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Where did all the Wave 1 Cheffers go?

In summary, the conversation discusses how everyone is missing their friends who are attending the conference. They speculate about who will miss them the most when they are gone. There is discussion about who will win a prize from the Serve It Up Squad. Finally, Carolyn called and left a message.
Gold Member
It sure is quiet around here without you all! I really miss you guys!
I had noticed some missing posters and commentors today too!
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  • #3
Right about now they should be half-way through Opening General Session. Probably learning all about the new products! I'm so excited just thinking about how much fun they are having.....should I call Carolyn and interrupt her to say hello? LOL
pamperedlinda said:
Right about now they should be half-way through Opening General Session. Probably learning all about the new products! I'm so excited just thinking about how much fun they are having.....should I call Carolyn and interrupt her to say hello? LOL

No, call to get the info, HAHA!! and then call or email me!
I'm missing them too. Thought about calling 'em at breakfast this AM just to say hi. LOL! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #6
I think I'll give Carolyn time to get on the bus and then give her a call this evening - if I can remember!
REMEMBER REMEMBER!!!! Inquiring minds want to know!!!!
Text her!! LOL:D
Let's hope they get back real soon!

I am supposed to be on an email list---but I cant recall who's!! LOL
  • #10
I think I'm on a list, but I'm not sure! I hope I'm on a list. Well, a good list. Not someone's #*$@ list. :D

If someone receives an e-mail and doesn't see my e-mail on it ([email protected]), can you send it to me?
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  • #11
Flamingo said:
REMEMBER REMEMBER!!!! Inquiring minds want to know!!!!

Oh no, I'm not gonna ask for any info! I want to be compleely surprised when I go in Wave 3. I just want to check and see if she's having a good time so far and if she misses us at all!
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  • #12
letscook04 said:
Text her!! LOL:D

I'm too 'challenged' to figure out the texting thing!
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  • #13
I just called and got her voice mail :(

Oh well, I'm sure she's having fun without us!
  • #14
Tell her we miss her if you get her........................
  • #15
well i am not going to conference, so whoever gets a list, make sure i get one too!
  • #16
It's definitely quite!!I wish I was there, I know 3 days is not that long to wait but it''s killing me.Hope they are having too much fun, so much fun, extreme amounts of fun.
  • #17
I know how all of you feel!!! I so wish I was in Chicago right now!!!!:yuck:
  • #18
What a long 3 days it's gonna be...........................
  • #19
I am just waiting for Ginger to call me!! Any day now!! Just kidding Ginger!;)
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  • #20
Flamingo said:
What a long 3 days it's gonna be...........................

Not nearly as long as the 6 days that us wave 3ers have!
  • #21
SOOOOOOOO Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • #22
I can't wait to hear something either!! I'm supposed to be on someone's list too:)! I'm not going this year so it won't spoil it for me!

Don't they know we are going crazy!!
  • #23
I miss them, too!
  • #24
vwpamperedchef said:
Let's hope they get back real soon!

I am supposed to be on an email list---but I cant recall who's!! LOL

I went back and looked b/c I could not remember her wave, most of us i am sure are on "kaseydee"'s list and she it at Wave 1, so, we will know something when she gets a chance which I hope is soon!
  • #25
I miss ya'll!
  • #26
Are the rest of us chop liver? We are still here :DWonder who will miss me when I'm at conference? :)
  • #27
wadesgirl said:
Are the rest of us chop liver? We are still here :D

Wonder who will miss me when I'm at conference? :)

Me, me, me
  • #29
I have the scoop-----

there is a BAG-----

Doris will be proud-if we don't spoil it---
  • #30
pamperedalf said:
It's definitely quite!!

I wish I was there, I know 3 days is not that long to wait but it''s killing me.

Hope they are having too much fun, so much fun, extreme amounts of fun.

It is killing me too Amanda - especially since my twins didn't nap today!!
  • #31
pamperedlinda said:
Oh no, I'm not gonna ask for any info! I want to be compleely surprised when I go in Wave 3. I just want to check and see if she's having a good time so far and if she misses us at all!

Linda - our wave got switched this year to Wave 2 so I will totally miss not seeing you at the meet n greets and seeing you walk as a new director!! I am soooooooooo proud of you!! CONGRATS!!!!!
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  • #32
Thanks Sharisse! Have a great time!
  • #33
I was thinking of them yesterday too! I can't wait until Monday....or Sunday really, that's when I leave!
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  • #34
Carolyn called! I wasn't home so she left a message and it was very noisey in the background (imagine that) - but she and Sharon won 500 catalogs from the Serve It Up Squad! She sounded very happy!
  • #35
pamperedlinda said:
Carolyn called! I wasn't home so she left a message and it was very noisey in the background (imagine that) - but she and Sharon won 500 catalogs from the Serve It Up Squad! She sounded very happy!

That is great for them!!! I would sale about 350 on here since I would never use 500 but I am sure she uses bunches more than me! ha!

When do u leave Linda?
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  • #36
Wednesday, I'm in Wave 3.
  • #37
pamperedlinda said:
Wednesday, I'm in Wave 3.

Have loads of fun and we will miss you!
  • #38
That's awesome---I would love to win something from the serve it up squad!
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  • #39
I'd love to win something too!
  • #40
That is so cool that they won the catalogs! Yay for them!
  • #41
I wouldn't sell them, I would give them away to every guest. What great advertising!
  • #42
pamperedlinda said:
Wednesday, I'm in Wave 3.

Whoo hoooo Go Linda:D! Soo sorry I won't be there Cheering you on as you Walk!!!:cry:
  • #43
lacychef said:
That's awesome---I would love to win something from the serve it up squad!

I won $100 PC dollars my first year (last year), from the serve it up squad, it was awesome!:D
  • #44
heat123 said:
Whoo hoooo Go Linda:D! Soo sorry I won't be there Cheering you on as you Walk!!!:cry:

I'll miss you this year, Heather!!!:cry: It won't be the same without you! I forget-you have a wedding next weekend right?? I hope you have a blast! We'll have a drink for you at the Meet N Greet!
  • #45
pamperedbecky said:
I'll miss you this year, Heather!!!:cry: It won't be the same without you! I forget-you have a wedding next weekend right?? I hope you have a blast! We'll have a drink for you at the Meet N Greet!

Awwhh, thanks Beck! :( Have one on me and I will miss you all this year! Tell everyone I said hello! Here's to Next year though and hopefully I will bring out a team member too;)! Yep, I have a wedding and family renunion that weekend.
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  • #46
heat123 said:
Whoo hoooo Go Linda:D! Soo sorry I won't be there Cheering you on as you Walk!!!:cry:

I'll miss you too! Have a great time at the wedding/reunion and we'll catch-up in Denver in January!
  • #47
I miss them too Linda! My whole cluster is Wave 1! this is not fun and Im drowning in my own pity-party :(
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  • #48
Oh Cindy, I know you've got it bad! Well, bright side is that you will know what's what before I do!
  • #49
I want to win.................................
  • #50
If I could go I would get to see you Linda, but I can't this year:rolleyes:!

Enjoy your walk!! I'll be there someday!
<h2>Where did all the Wave 1 Cheffers go?</h2><p>Many of our Wave 1 Cheffers have moved on to new opportunities or have taken a break from their Pampered Chef business. We are always sad to see them go, but we support their decisions and are proud of their achievements.</p><h2>Why is it so quiet without the Wave 1 Cheffers?</h2><p>The Wave 1 Cheffers were a lively and enthusiastic group, and their absence is definitely noticeable. However, we have many new and dedicated Cheffers who are eager to fill the space and bring their own energy to the team.</p><h2>Will the Wave 1 Cheffers ever come back?</h2><p>We cannot predict the future, but we always welcome back our past Cheffers with open arms. They are part of the Pampered Chef family and will always have a place here if they choose to return.</p><h2>What happened to the Wave 1 Cheffers?</h2><p>As mentioned before, many of our Wave 1 Cheffers have moved on to new opportunities or have taken a break from their Pampered Chef business. Life circumstances and personal goals can change, and we support our Cheffers in whatever path they choose.</p><h2>How is Pampered Chef adjusting without the Wave 1 Cheffers?</h2><p>Change can be difficult, but we are constantly evolving and adapting to new situations. We are confident in our current team of Cheffers and are excited to see what they will bring to the table. We also value feedback from our customers and are always looking for ways to improve and grow.</p>

Related to Where did all the Wave 1 Cheffers go?

Where did all the Wave 1 Cheffers go?

Many of our Wave 1 Cheffers have moved on to new opportunities or have taken a break from their Pampered Chef business. We are always sad to see them go, but we support their decisions and are proud of their achievements.

Why is it so quiet without the Wave 1 Cheffers?

The Wave 1 Cheffers were a lively and enthusiastic group, and their absence is definitely noticeable. However, we have many new and dedicated Cheffers who are eager to fill the space and bring their own energy to the team.

Will the Wave 1 Cheffers ever come back?

We cannot predict the future, but we always welcome back our past Cheffers with open arms. They are part of the Pampered Chef family and will always have a place here if they choose to return.

What happened to the Wave 1 Cheffers?

As mentioned before, many of our Wave 1 Cheffers have moved on to new opportunities or have taken a break from their Pampered Chef business. Life circumstances and personal goals can change, and we support our Cheffers in whatever path they choose.

How is Pampered Chef adjusting without the Wave 1 Cheffers?

Change can be difficult, but we are constantly evolving and adapting to new situations. We are confident in our current team of Cheffers and are excited to see what they will bring to the table. We also value feedback from our customers and are always looking for ways to improve and grow.

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