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Why do companies use non-English speakers for phone calls?

not call list. Thank you for calling, but I cannot talk to you."Him: "OK. I'll just leave your number then."ME: "No! I can't have that! You can just leave my number if you'd like, but I cannot have you leaving a message."Him: "OK. I'll just leave your number then."ME: "No! I can't have that! You can just leave my number if you'd like, but I cannot have you leaving a message."Him: "OK. I'll just leave your number then."ME: "No! I can't have that! You can just leave my number if
For the past several days I have been getting phone calls which the Caller ID identifies as "Fidelity." I normally do not answer, as I am fairly certain they have no valid business to discuss with me. But they keep calling and, of course, never leave a message. Well today, I finally picked up, because I am sick of the phone ringing at all hours of the early morning and late evening. And the guy had SUCH a thick accent I could not understand a single word he had to say. Not one!

I was very polite, apologized, and told him I could not understand him, and asked if there was someone who spoke clearer English for me to talk to. He put me on hold, and after a couple of minutes I gave up and hung up.

Now the rant: Why do companies feel I am going to accept their solicitation when the people calling me are completely not understandable!?!? They use up my valuable time, even though I am on the Do Not Call list, and then do not have the courtesy to be sure I can understand the person calling me! It drives me INSANE! I really want the bumper sticker that says, "If you are reading this, thank a teacher; if you are reading it in English, thank a soldier." Then, next to it, I want one that says, "Welcome to America, now speak English."

OK, end rant, thanks for letting me get that off my chest!
LOL! You are new to PC, so you wouldn't know that a while back, we had this same rant on here by many of us, only it pertained to the PC Help Desk people!

I think there were enough complaints about it, that they took people off the phones who couldn't be understood. I would just immediately ask for a supervisor.
I know what you mean. I had someone call my house 5 times asking for Paul the 1st time I thought it was my DH name the guy had such a thick accent, and every time I told him he didnt live here
If you're on the Do Not Call list, I'd definitely answer and tell them that. They can be fined for calling you when you're on the list and don't already have a business relationship with them.
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  • #5
Well, I am certainly glad PC fixed the problem! I really just want to tell them to never call me again!!I recently had the same issue with travelocity, too. We missed a flight, and I tried to call to re-schedule, and whenever I asked a question outside the usual questions they were trained to answer, I would get put on hold for several minutes. DH and I started joking that they were playing a recording of my question to a translator...
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  • #6
chefann said:
If you're on the Do Not Call list, I'd definitely answer and tell them that. They can be fined for calling you when you're on the list and don't already have a business relationship with them.

The other issue is that I am the Treasurer for a Non-profit group that does have an account with them, so I wanted to be sure they were not calling about that. Which is why I asked for someone who spoke English, in case they were calling about that account.

Plus, I fill out lots of stuff on the internet, and sometimes those things have gotten me calls in the past, because supposedly I opened a relationship with them when I filled something out. I really should start to keep better track, and start reporting the violations.
When I fill out forms online that require a phone number for no apparent reason, I use my former phone number. I think it's a fax machine now. :) I also do that when stores ask for phone number.
chefann said:
When I fill out forms online that require a phone number for no apparent reason, I use my former phone number. I think it's a fax machine now. :) I also do that when stores ask for phone number.

I use my old cell #!:D
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  • #9
That is a good idea. I wish I could remember my former phone number... Hm, maybe I have it on an old resume or something...
  • #10
chefann said:
If you're on the Do Not Call list, I'd definitely answer and tell them that. They can be fined for calling you when you're on the list and don't already have a business relationship with them.

Unless they are a charity or a school... if they are, they can still call regardless of whether or not you're on the list. Don't ya just love loopholes?

I got an unsolicited call from a realtor (should have been calling my parents, not me).... Here's how the conversation went:

Him: "I'm calling for the listing on your house..."
ME: "I'm on the do not call list."
Him: "So am I... anyway, I'm calling to talk to you about listing your house with me..."
ME: "I'm sorry... I said that I'm on the do not call list..."
Him: "So am I..."
ME: "Then you really shouldn't be calling to solicit me and also, you're calling the wrong number... you really need to be calling the homeowner and that's not me."

He hung up. Loser.
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  • #11
I once had someone call me and ask to speak to my parents (one of the reasons I have no phone courage is that I have a very young sounding voice on the phone). When I got offended and told her I hadn't lived with my parents for over 15 years, she got offended back and told me there was no need for me to be rude. I was the rude one?!?!?! That time I was the one doing the hanging up. Sheesh.
  • #12
I had a guy who was from call from Ireland or England once regarding Sprint.

He was calling to tell me that they now had service in my area & wanted me to get in on a great deal. I told him that we didn't have Sprint service available in our area & he started arguing with me! I told that since he didn't live in my area, he didn't have the right to tell me what service worked & didn't work.

PS - My brother was here at the time & had Sprint cell service. His phone was on my table with an Out-Of-Range message on his screen showing his level of coverage.

I also had a call regarding consolidation loans. Here's how the call went:

Him: Mr or Mrs Wiese, please.
Me: This is.
Him: Ma'am, I'm so glad that I got a hold of you. We're offering a special in your area for debt consolidation.
Me: We don't have any debt.
Him: Well, I'm talking about any credit cards, home mortgages, things of that nature.
Me: Sir, I just said that we don't have any debt.
Him: Sure you don't. This offer won't come around again.
Me: I'm sorry that you don't believe me, but have a great day.
Him: Thanks & I don't believe you. Everyone has debt. (hung-up!)

Can you believe that??
  • #13
Okay, I was in my car yesterday running errands. I drive an old mans car. I have a very nice (and new) Buick Lucerne. I got that car as a result of having Pontiac buy back my previous vehicle, but that's another story...anyway I had all my windows down, and my sun-roof wide open and I was BLARING some classical music. I came up to a red light, and there was a seasoned citizen in a mini-van next to me with his window rolled down. He stuck his head out the window and yelled at me to turn that crap down- he was tired of young people and their rap music.

I smiled and kindly told him it was Tchycovski- not rap! I had such a good laugh. He rolled up his window before the light turned green, and I kindly sped off so that he wouldn't have to be subjected to my classical music! :)

I know, not really what you are all talking about, but it's all I had to share...
  • #14
Kacey- thats funny! :) hee hee. I too had my car bought back but by Saturn (both are GM vehicles....I had the Saturn relay{minivan})...long story there too.

I do understand about the phone calls. I'm on the DNC list too but it doesn't seem to always work. Right now I'm getting calls from "California PAL" and no one is there when I answer. Oh well.
  • #15
Politacal calls do not apply with the DNC list either.....sigh...and it's about that season again...double sigh...
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  • #16
ChefBeckyD said:
Politacal calls do not apply with the DNC list either.....sigh...and it's about that season again...double sigh...

Yes, and they are all recorded, so you cannot even tell them off. :grumpy:

And guess what, Fidelity just called AGAIN. Only this time I said Hello three times and there was no answer. If I could jump through the phone and throttle someone, now would be the time I would do so. :grumpy: :mad: :grumpy:
  • #17
My favorite is when you tell them your not interested. Begore you even finish your sentence they hang up on you. Happens to me all the time.

Also I had someone calling to consolidate my DH student loans. He wasn't home at the time and I told them we were not interested and to put us on thier do not call list, they told me they could only talk to my DH they called several times before they got a hold of him and he would not give them the time of day since they woldnt even listen to me
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  • #18
I have had that happen, too, Jennie, and they drive me nuts! I know they are just people trying to earn a living, but they just burn me up when they do rude stuff...
  • #19
Sorry to rant. Please be aware that some companies have a dialer (computer to place calls) and they call homes to see when someone picks up and then will have a real person call later in the week at the same time (increases likely hood of response of some kind)I can understand why they didn't listen to you. The account (reason they are calling) is under your husband's name not yours. Until they hear no from him or someone who has a power of attorney for him it doesn't count. Just like credit cards. (my other job is customer service with a card company) We can't speak with or give information to anyone not listed on the account even if you are the wife or girlfriend and pay the bills (we don't have record of that it could be Cindy Loo Who calling in for all we know and we need permission verbal or otherwise from a responsible party on the account). Also you have to be a joint cardholder in order to make changes to the account (request closure, increases, changes to apr...) because otherwise it doesn't affect your credit only the person responsible on the account. Just because you are authorized to use the account doesn't mean you have joint responsibility. If the call is in regards to a lower apr or loans it may be credit related and you would need to contact Equifax, Experian, TransUnion or Innovis to get removed. (This is why I keep getting car solicitations by mail and by phone). With the credit thing though you can call and it removes you for 90 days they will send you a form to complete that removes you completely. Also any company you do business with can also remove you from solicitation unless it deals directly with your account. For example if we remove you from solicitation we can only contact you about a lower apr on your current account and things like that we can not contact you about upcoming promotions on different types of accounts that you don't have or opening a new account with better benefits. Hope some of that made sense and helped someone :)
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  • #20
Thanks - that information does make sense. Unfortunately, it is no less disrespectful of our time to call us and make us stop what we are doing to answer the phone, only to have no one there! And it is still no excuse for having someone call me who I cannot even understand because his English is so bad!! I am not picking on you, chefmoseley, just reiterating why it makes me so angry. Like I said, I know they are just doing their jobs, but, like with any profession, some of them just suck at it! :)
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  • #21
Oh, and I can sort of understand why they cannot take someone else's word for something when the someone else is not even on the account in question. However, with a solicitation call, I feel they are just making excuses so they can call back again later. JMHO. YMMV.

Related to Why do companies use non-English speakers for phone calls?

1. What is a "Fidelity Phone Call or Rant"?

A "Fidelity Phone Call or Rant" is a term used in Pampered Chef to refer to a call made by a consultant to their customers in order to promote and sell Pampered Chef products. It is also used to describe a passionate and enthusiastic conversation about the products and the benefits they offer.

2. How do I make a successful "Fidelity Phone Call or Rant"?

Making a successful "Fidelity Phone Call or Rant" involves being well-prepared and knowledgeable about the products, having a positive and enthusiastic attitude, and actively listening to your customers' needs and preferences. It is also important to follow up with your customers and provide excellent customer service to ensure their satisfaction with their purchases.

3. How often should I make "Fidelity Phone Calls or Rants"?

It is recommended to make "Fidelity Phone Calls or Rants" at least once a month to stay in touch with your customers and keep them updated on new products and promotions. However, you can also make them more frequently depending on your customers' preferences and your sales goals.

4. Can I use technology to make "Fidelity Phone Calls or Rants"?

Yes, you can use technology such as video conferencing, social media, and email marketing to make "Fidelity Phone Calls or Rants" more efficient and convenient. These methods can also help you reach a wider audience and connect with your customers in different ways.

5. How can I track the success of my "Fidelity Phone Calls or Rants"?

You can track the success of your "Fidelity Phone Calls or Rants" by keeping a record of the calls made, the products promoted, and the sales generated. You can also ask for feedback from your customers and track their purchases to see if they were influenced by your calls. Additionally, setting goals and monitoring your sales before and after the calls can help you measure their effectiveness.

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