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Who Do I Send Hwc Press Release To??

In summary, if you want to send a press release to your local newspapers, you should first ask the editor if it is okay to do so. If the editor approves, you should print out the release and take it to the newspapers.
I want to send the HWC press release to our local newspapers. Do I just send it to the Newspaper main address, and put it attention "press release"???I am a little confused. Has anyone done this, and gotten any response?
I put one in the paper last year, with no response unfortunately. I live in a small town, so I just called one lady I know that works at the paper office. I would just call and ask whomever answers the phone!
Send it to the editor. Usually, they have pull as to what actually gets published. Or, sometimes, if you look inside the paper, you will notice a box that lists information about the newspaper. It might mention someone who writes about community events or community relations.

I e-mailed the editor first and asked before I sent a press release. I just sent a bunch out last year and had no luck...so, this year I asked first and I have had much better luck.
I called the editor and asked if I could drop off some info for a press release. She said that would be okay. She called me this afternoon with a few questions and wanted quotes for her STORY!!!!!!! I was kinda like.....uh....what story? I am actually going to have an article in the paper about my fundraiser!! I live in a medium sized town, and I think I will get tons of business from this! I am trying not to get too excited so I am not dissapointed later, but it is hard when everything is going so well!Gillian Wright
Wasilla, Alaska
Andrea or Gillian - can I ask what you dropped or are dropping off to the paper for your press release? This is a great idea. I am pretty tight with the girls in the marketing dept at my paper - I've done vendor fairs with them twice and am getting ready to drop off a HWC packet - but a press release type thing would be awesome!

Cindy on the Pampered Chef website there is a press release which you just fill in your information and print it out and take it to the papers.

Cindycooks said:
Andrea or Gillian - can I ask what you dropped or are dropping off to the paper for your press release? This is a great idea. I am pretty tight with the girls in the marketing dept at my paper - I've done vendor fairs with them twice and am getting ready to drop off a HWC packet - but a press release type thing would be awesome!


I had to get my release to the paper earlier than CC had one up, so I did my own and just e-mailed it to the editor per their request.

If you go to CC and click on the "promoting your business" tab you will see a list and under "Press Release Templates" is the HWC template. You just put in your info and print it out or save it into a word document.
OMG - thank you sooooo much!
My county's Relay for Life is 5/19 - this would be awesome if they could print this in the next couple days!
  • #10
Since the editor of my paper wanted to do a story, not a press release she called to get more personal details about my pampered chef history and family members with breast cancer. What started this all was the packet I made for businesses. It had the two documents posted on my "HWC successes thread" under fundraisers. Basically it was just all the regular information (how much goes to ACS, special products available, when items will be received, how much shipping to pay, how to get a catalog or order online) and then with the press release I wrote a personal letter to the editor about why I even care about this campaign. That seems to have worked becasue she wanted to cover the personal side of the story and then include all the ordering details. There was no way in H*** I was even thinking about going to Atlantis next spring, but this fundraiser has the potential to be AMAZING!Gillian Wright
Wasilla, Alaska
  • #11
I sent it into my paper also. I did get a call from the paper wanting more info. I am doing a fundraiser and also giving another 5% of my own money towards it. After some concideration the said the article could only run if I pay for it as an ad. I was told that they made the decission that unless PC was going to give 100% of it's sales to the cause then it is not a noteworthy story. 100% of all sales??????? What fundraiser company gives that much? Come on!! O'well. It was worth a try!
  • #12
I wrote this up real quick to send to the editors of our local newpapers.. is it ok?

Dear Editor,

Good afternoon. I am a local consultant for The Pampered Chef(R), the premier source for quality kitchen tools and products. (www.pamperedchef.com) As you are probably aware, May is The American Cancer Society's big month for raising both funds and awareness of the need for further breast cancer education and early detection programs. In 2000, The Pampered Chef(R) combined forces with The American Cancer Society, setting devoting May to the Help Whip Cancer(R) Campaign. In the past six years, Pampered Chef(R) consultants, show hosts, and show guests have raised over $4.3 million, more than $1 million of which was raised last year -- in just one month! During the Help Whip Cancer(R) campaign, The Pampered Chef(R) sells exclusive Help Whip Cancer(R) pink products, donating $1 from the sale of each product sold to the ACS. The Pampered Chef(R) also has a wonderful fundraising program that allows for a percentage of collective sales to be donated directly to the ACS.

I was wondering if the "name of paper" would run a press release (or even a story!) to help raise the awareness of this campaign. As a consultant, I am holding a large Help Whip Cancer(R) fundraiser during the month of May, in which I am both matching the $1 contribution for each Help Whip Cancer(R) pink product sold, but am also donating $1 to the ACS for every other product purchased this month. With the help of your devoted readers, we can raise the bar and surpass last year's success! Together we can raise funds for The American Cancer Society -- together, we can help whip cancer!

I thank you for your time and consideration on this matter, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Have a great day.
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  • #13
Sounds great to me! Good job and good luck!!
  • #14
Amanda, how are you making any money from the fundraiser donating those extras, or are you planning on not making money? I am just trying to come to grips with only getting 15% I can't imagine not even getting that! Good for you!
  • #15
Gillian, I am not criticizing and your donations are a personal decision, but I must share with you that I am donating my commission less expenses for the entire month of May. You see I am a breast cancer survivor. If it weren't for the generosity of others I might not be here today. Those pennies and dollars add up to support early detection ( I found it myself) and research for a cure. In my humble opinion, I think pampered chef should not change the commission it's consultants make but rather they should provide the option for us to donate our commission or any part thereof when we submit the shows. I am greatful that you are supporting the help whip cancer program.
  • #16
kitchen captain, I really understand that every penny counts, and I had a really hard time deciding to keep my commission. I know it sounds selfish but I can't pay all my bills right now and my husband has been unemployed all winter, so we need all the money we can get. Obviously if I had money to donate I would, but I decided that my contribution gathering others orders is better that a monetary donation. My grandmother died of breast cancer, so I know what it means to overcome it and I congratulate you, but my contribution is my time and effort.
  • #17
Hi :D I decided on donating all my commission (minus 5% for business costs) because I really feel that God has called me to do that and in turn will bless my giving in that area with bookings that will lead to pocketable commission. Everyone I have spoke with about possible fundraisers has been very glad to hear that I care about their needs enough to sacrifice my own commission, and I tell them that I feel the bookings that come from the fundraiser will create more business for me.. so they feel good in asking for bookings.. we both help each other.. I have confidence that it not just works out in the end, but gives overflowing blessings to both parties involved. Our budget is super tight as well, and we are in need of extra money to pay bills and eliminate a good bit of debt.. But I feel that when we have a need, we sow a seed. If we need money, then we give away some of what we have, and God does return -- poured into our lap, great, pressed down, and running over.
  • #18
pchefinski said:
Hi :D I decided on donating all my commission (minus 5% for business costs) because I really feel that God has called me to do that and in turn will bless my giving in that area with bookings that will lead to pocketable commission. Everyone I have spoke with about possible fundraisers has been very glad to hear that I care about their needs enough to sacrifice my own commission, and I tell them that I feel the bookings that come from the fundraiser will create more business for me.. so they feel good in asking for bookings.. we both help each other.. I have confidence that it not just works out in the end, but gives overflowing blessings to both parties involved. Our budget is super tight as well, and we are in need of extra money to pay bills and eliminate a good bit of debt.. But I feel that when we have a need, we sow a seed. If we need money, then we give away some of what we have, and God does return -- poured into our lap, great, pressed down, and running over.

Words of wisdom!
  • #19
I can relate to Gillian, my mother passed away from BC when I was pregnant with my first child. I can't afford to donate my commissions BUT I am doing a fundraiser and have already gotten a lot in monitary donations as well as orders. This is the one cause that I strongly feel for, and I hate that next month is the sell a thon. I am pushing hard for everyone to do things now that I'm not sure if I can get next month going strong.
  • #20
Thanks Shari, I was starting to feel a little alone on this side of the fence! I don't want to start a debate, but I do want everyone to know that it is an option to work your butt off for the cause, and still keep your commission with your karma intact. I am keeping my commission no matter what people say, and it is a personal choice to work extra hard to make up for the potential income I would have donated.
  • #21
Hello everyone. Gillan is my little sister. This is my first time posting on chef success, (since Gillian told me about it!) I just joined recently and have so far only read the great information. However I just had to jump in here and say something. I think that its perfectly fine for Gillian to think of her children and their welfare this month especially since she is also working her butt off to raise money for BC. She already mentioned that our Grandmother died of Breast Cancer. Pampered Chef raises a lot of money for research each year for BC.This is an awesome thing! Some consultants are able to donate their commissions and some cannot afford to be so generous, even if they would like to. I am a mother of two, we are in the military and we have enough money to get by but if my husband had been unemployed as Gillian's has, and I had to think of my children you bet they would come first. No matter what.

I think that its great for those of you on this thread who have the financial stability to be able to donate your commissions but who are you to judge someone who puts the well being of her family at the top of her list while still making time to take part in such a great fundraiser. Its very dissapointing to see people assume they know better than someone else. I guess all I'm saying is you do whats right for you and try not to judge others.

Good luck to everyone doing the Breast Cancer Fundraiser this month!
  • #22
gilliandanielle said:
Thanks Shari, I was starting to feel a little alone on this side of the fence! I don't want to start a debate, but I do want everyone to know that it is an option to work your butt off for the cause, and still keep your commission with your karma intact. I am keeping my commission no matter what people say, and it is a personal choice to work extra hard to make up for the potential income I would have donated.

Gillian, you are not alone...just as some people out there donate money (not neccessarily PC related, just in general) to causes close to their heart there are others that don't donate anything, ever. Don't feel bad, you are doing a great thing by just having a fundraiser, it takes time and can sometimes take away from our emotional bank. Twice a year I do a fundraiser for the March of Dimes and donate my commission...those are the only two that I donate all of my commission to and that is because I had 8 week premie twins, other fundraisers I might donate a percentage if I feel that it is needed to further a campaign or cause. So, with all of that being said...don't feel bad, I don't think that anyone on here wanted to hurt you feelings or make you feel bad, just stating their opinions and they are just that...opinions.
  • #23
Bridget - Welcome! Hope you can get some fabulous tips off this site and I look forward to hearing..err reading...about your ideas.

ChefBridgetA said:
I think that its great for those of you on this thread who have the financial stability to be able to donate your commissions but who are you to judge someone who puts the well being of her family at the top of her list while still making time to take part in such a great fundraiser. Its very dissapointing to see people assume they know better than someone else. I guess all I'm saying is you do whats right for you and try not to judge others.

I could be reading the past posts wrong, but I didn't feel any judgement either way. What I saw was people giving ideas and brainstorming on how to donate part or all of their commission - if they were in a place to do so. I'm not in that place right now either as I have only been doing this since October of 2005.

One of the greatest things about PC is the flexibility to do what you want with your own business. And, family is a big focus of PC. I admire what your sister is doing to help her family and wish I could do that as well. That is my ultimate goal and I hope to be able to achieve that very soon.

Anyway, welcome!

Related to Who Do I Send Hwc Press Release To??

1. How do I find out who to send my HWC press release to?

The best way to find out who to send your HWC press release to is to research the media outlets and publications that cover your industry or target audience. You can also check the contact information on the websites of these outlets or reach out to their editorial teams to inquire about their submission guidelines.

2. Do I need to personalize my HWC press release to each recipient?

Yes, it is recommended to personalize your HWC press release to each recipient as it shows that you have taken the time to research and target their specific publication or outlet. This can increase the chances of your press release being read and published.

3. Is there a specific format or template to follow for HWC press releases?

There is no specific format or template for HWC press releases, but it is important to include all the necessary information such as the headline, date, contact information, and a clear and concise message about your news or announcement. You can also include multimedia elements such as images or videos to make your press release more engaging.

4. Can I send my HWC press release to multiple recipients at once?

Yes, you can send your HWC press release to multiple recipients at once, but it is important to make sure that the recipients are relevant to your news or announcement. Sending your press release to irrelevant or uninterested contacts can decrease the chances of it being picked up by the media.

5. How far in advance should I send my HWC press release?

It is recommended to send your HWC press release at least 1-2 weeks before your desired publication date. This gives the media outlets enough time to review and potentially schedule your press release for publication. However, if you have breaking news or time-sensitive information, it is best to send your press release as soon as possible.

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