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Where Did Chef Success Go? A New Location for Consultants?

In summary, the conversation is discussing the absence of many members from the Chef Success forum who have moved to Facebook. However, some members still prefer to use the forum for information and support. There is a call for more active participation and posting in order to keep the forum alive and helpful for both new and experienced consultants. Some members have been away from the forum for a while, but still consider it their go-to source for information and advice. The conversation also touches on the topic of a tragic event involving a member's daughter and the importance of staying connected as a community. One member mentions being scared to get back into the business, while another is just popping in to say hello after being away for a long time. Finally, a new member
Gold Member
Am I missing something? Is there a new location of consultants supporting each other? Where is everyone on Chef Success? Can someone enlighten me? Thanks!
A lot of people moved to Facebook, since they're already there. We miss them, but this is still a great place to find information and get answers to your questions.
I don't do Facebook too much so I really appreciate this site and all the help from everyone!!
missing everyone on this site too. Been gone from PC for awhile and trying to reve up my business again. Would really like to get this site going again, as there are some things on FB that I wouldn't post there. Just saying!
This community has so much more to offer than Facebook I really don't get it. Word of mouth helps, so tell all your PC friends!
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I don't know how you find info on the FB group pages. I guess it works if you are on constantly and only have a few new posts to look at. But, if you were trying to find an answer specifically, I don't see how you find it on FB. I have always found this site to be much more helpful and SO much easier to find what I am looking for.
byrd1956 said:
This is always my first go-to place when I am looking for answers, advice, recipes and sometimes smiles.
Me too!
Agree with everyone! Love CS. I'm not on as much anymore simply for lack of time- for anything PC. Just barely a consultant with everything else going on in my life with the family (good things, thankfully - 2 travel hockey players, competition robotics team (I am coaching), homeschooling, and Trail Life leader....who has time anymore! It's a struggle to have a night at home to cook a real meal for all of us! ). My mom always reminds me that the kids will be gone in just a few more years (like 4-5), so enjoy it- as crazy and hectic as it is, because then it changes. Anyway...CS is still my go-to source for information, or just to have an outlet of other people who understand! My DH usually doesn't understand my PC frustrations or questions or dilemmas. :) We aren't on FB either. CS and Pinterest are my only "social media" outlets.
  • #10
I'm disappointed with those who abandoned us for FB. I admit that I finally joined FB myself (my family said I was the last man in North America who hadn't joined) but other than a handful of cheffers I know up there, I don't talk PC up there.I've not been connected with PC for some years now, although I'm still a loyal user. I mainly stay around here for one reason, and I'll be here until Paige's murderer has been convicted and put away.
  • #11
Everyone can help by posting. Sometimes we think everyone knows everything we know. But mostly they don't. Ideas, recipes, word phrases, quick tips and demo ideas. We have a lot of new and experienced consultants here that would love that.
  • #12
And it's obvious that people don't always LOOK for answers. They just post the question and wait for the answer to find them. We all know how much information is archived on here. Some of it is obviously outdated, but lots of it is not.I'm bad about not being on here. Mostly because I'm not doing much with PC these days...not because I don't want to, but I haven't had time to do so. And now, part of me is really scared to get started again!! :) Get those jitters of being a newbie almost, all over again. But you are right Deb. we just need to post. Answer questions, let them know people are still here. We'll see tons of new people join! Let's keep them here awhile longer with great info or just great conversation!! I loved coming on here to just chat or vent or whatever.
  • #15
Hi Sheila- hope everything is going great for you:)
  • #16
I am new to this group. I can't remember how I came upon it. I was a consultant for the first time from 1998-2003. Was This site around back then? I seem to remember it.

Related to Where Did Chef Success Go? A New Location for Consultants?

What Happened to Chef Success?

Chef Success is no longer a part of Pampered Chef. The website and forum were discontinued in 2019.

Why was Chef Success discontinued?

The decision to discontinue Chef Success was made as part of a larger effort to streamline and simplify our online presence and resources for our consultants.

Is there a replacement for Chef Success?

Yes, we have launched a new online community for our consultants called "The Dish." It is a one-stop shop for all the resources and support our consultants need to grow their business.

Can I still access old posts and information from Chef Success?

No, unfortunately all content from Chef Success was removed and is no longer accessible. However, many of the same topics and discussions can be found on The Dish.

How can I connect with other Pampered Chef consultants now?

You can join The Dish community or connect with other consultants through social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. You can also attend local Pampered Chef events and conferences to network with other consultants.

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