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Why Is Closing Dates So Difficult? My Experience and Woes.

In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulty of closing kitchen shows on a certain date, as well as the frustration of dealing with unresponsive hosts. Some participants prefer to close the show on the night of the party, while others give the host a few extra days to gather outside orders. The importance of closing by the end of the month is also mentioned, as well as strategies for handling potential bookings and managing finances.
So, I had 3 shows booked & should of closed last night so I would get the incentive - the new stoneware, however, 2 of the Hosts can't return emails or calls?

Why is something so simple, like picking up the phone or sending an email when we've already arranged to close the show on a certain date, become so difficult?

I go above & beyond with my hosts, yet I'm irratated, I'm sorry I had to vent, not to mention, now I do not get the stoneware ( I know I can buy it, but is not the same)

What do you do - how do you keep the closing date? I even offer a special gift!

Thanks! ( and Thanks for listening!)
I have to admit I don't give the hosts closing dates for kitchen shows. The show closes the night of their party...so any outside orders have to be gathered prior to the show, not after.
I do the same thing. I close all shows the night of the party. I have had a few times when the host says she has some definete orders to be gathered. I think you are just opening yourself up for trouble when you give the host extended days. People get busy and a few days will turn into 2 weeks in not time. I push getting all of her outside orders before the show not after. I tell them as well in advance that I will be closing the night of the show to ensure her guests will get their products in a timely matter.
i have started doing the same thing. my first few shows were held open for a month due to hosts not wanting to close. i just tell them if they have any more orders i will give them a catalog show so they can still get the hosts benefits but the show will definately close that night.i dont have the patience or time to track down someone to close a show. that sounds mean but its just the cold hard truth!!
I book the party with the intent on closing it by a certain time. I do not close on the day of the party unless the host insists or it is on the last day of the month. I let my hosts know that the only definite close date is the end of the month because if we carry over to the next month I will switch the guest and host specials to reflect the new month. Most of my hosts are motivated by not wanting to miss out on the special of their choice.

This is especially important for specials like the double points because they have to be held and submitted in Feb. I don't like to look at the total and be confused because it doesn't add up because of a Jan show that closed in Feb.

I was disappointed to not earn the stoneware. I had 3 shows booked to ensure at least 2 of them would hold and close by the 20th, but 2 had to reschedule (due to a death in the family and a scheduling conflict). It's not the end of the world. Getting it at 50% off is only going to be around $12. That's not so bad. Plus there is a good chance that I'll get conference for FREE which is cool. I still have 6 shows left this month...they are all excited and enthusiastic about their parties. I am looking forward to it!!
I just thought of something else. Sometimes at a party there are people that may book, but want to check with a spouse or their friends. I feel good letting them know that they've got some time. I can see them visibly relax. They don't feel like they're on the spot. I don't like to put in the booking unless they've committed. That saves me on follow-up. I don't have to worry about that booking.

Also it gives me time to get to the bank for all the checks to clear.

I can understand why some of you choose to close on the party date, but I find that giving it a few days works well for me.
How do you close a show on the night of the show? I do pull the host aside to tell them where they are at on product value. But most of the time they still have guest and they wold not want to decide what they wanted to get right then and there. I try to close most of my shows out no more then a week later and I guess I am lucky because I have not had a host not get back to me.
I never close night of, but I used to it!When I first started with Pampered Chef I used to close shows the night of.... What I found was my sales were much lower because I believe that hostess coaching does not end the night of the party, when I sit down with a host and her sales are $620 , I say, "Sally, that's awesome... You know you are ONLY 4 orders away from $800" I encourage them to reaxh a little higher. Besides there are always no shows that the hostess would like to follow up with.

My biggest reason for doing so is because it gives them an opportunity to figure out what they really want. In my opinion our parties are a good reason for them to have their friends over so I want them to ENJOY themselves. I always say let's close your party in 2-3 days. That gives you enough time to follow up on your orders and figure out what you want!

And.... One last thing. A host in my opinion is being irresponsible to keep a show open so long... I would leave a message on her answering machine after 7-10 MAX and say, "Sally, we really have to get your show closed up so your guests are not left wondering what's happened to the orders. If I don't hear from you by tomorrow I will just guess which items you want for FREE!"

I am sure they will promptly return your call.....

I consider that shows booked in the last few days of the month are part of next month's paycheck. I know that complicates things when the promotion is "held and submitted" but the bottom line is keeping my hosts happy and a getting a consistant paycheck.

I rarely close my shows the night of the party unless the host insists. I give them 3-5 days depending on what they say and what my schedule allows. Like a previous poster said, I host coach them to higher sales by inticing them with "look what you'll get if your sales get to just $___ more. Who haven't you talked to yet or didn't come tonight that you could call in the next day or two?" Most are happy to have those extra days to not only get additional orders but to sit down and really decide what they want with their benefits.

I set the date and time to close with the host when I arrive at her house and announce at the show when the host and I are closing the show and tell them that if they want to add to their order, tell a friend about the show and get an order from her or if they decide after leaving that they want to book a show they have to call me before then so she can get the credit. I also tell them approximately when the products should be delivered to the host based on the date we said we will be closing.

When I give the host her benefit totals so far I stress that we must close when we agreed because her friends will be wanting their things. She knows they know when to expect them. I have rarely had a host who wasn't ready when I called.

Of course I have run into the type that puts me off but usually it's because life has happened to them.
  • #10
I agree with Laurie and BethI very rarely close a show the night of the party for all the reasons Laurie and Beth mentioned, PLUS most of the time the host will see something during the demo that now he/she just has to have that wasn't on their list. It actually happened to me just this afternoon. The host had all her items picked out before I got there, and then after I showed some of the cookbooks, she decided she wanted to start a cookbook collection, too. She's adding to her order, not substituting, so it's a win-win situation - she gets to buy more product at a discount, and I'll get more commission :D

  • Thread starter
  • #11
Thanks everyone, I'm taking into count everyones ideas & own expereinces. I appreciate it greatly

The longer I am a consultant, the more I learn.
  • #12
Chef Kearns said:
I just thought of something else. Sometimes at a party there are people that may book, but want to check with a spouse or their friends. I feel good letting them know that they've got some time. I can see them visibly relax. They don't feel like they're on the spot. I don't like to put in the booking unless they've committed. That saves me on follow-up. I don't have to worry about that booking.

Also it gives me time to get to the bank for all the checks to clear.

I can understand why some of you choose to close on the party date, but I find that giving it a few days works well for me.

I give my host the choice, and if they want to collect a few more orders that is finr with me. We set a new date to speak and close. I too like to be able to tell flustered guests they can take the catalog with them and order in the next few days. These people are greatful ~ makes a loyal customer, and gives me the chance to call them away from the party. Making it easier to "feel them out". :)
  • #13
monica_sweetconsultant said:
i have started doing the same thing. my first few shows were held open for a month due to hosts not wanting to close. i just tell them if they have any more orders i will give them a catalog show so they can still get the hosts benefits but the show will definately close that night.i dont have the patience or time to track down someone to close a show. that sounds mean but its just the cold hard truth!!

Monica, how do they usually respond to that?
  • #14
most of them are fine with closing there shows that night because i travel a good distance for each. where i live in mississippi there are tons of small towns...one after another. sometimes i may have to drive 30-45 min. one way to get to a show. so time-wise they understand i have a family and they have a family and they just want to end it there. like my show next week....it is 1 hour one way. my hubby is working overtime now and we only have one vehicle as of date. its hard to set a time to go back to her house and sit down and figure all this out. when i do my shows i tell my hosts i am in no hurry to leave and when they want to sit down and close we will. it gives me time to mingle with guests and the host time to enjoy her friends and pick out what she wants. so i dont feel like i pressure them and so far none have complained about being pressured.
  • #15
Monica--am I understanding your post correctly, are you meeting them in person to close their party? Wow!!

I just close over the phone. It is more convenient for me and the host. I'm sure they appreciate the extra attention of meeting with you in person.
  • #16
yep i always close in person. to be honest i dont trust the mail system. one of my past hosts never recieved there packet i mailed to them and they only lived the next county over!!! so if a host had more orders and wanted to mail me a check it would be my luck i would never recieve it!! plus i like giving them the one-on-one experience. i also like doing the host coaching in person. i went last night to my hostess for next weeks party house an hour away just to plan a menu and go over last minute details. she's super excited and really liked the fact i would drive that far just to talk.
  • #17
Closing shows...The benefit to this business is that we are continually willing to share what others are doing.

On average I hold 10-12 shows a month. When I leave a show I let the host know that their orders are delivered by UPS and that I will not be seeing them again to close the show in person we'll do it over the phone.

I think closing in person offers something really special... No doubt.

I run a business and I could not justify being out another 10-12 times on top of shows. I know there is no way that is feasible for me. The other reason I would not consider it is because I am saying to my host ,"Look how easy my job is!" I come in, I cook I clean it up, I leave you get to go shopping. It would not look so easy if potential recruits are thinking, "They have to leave their house twice for 1 party?!" Just my thoughts. How is your recruiting going for those of you who close in person? I want to make my job look as EASY as possible to everyone. And when I am asked questions, like how many hours do you actually put in per show. My answer is 4 hours - door to door. It takes me 5-10 minutes to close a party over the phone!

Outside orders? I mail them a Pampered partner Receipt. They give me the order over the phone. But before I leave my hosts house I say, "Would it be alright of anymore orders that come in - you have the guests make the cheques payable to you? And you can put it on your cc so that the show can be processed right away? I have only had one host say she does not have a credit card - so then I waited for the cheque before sending the show in.
  • #18
Remember YOU are the consultant.You decide when the show closes, not them! Ultimately, it occurs when you enter their orders in Pampered Partner and send it off. If you clearly tell your host that will occur on Sunday night, or Thursday at 6pm, then do it.

Being spongy about dates and deadlines will not help your host or your future business. Any orders that come in after that, can still be placed as individual orders - the person will receive their stuff, (and likely, they know that it was due at whatever previous time). It simply doesn't help the host get free products at that point. (and why should it! They were the one who was late!)

TPC is so very generous with hosts - expect a lot from them and they will deliver. In a worst-case scenario, you can pay the difference on shipping so a customer isn't put out because the host wasn't timely.

Good luck. Remember - you drive your business, not the host. You set the bar, not them.
  • #19
Scott I agree totally. as for me closing shows in person, i dont think of it as an inconvenience and most of my hostess are repeat customers. if a potential recruit asked if they HAD to do that naturally i would tell them no. its just someting i like to do to help my guest feel special. thats the beauty of our business. do it the way you want. also, iam out to impress my host not a future recruit. i dont push recruiting period. if someone wants info i give it to them. i dont push that area.
  • #20
I don't normally close the day of the show either unless the hostess says she can't get any more outside orders and wants to close that day. My hosts normally want to hold the show open for a few days to get orders. It seems to work for them because most of my hosts collect $100 -200 or more in outside orders after the show. I don't close in person but one thing I do is I staple the guest's receipts along with a thank you letter, the recipe I demoed at the show, and a business card together. Then I take them all to my hosts house and ask her to put the guests stapled receipts in each of their bags, explain what to do when the products come in, I show her the thank you letter that tells her how much she saved by being a host, and give her any other info I need to. So I do meet with the host its just mainly after closing.
  • #21
laad said:
The benefit to this business is that we are continually willing to share what others are doing.

On average I hold 10-12 shows a month. When I leave a show I let the host know that their orders are delivered by UPS and that I will not be seeing them again to close the show in person we'll do it over the phone.

Holy booking! Laurie, HOW so you get so many shows booked? That is so amazing! How long have you been with PC, and how long did it take to get so many regular bookings?
  • #22
Well...I have been with Pampered Chef for 2.5 years. A year after I joined I promoted to Director and that's really when my show schedule picked up! I LOVE what I do, I have fun, my guests have fun. I talk up bookings as much as recruiting and rarely make calls. I book parties from my parties. If someone is a "maybe" I consider them a yes and schedule their party. I have started to send out invitations for my host and have seen an increase in show attendance - more people = a bigger pool to draw from for bookings! :)

Earning the trip is a big motivator for me. So my goal is to have it earned by conference!

How many shows do you do? How many would you like?

[email protected]
  • #23

How do you stay organized doing that many shows a month. My goal is to make director by national conference. I have 9 shows this month, and my goal is 8-10 a month, but I am finding a hard time keeping thigs organized. I use PP as a tickler file- but I am having a hard time keeping up with everything.
  • #24
OrganizationIs something I struggle with... But here are a couple of things I do. My schedule is the same every week.
Thurs, Fri, Saturday

I close shows on Monday and Tuesdays

I host coach every Monday from 7-9

I keep my stuff packed in the van or in the garage.

I only offer a few varieties of recipes, so I don't have to pack different items for every show

I bring a laptop to my show - so the entering is finished....

I really don't see myself as organized - but little by little...

What do you do?

  • #25
I'm the same way....I've been able to build a pretty consistent show schedule, but I'm NOT the most organized person. That's one of my goals this year. I've learned to prioritize a little bit better. Such as by not checking this site 15 times a day like I REALLY want to do! I've tried to limit it more so I can focus on the more pressing things. This site can be addictive! :) I also am now using a laptop that I got from my husband and it does save some great time. So does the fact that we have wireless, so I can work on shows and stuff when I'm around the house doing other stuff like keeping a better eye on the kids, while watching tv and that kind of stuff. I think a BIG difference has been really just doing one recipe a month and not offering a ton of options. I've been doing the Italian Chicken Pasta Toss this month and it makes it so much easier because I come home, put the stuff in the dishwasher and then just pack it right back up into my Show To Go. I'm not scrambling to figure out exactly what tools I need for each show. I have six shows this month and five of them did that recipe. I have one next Sunday doing a different one, but it's the winner of a free kitchen show so I'm getting the ingredients and can prep things at home which will save time.

I also gave myself a break and cleared out my Daily Contact List/to do list in Contact Management. I had things in there from this fall that I did, but still needed follow up on. I just gave myself permission to clear those out and start fresh. That felt better because even though I can go back and do them, I can also focus on more pertinent things and start the year off right. Like really keeping up with Morning After Calls and Out of the Box calls.

Next month I have nine shows and I'm REALLY going to need to stay organized. I'm trying to pack as many shows in so I have a better chance of earning the trip to Atlantis this year!! Woo hoo.

Anyway, I like your organization, Laurie about when you do shows, submit shows and all of that. That sounds like a good schedule that's working for you!!! :)
  • #26
Laurie, I like your ideas - and I will try to incorporate them. I do not have a consistent show schedule. That is one idea I will try, also- I need to get to where the hostess buys to ingredients- I was buying ingredients, and having them reimburse me, so that I could do the prep work at home, but now that I am able to set up shows much quicker, I would have the time to prep there, which will free up time at home. I use a laptop at my shows now, which really saves time. We are empty nesters now, so I do not have the kids to contend with, but I need to just block out times in my day to commit to office hours. I like the idea of offering just 1 recipe a month. That will make things easier. I have my first recruit-interview tomorrow, and since my goal is to make director by National Conference, I need to schedule recruiting time and training time into my schedule as well- I tell my husband all the time- I NEED A WIFE!!!!
  • #27
mrssyvo said:
- I tell my husband all the time- I NEED A WIFE!!!!
Ha ha! That's funny. I need one too, then! :D Or some type of personal assistant. Some bigwig Senior National Directors and above have office assistants, so I'm just dreaming that someday if I ever make it there I can hire someone!!!! :D
  • #28
pamperedbecky said:
.... I think a BIG difference has been really just doing one recipe a month and not offering a ton of options. I've been doing the Italian Chicken Pasta Toss this month and it makes it so much easier because I come home, put the stuff in the dishwasher and then just pack it right back up into my Show To Go. ... I'm getting the ingredients and can prep things at home which will save time.

Will you share the recipe and exactly what you pack (and what is left at home) please? :)
  • #29
its_me_susan said:
Will you share the recipe and exactly what you pack (and what is left at home) please? :)

Here's where the recipe is:

As for what I pack, do you mean specifically for this recipe? I basically pack everything listed in the recipe. I also make the Quick Garlic Bites (using many of the same tools as the recipe above), so to make that I need my Professional Small Saute Pan, Italian Seasoning, Garlic Press, Bamboo Spatula, Silicone Oven Mitt, and the SA Medium Square to serve it on. I pass around all of the seasonings in the medium Stainless Steel Mixing Bowl when I talk about the seasonings. I always bring all cookbooks and spread them out on the table. Any extras that I bring (if any) are: SA Entertaining Set and Hospitality Stand, Small Bowl Caddy and two Striped Small Bowls, all Self Sharpening Knives, Ultimate Slice and Grate (sometimes I do a quick demo with this, as well as garnishing techniques-zester/scorer, julienne peeler, veggie peeler, Cooks Corer, etc) and I think that's about it. I have a few more things in my rolling case, but I don't always bring them out if I'm short on space. Oh and I always bring a piece of stoneware, although at the last show, I forgot to even talk about it.

Hope that helps! :)

Related to Why Is Closing Dates So Difficult? My Experience and Woes.

1. Why do closing dates seem to constantly change?

Closing dates are often determined by external factors such as vendor availability, shipping delays, and production timelines. These can be unpredictable and can cause closing dates to shift.

2. How do you handle unexpected delays in products?

We do our best to communicate any delays to our customers and provide updated timelines as soon as possible. We also work closely with our vendors to ensure that products are delivered on time.

3. Why does it take so long for products to arrive after the closing date?

After the closing date, we need to process orders, coordinate with vendors, and arrange for shipping. This can take some time, especially if there are a large number of orders to fulfill.

4. Can the closing date be extended if I miss it?

Unfortunately, we are unable to extend closing dates as it can affect our production and shipping timelines. We encourage our customers to place orders before the closing date to ensure timely delivery.

5. How can I ensure that I receive my order before a specific date?

We recommend placing your order as soon as possible and selecting expedited shipping if available. This will increase the chances of your order arriving before your desired date.

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