I have a friend with another DS company, and one of the things I really like about her "PWS" is that there is an "About Me" sort of section. Her info is a family photo and a brief bit about why she does her business and just a sentence or so about herself.
A lot of "my circle" are web folks, and I foresee my website being utilized a bit. I want to keep the personal connection with my page, and not have just a laundry list of HO scripts.
The post with a whole lot of addresses helped some - I've been to more of your pages and suggested pages than I can count! - but I saw very few that had anything like an "about me" page.
Do you have one? Do you know someone who does? What do you like about it/not like about it?
Thanks in advance!
A lot of "my circle" are web folks, and I foresee my website being utilized a bit. I want to keep the personal connection with my page, and not have just a laundry list of HO scripts.
The post with a whole lot of addresses helped some - I've been to more of your pages and suggested pages than I can count! - but I saw very few that had anything like an "about me" page.
Do you have one? Do you know someone who does? What do you like about it/not like about it?
Thanks in advance!