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What Happened in the First 10 Minutes of Survivor Tonight?

In summary, on the latest episode of Amazing Race, the contestants were split into tribes before the show even started. They had 60 seconds to unload their belongings from the truck, and then were told to vote for the weakest member. However, the two members who were voted for were surprised with a helicopter ride to their camp instead of making the 4 hour trek. This caused some tension as they missed out on team bonding time. The conversation also touched on the struggle of keeping up with multiple TV shows on different nights and the desire for TiVo.
Gold Member
WOOHOO!! Somehow I missed it and just happened to stumble over it. I missed the first 10 minutes so I'm a little lost. It wasn't the typical start and there's a woman alone in each camp that was left behind. Can anyone explain what happened? Thanks!

Now Amazing Race starts on Sunday. I'm a VERY happy girl! :D
They were split into tribes before the show even started. They had 60 seconds to unload as much as they could from the truck that carried them. Then they were told they were voting already (they made it seem like it was an elimination vote). So they each voted who they thought was the weakest member. Well the surprise was that the two that were voted for didn't have to make the 4 hour trek to their camp, they got helicoptered in. Which Jeff said wasn't much of a gift as they were almost voted out and didn't get the team bonding time that the others would get.I couldn't keep up with Amazing Race last year, I wish it wasn't on Sundays!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
wadesgirl said:
They were split into tribes before the show even started. They had 60 seconds to unload as much as they could from the truck that carried them. Then they were told they were voting already (they made it seem like it was an elimination vote). So they each voted who they thought was the weakest member. Well the surprise was that the two that were voted for didn't have to make the 4 hour trek to their camp, they got helicoptered in. Which Jeff said wasn't much of a gift as they were almost voted out and didn't get the team bonding time that the others would get.

I couldn't keep up with Amazing Race last year, I wish it wasn't on Sundays!

Thanks for updating me! Now I can share with my DD who's not going to be happy that I missed taping and watching the first 10 minutes or so. Tonight was TV night but she wanted to watch American Idol that was taped from last night and Tuesday night that she hadn't watched and wanted me to watch it with her. So halfway through when I remembered last night's was 2 hours so even fast forwarding I was going to miss Grey's I checked to see when/where it was on later (satellite dish) and noticed Survivor..which of course was now over and playing again at 11. Then at 11..I forgot :blushing:

So now I've taped the rest of it and all of Grey's and we can catch up tomorrow night while the boys are at hockey. Then of course Sunday it's D Housewives and now A Race. I understand you wishing it was on another night. I usually only watch Survivor, A Race, Grey's, DH and Bachelor but heck that's enough! 5 shows, 3 nights! And of course when DD forces me to watch Idol.

Thank goodness for more than one tv and having a VCR. I wish we had TiVo up here. Not that I'd be able to afford it right now but it would be nice to have the option.
kcjodih said:
Thanks for updating me! Now I can share with my DD who's not going to be happy that I missed taping and watching the first 10 minutes or so. Tonight was TV night but she wanted to watch American Idol that was taped from last night and Tuesday night that she hadn't watched and wanted me to watch it with her. So halfway through when I remembered last night's was 2 hours so even fast forwarding I was going to miss Grey's I checked to see when/where it was on later (satellite dish) and noticed Survivor..which of course was now over and playing again at 11. Then at 11..I forgot :blushing:

So now I've taped the rest of it and all of Grey's and we can catch up tomorrow night while the boys are at hockey. Then of course Sunday it's D Housewives and now A Race. I understand you wishing it was on another night. I usually only watch Survivor, A Race, Grey's, DH and Bachelor but heck that's enough! 5 shows, 3 nights! And of course when DD forces me to watch Idol.

Thank goodness for more than one tv and having a VCR. I wish we had TiVo up here. Not that I'd be able to afford it right now but it would be nice to have the option.
Tivo would be nice, that way you can set up a whole season at once. We go to my in-laws on Sundays and I usually forget to set up a tape.

I almost missed the beginning of Survivor. I worked until 6, had to run to the grocery store and then pick up dinner. I got home right around 7:03!
I love that with Comcast survivor is on demand and I can watch it anytime. But Amazing Race isn't and that is my favorite show. I want so badly to go on there I can hardly stand it. When I found out I was pregnant a couple of years ago one of the first things I said, after the initial shock and excitement of course, was "oh, no! Now they won't let me be on Amazing Race" of course, now I couldn't imagine leaving my little guy long enough to be on there but..............I think I may still apply sometime.
Okay, anyone else sick to death of Coach? I think the man's so full of monkey poo he squeaks.
He is driving me nuts. He thinks he is all that and he isnt.
All of his "head of the dragon" talk is annoying. What's hysterical is that he clearly truly believes all of the slop he's throwing. If they manage to vote him out tonight, it will be great--one of the biggest upsets ever. :)
cant wait to see what happens tonight. I really hope they blind side him and vote him out. Now wouldnt that be funny.
  • #10
His story about the Amazon was just bizarre.
  • #11
Plus, he talks like a bag Steven Segal movie.
  • #12
Wow, I'm so disappointed.
  • #14
Oh, well. Maybe next week we'll get to hear how he escaped from the shark and the alligator. ;)
  • #15
I'm so mad I don't want to watch anymore now!!
  • #16
Look at it this way. No matter who winds up in the final, no one is going to vote for the blowhard, know-it-all, weirdo jerk.
  • #17
True. Maybe I'll watch but put the TV on mute when that idiot talks:)!
  • #18
I don't know if he's for real or if it's all an act because he is on TV and wants to be the talk of the watercooler, but I am SO tired of his arrogance and super-sized ego.

And that's all I have to say about that (until next week, anyway...).
  • #19
I've known some guys like him in my life. (One told me he killed a shark with a stick. LOL!) I think this is probably just him. Of course, he now has the biggest audience he's ever had. That just adds to the fun for him.
  • #20
I think Coach should spend some time with Ron from Biggest Loser.

Maybe they could have their own Reality TV show....:p
  • #21
Oh, man. That I'd pay to see. Wonder which one would crack first. LOL!
  • #22
Ughhhh I'm so mad I really thought that Coach was going and I was so disapointed that Brendan did. Can anyone tell me why Coach and Tyson have been saying that Brendan is the sneakiest player, when they were just as bad, though probably worse. I'm so mad Stephen and Taj didn't stick with exile alliance. I liked them till they turned on Brendan and Sierra. I don't like anyone anymore because I know Sierra won't last. I love how even Jeff got sick of Coach's stories just from Tribal LOL
  • #23
What a crock.... I was SO wanting the cocky coach to get his just desserts.... but to have it backfire and get Brandon kicked off... the winking is so annoying too.. I hope I don't have to see that again. They need to take him down.. today would have been the perfect time... but soon please!!!! I don't know.. maybe I'm being too rough.. after all he probably found the cure to cancer and heart disease..... and shares with Gore inventing the internet....
  • #24
I am so frustrated with those players. Why on earth are they all listening and following Coach and the annoying side-kick Tyson (well maybe he just seems funny to them, but his remarks to the camera diary just irk me)?! I remember watching Survivor, was it the first season?, with that jerk Richard. I couldn't stand him and I thought others were annoyed with him also. Didn't he end up winning the whole thing in the end? It just makes me wonder why people let the weirdos and jerks linger and give them such power? I wonder if they think Coach isn't really a threat, that since he's so annoying people eventually will get rid of him. But that seems to backfire. In the meantime other things happen and the focus shifts to people getting rid of the "bigger threat", only to then miss the opportunity to get rid of the obnoxious jerks. I really do wonder what the thinking was behind Stephen and Taj ditching their alliance with Brandon and Sierra. Poor Sierra, those scenes for next week are pretty sad for her! (And why doesn't someone tell her to cover her butt so they don't have to blur that area all the time!)
  • #25
I was so hoping that coach was gone. He drives me nuts. His story was so outragous wonder how he came up with that.
  • #26
Indeed Coach is a jerk and needs to go. I liked Taj initially, but she is not to be trusted. I hope JT makes it far. Nice kid.
  • #27
He's probably convinced himself it actually happened. He's a bit psycho.
  • #28
I think he has convinced himself it happened. Anything wild that could happen to anyone has happened to him -- what did he say, he's come close to being killed 6 or 7 times? Yah, right.
  • #29
YAY Tyson is out!!!!!! I'm so happy, I don't think Sierra will make it to the end but I hope she does!!!! She's the only one left I like. I also don't know why Sierra didn't oust the exile alliance to oust Taj and Stephen and that they had promised to vote with them to 2 show how loyal they really are. though had she done that Tyson might stil b in the game
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  • #30
Woohoo....woohoo.....doin' the happy dance here!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  • #31
kcjodih said:
Woohoo....woohoo.....doin' the happy dance here!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Me too! We were sitting here yelling at the tv. After last week I was hoping it would actually work this week. He was just too cocky!
  • #32
The looks on his and Coach's faces were priceless. The previews for next week look great. I can't wait to see the entire scene with Coach trying to ingratiate himself to Sierra. I'm guessing her answer is, "Fat chance."
  • #33
raebates said:
The looks on his and Coach's faces were priceless.

The previews for next week look great. I can't wait to see the entire scene with Coach trying to ingratiate himself to Sierra. I'm guessing her answer is, "Fat chance."

We rewound the looks on Coach's and Tyson's face (and Sierra's) many times. Too funny!! I hope Coach is next -- he is so incredibly full of himself -- someone has way over-inflated his ego for him somewhere along the way.
  • #34
I really hope coach is next. I am so glad Tyson is gone. As Amanda said his comments on the diary cam just rubbed me the wrong way.
  • #35
I still say that every time Coach talks he sounds like a bad Steven Segal movie.
  • #36
I'm still smiling about Tyson going!! Made my week! I too hope Coach is next!
  • #37
The Furry Guy isn't really into Survivor any longer. Still, I had him watch this last tribal council. He loved it. When Tyson said that now he knew how Brendan felt, we just laughed. Of course, his comment about being outsmarted by an idiot made him look even more stupid. She was clearly as surprised as he was.
  • #38
Wow, Coach, Mr. I Play With Honor, just lied through his teeth.I love his accusation of disloyalty to Sierra: You're stupid. You're out of here. We're voting you out. Gee, you have no loyalty to us? What a twiddlehead.
  • #39
Deb's a 43-year-old professional? Sure, she's a 43-year-old professional who lied through her teeth. She appears a little unstable to me.And, coach's "I have not lied in this game. I will not lie in this game" cracked me up. He has shown his true colors.
  • #40
Oh, and if you're going to quote the Bible, don't screw it up.
  • #41
Love the look on Brendan's face as Coach walked by.
  • #42
That's too bad. Well, at least she knows she exposed Coach for the lying snake he is.
  • #43
You know, she played a good game. She has reason to be proud. This could get really interesting.
  • #44
raebates said:
You know, she played a good game. She has reason to be proud.

This could get really interesting.

I think that we agree a lot on this show! I didn't want her to go, I was so disappointed when Coach won immunity! DH didn't hear the conversation that started the whole thing. Coach did lie didn't he? I wanted to make sure that I wasn't making things up!
  • #45
Oh, yeah. He lied through his teeth. No doubt about it.And, of course we agree. Great minds and all that . . .
  • #46
Okay good, didn't want to think that I was making things up!
  • #47
Oh I can't wait for Coach to go!!! If he wins I'm going to have to swear off Survivor!
  • #48
There is no way Coach will win. That's insanity!!! It won't happen. Even if by some miracle he makes it to the end, I can't see him getting the votes. Unless someone took him to the end because they assume they'll win against him. I was very disapointed to see Sierra go. I was hoping Debbie would go. I don't like her at all, probably mostly because she aligned with Tyson and Coach!!
  • #49
Oh and Rae, I will totally be thinking about Steven Segal movies everytime I watch Survivor now!!! LOL
  • #50
I agree with what my friend texted me after the elimination--they're idiots. Coach did have several fun moments in tonight's episode. I found it funny that his "family" was his assistant coach. Nothing like having an underling visit you to boost your moral. Their conversation was interesting. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Coach the only one who refers to Coach as "Dragon Slayer"? Plus, he sure lies and schemes a lot for someone who so highly values his honesty and integrity.I'm not sorry to see Debby go. She handled it with class, though. It will be interesting to see how Coach handles this surprise. He doesn't seem to do well with surprises.
<h2>1. What happened in the first 10 minutes of Survivor tonight?</h2><p>In the first 10 minutes of Survivor, the contestants were split into two tribes and were sent to their respective camps. However, one person from each tribe was left behind and had to fend for themselves until their tribe returned.</p><h2>2. I missed the first 10 minutes, can someone explain what happened?</h2><p>In the first 10 minutes of Survivor, the contestants were divided into two tribes and sent to their camps. Unfortunately, one person from each tribe was left behind and had to survive alone until their tribe returned.</p><h2>3. Why was the start of this episode different from the usual start?</h2><p>This episode of Survivor had a different start because the contestants were split into two tribes before they even reached their camps. This resulted in two people being left behind and having to survive alone.</p><h2>4. Who was left behind at each camp?</h2><p>The two people left behind were Reem Daly from the Manu tribe and Keith Sowell from the Kama tribe.</p><h2>5. When does Amazing Race start?</h2><p>The new season of Amazing Race starts on Sunday, April 17th. Get ready for an exciting new season of challenges and adventures!</p>

Related to What Happened in the First 10 Minutes of Survivor Tonight?

1. What happened in the first 10 minutes of Survivor tonight?

In the first 10 minutes of Survivor, the contestants were split into two tribes and were sent to their respective camps. However, one person from each tribe was left behind and had to fend for themselves until their tribe returned.

2. I missed the first 10 minutes, can someone explain what happened?

In the first 10 minutes of Survivor, the contestants were divided into two tribes and sent to their camps. Unfortunately, one person from each tribe was left behind and had to survive alone until their tribe returned.

3. Why was the start of this episode different from the usual start?

This episode of Survivor had a different start because the contestants were split into two tribes before they even reached their camps. This resulted in two people being left behind and having to survive alone.

4. Who was left behind at each camp?

The two people left behind were Reem Daly from the Manu tribe and Keith Sowell from the Kama tribe.

5. When does Amazing Race start?

The new season of Amazing Race starts on Sunday, April 17th. Get ready for an exciting new season of challenges and adventures!

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