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What's Your Favorite Winter Hobby?

uh...hours. I'm so excited to finally be here and to start leveling up!I saw you up there and tried to get a picture, but it's hard to take pictures of people while they are talking. You were always mid sentence. It looked like Ann got a pretty good one.You guys are too funny! Can you believe this is my first time on ChefSuccess since Leadership? (There should be some kind of fine for that!) I got into Orlando Sat night and then caught a flight to PA the next morning (looking for a place to live here). I was sooooo tired last night (possibly due to the alcohol consumption every night at Leadership...who me?), that I went to bed at 6:30 and
Staff member
Mine is reading, and watching and going to movies.
Complaining about the snow and cold until spring?
Dreaming of retiring to the tropics somewhere?
Eating (unfortunately!)
I got a package from YOU today!Than kyou SO much for the WashingtonI got a package from YOU today!
Than kyou SO much for the Washington DC Family book!!! The kids and I have been looking through it and making all sorts of fun plans for our trip! Thank you!!!
Glad you and the kids are having fun with it. But really, the thanks is mine for helping drive me over the line for Level 4 (and for the mulitude of motivation your postings gave me throughout the last year!)

Now: just send me some energy telepathically. It's after 9:00 and I still have to pack, 'adjust' my roots :rolleyes:, print some stuff, build a couple on-line shows and prep packets for DH to mail for me during Leadershp. We're leaving for the airport at 5:00am to catch a 7:50 flight. Ugh. :cry:

Uh, guess I should get off ChefSucccess, huh?:blushing:
legacypc46 said:
Glad you and the kids are having fun with it. But really, the thanks is mine for helping drive me over the line for Level 4 (and for the mulitude of motivation your postings gave me throughout the last year!)

Now: just send me some energy telepathically. It's after 9:00 and I still have to pack, 'adjust' my roots :rolleyes:, print some stuff, build a couple on-line shows and prep packets for DH to mail for me during Leadershp. We're leaving for the airport at 5:00am to catch a 7:50 flight. Ugh. :cry:

Uh, guess I should get off ChefSucccess, huh?:blushing:

As they say on High School Musical 2..."You Go DO!!!"
I just met Leggy tonight--she is the coolest!!! :):)
When's she coming home?!? Where are you Leggy!?!??!
  • #10
Leadership was the coolest because I ran into Leggy everyday! What a kind lady and it was a pleasure to finally meet her in person! She was even on the pre-general session q&a on Friday.
If she is anything like me, she is tired and having a hard time getting back into the real world (as well as DCS!)
  • #11
chefmeg said:
She was even on the pre-general session q&a on Friday.

So was I--didn't you see me?!?!? :):)
  • #12
DebbieJ said:
So was I--didn't you see me?!?!? :):)

I totally saw you!!! You did awesome. Then I was looking for you in your purple sweater (right?...I think that's what you were wearing) the rest of the day so I could meet you. Great job!!!:):D
  • #13
pamperedbecky said:
I totally saw you!!! You did awesome. Then I was looking for you in your purple sweater (right?...I think that's what you were wearing) the rest of the day so I could meet you. Great job!!!:):D

Awww, thanks Becky. And yes, I was wearing a purple/lavender cardigan sweater that day.

It was so fun to do that. We got a little goody bag of products as a thank you gift--the new green microfiber, new outdoor serving utensils, small bamboo spoons, and small bamboo tongs. :) And let me tell you, that green is some NEON GREEN!!!!
  • #14
DebbieJ said:
So was I--didn't you see me?!?!? :):)

DANG, Deb, I missed you on there! What did they ask you and what was your response????? I love those q&a things but they were really hard to hear with all of the noisy folks!
  • #15
chefmeg said:
DANG, Deb, I missed you on there! What did they ask you and what was your response????? I love those q&a things but they were really hard to hear with all of the noisy folks!

I know!!! When I was telling my friends the night before that I'd be up there, I said "you know those interviews that no one listens to? I'll be doing one of those!" LOL

They interviewed me about New Director Academy and how it changed my business. :)
  • #16
DebbieJ said:
I know!!! When I was telling my friends the night before that I'd be up there, I said "you know those interviews that no one listens to? I'll be doing one of those!" LOL

They interviewed me about New Director Academy and how it changed my business. :)

I saw you up there and tried to get a picture, but it's hard to take pictures of people while they are talking. You were always mid sentence. It looked like Ann got a pretty good one.
  • #17
You guys are too funny! Can you believe this is my first time on ChefSuccess since Leadership? (There should be some kind of fine for that!) I got into Orlando Sat night and then caught a flight to PA the next morning (looking for a place to live here). I was sooooo tired last night (possibly due to the alcohol consumption every night at Leadership...who me?), that I went to bed at 6:30 and slept for 12 glorious hours.
  • #18
DebbieJ said:
I know!!! When I was telling my friends the night before that I'd be up there, I said "you know those interviews that no one listens to? I'll be doing one of those!" LOL

They interviewed me about New Director Academy and how it changed my business. :)

So true, I don't think anyone listened to mine either! (But the 'goodie' bag was a nice thank-you :))
  • #19
They should tape those so we can all hear them later. :)
  • #20
Addie4TLC said:
They should tape those so we can all hear them later. :)

I was told they do record them and will be sending the clips to the interviewees.
  • #21
legacypc46 said:
So true, I don't think anyone listened to mine either! (But the 'goodie' bag was a nice thank-you :))

What'd ya get??
  • #22
The new outdoor serving set (spoon/fork), the new microfiber towel, small bamboo spoons, small bamboo tongs, and something else (brain is tired right now) :)
  • #23
legacypc46 said:
The new outdoor serving set (spoon/fork), the new microfiber towel, small bamboo spoons, small bamboo tongs, and something else (brain is tired right now) :)

That's all that was in there Kris. :) Unless you got something I didn't get. :grumpy:
  • #24
That's SO nice!
  • #25
Kris, I'm a little upset that you didn't share with me that they asked you to do this! What's up with that? I thought I was one you knew you could always brag too! LOL!
  • #26
Sorry Debi. This move is really whalloping me. (I miss my coffee buddy!!!!!)
I also had mixed feelings about doing the interview; it had to do with recruiting (16 team members since April)...............but you know how I feel about this topic. (Sorry for all the dots, but I wanted to get it below the second line so as to avoid the preview for non-subscribers)
One toot I will share is I sat at Doris's table for the New Director's Breakfast. She is a genuinely kind and sincere woman. Several of the other gals at the table also knocked my socks off. One woman moves her business (successfully) every two years. Wow. Another was a young gal (ala Gillian) who started last February and is just amazing (very polite, polished, and poised). I can see her walking for Advanced as early as National.
Anyway, I miss you, girl. I'm going to try to catch a hop there next month or March at the latest to visit you, Sandi, and my team. The business isn't on my scope like it should be right now. Two moves two months in a row is killing me. Household goods and the car are still somewhere over the Atlantic. I'm staying afloat (ala Titanic) with catalog shows. Am currently home hunting in PA and working to schedule shows here next month. Okay, don't mean this post as a whine; overall life is good...but will be glad to have stability again! :eek:

p.s. it is really wierd having a thread with my 'name' as the title:eek:
  • #27
Leggy, I know you were frantic at LS so I thought I would give you some good vibes comin your way! I can't wait until you are in PA...maybe we can see each there instead of all over Cinci! It is only about 4 hours from where you are going to be.

Please do share what you managed to do to recruit 16 folks since April!! What one or two things do you attribute that kind of success to?

  • #28
chefmeg said:
Leggy, I know you were frantic at LS so I thought I would give you some good vibes comin your way! I can't wait until you are in PA...maybe we can see each there instead of all over Cinci! It is only about 4 hours from where you are going to be.

Please do share what you managed to do to recruit 16 folks since April!! What one or two things do you attribute that kind of success to?


I'm going to start a new thread and answer your question there....seeing "leggy!!!" every time i hit 'new posts' is starting to creep me out a little :rolleyes:
  • #29
legacypc46 said:
I'm going to start a new thread and answer your question there....seeing "leggy!!!" every time i hit 'new posts' is starting to creep me out a little :rolleyes:

You're so silly! Yet, that's SO you!!!

Related to What's Your Favorite Winter Hobby?

What are some popular winter hobbies?

Some popular winter hobbies include skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, snowshoeing, and building snowmen.

Is it safe to participate in outdoor winter activities?

As long as you dress appropriately and take precautions, it is generally safe to participate in outdoor winter activities. Make sure to wear warm, waterproof clothing and stay hydrated.

Can I still enjoy indoor hobbies during the winter?

Absolutely! Winter is a great time to pick up new indoor hobbies like baking, knitting, or crafting. These activities can also be enjoyed with friends and family.

Are there any budget-friendly winter hobbies?

Yes, there are many budget-friendly winter hobbies. Some options include reading, watching movies, cooking or baking, and indoor exercise activities like yoga or dancing.

What are some fun winter hobbies for families?

Building snowmen, sledding, and having snowball fights are great winter activities for families. Indoor activities like board games, movie nights, and baking together are also enjoyable for all ages.

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