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Where can I find Asian Vinegrette dressing for my Satay Chicken Pasta Salad?

the Asian dressing is pretty good. I'm not sure if it's the right brand, but it's all I can find in the supermarket where I live.I don't get it. Asian Vinaigrette, with Asian Vinaigrette dressing? There really isn't any Asian dressing to be found in the Asian produce aisle. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you mean Asian Ginger Salad Dressing, which is what I used. I've had Asian Ginger
My director needs some help- She is unable to find the Asian Vinegrette dressing in the grocery store. Has anyone made this salad yet, and if so, where did you find the bottled vinegrette. She made her own for cluster meeting, but she wants to be able to tell consultants what to tell their hosts when purchasing ingredients- what brand? what sotree carries it, etc. Thanks in advance !!!
Newman's Own brand has an Asian dressing.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
thanks, Becky
I found Ken's as well.
mrssyvo said:
thanks, Becky

The other brand I've seen is more local - if you have Meijers by you, then the Meijer's Gold brand has an Asian Dressing also.

At Meijers, there is also an International Aisle where you can find different salad dressings also.....Check the Asian section. (That is, if you have Meijers....I know they are in some of the surrounding states, just not sure where.)
I used Kraft Toasted Sesame dressing. You can also use the Asian dressing recipe from the side of the MMP, and show off another tool. :)
Hi! I'm a self-confessed lurker because you all seem to know so much more about this than I do. I do have an answer for this one though! I used Kraft Light Asian Sesame Dressing. It was really good and it's easy to find.
GEScott said:
Hi! I'm a self-confessed lurker because you all seem to know so much more about this than I do. I do have an answer for this one though! I used Kraft Light Asian Sesame Dressing. It was really good and it's easy to find.

Welcome! Glad you posted...just jump on in, we won't bite!! lol
  • #10
chefann said:
I used Kraft Toasted Sesame dressing. You can also use the Asian dressing recipe from the side of the MMP, and show off another tool. :)
I made the Asian dressing from the MMP. It was very easy and tasted great. Great recipe for a show.
  • #11
I've used both Newman's Own and Kraft and preferred the Newman's Own.
  • #12
Is this a hot or cold salad?
  • #13
krzymomof4 said:
Is this a hot or cold salad?
Either. I think it's meant to be served warm, but I put it in the frig after it was ready. We had to go away for an hour and a half. When we got home, I pulled it out and ate it that way. Very good.
  • #14
hummm, you girls are getting me hungry. Gonna have to try this recipe. If it's in the new Season's Best, well I didn't get my change over yet. So I'll have to look on-line.
  • #15
TinaOuellette said:
hummm, you girls are getting me hungry. Gonna have to try this recipe. If it's in the new Season's Best, well I didn't get my change over yet. So I'll have to look on-line.
Seriously a great recipe. I'm hoping some host will choose it for a show recipe.
  • #16
Now that's good to know!
  • #17
JAE said:
Seriously a great recipe. I'm hoping some host will choose it for a show recipe.

It is in the new catalog too incase someone asks about the recipe! :)
  • #18
Not sure about that. When I get up I'll look. You can just get their e-mail and send it to them. OR, tell them to buy the SBRC for only $1.
  • #19
I used Kraft lite Asian (something) vinegrette. I'll admit, I stood in the dressing aisle for about 10 minutes before I FINALLY discovered this one!! It tasted pretty good...and it was the ONLY one I saw that was actually a vinegrette....so I don't know how the rest would be...I'll definitely be keeping my eyes open because I'd like for a host to be able to choose this recipe, but I want to be able to tell them there is a dressing out there that you don't have to spend a half hour looking for!
  • #20
This salad is DELICIOUS! I've made it for 2 famly functions already, and am planning it for another this weekend. For my son's Hawaiian themed birthday party I doubled the recipe and made it the night before - it was wonderful the next day. Everyone just raved about it - someone even placed an order for the Julienne Peeler and the seasoning mix just so that she could make it at home!
I've only used Olde Cape Cod Fat Free Soy & Ginger Vinaigrette, but I will have to try the recipe on the MM&P, since that makes the most sense to do at a show.
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  • #21
I just made this for dinner. I've had 2 helpings and I want another one!!! It's so good!!! I made it with the Kraft Asian Sesame dressing.
  • #22
I used Marie's Asian Ginger Salad dressing and I hope it was just the dressing, because I did not like this recipe. My boyfriend liked it so it will get eaten.

Just me, but I have not enjoyed some of the featured recipes from this Season's Best. Summer's was one hit after another for me!
  • #23
I am so glad this was posted. Went to the grocery yesterday and did the same thing; stood in front of the salad dressing isle for at least 10 minutes looking for this dressing. Didn't find it, but I will go back and take many of your suggestions. One question though; how do you correctly pronounce Satay?
  • #24
I have to correct my salad dressing maker...it was Marzetti's NOT Marie's. It was Asian Ginger Salad Dressing.
  • #25
pkd09 said:
One question though; how do you correctly pronounce Satay?

Sat-A (like the letter A)
  • #26
Wishbone also makes a Light Asian Vinaigrette...it's really good!
  • #27
Thank you Deb
  • #28
I've been using the recipe on the MMP also, and it's real quick and very tasty. And guests think it's so cool, even though I haven't sold one yet :rolleyes:. My grocery store doesn't carry a ready made one, either.
  • #29
missmindym said:
I've been using the recipe on the MMP also, and it's real quick and very tasty. And guests think it's so cool, even though I haven't sold one yet :rolleyes:. My grocery store doesn't carry a ready made one, either.
This is a great way to bring in more product.
  • #30
We did this tonight at my show and it was a BIG hit! We used the Kraft Asain and it just tastes great!
  • #31
I have an upcoming host who is allergic to dairy...so we were trying to find a demo recipe that she could eat, and she thought this sounded good - but she is also allergic to peanuts. Do you think this could still be good if I left out the peanut butter and peanuts?
  • #32
ChefBeckyD said:
I have an upcoming host who is allergic to dairy...so we were trying to find a demo recipe that she could eat, and she thought this sounded good - but she is also allergic to peanuts. Do you think this could still be good if I left out the peanut butter and peanuts?

No, I don't. But maybe you could leave out the peanuts and use soy nut butter in the dressing? That might work.
  • #33
The only Asian my store had was Asain sesame, or something like that, so I didn't get it because I wasn't sure if it was right.
I got regular balsalmic vinaigarette....do you think it'd be okay to add some Asian seasoning to it?
  • #34
Asian vinaigrette, or Asian sesame will work. I'm not sure about adding seasoning to balsamic vinaigrette.
  • #35
OK thanks Ann....maybe I'll go see if I can exchange it. You're answering all my questions today!:angel:
  • #36
Lacy, I would NOT use the balsamic--no way. Totally different flavor.
  • #37
Ok.. I have heard about this dish.. And I want to make it.. but I can't find the recipe. Please point me in the right direction. I have looked at the recipe files here and it was not listed where I looked. Thanks.. I want to make it for Dinner TONIGHT!!!:chef:
  • #38
It's in the new SBRC, so the recipe is on CC.
  • #39
Thank you so much. I thought I looked before on SBRC...must have been looking for something else!! Off to the kitchen.
  • #40
Its in the new fall catalog too!
  • #41
DebbieJ said:
Sat-A (like the letter A)

I thought it was more like "SAH-tay", with the emphasis on the beginning of the word?
  • #42
mrssyvo said:
My director needs some help- She is unable to find the Asian Vinegrette dressing in the grocery store. Has anyone made this salad yet, and if so, where did you find the bottled vinegrette. She made her own for cluster meeting, but she wants to be able to tell consultants what to tell their hosts when purchasing ingredients- what brand? what sotree carries it, etc. Thanks in advance !!!

Kraft has an Asian Dressing that is good or you can use the measure mix and pour's Asian which is delicious!
  • #43
From dictionary.com:

a Southeast Asian, esp. Indonesian and Malaysian, dish of marinated, bite-size pieces of meat, skewered, barbecued, and usually served with a peanut-flavored dipping sauce.
Also, sa·tay, sa·té.

So, I guess my nice midwestern accent snuck in there...sat vs saht
  • #44
I'm so excited because my host for Friday night chose this recipe. I've been hoping to do this at a show, soon. I'm also excited because the host asked if she could do the show at my house. Now I can use the DCB for the chicken, the cookware for the pasta, our colander and every other tool I can think of without carting all the heavy's to a show. Very excited! Really hoping for bookings.
  • #45
The MMP has a recipe for Asian Dressing on the side of it....just a thought. I am going to try it and see how it tastes.

Related to Where can I find Asian Vinegrette dressing for my Satay Chicken Pasta Salad?

1. Where can I find Asian Vinegrette dressing for my Satay Chicken Pasta Salad?

The best place to look for Asian Vinegrette dressing is in the international or Asian food section of your local grocery store. Some larger chain stores may also carry it in the salad dressing aisle.

2. My director is unable to find the Asian Vinegrette dressing in the grocery store. Has anyone made this salad yet, and if so, where did you find the bottled vinegrette?

Yes, many people have made this salad and found the Asian Vinegrette dressing at their local grocery store. If you are having trouble finding it, try asking a store employee for assistance or checking a different store.

3. What brand of Asian Vinegrette dressing should I use for the Satay Chicken Pasta Salad?

There are many brands of Asian Vinegrette dressing available. Some popular ones include Kikkoman, Ken's, and Newman's Own. Ultimately, the brand you use is a matter of personal preference.

4. What store carries Asian Vinegrette dressing?

Most major grocery stores carry Asian Vinegrette dressing in their international or salad dressing section. Some stores that specialize in Asian or international foods may also carry a wider variety of brands.

5. My director made her own Asian Vinegrette dressing for a cluster meeting, but she wants to be able to recommend a brand to consultants for their hosts to purchase. What brand of Asian Vinegrette dressing should we suggest?

If your director is unable to find a specific brand of Asian Vinegrette dressing, it would be best to recommend a few different brands for hosts to choose from. This way, they can select the brand that is most readily available at their local grocery store. Some popular brands to suggest include Kikkoman, Ken's, and Newman's Own.

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