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Working Towards Disney, Need Help!

In summary, after a difficult first trimester and a long break for bedrest, the speaker is back to work and has realized that they are closer to earning a Disney trip than they originally thought. Despite not making any sales during their break, they have a large number of recruiting points and are only 7600 points away from qualifying for the trip. They have upcoming shows and are open to booking more in order to reach their goal. They are seeking advice from others who have been in a similar position and have already taken steps such as sending out letters and offering incentives to their customers. They are determined to make their dream family trip to Disney a reality.
Silver Member
Ok, so I was doing some tracking today and I've come to realize that Disney is not as far away as I had original thought it would be for me. Here's the thing...

After a miserable first trimester and having to take three months off in a row for bedrest, I'm finally on the mend and held my very first show back this week. It was amazing!!! I had almost forgot how much I love doing what I do, it had been so long. So during that time when I submitted $0 in sales, I was still recruiting like mad. Because of that, I have a ton of recruiting points to add to my sales points I earned the beginning of the year. I spent some time this afternoon doing some tracking, (as I had pretty much assumed Disney was out of reach from taking 3 months off) and I'm kinda of shocked what I discovered:

I'm 7600 points away from earning Disney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have 5 shows this month and two shows scheduled next month. My sales average is not very high (around $500) or so, so that's obviously going to leave me just short of earning the trip. I do have open dates left on my calendar and am willing to book those dates now that I'm feeling much better, it's just a matter of making it happen. If I could recruit 1 or 2 more people by the end of this month, I would really feel better about my chances (and I do have potentials out there)...

What I want to know from you, is there anyone else out there in my position or have been in my position before? I'd love to know what you did to make it happen for yourself! Did you just book more shows, offer any special sales? Offer and extra recruiting incentive?

I don't know what to do... Disney would be BEYOND PERFECT for my family next June and we just can't afford to do it on our own right now. As it is, I would have a little one just under two (can you just imagine him at Disney for the very first time!) and a little baby who would be just a month of age... ahhhhh. I want this so bad, I just need to figure out how to make it happen! I'm open to all suggestions :)

<3 Darcy
We are in similar spots. You are actually closer than I am right now. As of yesterday I still needed 12,029 points!! A consultant qualified last night, but they haven't posted those points yet (I don't want to count them until they are really real!). I have another set to qualify next week and a gal signing tomorrow. That will help, but I'm still far off.

At the beginning of October I almost gave up on Disney. It seemed impossible given how far off I was. The first thing I did was breakdown how many parties I needed to have if they all were at least $500. Then I looked at how many I could actually do given my family's schedule. That came to a max of 12 in November and 5 in December (then the 5 I had in October). Twenty shows! That would give me $9500 in sales and then I looked at how many recruiting points I would need to make up the difference. The Lord sent 2 to me in one week, that was actually the catalyst for looking at what it would take.

I was a little afraid of calling people and asking them to help me (it felt selfish), but I was okay writing a letter. LOL!! So I drafted a letter and sent it out to anyone who held a fall party with me within the past 3 years. I sent them out in shifts. Mail some one week, then more the next, then more the next. I would wait 1 week then call to follow up on the mailing. Many of them wanted to help me!! :D Some placed orders, some referred someone else, and some booked their own parties. I told EVERYONE of my goal! My friends posted for me on FB and one friend of mine got me 3 bookings just from that (and a recruit lead)!!

I started off saying that I would give an extra $25 for anyone who hit $600 in sales. My friends and customers were so eager to just help they didn't want the extra!! So far I haven't had to give it out. They want Mickey ears! LOL!

Darcy, since we are already half-way through November I would recommend just calling EVERYONE!! Let everyone you speak with know about your goal. People will want to help you!

Good luck, sista! Oh, I did all of that plus LOTS of prayer!!
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  • #3
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR WORDS OF WISDOM! It's such a long shot, but I have to give it a try right, it would just be too perfect of an opportunity for my young family.

Would you mind sharing with us the letter you sent out? I still have time to email something like that wouldn't I?

<3 Darcy
Host coaching your hiney's off!!!! :D
Sorry, had a party. I'll try to attach it now. It's kinda on the long side. I've been told I'm a bit rambly! LOL!

With the letter I included a flyer that had the fall specials on it and a catalog.


  • Letter for 20 fall hosts Fall 2009.doc
    58 KB · Views: 279
In late April of 2006, I was $8500 away from earning TPC.
I was on the level 4 cruise with mega-top-performers.
I had no clue what TPC was, meant, or what the benefits to me were.
Floating in the sip pool I got to chatting with a Director from Cali (wish I could recall her name) and she got me ALL kinds of pumped up to earn TPC. I had 6 weeks...actually 5 and a half weeks to do it.
What she said to me was "Pull out all the stops."
I got off the ship after the cruise ended and started calling every customer I had ever dealt with. One by one. Calling everyone. I told them of my goal and what it meant to me ($360PC, a ring, gold embossed biz cards, recognition, pillow presents & an extra day on the next years' trip)...and I offered every single one of them a SBRC if they placed an order.
I got a buncha bookings...and told the hosts of my goals (which they then told their guests)...
long story short, on May 31st at 11:30pm, I submitted the last show that pushed me over.
If I could do 8500 in 5.5 weeks...YOU CAN DO THIS.
this is my favorite quote:

When you know what you want, and you want it badly enough, you'll find a way to get it.
I have level 2 but am SO set on earning level 3 for my family. It's a HUGE prayer request before the Lord. My dh still isn't completely convinced about how awesome the incentive trips can be...we had to take the cash last year... and I just want badly to earn level 3 so that he is blown away by all that is included. He is unemployed right now so every extra dollar and extra thing included makes it easier for me to talk up how great it will be!!! Earning that level will also give me even more opportunities to talke about God's faithfulness as I watch Him orchestrate all of this and work hard at the plan He has shown me. I need about the same points as you and am going to get on that phone and just call the world!!!!!! Starting with just loads of customer care! What I also need is one more recruit and for both my new one that just signed and whomever else I'll sign VERY soon to qualify or it won't happen no matter what my sales are. I feel kind of ok about getting the sales points that I need, am just working to get one more to sign and both to qualify. The one who just signed is so motivated, I think she'll be qualifed quickly but I'm working to sign as many as possible just to make sure. I go between a lump in my throat and soaring with excitement. THanks to all who have posted encouragements here. They help SO much!
ChefLoriG said:
this is my favorite quote:

When you know what you want, and you want it badly enough, you'll find a way to get it.

Lori - you put that quote out there when I was working to earn Level 4 Washington DC a few years ago. I printed it on a piece of paper with some DC pictures and posted it next to my desk. I got Level 4 DC that year :)
  • #10
I'm pretty stressed @ the moment myself.....I'm about 10,000 points away from level 3 BUT it depends if I make Advanced this month.....I'm not sure that's going to happen & I don't want to get my hopes up & bust my a$$ & then still be short of earning the trip!
NEXT year I WILL NOT be in the situation & I WON'T depend on other people to help me earn the trip I WILL make it w/sales & recruiting NEXT year!!!!

I'm happy I earned level 2 but really needed level 3 this year b/c I just went from full-time to part-time & lost $15,000/year so the airfare would def. help us out in June......

Let's hope there is a miracle for all of us this month!!!!!!!!!!

  • #11
dannyzmom said:
Lori - you put that quote out there when I was working to earn Level 4 Washington DC a few years ago. I printed it on a piece of paper with some DC pictures and posted it next to my desk. I got Level 4 DC that year :)

I'm glad it helped you Carolyn! =)

I got the quote from Director Academy, and I was soooo far away from level 3 trip to Atlantis, but I made it!
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Amazing advice from ALL!!!!!!!!! I thank you all so much. I haven't been on the phone, I've been working my computer/email/social networks like crazy, but I've been avoiding the phone due to my own insecurities. I now realize those insecurities are what's going to cost me Disney. I'll be picking up that phone tomorrow and thanking you all for the encouragement to do so!!!!!!!!!!!

<3 Darcy
  • #13
Good luck Anne as you strive for AD. I promoted from D to AD this year and it is amazing!! The bump in the paycheck is huge. My income has almost quadrupled by moving to consultant to AD in 1 year. Fingers crossed for you!
  • #14
OhmyDLM said:
Amazing advice from ALL!!!!!!!!! I thank you all so much. I haven't been on the phone, I've been working my computer/email/social networks like crazy, but I've been avoiding the phone due to my own insecurities. I now realize those insecurities are what's going to cost me Disney. I'll be picking up that phone tomorrow and thanking you all for the encouragement to do so!!!!!!!!!!!

<3 Darcy

Darcy I'm right there with you!!!! We can do it :)
  • #15
Darcy, I'm glad you found the motivation to work towards your goal!! The thing that's going to get you there is to make the phone calls. That's going to get the dates on your calendar. The virtual connections are great and they definitely help break the ice, but you've GOT to call them to make it solid.

I know you can do it!! Just so you see that you're not in a bad spot I still need 9276 points to earn Level 2!! I'm not giving up and you shouldn't either!!
  • #16
Hey Darcy...just a reminder for today GET ON THE PHONE!!! IT'LL BE WORTH IT, I SWEAR!!!
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  • #17
Ok ok, still haven't picked up that phone and I'm afraid I'm loosing it.... :( And then I log on and find all these wonderful messages from all of you! I HAVE TO TRY! THE PHONE IS NOT MY ENEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • #18
Go for it darcy!!!!!
  • #19
I am not a phone person but what has really helped me to acheive trips is to give everyone i come in contact with a catalog and a order form and ask them if they would bring it back to the office and try to get a few orders. I always give a catalog with a order form to everyone at my show at the full service checkout also to see if they can gather some extra orders for their friend the host or for themselves. I always ask where they work and if anyone does take a catalog I run home and put them in my pampered partner as a online show!! My online show sales are usually over $10,000 each year from doing this. But especially right now don't be stingy with the catalogs!! HIT THE STORES THIS WEEK BEFORE THANKSGIVING!! I WILL BE OUT OF COURSE ON BLACK FRIDAY IN FULL LOGO GEAR WORKIN IT !! Remember to be quick when asking and jot down and email address if you meet them at store. At the show you will get all that info!! Good luck !!
  • #20
kitchendivakathy...I am certainly listening to you...only 10 posts but 13 thank you's!!! I will listen when you talk!!!

Oh, and Darcy......GET ON THE PHONE!!
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  • #21

So I'm going to break it down here in hopes of making myself accountable...

I need 15,829 points to earn Disney Level 2

I have signed 5 new team members since last month that need to qualify. I'm honestly not sure that they all will before December ends, but I must commit to providing them with some personal training in hope of encouraging them to do so! This would give me 10,000 more points bringing my points needed to 5,829.

I have 1000 worth of sales already this month that haven't been submitted, bringing my points needed to 4,829.

I have two more shows this weekend that I'm hoping to bring in about another 1000 points - leaving 3,829 points.

I have three shows scheduled for December and am more than willing to add more to my calendar. I also have some potential November catalog shows going on right now, I say potential because they need some more host coaching from me to actually pan out, but the interest is there. Sooooo, basically, I need to hope for the 5 recruits to qualify and for myself to come up with the other 4000 points needed on my own!

I can do this, I'm just so freaking afraid of that phone, I keep coming up with excuse after excuse to not pick it up. I'm never prepared enough, or never have enough time, blah blah blah. It's all in my head and I'm struggling to overcome it!!!
  • #22
You can only overcome it by picking it up and dialing!! Do it for Mickey!!
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Ok, so I picked up the phone tonight and GUESS WHAT!!! Three more shows added to my calendar for December! Plus several messages that I'm hoping to get a call back on. It was well worth the effort to get over that fear, I'm just so out of practice after taking 3 months off. It felt good to get that past me!!!! Thanks everyone for the motivation :)

<3 Darcy
  • #24
OhmyDLM said:
Ok, so I picked up the phone tonight and GUESS WHAT!!! Three more shows added to my calendar for December! Plus several messages that I'm hoping to get a call back on. It was well worth the effort to get over that fear, I'm just so out of practice after taking 3 months off. It felt good to get that past me!!!! Thanks everyone for the motivation :)

<3 Darcy

Now if THAT'S not a motivator to keep picking up the phone, then I don't know what is.
I am proud of you!
Keep on keeping on!!!
  • #25
Wow, Darcy, way to go!!!! That's great!! And it's inspiration for ME to get on the phone, too!!!! Keep on going!
  • #26
Great job! I need some December (and January) shows. To the phones!
  • #27
Good Job, Darcy!!! Just keep going!! Remember to host coach them to $1000 shows! Getting the bookings is only the first step. (This is coming from someone who learned the hard way)
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  • #28
Chef Kearns said:
Good Job, Darcy!!! Just keep going!! Remember to host coach them to $1000 shows! Getting the bookings is only the first step. (This is coming from someone who learned the hard way)

Goodness, this is FANTASTIC advice! I really struggle with that aspect of my business. I've got to tell you, the absolute craziest thing happened at my show today, 5 PEOPLE BOOKED FOR DECEMBER! 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And all from different circles. As of right now I have a show on December 1st, 2nd, 5th, my Mega Show on the 6th with 6 confirmed hosts so far, 8th, 9th, 10th, & the 12th. That makes....... 13 shows for December! Not one of which has their host packets yet (after not working for three months I don't have any supplies and am in desperate need to place an order).

I have another show tomorrow and I'm worried about whether or not I should add more shows to December or just call it quits with what I have. As it is, I see myself mentally and physically exhausted, (I have a 15 month old at home as well to take care of - oh, and a husband as well hahaha). But I want Disney so bad for my family, I'm thinking about sacrificing my sanity, just makes me a litte nervous as I'm also 15 weeks pregnant, so there's a little more to worry about by doing that.

As for now, I think I probably need to just start focussing on the host coaching, because I know your right, I've booked them, but will they hold? And will they be successful? That's whats important right!
  • #29
That is amazing news Darcy!!! Thirteen shows?! Wow!! You are on your way!! Now, time to get busy!!
  • Thread starter
  • #30
Ok, so I did that show today and walked away with 1 MORE booking for December so add the 7th to my list. Wow... I've got some work to do! The others booked for January!!!
  • #31
OhmyDLM said:
Ok, so I did that show today and walked away with 1 MORE booking for December so add the 7th to my list. Wow... I've got some work to do! The others booked for January!!!

Darcy, you inspired me! I doubt I will earn disney level 2 :( Even if I get the sales, I still need to qualify 1 and don't have any potentials. I did a show last night and walked away with 3 DATED shows (2 in the next 2 weeks and 1 for January) and 2 solid recruit leads. I will be talking to them tomorrow. I felt really good about myself and my biz when I came home. And I have another show tomorrow night!

This board is soooooo supportive and I love it here! Thanks Ladies!!!! :D
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  • #32
GREAT JOB COLLEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm wishing you the very best there is and truely hopping a potential sneaks in there for you before the years end! How about offerring something big as an incentive???

I do have to admit, I've been offerring extra free product to those who are willing to book with me within two weeks and be added to my December calendar. That's what's gotten me those 10+ shows in the past couple of days all for two weeks or less away! It's a gamble, but I'm so close to Disney I thought I'd give it a try.

Now I'm starting to worry about my team. I've spent so much time setting up my own calendar and working my own business, that they havn't heard much from me. Remember, I still need the new 5 to qualify by December's end for the points! Gosh... my long shot is looking shorter and shorter, but it's still LONG!
  • #33
Thanks Darcy!

I offered an incentive last night and it worked. I'm going to do it for my next 5 shows to see what happens. I'm still 16k away from Level 2... even if my one qualifies and drops me to 14,632, it's still a HUGE stretch!

I have more calls to make tomorrow and I think I will make 2 tonight before I have dinner to see... can't hurt, right?

At least, if nothing else, I'm motivated!!!!!

PS: The part about ignoring your team... since I dropped to TL, I've laid off on my contact with my team. Funny thing... I had my 2nd best month EVER last month, this month will now become my 2nd best month ever (beating last month) and the good news is the my team has survived without me and have even had an awesome month on their own so far ($3k+ sales not including my $4k). They don't seem to be any more worse off without my constant contact. Hmmmmm.....

UPDATE: Just made 2 calls... got a booking for January and left a voicemail. :)
  • #34
You guys are amazing!! Right now we all seem to be booming--where was this 4 or 5 months ago? I know it's the holiday season.

Anyway just had to share out of the blue one of my VERY part time girls gets a recruit and that makes 2 SC for me so if those 4 turn something in by the end of the month I'll have my Directorship back. And 2 of the 4 have already turned $150 in!! Talked to the the 3rd one today and she is hoping to get a catalog show in. Now I just need to talk to the new girl. Hopefully I can get some catalogs to her and get her to collect orders during Thanksgiving. As a team we already have $5100 in and I have Over $2200 to still turn in so this will probably be our biggest month ever!! Maybe some of this is really going to work out--When I became a Team Leader I wasn't sure I was ever going to get Directorship back because my girls are so part time that sometimes it seems like they don't try!

Congrats to everyone!! Now I need to book 3 more shows for December--gotta get on the phone tomorrow. 3 more will make 11 for me!!
  • #35
Darcy and Colleen you are inspiring me!! I think I need 3 more Dec booking to feel comfortable in earning Disney. I had kinda given up on it because we are just 3 days from Thanksgiving! LOL!! Now, I'm getting on that phone!! I've got a party tomorrow night and I hope to get at least 1 Dec booking from there. We can DO this Darcy!!! And Colleen!!
  • #36
You all are inspiring me too!! I've wondered the same thing....where was all this "mojo" a few months ago! I could've used it then! I decided a couple months ago not to stress about Disney and to really focus on maintaining my directorship, earning a good SAT level and getting set up to take off with a bang in the new year.

However, this mojo is rubbing off on me too!! My host from Saturday is a solid recruit lead who wants to sign it sounds like (once she talks to some friends....) and at my show today I booked (with dates!) two shows, one of which may be a mega show or at least a co-hosted show with a HUGE guest list.

I'm SO impressed with everyone's motivation and your perseverance to NOT give up!! It makes me think maybe I shouldn't have thrown in the towel!!!
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  • #37
Oh gosh guys, I can tell you where my "mojo" was a few months ago, IT WAS NON-EXISTENT!

I haven't even told you guys the worst of it, the crazy boo boo's I made while I was dilusional from being so sick from severe morning sickness. To make a long story somewhat short, I LOST over $115,000+ in career sales for being inactive for the very first time in my almost 6 year career! I thought I had it covered and I didn't, sent in the wrong waiver request, and fell asleep by accident and missed the midnight deadline with some orders I had by 1 HOUR!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I'm an idiot and there's nothing that can be done.

Needless to say, it was either give in and give up or face the fact that I made a major bone head move and commit to work through it. I'm choosing to move on from it now that I'm feeling better in my 2nd trimester and I currently have less than $1000 in career sales and NO RAISE! Ahhhh, let's see how fast I can get it back!

I call that little story a "DON'T DO WHAT DARCY DID" moment of my life!!!
  • #38
Darcy, I've got a couple of those stories myself. I missed coming out of re-promotion by forgetting to have 5 qualified consultants on my team back in March. March 30 was my end date. I thought I had it girl!! I was doing the happy dance and was so excited to be starting the new program as a Director. It wasn't until registration for NC came up later in April that I finally realized that I wasn't a Director!! I went to register for NC and was excited to take Directore classes, but none came up. Girl, I had 7 active consultants in March, but only 4 were qualified!! I was so pissed and depressed. Then I had another "Darcy" moment (not really, I'm a bone-head all on my own. lol) a few months ago. I almost quit!! So I had some really bad, horrible months. That's why I'm scrambling now. I hate it!! However, I am not quitting!! I know I can do this and so can you!~

A couple of months ago I don't think I would've caught this fever. I would've just said, "whatever" if I read through this months ago. My mind wasn't right to receive it. Unfortunately it is now at the critical moment!! That's okay!! We have time!!
  • #39
LOVE :love0010: this thread!!! YOU GO LADIES!!!

And Darcy, I know that I am speaking for both Caroline and myself...but for ONCE...our nagging helped!!! But it helped only because you listened...something our children, husbands or significant others don't do...if only they listened to our nagging more often!!!:D:D
  • #40
How is everyone doing? I rejoined after my year expired just to read this thread.
Darcy, I understand the sheer exhaustion, I hope you are doing ok this week. I have 4 kids 6,4, 3 and 3months who is still nursing. This week my show schedule is 30th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, (the 7th cancelled:( 9th, 10th,11th, and 12th. Team meeting on the 14th. Of course my kids were throwing up the first half of the week too. That being said it is still easier than being pregnant and doing shows!So right now I need 10,000 points for level 3. I had a show Monday that will close over $500, Tuesdays show will be $400-$500, Wednesday was $300 so far. Tonights show will be $1000 if one customer orders the knife block set at full price. I have 6 more cooking shows scheduled before the 12th. One show an the go at a school. And 6 catalog shows left to close. I offered the catalog shows an incentive to reach $300. I am pushing my online sales to everyone I can think of and trying to get a $1000 mystery host show started. I am offering a Free DCB to anyone who books and holds a $500 show before the end of the year too.I need one more recruit to qualify. I have two who never did but neither are very motivated to get there.
I had two who told me they wanted to sign, but now I can't reach them.
I THINK tonight I met a girl who might sign this weekend and she is motivated to qualify!!!
Wish me luck and thanks for letting me talk, everyone around here is sick of listening.I would love to hear if there is anything else you guys are doing to get to Disney.Good luck to everyone else!!!
  • #41
As of right now I am 4747 away from Level 2! My goal to get there is to give a recruit an incentive to qualify this month. She signed on Monday and has 2 parties booked for this month. I wasn't going to bother her or ask her to stretch so that I hit MY goal, but I've changed my mind. I"ve decided that in this case it is okay to be selfish. LOL! So, if she qualifies this month that leaves me needed to sell $2727 this month. I have 4 parties (I know, very low) and I am running a 10 host show!! Some of my friends are putting orders in. For everyone who orders I've giving them a FREE gift. Once their sales hit $100 (as an individual) they are in the running for the host benefits. I'm hoping to have 15 participants!! So, between my 4 parties and the 10 show hosts my sales should get there. It is going to come down to a new recruit qualifying!! I hate that!!
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  • #42
Oh my gosh guys, you're all doing so well! I'm so excited and so proud of all of you!!!

Ok, so warning, this is going to be long, but I've got to talk it out and I need some encouragement or suggestions to keep me going. Thanks for listening if you can, as I sincerely appreciate the support...

So I've hit a bit of a bump in the road partly due to some crappy seasonal weather, but I've also had some unexpected things happen that may possibly INCREASE my chances of earning Disney! They are all what if scenarios, but they ARE possibilities!!!

Here's the thing. I live in Maine and we are creeping into our winter weather season. Well I booked a December FULL of cooking shows because I'm about 6000 points away from Disney. Today was the date of my Mega Show that I rented a hall for and everything, invested a lil bit more than I should have, but I got carried away with the excitement of it all. Well of course, that Maine winter weather came and totally bit me in the butt with our first snow storm of the season, which in turn has hit my wallet pretty hard too. As a result, my big Mega show that I was banking on getting me lots of sales points from (I need about 6000 points this month to make it happen), was more of a bust... three hosts canceled due to weather, 3 showed up, but most of their guests did not. I was so frustrated, but on with the show we went, someone there is listening right! Sales were low, however, I got two very pleasant surprises instead! Two of my hosts told me they are interested in signing this month on my team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So this is what my host's and I discussed together... We are planning on turning both of today's shows in as their very own first shows! I mean, they were there, they did the work with me, it would be fair/ethical. I know I'll be loosing out on the income, but what I will be getting is the opportunity to have another 4000 points and new team members to build my team with.

What I am terrified about right now is our weather forcast. I have a show Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday and I hear we may possibly be getting 2 feet of snow in between Wednesday/Thursday, smack dab in the middle of my show schedule. I sware, I'll have a heart attack if it does, I don't know what I'll do :( Let's just hope the weather God's treat me well and hold off the storms until Sunday at the earliest!

Soooooooo, here's my rundown/plan as of tonight in my "what-if" situation I have going on in my mind... just talking it all out to keep me accountable as I know you'll all help cheer me on and keep me motivated!!! :)

Right now I currently have 41,000 points

I have 3 news consultants who have plans in place to qualify by the end of December which would give me another 6000 points. Bringing my total to 47,000 points. (5000 away from Level 2 still)

I just signed another consultant tonight which I don't have any hope for in qualifying by December so no points for this incentive trip, but there's always next year's incentive right! :)

I have the two hosts from today's Mega Show who will sign and submit their shows as their own, one is large enough to qualify and the other will need to do some work to finish the $1250 by the end of December. But let's be optimistic and say that they do, that's another 4000 points (leaving me with only 1000 points to go!) And again, I have those 4 shows this week, weather god's permitting, so I think that I can do that!

Oh my gosh, is this still possible? Could my family be going to Disney after all? Wow, this whole process is so full of ups and downs and certanties and uncertanties, I'm about as stressed out as I could possibly be right now as it's all I can focus on. I seriously can barely squeek out a word right now, I've lost so much sleep, and as a result, have lost my voice in return! I've gotta earn this Disney trip, but this busy Mamma's gotta keep her health somehow too! I can just see me at my show Tuesday night trying to sign my demo cause I can't speak! LoL

I can do this right??? :) Anyone else still fighting along like I am?
  • #43
YOU CAN TOTALLY DO IT! Your plan makes a lot of sense and I think it's possibly. Just try to manage your time well because I'm sure with all those shows (assuming they all hold and the weather cooperates) and trying to get those last consultants qualified, it may be hard to juggle! But it's completely possible and you WILL do it!

Sorry your mega show didn't work out. :( Or at least work out as well as you hoped, but you did get some GREAT potential out of it!!!

Keep us posted!
  • #44
"Oh my gosh, is this still possible? Could my family be going to Disney after all? Wow, this whole process is so full of ups and downs and certanties and uncertanties, I'm about as stressed out as I could possibly be right now as it's all I can focus on. I seriously can barely squeek out a word right now, I've lost so much sleep, and as a result, have lost my voice in return! I've gotta earn this Disney trip, but this busy Mamma's gotta keep her health somehow too! I can just see me at my show Tuesday night trying to sign my demo cause I can't speak! LoL

I can do this right??? Anyone else still fighting along like I am?"

I am right there with you!!! You have put the way I feel into words perfectly. I had a show for today cancel:( and I had one for tomorrow that turned into a catalog show. I need a total of 10,000 points to get there, (we really need the bigger travel allowance to be able to go as we will have to buy in two kids and hope they let us all stay in one room since they are little)
Right now I have about $2500 to turn in and 4 cooking shows this week on Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat. I also have 5 catalog shows going on. I have had 5 people who were going to sign at the end of Nov or now and yet to sign one!
It is looking like the only way I can go is to qualify 2 people. I have one on my team who has yet to qualify, but right now her career sales are $200 and she has another $200 show going in. I am going to give her mom a call and ask her to do a catalog show for her(her mom was my original contact) Then I am going to offer to basically give her a show if she will come do it with me.
I have a girl who might sign and I think she might qualify right away but..........
I am up again loosing sleep and crunching numbers. So I promise, I am right there with you.
I hope when the Jan 5-10th rolls around I am ready to get back to a bunch of back to back shows.
My baby is not liking this at all either. He is 3 months and decided Monday night to quit taking a bottle. Up until now he has been fine taking a bottle if I have a show and BF when I am home. I worked Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, and Fri and he didn't take a single bottle!

Sorry this turned into such a long post, once you get me started. I just need to figure out what else I can do here.
  • #45
YOu guys can DO IT!! Keep crunching those numbers and MAKE IT HAPPEN! It makes it hard when you have to qualify those people BUT keep managing your time business and it'll pay off in your paycheck AND in June!

We're rooting you guys on! I still haven't earned it yet but WILL! I have 46,728 and need one more recruit to qualify to earn the trip. I have @ $2k to turn in so that puts me at about 48,728 and still have a show M,T,Th, Fri and Monday. I have 5 recruits to qualify but only need one more for Level 2. I WILL do it! When one qualifies that puts me at almost 51k BUT that doesn't count any online orders or my shows. So, I will earn it, just a matter of WHEN? :)

Good luck guys! Can't wait to see you all here in Orlando!
  • #46
Darcy, I'd definitely discuss a contingency plan for weather with your hostesses. They can go online or call in orders instead if the live show has to cancel.I have a show on Tuesday night and we are expecting some snow, so I'll be discussing that with my hostess today!
  • Thread starter
  • #47
Thanks again everyone for your support, it really does help to keep me sane in a time when I feel like I'm loosing all sanity! To top it all off, I can barely speak right now. I'm so over-worked and over-tired, both with work and also with my 16 month old, let alone being 17 weeks pregnant too. I've lost my voice completely and a gosh-aweful cold is setting in, can't break out my nose, totally congested, I sound terrible, it's gonna take a lot of effort to try and sound "normal" for those shows I have Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Saturday. You know, I'm really missing medicine right now, it would be so much easier to "fake" it if I could just take some cold medicine!!! The things we do for pregnancy right!

Ok, enough whining from me... now onto some positive thinking! I know I can do this, I just need to make it happen! I'm wondering if I could still make some phone calls and ask for some people to try and collect a few orders for me and throw in another show or two. I hardly ever have catalog shows running as I forget about them, perhaps it's time to take advantage of their existence!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #48
DebbieJ said:
Darcy, I'd definitely discuss a contingency plan for weather with your hostesses. They can go online or call in orders instead if the live show has to cancel.

I have a show on Tuesday night and we are expecting some snow, so I'll be discussing that with my hostess today!

This is something that I haven't done so far, and I'm certainly going to focus on it today! Thank you for sharing it with me! My only issue is that I can't call a single one of those hosts right now, if they heard me, they'd cancel their show for sure, I sound that sick! I'll start sending out some emails instead. What have you been doing for plans? Do you reschedule or just turn them into catalog shows? If I were to reschedue, I'm not sure when to do it. I still have this Friday open and this Sunday & Monday open, squeeze them into there even tho it's only a day or so from deadline date???
  • #49
OhmyDLM said:
This is something that I haven't done so far, and I'm certainly going to focus on it today! Thank you for sharing it with me! My only issue is that I can't call a single one of those hosts right now, if they heard me, they'd cancel their show for sure, I sound that sick! I'll start sending out some emails instead. What have you been doing for plans? Do you reschedule or just turn them into catalog shows? If I were to reschedue, I'm not sure when to do it. I still have this Friday open and this Sunday & Monday open, squeeze them into there even tho it's only a day or so from deadline date???

Not sure yet! I'm going to discuss it with my hostess today!
  • #50
With the shows I have I don't think I can get there with sales points. I need another recruit to qualify. I have 2 who haven't qualified yet, but neither of them are even close or motivated to do it. How do I light a gentle fire? I don't want them to turn resentful, but I REALLY WANT TO EARN DISNEY!!!
<h2>1. How close are you to earning the Disney trip?</h2><p>I am currently 7600 points away from earning the Disney trip.</p><h2>2. How many shows do you have scheduled?</h2><p>I have 5 shows scheduled this month and 2 shows scheduled for next month.</p><h2>3. What is your sales average?</h2><p>My sales average is around $500.</p><h2>4. Have you been in this position before?</h2><p>Yes, I have been in this position before where I thought earning the Disney trip was out of reach.</p><h2>5. What can you do to make it happen?</h2><p>I am willing to book more shows and offer special sales or extra recruiting incentives to reach my goal of earning the Disney trip. I am also open to any suggestions or advice from others who have been in a similar position.</p>

Related to Working Towards Disney, Need Help!

1. How close are you to earning the Disney trip?

I am currently 7600 points away from earning the Disney trip.

2. How many shows do you have scheduled?

I have 5 shows scheduled this month and 2 shows scheduled for next month.

3. What is your sales average?

My sales average is around $500.

4. Have you been in this position before?

Yes, I have been in this position before where I thought earning the Disney trip was out of reach.

5. What can you do to make it happen?

I am willing to book more shows and offer special sales or extra recruiting incentives to reach my goal of earning the Disney trip. I am also open to any suggestions or advice from others who have been in a similar position.

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