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What should I do if someone writes the wrong name on a check for my show?

In summary, JoLynn used an OOF to change the name of the consultant on a show she hosted last Saturday. She wasn't thinking about the part that says make checks payable to... and so didn't change her name there and honestly hadn't even noticed it until she went and closed the show last night as the host thought she would need help. She now has to get a new check made out to Rebecca Voytko.
Silver Member
I had a show last Saturday and when I was putting her host packet together I used an OOF I found on this site and changed the name of the consultant to mine and my website. I wasn't even thinking about the part that says make checks payable to... and so didn't change my name there and honestly hadn't even noticed it until I went and closed the show last night as the host thought she would need help.

Okay so here is my problem. I was going through the outside orders and noticed a check was made out to a different name and wondered why it had that name on it until I glanced at the OOF. So now I am not exactly sure what I should do. My thought is that I need to call the person who wrote the check and explain the situation and ask her if she can send me a new check I just feel horrible doing that. Any other ideas?

You have no choice but to get a new check. Call her and laugh at yourself for making a silly mistake. I don't think the customer will have a problem with it.
I've had this happen except I've had customers make their check out to Pampered Chef and not me! Just all and explain... most poeple are very understanding!
If someone makes out a check to Pampered Chef, the bank will accept it. My bank has me endorse the check by signing "Pampered Chef" and then my name underneath it. If it is made out to Joan Otherconsultant, you'll have to call the customer and have her issue a new check.
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
If someone makes out a check to Pampered Chef, the bank will accept it. My bank has me endorse the check by signing "Pampered Chef" and then my name underneath it.

If it is made out to Joan Otherconsultant, you'll have to call the customer and have her issue a new check.

I do the same thing except one teller told me to put /Rebecca Voytko and then sign it. Tellers usually just let the other bank or the person who wrote the check handle it if it is written wrong.
If I put /Rebecca Voytko on my checks, I'll probably get arrested. ;)
KG- You're very lucky if your bank will take a check made out to Pampered Chef. I bank with a credit union and they won't touch it if it's not made out to me.

Some places are kinda funny about that - credit unions are often more fussy than banks because they're under a different set of rules.The truth is, all these checks are handled under a rather impersonal computer. I used to sign my checks Donald Duck and no one ever noticed.
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
If I put /Rebecca Voytko on my checks, I'll probably get arrested. ;)

LOL, you are too much:rolleyes:
  • #10
My bank wouldn't accept it. The would before everyone quit to work at the new bank....that is where I am going next paycheck....everyone at regions here is mean!!! They are rude and are like ok hurry up and go so I can get back to talking!
  • #11
The day you close your accounts there, be sure to tell the manager that's why you left them.
  • #12
Just make sure you do it AFTER you get your money!
  • #13
I've been able to deposit checks made out to Pampered Chef, to the host, and to a very mangled misspelling of my name. Since I endorse the checks with a stamp that has my name and account number, which makes them for deposit only, I've never had a problem. My favorite teller explained that since I'm depositing everything they figure that if there's a problem they can get it back.
  • #14
Aren't customers grand? Just when you think you've seen every possible manglement of your name possible, somone comes up with a new one.
  • #15
Well, my maiden name was Rae Black. The local paper in my home town often referred to me as Roe Block. (I was in a lot for 4-H, civic theater, etc.) I'm not surprised that people who aren't supposedly professional journalists don't get it right.
  • #16
My last name has been clobbered a few times - with one stroke of the pen on one letter, I can be Italian.
  • #17
raebates said:
Well, my maiden name was Rae Black. The local paper in my home town often referred to me as Roe Block. (I was in a lot for 4-H, civic theater, etc.) I'm not surprised that people who aren't supposedly professional journalists don't get it right.
That sounds like an old department store - Shears Roe Block. I bet they had a catalog and everything.
  • #18
My maiden name is Burkart

Seen it Burkhart, Burkhardt, Burkhardbt, Burkardt, Burkarbdt, Burchard,Burckardt, and I don't remember the rest.

It usually gets messed up the most when I spell it out to them

B-U-R-K-A-R-T still gets Burckardbt

Go figure !!
  • #19
I could almost understand misspelling my first name. Rae isn't exactly one of the 10 most common. However, misspelling "Black" is disturbing.
  • #20
Some people just don't know what to do with such a bright Rae of sunshine.We used to have a very popular celebrity here named Elizabeth "Bo" Black. (Somewhere, I have a video of me being interviewed by her.) Her main claim to fame for years was having been a Playboy centerfold, but her fame increased as she was the Executive Director of Summerfest for about 20 years. She made Summerfest into a roaring success. (She also dated the manager of the Brewers, Tom Treblehorn.) She's retired and living in Arizona now, recovering from a stroke, and is still kind of a cult figure here because of the unceremonious way she got fired from Summerfest - which many of us are still upset about. (I've not gone to Summerfest since and won't, either, because I don't like the new guy at all.)BTW - I'm actually a part of the Culver family, tracing back to the Massachussetts Bay Colony, including a distant cousin who founded Culver City in California. (I'm not related to the custard chain guy.) I just found out that the caretaker's home, next door to the Lincoln tomb, was built by a man named Culver. I will bet he is a great uncle, or at least, a distant cousin of mine.Anyway, it's kinda fun to learn about "celebrities" with the same surname, so I thought you might like to learn about Bo.
  • #21
My married name is a typical minnesota (imposible to pronounce properly) last name.
When we spell it out we have to say J-U-I-L(as in Lary)-F(as in Frank)-S(as in Sam) They still mess it up.
At every show I get at least 2 people that ask "How do you say your name?"

If I didnt love my hubby so much I would go back to Collins! LOL
  • #22
My last name is pretty bad. When someone mentions it, I usually say, "It's my husband's family's fault." That usually gets a laugh. DH also has the funniest, and most confusing way to spell it:
It's S, as in "see;" Z; W, as in "why;" A, as in "are;" R; C, as in "cue."
Since all those words are words that sound like letters, you can understand why it confuses people more.At my shows, I usually hand people a business card so they have it in front of them. Even when I spell it out, people usually misspell it.
  • #23
I was THRILLED to get married and change my last name! My maiden name is Sober - so you can just imagine all of the jokes, puns, and mangled spellings I have endured over the years!So, I married a Deemter.....I still get alot of mangled spellings, but not all of the "funny" comments every time I have to give my name.I do like to tell people though that I've never had a sober day since I've been married! :)
  • #24
We have a Juilfs park close to us, so I would spell it right
  • #25
chefann said:
My last name is pretty bad. When someone mentions it, I usually say, "It's my husband's family's fault." That usually gets a laugh. DH also has the funniest, and most confusing way to spell it:
It's S, as in "see;" Z; W, as in "why;" A, as in "are;" R; C, as in "cue."
Since all those words are words that sound like letters, you can understand why it confuses people more.At my shows, I usually hand people a business card so they have it in front of them. Even when I spell it out, people usually misspell it.
Rae would smile if you just Anglicized it to Black.May the Szwarc be with you.
  • #26
raebates said:
I could almost understand misspelling my first name. Rae isn't exactly one of the 10 most common. However, misspelling "Black" is disturbing.

My maiden name is Adams. How people can misspell that is just as disturbing!
  • #27
Mine was Grant - about as hard to screw up as Black!

Yes, I'm related to Ulysses KG - just for a little trivia...decendents of his brother....

...and it was interesting to read your comments about Bo - I almost forgot about her!

I haven't been to Summerfest since oh about 1992...some drunk guy grabbed my butt when I was walking with my friend and I decked him...didn't get in trouble, everyone around laughed and kept walking. Needless to say, I didn't find it enjoyable to be there...
  • #28
So Useless S is your great-great-uncle! None of my relatives (that I know of, anyway) have their portraits on money.The post office wall, perhaps, but not on money.
  • #29
janetupnorth said:
Mine was Grant - about as hard to screw up as Black!

Yes, I'm related to Ulysses KG - just for a little trivia...decendents of his brother....

...and it was interesting to read your comments about Bo - I almost forgot about her!

I haven't been to Summerfest since oh about 1992...some drunk guy grabbed my butt when I was walking with my friend and I decked him...didn't get in trouble, everyone around laughed and kept walking. Needless to say, I didn't find it enjoyable to be there...

The Grant family lived in my town and had a tannery here. We live in Bethel Ohio near Point Pleasant (the birth town of Ulysses), and Brown County (where he went to school.)

Just a useless piece of info, but a connection.
  • #30
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
So Useless S is your great-great-uncle! None of my relatives (that I know of, anyway) have their portraits on money.

The post office wall, perhaps, but not on money.

Actually, I think the exact count is to me is 3 greats Great-Great-Great Uncle. He was my dad's great-great uncle and my grandpa's great uncle...I'd have to look it up again...

It was funny to watch Wild Wild West and see how they portrayed him. Basically my grandpa always described him as a drunken bum after the war. From family stories, he was decent until after the war was over. Who knows????

The interesting fact is that although we are decendents of his brother, my grandpa, my dad and my brother all had a mole in about the same spot on their face....kind of odd...
  • #31
My last name gets messed up a lot too. Bringham is the most common misspelling. It does help when I say. "like Brigham Young".

My maiden name was rarely misspelled though (probably because I lived in the Milwaukee area): Schlitz (just like the beer).

Because I hate to be called Ellizabeth or Liz (no offense to the Elizabeths and Lizs out there - they are pretty names -just not my name! - well my legal name IS Elizabeth but that's not what I am called.) I am always careful to keep in mind what people want to be called and how they spell their name. People usually say they don't mind or are used to it but I know most appreciate the effort!

Back to subject: I had 2 checks made out to PC yesterday. I just had the host add my name. Funny thing though, she was a former consultant so she should have know to tell the outside orders that we can't take checks made out to PC. Oh, well - lol.
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  • #32
You probably know the story about Mil Famie, then.
  • #34
Thanks for the info about Bo, KG. I do find those stories interesting. My dad is one of 13 children (7 boys and then 6 girls, in that order). With all of the cousins, second cousins, etc., we're a huge I've often said that if you live in the Marion, IN, area, have the last name of Black, and are white, we're most certainly related. If you live in there, your last name is Black, and you're black, there's still a pretty good chance we're somehow related.The big drawback? You know how you'll blame your spouse's family for the things your kids do that drive you crazy? We have to be careful where we are when The Furry Guy says, "That's the Black in him."
  • #35
BethCooks4U said:
Because I hate to be called Ellizabeth or Liz (no offense to the Elizabeths and Lizs out there - they are pretty names -just not my name! - well my legal name IS Elizabeth but that's not what I am called.) I am always careful to keep in mind what people want to be called and how they spell their name. People usually say they don't mind or are used to it but I know most appreciate the effort!

I try to be very careful as well. My given name is Katie - not Kathleen or Kathryn or Kathy or anything else. It is amazing how many people just assume that Katie is short for something and then will use what they think my name should be. I had a boss one time that didn't believe that my name wasn't Katie. He wanted me to show him a birth certificate or SS card... told him NOPE. If payroll or HR wanted it, that was fine, but not him. (It was a work-study job at college, and I ended up only sticking around during the summer. Boss guy gave me the creeps!)
  • #36
I had a lady collected order for orders for herself and 3 friends for a fundraiser and they all wrote the check out to Pampered Chef. I don't know if they will let me deposit them. I guess I can ask tomorrow but my old bank would not.
  • #37
Kathytnt said:
I had a lady collected order for orders for herself and 3 friends for a fundraiser and they all wrote the check out to Pampered Chef. I don't know if they will let me deposit them. I guess I can ask tomorrow but my old bank would not.
Write your name after or above what they wrote. That should be fine. You could bring something with you that shows you are a consultant but most people recognize that PC is a home party company and won't give you a problem.
  • #38
I've had people write checks to PC and not me and even when I've added my name to the line, my bank will not accept them. It's a huge pain and they know that I'm a consultant because some of them are my customers. UGH!
  • #39
katie0128 said:
I try to be very careful as well. My given name is Katie - not Kathleen or Kathryn or Kathy or anything else. It is amazing how many people just assume that Katie is short for something and then will use what they think my name should be. I had a boss one time that didn't believe that my name wasn't Katie. He wanted me to show him a birth certificate or SS card... told him NOPE. If payroll or HR wanted it, that was fine, but not him. (It was a work-study job at college, and I ended up only sticking around during the summer. Boss guy gave me the creeps!)

The Furry Guy's legal name is Chris. It's not Christopher. It's Chris. He has the same problem.
  • #40
raebates said:
The Furry Guy's legal name is Chris. It's not Christopher. It's Chris. He has the same problem.

My DH's legal name is Ricky.......obviously, he chooses to go by just Rick. When someone calls and asks for Ricky, or Richard.....we know it's a tele-marketer.
  • #41
Nobody ever spells my first name correctly - and going by my initials isn't helping. Some people are not comfortable with initials, so I get Jay, Jeremy, Jerome and the worst of all, Junior. :rolleyes:
  • #42
ChefBeckyD said:
My DH's legal name is Ricky.......obviously, he chooses to go by just Rick. When someone calls and asks for Ricky, or Richard.....we know it's a tele-marketer.
Why don't you just have your first name changed to Lucy and be done with it?
  • #43
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Why don't you just have your first name changed to Lucy and be done with it?

He just doesn't have the rhythm for it! Although I could be Lucy pretty easy....I would just need to dye my hair red. I've already got the perfect "Ethel"!:D
  • #44
Yeah, but how are you with vitameatavegamin?
  • #45
raebates said:
Yeah, but how are you with vitameatavegamin?
I LOVE that skit! I am a huge LUCY fan.......Vita...vita.....vitameggameatavit........
  • #46
Do you poop out at parties?
  • #47
Are you unpoopular?
  • #48
Do you ever get to the end of a thread to see the new stuff and have no clue what you missed because it has gone in a crazy direction...
  • #49
Problem is my host caught the first 3 checks and was going to have her friend collect new ones. I have the main check. I submitted the show on faith but now the checks are adding up to $200+ The host is leaving town to go to New York for a 10 days. I have e-mailed the friend and will call her tomorrow but my budget is so tight right now and conference is in two weeks I will see if I can deposit Rae's check but the host has the other 3 now at her house.
Yes - Someone is at the hosts house to take care of the delivery when it gets there.
  • #50
WHAT?!?!?! You think our threads go in crazy directions???? They all make prefect sense to me! They flow the same way my thought process goes... isn't that normal? (And, KG, they make sense, but I know they don't make any cents!)
<h2>1. What should I do if someone writes the wrong name on a check for my show?</h2><p>If someone writes the wrong name on a check for your show, the best course of action is to contact the person who wrote the check and explain the situation. Ask if they can send a new check with the correct name. It's important to address this issue as soon as possible to avoid any confusion or delays in processing the payment.</p><h2>2. I used an OOF from this site for my show, but forgot to change the name on the "make checks payable to" section. What should I do?</h2><p>If you used an OOF from this site and forgot to change the name on the "make checks payable to" section, the best solution is to contact the person who wrote the check and explain the mistake. Ask if they can send a new check with the correct name. It's important to address this issue promptly to avoid any confusion or delays in processing the payment.</p><h2>3. What if I didn't notice the wrong name on the check until after I closed the show?</h2><p>If you didn't notice the wrong name on the check until after you closed the show, it's still important to address the issue as soon as possible. Contact the person who wrote the check and explain the mistake. Ask if they can send a new check with the correct name. It's better to address the mistake late than to ignore it altogether.</p><h2>4. Is it necessary to call the person who wrote the check and ask for a new one?</h2><p>While it may feel uncomfortable or awkward, it is necessary to call the person who wrote the check and ask for a new one with the correct name. This is important for accurate record keeping and to avoid any confusion or delays in processing the payment. Most people will understand and be happy to send a new check with the correct name.</p><h2>5. Are there any other solutions if the person is unable to send a new check?</h2><p>If the person is unable to send a new check, you can also ask if they can write the correct name on the check and initial next to it. This will serve as confirmation that they acknowledge the mistake and have authorized the check to be deposited. However, it's best to avoid this solution if possible, as it can still cause confusion and delays in processing the payment.</p>

Related to What should I do if someone writes the wrong name on a check for my show?

1. What should I do if someone writes the wrong name on a check for my show?

If someone writes the wrong name on a check for your show, the best course of action is to contact the person who wrote the check and explain the situation. Ask if they can send a new check with the correct name. It's important to address this issue as soon as possible to avoid any confusion or delays in processing the payment.

2. I used an OOF from this site for my show, but forgot to change the name on the "make checks payable to" section. What should I do?

If you used an OOF from this site and forgot to change the name on the "make checks payable to" section, the best solution is to contact the person who wrote the check and explain the mistake. Ask if they can send a new check with the correct name. It's important to address this issue promptly to avoid any confusion or delays in processing the payment.

3. What if I didn't notice the wrong name on the check until after I closed the show?

If you didn't notice the wrong name on the check until after you closed the show, it's still important to address the issue as soon as possible. Contact the person who wrote the check and explain the mistake. Ask if they can send a new check with the correct name. It's better to address the mistake late than to ignore it altogether.

4. Is it necessary to call the person who wrote the check and ask for a new one?

While it may feel uncomfortable or awkward, it is necessary to call the person who wrote the check and ask for a new one with the correct name. This is important for accurate record keeping and to avoid any confusion or delays in processing the payment. Most people will understand and be happy to send a new check with the correct name.

5. Are there any other solutions if the person is unable to send a new check?

If the person is unable to send a new check, you can also ask if they can write the correct name on the check and initial next to it. This will serve as confirmation that they acknowledge the mistake and have authorized the check to be deposited. However, it's best to avoid this solution if possible, as it can still cause confusion and delays in processing the payment.

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