just don't want to put that much effort in to it.

Oh, my! :eek: I'm surprised you find time to trave 10 minutes from home.
  • Thread starter
  • #25
BadGirl said:
Absolutely not, would I travel that far for a show.

I limit myself to shows under an hour away from me. And that's why I'll never make high levels within TPC....I'm too lazy. But having a full-time job, a toddler and four older step-children, a husband just about to graduate as a Doctor, and a part-time catering business, and we're about to move into our new home, I just don't want to put that much effort in to it.

I would not say you were lazy! It is a choice you have made for your family! If my DH was not out of work I would not even consider this. I am at a point where I NEED to step up my business and I am looking at this as an Opportunity!

Thanks for all your responses. I'm thinking I will go for it. Now to get it scheduled!
  • #26
Sounds like it is a super-personal preference. You have to weigh the pros & cons. Personally I would, but I live in Texas, and 4 hours can be a day-trip! I too have family 3+ hours away and have a strong group there. When I go to my sister's, I book multiple parties and we have a great time! I also have family 10+ hours away, did a spring break show so I could write off the trip and recruited my niece to take the bookings.Good luck and let us know how it goes!
  • #27
I'm on a small island (Okinawa, Japan), so I haven't been presented with that situation yet. I'd probably say no, unless it was someone that I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, would produce enough guests and outside orders to make it worth my while.

I am planning a trip home to TX in May and e-mailed out to a group of friends/family that I'm looking for 4 bookings all in one weekend. I've booked 2 of the 4 May slots yesterday & had a 3rd one agree to do a show today! :D Lisa (pampcheflisa) has graciously agreed to loan me some equipment to work that weekend. I'll try to recruit and if I do, they will get the show they are attending and any bookings off that show ... but I doubt that I'll recruit at all 3/4 shows. So in exchange for loaning me the tools, I'm giving Lisa the other bookings! :D I certainly won't be flying from Japan back to TX to do them. ;)

But I will tell you that if you decide to do it ... don't forget to log your mileage!!! :D
  • #28
no way unless she had CONFIRMED 25-30 minimum guests and $200 minimum in outside orders. Now here's an idea i heard of once...have everyone invited come as if you were going to be there....and have an "at home" catalog show sort of...the host will have to have made the recipe(s) and everyone shops while they eat...if the host as a lot of pc products, you could try to talk her into cooking with her products and who knows....she wont realize it but she is acting as the consultant (can we say recruit?!) and your host can turn in the orders made that night.
  • #29
I drove 3 hours for a friends show, which I signed up to be a consultant. Monday will be my first show I do, and starts my 30 days..Any suggestions on recipes, what comes in the kit (door prizes) etc?
  • #30
I'm driving 3 1/2 hours to Newport News, VA for the Director Express, then having my husband's family host a show for me!!
  • #31
I am driving to DC (3-4hrs) to do a show for a very good friend of ours. We will also see our adopted son (host program) that we haven't seen since the summer, and maybe one or two others. So its worth our while to go. plus the first show she did for me was over $900!! Yeah she'll make sure she has tons of people to make it worth my time and energy!
  • #32
I don't know if I would go that far... I was considering turning the show I have tomorrow into a catalog show but did tell her that we need at LEAST 6 people and gave her a ton of ideas for outside orders. She confirmed that she has 12 people coming at least, so I'll be going out there. I love the idea of trying to get a recruit by offering to give them the shows! I'm totally going to do that!
  • #33
As a general rule, no, I wouldn't drive that far- but for family/friends, or launching a new consultant, yeah- I probably would figure out a way.By the way- this question was raised almost 2 months ago....any status on if the show has occurred and how it turned out?
  • #34
Go with your gut. If you WANT to do it, do it. If the thought makes you wanna cry, then you have your answer :)
I was gonna post a similar question today about if someone would travel 90 minutes for a show! I decided to do it though. It's worth it to me.
  • Thread starter
  • #35
I have not yet gotten ahold of the gal who wanted to host. I have called 2-3 times and either busy or not home. I will do the show if she want's it. Especially with the weather clearing up.
  • #36
It is funny that the answer is kind of dependent on where you are/grew up. Someone from rural Texas or Oklahoma would easily travel over an hour just to go to the grocery store. They might not have as many leads close by.
I am from Rhode Island originally... and a 4 hour trip would really be something that we spend months planning.. haha.:p
  • #37
LOL Mary- you are soo right!! I've lived there for a few years (Navy) and you do- you plan your trips off the 'island'. lol :) I do miss RI though!
  • #38
i do them, i turn them into a getaway for dh and i
  • #39
Sheila said:
I am planning a trip home to TX in May and e-mailed out to a group of friends/family that I'm looking for 4 bookings all in one weekend. I've booked 2 of the 4 May slots yesterday & had a 3rd one agree to do a show today! :D Lisa (pampcheflisa) has graciously agreed to loan me some equipment to work that weekend. I'll try to recruit and if I do, they will get the show they are attending and any bookings off that show ... but I doubt that I'll recruit at all 3/4 shows. So in exchange for loaning me the tools, I'm giving Lisa the other bookings! :D I certainly won't be flying from Japan back to TX to do them. ;)
But I will tell you that if you decide to do it ... don't forget to log your mileage!!! :D

Sheila, this made me literally LOL!!!

I fall into the same category, I think I would only do it for family/close friends. All of my mom's family is from Houston, so I wouldn't hesitate driving the 4 hours and spending the night for them at all!!
  • Thread starter
  • #40
DEBBI said:
i do them, i turn them into a getaway for dh and i

If my kids were older I would!
  • #41
I have done it and i have learned from the experience. I host coached like crazy and she led me to believe she had 6 people coming but no outside orders so I drove 3 hours one way and NO One showed up!! No orders and she talked about signing up and then backed out so I was out of my time and gas. So I pretty much drove that way to cook dinner for her and her boyfriend. So I made a rule I will only leave my house for a party that far if she has 200 dollars in outside orders at least so that will at least pay for my gas to and from. Unless it is for my family. then that would be a different story. ood Luck with your business!!
  • Thread starter
  • #42
Did she know you were driving that far? Holy cow! So sorry ...

toenail1103 said:
I have done it and i have learned from the experience. I host coached like crazy and she led me to believe she had 6 people coming but no outside orders so I drove 3 hours one way and NO One showed up!! No orders and she talked about signing up and then backed out so I was out of my time and gas. So I pretty much drove that way to cook dinner for her and her boyfriend. So I made a rule I will only leave my house for a party that far if she has 200 dollars in outside orders at least so that will at least pay for my gas to and from. Unless it is for my family. then that would be a different story. ood Luck with your business!!
  • #43
I drive alot 3 1/2 hours away to do shows, The first show I did was so great, and opened up a new door of posibilities. Because of all the doors that opened there, my buisness is thriving and we are actually moving to the area. Step out on the edge and be open to new posiabilities.
  • #44
I set up 2 days a month that I am willing to drive out of town for a show.
  • #45
I actually drove 5 hours one time for a show. It was a good show (750) and i would have ended up with 3 parties, but the 5 hours (one way) was too much for me and i ended up getting only 1 catalog show out of it. My goal was to talk to the host into it, but alas, she didn't sign.My advise is to host coach like crazy and send invites. Ask for 40 guests as a minimum number of people to invite.
  • #46
I'm really glad I ran across this thread. I had a trade show this weekend and I didn't realize it was a state-wide show, so I got a lot of door prize forms from people that are a long ways away from me. A couple of them indicated they might be willing to host a show. I was going to refer them off to someone in their area, but I'd definitely rather do it as a catalog show.



Related to Would You Drive 4 Hours for a Show?

1. Is it worth driving 4 hours for a Pampered Chef show?

It ultimately depends on your personal goals and priorities. Some consultants have found great success in expanding their customer base by traveling to new areas, while others may prefer to focus on local shows. Consider the potential sales and recruitment opportunities, as well as the cost and time commitment, before making a decision.

2. How can I make the most of a 4-hour drive for a show?

Make sure to plan ahead and communicate with the host. Offer to bring extra products or samples for guests to try, and ask if there are any specific products or recipes they would like to see demonstrated. Use the time in the car to review your presentation and practice any new techniques or recipes.

3. Should I try to recruit at a show 4 hours away?

Recruiting at shows can be a great opportunity to expand your team, but it's important to approach it carefully. Focus on building relationships with guests and sharing your own passion for Pampered Chef. If the opportunity presents itself, you can mention the potential benefits of becoming a consultant, but always respect the host and their guests and never pressure anyone into joining.

4. How can I convince potential recruits to join from 4 hours away?

Highlight the benefits of joining Pampered Chef, such as the flexibility, support, and income potential. Share your own success story and how the opportunity has positively impacted your life. You can also offer to connect them with other consultants in their area for support and advice.

5. What other factors should I consider before driving 4 hours for a show?

In addition to the potential sales and recruitment opportunities, consider the cost of gas, wear and tear on your vehicle, and any other expenses associated with traveling. Also, make sure to check the local regulations and requirements for selling in that area, as well as any potential conflicts with other Pampered Chef consultants in the area.

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