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What Is It With All of the Reschedules?!

In summary, Anne had 7 shows in October, now she has 1. One wanted to reschedule (but hasn't yet) because the host was in the hospital. One wanted to reschedule (but hasn't yet) because the host's son was in the hospital. The next one (10/14) rescheduled because her best friend's Mom was killed and the show was same night as the viewing. The show Anne had on 10/18 wants to reschedule because no one was coming because of the bad weather. WHAT bad weather?! Anne had another one who INSISTED on (10/15) want to reschedule (but hasn't yet) because "it just wasn't a good time,
Silver Member
I had 7 shows in October. Now, I have one. One (10/1) wanted to reschedule (but hasn't yet) because the host was in the hospital. One (10/8) wanted to reschedule (but hasn't yet) because the host's son was in the hospital. The next one (10/14) rescheduled because her best friend's Mom was killed and the show was same night as the viewing. The show I had on 10/18 wants to reschedule because no one was coming because of the bad weather. WHAT bad weather?! I had another one who INSISTED on (10/15) want to reschedule (but hasn't yet) because "it just wasn't a good time, maybe Nov." And, now my show on the 30th wants to reschedule because its somebody's freaking surprise party and she just freaking found out. So, now its down to the one I was able to reschedule to the 26th, and 2 catalog shows. I over booked, too. Who would have freaking thought?! I guess I should be happy that I at least have something. It wouldn't be so bad if they all automatically went into Nov, but that hasn't happened. I final am at the point where I can promote to TL and I might not have enough sales to do it.
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Bummer Anne! Some of those are understandable (hospital & death) but the weather one is interesting. It can be a blizzard here in Illinois and people will still venture out. Hopefully your November & December will fill in with those reschedules - good luck!
Wow, I'm not the only one then! I had 6 shows for this month and a booth, and now they've all wound down to 3 shows and finally found a booth replacement....but I've never had so many cancellations in my history and now all of the sudden I had 3 this month! Maybe it's something in the air? Who knows!?! Sorry for your frustration. I've heard that shows booked more than 2-3 weeks in advance have a 60-some% chance of canceling. I try to book closer rather than further away. Maybe that would help!?! Sometimes life just gets in the way though and they have to cancel regardless. Keep trucking along. There's always new leads to be had!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
So, I got on the phone to talk with my remaining host, afraid that I might lose the show (considering recent eventsO. Well, she has $300 in outside orders and has more coming! So, I just may hit the minimums for this month for my TL promotion to go through!
We've all had months like that. It's no fun. Sorry you're going through this. Glad your one host is rockin' it, though.
I feel for you. My October is great but I'm loosing all my November shows! I literally maybe have 1 and I'm not even sure of that one right now. I had 4.
I actually wonder if as the flu seasons gets more interesting, if people will be less willing to go out more than they have to. Who knows. It stinks. Sorry it went downhill so fast! Takes the wind out of one's sails!
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  • #8
Thanks, everyone. I felt like, "Wow, Oct is the beginning of doing great and splat." I don't think I wouldn't worry so much if my husband's salary hadn't just been cut and I just applied for some sort of assistance with our energy bills. (sigh)
I know the feeling! I had 8 shows booked for this month & all but 1 cancelled! They all said they wanted to reschedule, but none of them have given me a set date for their show. Luckily the one I did have is at $800 so far, she is trying to get to $1000 for the knife block.
Thanks for the thread to vent our frustrations.
  • #10
You are not alone! I had 9 and ended up doing just 3!! Luckily, I had $2,300 carry over from last month. P.uke!
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  • #11
Thanks, MWalker & Elaine. I believe I will make my minimum for TL to promote, but its not enough to support my family. In a way, I am glad its not just me. Sorry for everyone else, though!
  • #12
Man I just started and I don't have any booking for next month, just two catalog shows. I'm worried because we just moved to another state and took a big pay cut. I really want PC to work so I don't have to put my daughter in daycare, I would have to drive an hour to do that! :(
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  • #13
PamperedMom07 said:
Man I just started and I don't have any booking for next month, just two catalog shows. I'm worried because we just moved to another state and took a big pay cut. I really want PC to work so I don't have to put my daughter in daycare, I would have to drive an hour to do that! :(

Two catty shows are a great start! Just put yourself out there and the shows will come. Don;t get down by my post. I have been a consultant for 4 years and this has NEVER happened to me!
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  • #14
And my one show right now is at $800 with more orders to come! So, I can't complain at this point!
  • #15
I just had a show tonight and only two guest came, no bookings. They both ordered and the host has a few outside orders, so hopefully the show will reach $250-300. I'm just a little bummed because I was hoping to get at least one booking.

I'm trying to get my name out there, left mini catalogs when I run errands and stuff. Haven't been able to get contact information yet, still nervous about that lol.

I did make a few follow up calls from my two grand openings I had earlier this month. Funny this is I wasn't even signed up yet didn't sign up until the 13th so I have a great start there lol. One of the guest got an outside order for me that was $90 in comissionable sales. I just talked to him today, he said he wasn't into shows but would defiantly order from me again. So that was a plus, he said he plans on ordering next month sometime and to add it to any show I have. :)
  • #16
For those that say they want to reschedule, offer then one or two dates as close in as possible - "would you like to reschedule for the 10th or the 14th". If they say that can't commit, try to get them to tentatively book - "I understand you can't commit, but let's put you down for the 14th tentatively, and I'll call you in a couple of days to confirm". It's SO easy for people to put off and put off. Once there is an actual date attached to the re-schedule, you can negotiate from there. Good luck!
  • #17
Okay, here's my take on this: The hospital and death...those are examples of life happening. The others are clear examples of the hosts either feeling unable to honor their commitment to you OR feeling afraid that their show is not going to be successful. When they feel that way, they cancel or postpone.

Remedies? I hear that having hosts providing you with names, addresses, and stamps and then sending out the invitations for them helps attendance a lot. I, personally, do not have the time to do that for my hosts. Instead, I call them about 3 times prior to the show and during my coaching calls, and first I tell them to feel comfortable inviting guests right up until the day of the show, and I also encourage getting an outside order from anyone who says they cannot attend, and I'm constantly asking them how many people are coming....and I get excited about it....no matter what the number is! Even if they say one, I tell them not to despair. They should call that one person and have them bring a few friends, and keep calling their other friends.

Here's hoping you make it to TL Anne!
  • #18
I feel your pain, Anne. After a 4-5 month hiatus for maternity leave, I finally felt like I had a great month scheduled with October. I had approx. 6 cooking shows and 2 catty shows on my calendar. Only 2 of those shows have held. One had a family event the same day that she scheduled her show (and like the hostd idn't know that the day she booked her show, or couldnn't call me when she discovered it!) 1-2 others just never returned my calls after I gave them their host kit.

I had about 6-8 shows lined up for November, but I have only received guests lists from one of them so far (well, another one is doing an e-vite), and no one will return my messages (I have left 3-4 messages with each of them). UGH!!! What is wrong with these people?!
  • #19
We have had so much H1N1 in our area. I was so excited at the beginning of this month but a lot of people are rescheduling/canceling and my November is now falling apart too.

Related to What Is It With All of the Reschedules?!

What is the reason for all of the reschedules?

There could be various reasons for rescheduling a party or event. Some common reasons include unexpected conflicts in schedules, illness or emergencies, changes in availability of guests, or simply needing more time to prepare.

How can I avoid having to reschedule?

To avoid having to reschedule, it is important to plan ahead and communicate clearly with all parties involved. Make sure to set a date and time that works for the majority of your guests, and keep them updated if any changes occur. Also, be prepared for unexpected events by having a backup plan or alternative date in mind.

What should I do if I need to reschedule?

If you need to reschedule, it is important to let all parties involved know as soon as possible. Be honest and communicate the reason for the change. Offer alternative dates or options, and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

How can Pampered Chef assist with reschedules?

Pampered Chef understands that life happens and plans may change. Our consultants are trained to be flexible and accommodating when it comes to rescheduling parties or events. We will work with you to find a new date and time that works for everyone.

Is there a fee for rescheduling?

There is no fee for rescheduling a Pampered Chef party or event. We want to make sure our hosts and guests have the best experience possible, and we understand that sometimes plans may need to change. However, if there are any costs associated with the reschedule (such as ordering additional products), those will be discussed and agreed upon beforehand.

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