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Where Did You Meet Your Significant Other?

In summary, the author met her now husband at a cooking show. They have been married for 3 years and are expecting their second child.
Jean DeVries
Gold Member
OK, so I'm 30-something (let's just call it the sunsetting years of my 3rd decade), and am woefully single. So single that I've never had a long term relationship. I joke that when I was little my dad sprayed me with boy repellant so I wouldn't date until I was 18, and I can't get the da**ed stuff off....

Pretty much up until about 2 months ago I was fine with this. It didn't really bother me. But, I've moved into a house, in a happy little neighborhood full of happy couples and their happy children. And now I find myself looking at couples everywhere I go wondering what those women have that I don't. And whether I'll ever not be some lonely freak of nature....sometimes I find it hard to believe this is my life.

So, anyway.....with that sad segue out of the way, where did all y'all meet your significant others? I don't even know where to begin to start looking.....(they're not under the couch...I looked there....)

(If you all tell me the bar or church, I'm screwed since I don't really hang out at any of those places...)
I'm not much help, my then 12 year old brother found my now Husband. I was pretty bad a picking men, and my brother really liked the new neighbor and then thought that I would too...lol Apparently my brother knows whats best for me...better then I do!
I met my DH on a camping trip with friends. I wasn't going to go because it was a set up with DH's cousin, but I thought what's there too lose? I meet some new people and have some fun, and maybe meet a cool guy. Well, cousin wasn't my type at all, but DH was! So I started flirting, which I'm not really good at and DH took as being mean. So he threatened to build a raft and float me out to the middle of the lake. I said "Oh come on, you know you want me!" Nothing like a bit of forwardness to let a guy know you like him! We haven't been apart since!

Your guy is out there, just be open to opportunities!:D
The other day I was talking with a girlfriend about this and said if I wasn't married I don't know what I would do. I don't go to church or hang out in bars and clubs. I wouldn't really know where to begin. So I feel for you but not too worry Jean mr. right is out there we just have to hunt him down :)
And you'll find him when you least expect it:)
What kind of hobbies do you have? do you like sports? There are coffee clubs I know of that are a great way to meet people. Do you have any single female friends? If you do what or where do they meet there "mr.rights"?
After being painfully single for years, I was wondering the same questions as you. I had a long term relationship in my teens that ended very badly leaving me with a bad taste for relationship and I kind of went a little wild for a while (college fun!). 5 years later, I was stuck at a crossroads, continue to live my crazy lifestyle or begin to grow up! Luckily for me, I didn't have to make that decision, life made it for me! Pampered Chef just happened to fall into my lap, little did I know back then, that it woud change my life the way it has today! I figured, the more shows I went to, the more woman I would meet and hopefully many of those woman would have single sons, brothers, friends, etc. etc.! Ha Ha. I'm not even kidding, I was planning on PChef maybe one day finding me a man!

I met my now husband when he decided to come to me one day and ask questions about Pampered Chef. (we worked in the same garage) He'd noticed my business cards out on my desk and used that as an excuse to open a conversation. Within a week, we were on a date to get this... of all places.... one of my cooking shows! I was doing a show an hour away from home in a rural area that he happened to be familiar with and he offered to take me. He was a natural, he blended in with the group (men were at this show too) and I never had to focus on entertaining or taking care of him, I just did my job and he supported me. 3 years later, a marriage, a baby, and another baby on the way, we're still together and he's still accompanying me to shows! :)

I truely met my husband through Pampered Chef!!! I wish you all the luck in the world and hope that the "right one" comes along for you as memorably as it did for me!
My brother brought home my now boyfriend when I was 10. I always had the little sister crush on my brother older friends. Turns out he had a crush on me too when I was 16. We flirted and he waited for me to figure out what I wanted and now 14 years later we are together and have a little one of our own. Thats my story.

But, yesterday I was at a dog park and I noticed a TON of single men. We dont even have a dog and they would come up to us when their dog would run over to us, we met a lot of people this way. I also used to meet men on hikes and in stores (I would ask them to reach things for me :) ) I guess you just have to put yourself out there. Its not always easy, but there are people everywhere!
Oh my gosh Darcy that's awsome!!!
I met my husband on eHarmony. :) We have been married 2 1/2 years and have a son who is 17 months.
My dad brought mine home for me!!
  • #10
I met my Dh the old fashioned way.... AOL. Tuesday is our 8th wedding anniversary.

I was kind of in the same place that is sounds like you are. I had enjoyed my single life, but was ready to move on. We were both in our late 20s when we met.
  • #11
Jean DeVries said:
(If you all tell me the bar or church, I'm screwed since I don't really hang out at any of those places...)
O.k., then I won't tell you I met DH in youth group.
  • #12
I met my DH when I was dating his Best Friend. It was kinda love at first sight. Sounds silly but it took about 10 months after we met for him to ask me out....6 months later her popped the question and now we have been married for almost 4 years and have a amazing little girl who is almost 2 years old and hopfully another soon. I would have never met him if it hadn't been for me dating his friend. We went to High School together, grew up in the same town, I knew his step-dad and never knew him, we are from a very small town but just didn't have the same circle of friends...so never give up hope, sometimes Mr. Right is actually closer than you think!
  • #13
My DH was the best friend of my friend's older brother, way back in high school. Oh, yeah - he also dated my twin sister for a few months.
  • #14
I met my DH in a bar.....in Mexico......Tijuana to be exact. For those of you who know.......not exactly the place that long term relationships come from.

Just so y'all know....we were both the DD's. He walked me to the car at 4 AM and called me at 10 AM to see if I wanted to get together that night. We both brought wing men to shoot pool but then went out for coffee on our own. We have been together since................
  • #15
my husbandI first met my husband in middle school. We were in a class together. Nothing happened. Then in the first year of high school we had 2 classes together, the next year 2 more. (truly accidently) We went on our first date in 10th grade. His family was going to see an outside play in another town so on our first date in the family motor home was his Dad, Mom, one of his brothers and his girlfriend and us.
We dated through out high school and some after. We ended up going our own ways and making mistakes.
Years later we got back together. We got married on the anniversary of our first date, March 20 and now have a wonderful son.
  • #16
I met my DH in my high school English class. We were also in marching band together. We dated in high school for 9 months until he decided to cheat on my with one of my "friends". We broke up and he started dating her. She ended up getting pregnant so after their son was born they moved in together and later got married and moved to Florida.

Fast forward eleven years...I get a message on myspace from my former friend apologizing for everything that had happened in high school and telling me that my 2 DD's with my now ex-husband are adorable. I told her that I had gotten over it and we started talking and catching up on the past 11 years. So she tells him on one of their calls about their son that we have been talking. A few days later I get a message on myspace asking if I remember him. I respond and we start talking on the phone daily but I live in Ohio and he still lived in Florida. It was like we had never been apart. He took 2 trips to see me over the next 3 months, I got pregnant, he moved back to Ohio (to be closer to his son who lives 20 minutes from here ;) ) and we got married. He's stuck with me forever now and has the tattoos to prove it.
  • #17
I met my DH online nearly 8 years ago. Before all the dating services, actually back when there were a couple and they were mostly free we actually met on a Delphi Forum chat forum for.... *drumroll please* Singles... and that's what it was called too. Neither of us was even looking... in fact we were both at the end of our dating ropes... fed up with the opposite sex and just venting our hearts out in a thread where folks were just b!tching up a storm about such things... well, he posted something about his desire to find a woman who's not all painted up like a clown or fake on any other level... I noted something my dad always used to say about folks like that "powder and paint make a Lady what she ain't"... and he emailed me privately. Yes, I have to admit I wondered who this guy was... we chatted via email for a bit... found we had a bit in common... at first I found him a little forward, considering he was so eager to drive from CT to PA just for dinner but within weeks of meeting online and quickly amassing phone bills, we met just for dinner. It was amazing... we clicked (though we gave each other permission to dodge out for ANY reason - we didn't need to)... had a great time and embarked on a whirlwind roller coaster I had no idea he was already riding. He was newly divorced, had just lost a contract and had to pay alimony... but we fell in love, despite the obstacles and held onto one helluva fast moving train that had him moving here, finding a job, going to court a lot, going into major debt to keep him out of jail and otherwise. Why do I say these things? Cuz after nearly 8 years of being together, it was all worth it. Some Prince Charmings come with a lot of baggage and warts, especially if they've lived a few decades on this planet. Becoming a united front is the way to weather the storms. We've found our parenting styles are the same, he's become a wonderful father to my son, we've had our own daughter together and we've done what we can to foster a relationship with his own kids (which hasn't been easy)... we both love to go camping and it turns out that he and I shared a similar spiritual path - he just didn't realize it had a name all these years. LOL.. As for bars and churches, I met my ex in a bar (note: he's my ex) and I don't go to church either. ;)
  • #18
I met DH at work. He had worked there for 13 years total, me for 6 (they laid us off two years ago this month when the company closed - 4 month before our wedding!). I had always had a crush on him because he was cute but we worked different shifts and I was doing my own thing and not really wanting to be tied down. But I started taking smoke breaks and lunch on that side of the building so I could walk by him (I have since quit smoking too). I had heard from a guy in our department that worked the same hours as me that DH liked me too but he thought the age difference would be a problem. At this time I was just about 21, I didn't think he looked any older than his late 20's so I couldn't figure out what the problem was. His shift got moved so that our shifts overlapped and I started having to take issues to him to see if they would work all right. Then he was gone for about a week from work. A lady from his department came into our department and asked if we all knew him. She had an envelope in her hands which meant they were collecting a donation for flowers for a funeral. My heart dropped because I thought she meant he had died! Then she told us his sister had died. I felt even worse. So after he came back, I talked to him a little more. A week later was the work Christmas party. Let's just say it was all over from there. There were rumors flying at work the next day and I was even cornered in the bathroom asking about him! We kept our relationship quiet for a while before coming out as a couple at work. We've been together 5 years, married for 1 1/2 years. He says that I helped him during the most important time in his life when his sister passed away.

Work relationships can work if you want them to work but be careful, they can also be very dangerous!
  • #19
I met mine in a bar in Tallahassee FL! I went there for 25 cent ladies drink night and with NOOOOO intention of meeting men! My gorgeous friend was with me and my DH's friend was hitting on her when I was in the bathroom...I came back and my DH had taken my seat! We talked for 4 hours and then when he left, I kissed him! Don't ask why...I just thought, "I had better let him remember me!". He remembered my phone number and the rest is history! We will be married 14 years next month and have 2 great kids!
Who says you can't meet a great guy in a bar???!!!
  • #20
My son & now stepson played on the same baseball team when they were 8. My DH was away for work & came back in time to see the last game. We officially met at a bday party for one of the boys on the team. About a week later we had our 1st date & 6 months later we were married. We have a daughter together that will be 4 next month. It was rough the 1st year (he has 2 sons & exwife & I have 1 son & exhub) but well worth it. We celebrated our 5th anniversary in Dec.
  • #21
Sorry - I met DH at a Super Bowl Party....at church.

My brother and SIL met through E-harmony, though. They've been married for 3.5 years.
  • #22
Met mine at the Rocky Horror Picture Show in NJ 15 yrs ago.
I was in full Columbia costume and needed a ride home since my car died. :)
  • #23
I worked wtih him. I had pretty much accepted the fact that I may very well be alone for the rest of my life and then BAM! There he was :)

Don't give up! You'll find the right guy for you!
  • #23
Jean DeVries said:
So, anyway.....with that sad segue out of the way, where did all y'all meet your significant others? I don't even know where to begin to start looking.....(they're not under the couch...I looked there....)

(If you all tell me the bar or church, I'm screwed since I don't really hang out at any of those places...)

well, i am there with you sister on the singleness and i struggle with it also.....but i have come to terms that i pretty much will never get married!

you said you were fine with being single up until the time where you started seeing everyone around you ( happy couples, happy children) but face it girl the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. you are single for a reason! just think of all the things you wouldn't be able to do if you were married ( and i know that alot of married women can agree with me here) you can't just pick up and go on a trip somewhere or do whatever you want to when you are married! you have to go through asking your husband, having both of you get time off from work. you have to discuss everything with your husband before you do anything big!

i know this sounds selfish but it is the truth.
  • #24
Well, I've known dh since we were in middle school. He first "flirted" with me at our senior party, lol. I wouldn't say we're high school sweethearts, since we didn't date in high school; but we started dating right after graduation. We've now been together 10 years.
My best friend met her now-husband on match.com. She found a great guy there!
  • #25
ameliasurf said:
well, i am there with you sister on the singleness and i struggle with it also.....but i have come to terms that i pretty much will never get married!

you said you were fine with being single up until the time where you started seeing everyone around you ( happy couples, happy children) but face it girl the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. you are single for a reason! just think of all the things you wouldn't be able to do if you were married ( and i know that alot of married women can agree with me here) you can't just pick up and go on a trip somewhere or do whatever you want to when you are married! you have to go through asking your husband, having both of you get time off from work. you have to discuss everything with your husband before you do anything big!

i know this sounds selfish but it is the truth.

While it's true that yes, there are now 2 of you to make decisions and sometimes that can be a hassel, the benefits far outweigh those "negatives".

It's pretty much the same as kids. I love being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want becasue we have no kids to deal with, but I want kids like no bodies business. You have to look at what you're getting - not what you're giving up.

And there's nothing wrong with being selfish! Even married people and parents are selfish sometimes! ;)
  • #26
I met my husband in May 1991 at a bowling alley. We were on different teams in the same league (he was with his brother's team and I worked at the same place as his brother) - we were dating others at the time. Well October rolled around and we were both single and he asked me out for dinner and dancing and the rest is history. We were engaged Feb. 27, 1992 and married March 27, 1993. We have 3 great kids and are celebrating our
15th anniversary next week (going downtown to Chicago to see Jersey Boys and spend the night).

You can definitely meet people in all sorts of places - having a hobby or enjoying sports is a great way!
  • #27
I met my DH a little over 18 years ago. Wow, the years voom by!

I was going to my Dad's house for dinner and my step mother new him and invited him for dinner. Then my Dad and Step Mother both claimed to be tired and wondered if he would take me home. (I happened to go with them earlier in the day and they had picked me up).
So he took me home and we went on our first offical date a couple of days later. Then we married 1 1/2 years later. :love:
  • #28
wadesgirl said:
I met DH at work. He had worked there for 13 years total, me for 6 (they laid us off two years ago this month when the company closed - 4 month before our wedding!). I had always had a crush on him because he was cute but we worked different shifts and I was doing my own thing and not really wanting to be tied down. But I started taking smoke breaks and lunch on that side of the building so I could walk by him (I have since quit smoking too). I had heard from a guy in our department that worked the same hours as me that DH liked me too but he thought the age difference would be a problem. At this time I was just about 21, I didn't think he looked any older than his late 20's so I couldn't figure out what the problem was. His shift got moved so that our shifts overlapped and I started having to take issues to him to see if they would work all right. Then he was gone for about a week from work. A lady from his department came into our department and asked if we all knew him. She had an envelope in her hands which meant they were collecting a donation for flowers for a funeral. My heart dropped because I thought she meant he had died! Then she told us his sister had died. I felt even worse. So after he came back, I talked to him a little more. A week later was the work Christmas party. Let's just say it was all over from there. There were rumors flying at work the next day and I was even cornered in the bathroom asking about him! We kept our relationship quiet for a while before coming out as a couple at work. We've been together 5 years, married for 1 1/2 years. He says that I helped him during the most important time in his life when his sister passed away.

Work relationships can work if you want them to work but be careful, they can also be very dangerous!

I forgot to finish my thought on the age thing. I was 21 and didn't think he could be any older than late 20's. At the Christmas party mentioned above, he still wouldn't tell me how old he was. I tried to trick him into saying what year he graduated, etc. Finally he told me that he was 32 at the time. Needless to say, I've always been into older guys, he doesn't look 12 years older than me and now that he's 38, he still doesn't look older than his late 20's!
  • #29
I met my husband in a medieval reenactment group called the Society for Creative Anachronism, or SCA (sca.org). It's a great hobby, and the men there tend to be very chivalrous... I think it is a great place to find a husband! ;)

I actually may take one of the guests from yesterday's show (who booked her own show) to an SCA event with me... Now if I could just get some PC recruiting done... :)
  • #30
Sorry Jean, met my DH at church. I knew his one sister and whole family but never met him. He was working at Fort Wilderness and I was living in Racine. I met him when he came home for 6 years. I was 19 at the time. After many ups and downs and saying I'd NEVER date him ever again, we've been married for almost 9 years now (2nd time around it took him 6 months to get me out on a date...2 months later my ring was bought...he waited 6 months to give it to me so I made him wait 13 months to marry me!!!!). He didn't give up after all that so it was meant to be...I was now 26 years old.To make you feel a little better Jean, my cousin is getting married August 8th for the first time - she will be 42 a few days prior to her wedding.
  • #31
Can't help much either... we met at church when I moved here at the beginning of my junior year of HS. A group of the youth were standing around outside and he asked what school I had chosen to attend. When I mentioned a bit of apprehension about the one he attended he looked me in the eye and said "Don't worry... I'll protect you" and the rest is history... 27 1/2 years of marriage and I wouldn't change that for anything!
  • #32
I was good friends with my husband's oldest brother while we were in high school - he was in some of my classes and he eventually dated my best friend (the brother did). I was 5 years older than my husband.

When he was 15 I was playing touch football on the church lawn with friends and as they watched, he told his friends that "someday I will marry someone like Beth".

Fast forward 14 years later we met at a single's dance and married just short of a year later. We celebrate 22 years this June. Sometimes it feels like we just met and other times like we've been together forever (all good! - KWIM?). :love:

I just put the long version of my story on the married for life thread...
  • #33
:eek: I met my husband when I was 15 at a hayride. Actually a good friend of mine brought him:eek:!! She knew him from grade school and had a big crush on him. He didn't like her, but would do anything to get away from his family for a night (he was the oldest of 4 kids)!! He knew as soon as he saw me I was the one for him. He called me once or twice after that, but I had no idea he liked me. He was say, "Her phone (my friend) was busy and I thought she might be talking to you." He didn't tell me he liked me for several months. The first thing I said was, "Don't tell our friend." He was so hurt I didn't say, "I like you too." I really didn't even think about liking him! We ended up talking for several months and then started dating. We met in Oct. and started dating in May so we weren't fast movers! We dated for over 6 years before we got married because we waited for him to graduate from college. I went to business college and started working and saving money while I lived w/my parents.

If I were looking for a man today (which I'm not;) ) I would join Habitat for Humanity. I figured if I were a home owner I would learn construction and if I found a man volunteering for them he would be handy and kind both!
  • #34
I saw my dh at a wedding reception, but didn't talk to him until about a month later. :) 9 weeks after our first date, we got married! We've married a little over 4 years with 2 kiddos.

I'll put my long version in the m4l thread too.
  • #35
pampchefrhondab said:
:eek: I met my husband when I was 15 at a hayride. Actually a good friend of mine brought him:eek:!! She knew him from grade school and had a big crush on him. He didn't like her, but would do anything to get away from his family for a night (he was the oldest of 4 kids)!! He knew as soon as he saw me I was the one for him. He called me once or twice after that, but I had no idea he liked me. He was say, "Her phone (my friend) was busy and I thought she might be talking to you." He didn't tell me he liked me for several months. The first thing I said was, "Don't tell our friend." He was so hurt I didn't say, "I like you too." I really didn't even think about liking him! We ended up talking for several months and then started dating. We met in Oct. and started dating in May so we weren't fast movers! We dated for over 6 years before we got married because we waited for him to graduate from college. I went to business college and started working and saving money while I lived w/my parents.

If I were looking for a man today (which I'm not;) ) I would join Habitat for Humanity. I figured if I were a home owner I would learn construction and if I found a man volunteering for them he would be handy and kind both!

What a great idea ~ and so true! One of the things that really drew me to my DH when we first knew each other was his kindness - to his parents, his nieces and nephews, his friends, and even strangers. Our first 2 dates, he helped 3 different people with car problems! I said I met him at a Super Bowl Party - but the first time I really talked to him was when he helped me with a building project at church. He was building, and I was painting.
  • #36
Mwalker said:
Met mine at the Rocky Horror Picture Show in NJ 15 yrs ago.
I was in full Columbia costume and needed a ride home since my car died. :)

LOL! Well, if your car has to die... being in full Columbia costume sure must help to find a ride! ;)
  • #37
My sister brought mine home! I was living out of state and was home for the weekend. They worked together and were friends, she had a fight with her boyfriend so they were going out so she could vent. (She was living at my parents house at the time). My mom said he was a fidgety when he met me - I was oblivious - loving being single and not looking for love! And fine with the fact that I would NEVER marry! A few weeks later my sis asked what I thought of him... all I could remember was that he was tall. She said he wanted to ask me out and would I say yes - I said - sure... I'll go out with anyone once!:) She was worried I would break his heart.

He called and asked me to his office Christmas party but we met to watch a movie at his house over Thanksgiving... I wasn't blown away but he was nice so I thought he might grow on me. A few months later he asked if he could take me to dinner during the week (remember... I lived about 2 hrs away). I thought he was lookin' to get "somethin"!! He came down and was a perfect gentleman and left after dinner. I knew then that he was the one. He said he knew the minute he met me!

He is 8 years older than me - we married when I was 30 - been married 5 years with a perfect DS that is almost 2 and another one to arrive in abt 6 weeks.

I almost didn't go out with him because he was friends with my sister... and her judgement is questionable sometimes... so you never know who will turn up in your path... just be open and ready to meet Mr. Right!
  • #38
My husband and I went to the same high school, but we never spoke one word to one another. We knew of one another, but we were in 2 completely seperate cliques. He was one of the stoner/skaters, and I was one of the snobby popular girls. We met several years later thru a mutual friend, and we've been inseperable ever since.
Your future SO could be anyone!
  • #38
I married my brothers best friend, It was kinda nice cause we knew each other while growing up some...He is 8 yrs older then me but i think cause he was my brother best friends made both sets of the family's close. It is great i know my brother said at my wedding if they ever got in a fight it would be hard .... I cried through the whole speach he gave at the wedding. What a day :)
  • #39
I met hubby on-line on AOL. We have been married 8 years.
  • #40
We met through friends. My friend was invited along to a party by one of her friends, who also invited her other friend, who happened to be my husband. :)So it goes something like thisME----my friend Emily----her friend Nicole----Nicole's friend, my now DH (who has friends with Nicole's boyfriend who lived out of state)Confused yet? It was a St Patricks Day party 11 years ago. :)
  • #41
DebbieJ said:
We met through friends. My friend was invited along to a party by one of her friends, who also invited her other friend, who happened to be my husband. :)

So it goes something like this

ME----my friend Emily----her friend Nicole----Nicole's friend, my now DH (who has friends with Nicole's boyfriend who lived out of state)

Confused yet? It was a St Patricks Day party 11 years ago. :)
Happy Dating Anniversary!
  • #42
I met my DH while playing ultimate frisbee with a group of friends in a local park. My friends and I were playing, having a blast, when I noticed a guy standing near the sidelines just watching (covered in softball dirt - he'd just finished playing a rec league game). We asked if he wanted to join us...he did...and we just hit it off. However, I was dating someone at the time, and so was he. We really clicked, but at the time just considered us growing into really close friends. It was great - I didn't worry about how I looked, what I said, you know...all that beginning of dating stuff. When our friends would mention how we should be dating each other, we would say "no, he/she is like my brother/sister". It wasn't until about 6 months had passed, our respective relationships were about over, and when we were out with them we found ourselves thinking that we would be having more fun with each other that it really clicked. We decided we needed to have a heart to heart...when on a hike, sat at the top of one of our local giant mountain like "hills" overlooking our city and talked. We decided that we wanted to see where our relationship would go b/c we both thought it had the potential to be something great. We dated for a year, were engaged for a year and a half, and have been married over 2 1/2 years. We have a beautiful 1 year old daughter and life is fantastic!

The funny thing is - the week before meeting him, my best friend and I were talking about how we didn't think we'd meet the men we were going to marry in our city. Crazy how things work out, isn't it?

You never know when you'll meet Mr. Right. I never, ever thought it would be while I was sweaty and icky from running around in July heat and humidity! :yuck: :love:
  • #43
pampchefrhonda said:
If I were looking for a man today (which I'm not;) ) I would join Habitat for Humanity. I figured if I were a home owner I would learn construction and if I found a man volunteering for them he would be handy and kind both!

Oh I love this!!!
  • #44
I met mine in an Air Force Recruiting Office...
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  • #45
I met my husband online in a Tennessee chat room. I was in TN he was in California stationed at Camp Pendleton. I had just broke up with my high school boyfriend of 5 years. Was in NO WAY looking for another relationship. We started chatting, emailing each other. Found out that he was from the same town as me and that we had went to the same high school, graduated 1 year apart, never knew each other but both of our families knew each others family. His stepsister was my best friends cousin that i knew pretty well. We met online on June 17, talked for hours every day-whenever he could-3 hour time difference was always fun. We actually got engaged over the phone on July 3, he came home for 2 week leave from the Marines at the end of july. We finally got to meet face to face. Spent every moment of those 2 weeks together. He went back to California. I flew out their for the Marine Corp ball on Nov 8th. I got there on the November 5th, he picked me up at the airport, we drove to the courthouse and got married. I stayed for 1 week and had to come back home. Then on Decemeber 10th my mom dorve out there with me for me to live till he got out of the Marine Corp at the end of May. We have been married 8 1/2 years and have a 3 1/2 yr old DS.
  • #46
ChefJoyJ said:
It was great - I didn't worry about how I looked, what I said, you know...all that beginning of dating stuff.

DH said he didn't want to marry someone who wasn't willing to run jump in a lake...meaning he didn't want a "high maintenance" person that had to look out for her makeup more than having fun...

Of course, he dated quite a few of those types and all the time his parents kept saying "she's not for you..."
  • #47
Kodeysmom said:
I met my husband online in a Tennessee chat room. I was in TN he was in California stationed at Camp Pendleton. I had just broke up with my high school boyfriend of 5 years. Was in NO WAY looking for another relationship. We started chatting, emailing each other. Found out that he was from the same town as me and that we had went to the same high school, graduated 1 year apart, never knew each other but both of our families knew each others family. His stepsister was my best friends cousin that i knew pretty well. We met online on June 17, talked for hours every day-whenever he could-3 hour time difference was always fun. We actually got engaged over the phone on July 3, he came home for 2 week leave from the Marines at the end of july. We finally got to meet face to face. Spent every moment of those 2 weeks together. He went back to California. I flew out their for the Marine Corp ball on Nov 8th. I got there on the November 5th, he picked me up at the airport, we drove to the courthouse and got married. I stayed for 1 week and had to come back home. Then on Decemeber 10th my mom dorve out there with me for me to live till he got out of the Marine Corp at the end of May. We have been married 8 1/2 years and have a 3 1/2 yr old DS.

All in the same year??? WOW! That's quite a story!
  • #48
katie0128 said:
All in the same year??? WOW! That's quite a story!

yup all in the same year. actually didn't tell anyone we were getting married when i was out there and my grandparents picked me up from the airport and it was all i could do to hide the ring and the smile!!
  • #49
I met my husband on a blind double date. My girlfriend and I were at a bar celebrating my 21st birthday and a guy asked her out. She told him that he had to find a friend for me before she would go out.

That was 24 years ago!

Ann R.
  • #50
I absolutely love reading this thread.
I love hearing people's stories of love!
<h2>1. Where did you meet your significant other?</h2><p>This is a question that many people ask when they find out you are in a relationship. For me, I actually met my significant other at work. We both work for Pampered Chef and were introduced through a mutual friend. It's funny how love can bloom in unexpected places!</p><h2>2. Did you meet online?</h2><p>In this digital age, it's becoming more and more common for people to meet their significant others online. However, in my case, we met in person through a mutual friend. But I do know many couples who have successfully found love through online dating sites and apps.</p><h2>3. Did you meet through a mutual friend?</h2><p>As mentioned before, my significant other and I were introduced through a mutual friend at work. This is a common way for people to meet, as friends are often eager to set up their single friends with potential love interests. Don't be afraid to ask your friends to introduce you to someone they think you might hit it off with!</p><h2>4. Where is the best place to meet someone?</h2><p>There is no one "best" place to meet someone. It really depends on your interests and lifestyle. Some people have had luck meeting their significant others at bars, through hobbies or activities, at church, or even through mutual friends like I did. The key is to put yourself out there and be open to new experiences and opportunities. Love can happen when you least expect it.</p><h2>5. What advice do you have for someone who is single and looking for love?</h2><p>My advice would be to focus on yourself and your own happiness first. When you are truly content with your own life, you radiate a positive energy that can be attractive to potential partners. Also, don't be afraid to try new things and put yourself out there. You never know who you might meet or where you might find love. And remember, being single is not a bad thing. Enjoy this time to discover yourself and what you truly want in a partner.</p>

Related to Where Did You Meet Your Significant Other?

1. Where did you meet your significant other?

This is a question that many people ask when they find out you are in a relationship. For me, I actually met my significant other at work. We both work for Pampered Chef and were introduced through a mutual friend. It's funny how love can bloom in unexpected places!

2. Did you meet online?

In this digital age, it's becoming more and more common for people to meet their significant others online. However, in my case, we met in person through a mutual friend. But I do know many couples who have successfully found love through online dating sites and apps.

3. Did you meet through a mutual friend?

As mentioned before, my significant other and I were introduced through a mutual friend at work. This is a common way for people to meet, as friends are often eager to set up their single friends with potential love interests. Don't be afraid to ask your friends to introduce you to someone they think you might hit it off with!

4. Where is the best place to meet someone?

There is no one "best" place to meet someone. It really depends on your interests and lifestyle. Some people have had luck meeting their significant others at bars, through hobbies or activities, at church, or even through mutual friends like I did. The key is to put yourself out there and be open to new experiences and opportunities. Love can happen when you least expect it.

5. What advice do you have for someone who is single and looking for love?

My advice would be to focus on yourself and your own happiness first. When you are truly content with your own life, you radiate a positive energy that can be attractive to potential partners. Also, don't be afraid to try new things and put yourself out there. You never know who you might meet or where you might find love. And remember, being single is not a bad thing. Enjoy this time to discover yourself and what you truly want in a partner.

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