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What Are Must Haves to Bring to Conference?

In summary, the conference will provide you with knowledge and inspiration, but it is important not to get overwhelmed by the information and to focus on one or two actions that you can take right away. Bring a notebook and two note cards to keep you focused, a comfortable pair of shoes, clothes that are breathable in humid climates, a chef's badge to recognize fellow attendees, business cards, a binder to organize information, a camera and extra batteries, spending money to help subsidize the cost of the conference,
Gold Member
I didn't want this to get buried on another thread, so I am starting a new thread. I already posted part of this somewhere else, so bear with me!

This is something I typed up after attending conference in 2004 (that was my first conference, this is my second.) Remember, we will hear/learn a TON of great ideas. You can't implement them all, but if you are overwhelmed and don't implement anything, it's not worth your time and $$ to attend NC.

Conference (and handouts, team meetings, etc.) are like floodlights. Your receive tons of information that is too spread out to be effective. You can’t possibly implement every bit of info that you learn. FOCUS the light to a LASER BEAM!! Take the info and choose one or two items to do right now! Take Baby steps to make Large changes in your business!"

At Julie Weiss's training that we had at Regional in February, she told us something she does when going to trainings so she doesn't get lost with information. Take 2 note cards. On one write "Love It, Do It NOW!!" for those ideas that are great and you can do right away without a lot of planning or changing. (Ex: Listen with my heart, not my head) On the second one write "Like It, Do It LATER!!" for ideas that will take some planning and "homework" before you can do it. (Ex: My "Why" bag that I use when talking about how PC has changed my life and WHY I still love it!)

I am going to add that to my list of things I need to take to conference. These cards really help to keep you focused on the things YOU want to change about YOUR business based on the new knowledge you will be receiving!

Now, here is a list I have started about conference must haves. Please list anything else that you feel we need to bring!

2 note cards: Love it, Do it NOW!! and Like It, Do it LATER!
Comfy shoes/ breathable business casual clothes (humid in Chicago!)
Chef success badge (so we know each other!)
Business cards (to share your contact info with others you meet!)
Binder/ legal pad/pens
Camera/batteries/extra disk for camera
Spending $$
Goodies/chocolate/etc for munching back at the hotel
Thanks! I totally appreciate a list of things to bring since this is my 1st Confrence! :)
Thanks also! Do we get a packet or anything with registration? Notepad, pens, etc???
Great list-- thanks!And do they give us free goodies or anything? (Wondering how big a suitcase I should take.)
They have a list on Pampered Chef.com what to bring too..... I rbought too big of a suit case last year... but I am brining a middle size one this year..... hopefully I will have enough room ! :)
I've only been to one since I had to miss last year, but the free stuff is usually some sort of bag. Anything else is pretty small, I think (there were a couple of extras maybe b/c it was the 25th Anniversary). However, you can purchase stuff at booths so keep room for shopping if you plan to do it. They also have new postcards and mini catalogs available to purchase as well. The note card idea is great b/c I do end up with too much info!!Earplugs are good too bring too in case you have noisy roommates ;-) We used a Clock Timer as our alarm clock too ;-) Water is good to have on hand too and snacks in case you get hungry b/t meals since it's easier if you have stuff on you already and it's more expensive to buy there.
Okay...I know that this sounds silly...but Kleenex. When Doris spoke last year at Conference, it was so moving and I didn't have anything.

I'm a sap anyway and cry at stupid things like Hallmark commercials, the Sound of Music, etc.
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Thanks for all the ideas!!! I am a sap too, so will remember Kleenex as well!!! LOL
Hi protein snacks to keep your energy up!
  • #10
luvs2cook said:
Okay...I know that this sounds silly...but Kleenex. When Doris speaks, it's so moving and I didn't have anything.

I'm a sap anyway and cry at stupid things like Hallmark commercials, the Sound of Music, etc.

I am a sap too...... I cry at the sillyest things as well..... I cried last year when Doris spoke it was very moving!
  • #11
Empty luggage...to take home everything you buy!
  • #12
Bring the names and addresses of the first several shows scheduled for after your return. Pick up Chicago postcards and send one to each of those hosts telling them that you're learning lots of great ways to may their show special. (No need to let host coaching wait until you get back!)

Aspirin, tummy tablets, and a few small bandaids. You don't want a headache, tummy ache, or (especially in my case) a minor accident to ruin your experience. Besides, from all of the "piano bar" posts I've read, these may be necessities.
  • #13
Add to the list:

Labels pre-printed with your name, address, phone and consultant number. When you buy from vendors you always have to fill out a form with that info on it!

Postcard stamps for postcards you will send to leads saying -- "I am having so much fun! Next year I hope you're here with me!"

Waterbottle -- last year they had water with paper cups.

Sweater -- those conference rooms are CHILLY.

Business cards with a tip on the back -- how about "Join me at Chef Success!"
  • #14
pampermemelody said:
Empty luggage...to take home everything you buy!

Ok, Ok.... I know this may sound silly, but what are some things the vendors offer?? Are they closeout items? sale items? new items?

Also, about how much extra $$ is a good amount to bring???
  • #15
I know one thing I cannot forget!!

My laptop. While I won't be using it during meetings -- that would be annoying I think -- I will want to have it so that I can retype my notes in and check ChefSucess.com :) And play video games and watch dvd's on the plane ;P

I swear if I could get this thing surgically attached to my lap I would :p

One thing I never travel without, even when I don't have my kids with me. My Tide Pen!! It used to be Shout Wipes, but the Tide Pen rocks my world.

I can just imagine my clutz self dripping sauce on my shirt with a big old stain, then turning around and seeing Doris right behind me or something. TIDE PEN TO THE RESCUE!!!!!

  • #16
For the most part the vendors have currently-available products at reduced prices. I say bring whatever $$ you're comfortable spending. Or, you can always bring a credit card. This would allow you to keep track of everything you buy.
  • #17
OH! Another tip I heard -- pack your suitcase with your clothes/items in it inside another larger suitcase. At the hotel, put your dirty clothes in the larger case, and use the smaller one to hold all your stuff and check both for the return trip.
  • #18
raebates said:
Or, you can always bring a credit card. This would allow you to keep track of everything you buy.

LOL more make me forget how much I'm going overboard until the bill comes the next month!!!

Oh well -- all the tips and tricks I learn will increase my sales and shows and I'll have more than enough to pay that nasty bill off right?!?!?
  • #19
Absolutely. You'll be rich!
  • #20
See, I'm cheap when it comes to buying things...I didn't think anyone offered really great specials and I was really disappointed, because I had heard tales of bins of T-shirts for $5, but that is all in the past. They all had some new stuff, but mostly the usuals. I'm cautiously optimistic about our new clothing vendor! UPS was there last year and you could pack up everything you bought and ship it back home so you didn't have to lug it around. I'm going to assume (though we all know what assuming means!) that FedEx will be there for the same this year. Nancy's didn't have a LOT of cash and carry, you still had to order and pay shipping. I liked some of the Merrill products, but I'm CHEAP! But I couldn't get my cluster buddies to go out partying, either, so I saved dough in that department...

Can't wait!

DO NOT FORGET YOUR CAMERA!!! I did and I was so sad!

Do NOT leave your cell phone in the car and then take off your new, blister causing shoes while hiking to get it on the hot concrete and burn the bottom of your feet, thus causing even your comfy shoes to hurt, and don't stop on the way back to conference to make a phone call and rest your poor feet and then leave the phone sitting on the picnic table at the harbor restaurant so that you have to GO BACK to the same place later to get the phone AGAIN. (just a hypothetical...)
  • #21
Thanks so much, Kim, for that hypothetical example of what not to do. Maybe we should team up sometime and write a book about things people really shouldn't do. Hypothetically, of course.
  • #22
Not a bad idea, Rae!
  • #23
If we just sold one copy to each of the cheffers, we'd make a fortune!
  • #24
I have never (hypothetically) done anything remotley like that.... with a phone.

Now -- car keys, purse, diaper bag, small children... HYPOTHETICALLY of course. :p
  • Thread starter
  • #25

You guys are too funny!

Of course, I have no sense of reference to ANYTHING you are talking about! :)
  • #26
You know, if laughing really removed portions of my tushie, I'd be a very happy, much skinnier person!
  • #27
Not to be indelicate, but the women attending should bring along feminie hygiene supplies. Even if you don't expect to need them, all of the excitement can mess up a girl's cycle.
  • #28
raebates said:
Not to be indelicate, but the women attending should bring along feminie hygiene supplies. Even if you don't expect to need them, all of the excitement can mess up a girl's cycle.

And if you forget.... remember that Tide Pen!!! :p

Sorry -- you're not borrowing mine for that!
  • #29
AWESOME TIPS KELLY! This is my 9th (can you believe it?) National Conference and the index card idea is so great. I usually take pretty thorough notes but jotting down the main ones to act on are wonderful!
Get an expandable suitcase. Pack it regularly and then when you get all your freebies and other Conference goodies just unzip and expand and you are set! Try to pack pretty light and do bring munchies and water as sometimes it could be a long way til your next meal.
Also, never tried this but maybe some Depends would be good too! Not only do you not have to wait in the long lines you wouldn't have to miss a thing!!! LOL! Believe me, I AM JUST KIDDING!!!:D
  • #30
smspamperedchef said:
Also, never tried this but maybe some Depends would be good too! Not only do you not have to wait in the long lines you wouldn't have to miss a thing!!! LOL! Believe me, I AM JUST KIDDING!!!:D

Sure. We'll be keeping an eye on you to make sure you make occasional visits to the facilities.
  • #31
I recommend highlighters! That way I can highlight my notes at night to help for when I get home and type them up. I also have a great sheet for each workshop that I use... I'll try to find that (or just retype it) and post it asap!
  • #32
oh yeah... a document with all your clustermates and uplines phone numbers and flight info on it... it's a great reference sheet when you loose everyone in the chaos!
  • #33
So here's the workshop highlight form that I quickly retyped for y'all... It's kind of nice, especially if you take a workshop from each area, you go home with 4 things to implement that will improve your business in all aspects!


  • Workshop Highlights Sheet.doc
    27 KB · Views: 406
  • #34
Well we WILL be in Wave 2 together.:D
  • #35
I wonder if they will have surprise packs this year. If they have them and you buy one, you can open it and stick supplies into the box and then seal it up and send it home.
  • #36
Here's something I got a couple of years agoThis might help. Then you can add or delete as you see fit. :)


  • Conference Packing List.doc
    21.5 KB · Views: 347
  • #37
Here's another - I'm too tired to go through it and delete the vendors that aren't applicable but it does have some good ideas :)


  • conference tips.doc
    25.5 KB · Views: 379
  • #38
Thanks for the form and the lists!
  • Thread starter
  • #39
GourmetGirl said:
So here's the workshop highlight form that I quickly retyped for y'all... It's kind of nice, especially if you take a workshop from each area, you go home with 4 things to implement that will improve your business in all aspects!
Great form! I will be printing this out and using it in my NC binder!!
  • #40
Thanks everyone for the lists and the form. Ya'll rock!!!
  • #41
Last year was my first year and the item that is on the top of my list for this year is: GOOD COMFORTABLE SHOES ALREADY BROKEN IN. I found these really cute shoes last year before I left and thought "these will be great". They were for the first 2 hours then "BLISTERS". Lots of walking at Conference and, of course, shopping.
  • #42
And wear comfortable clothes, too. I know everyone wants to dress appropriately, but seriously, you will see people wearing all sort of things. I wanted to look professional, but I wasn't always comfortable. And to echo what PKD09 said, yes, wear comfy shoes. Trust me, I saw plenty of people who dressed nicely wearing sneakers. Smart if you ask me.

Wear layers when you can. I also bring a small insultated tote where I kept water cold, with some crackers in it.

Jodi, thanks for the lists... I am sending them out to my DL!
  • #43
Are Capri's okay to wear?
  • #44
Take phone cards too, so you can keep up with family at home, hosts and customers who "have an emergency" & need to reach you aSAP and have left frantic messages on your answering machine.
Unless, of course you can remember to charge your cell phone which I can't even do at home :(
  • #45
Anne, just noticed the new photo!!
  • #46
Yeah, nice to see your beautiful faces Anne and Quiverfull!
  • #47
Awwww.. you are very sweet... I very much dislike photos of myself so it took me quite awhile to find one buried on my computer that I could stand... I am usually behind the camera! I love Anne's new one too!
Diane VS
  • #48
I understand your photo issues. As my husband says, I don't translate well to two dimensions. It takes all three to really appreciate me.
  • #49
Take a little spiral notebook and when you are at your classes, ask those around you to write in it one tip. You will LOVE reading this and using it when you get back home. Sometimes it's things you can use at your show, sometimes it's business tips, personal - you just never know.
Oh, and a sweater or jacket definitely!!!! The rooms get VERY cold and I normally am not the one who gets cold - and I did! I ended up buying a stupid $40 sweatshirt from one of the vendors there because I was so cold!!!
  • #50
capri's are fine
This will be my 8th conference...you will see people wearing everything and anything!!!! Be comfortable. Most will dress nicer for their exec banquet on day two! But we like to go out downtown after that if there is time, so we still dress more casual (nice)
If they run it like they did last year, all vendors are in one side of McCormick center and the workshops are down the other...quite a distance of walking...bring a pedometer just for fun...makes you feel better to see how much you're walking!!!!
Everyone have fun!!!! I love conference
Wave 2 for me
<h2>1. What should I wear to conference?</h2><p>It's best to dress in business casual attire that is comfortable and breathable, as the conference can be quite humid in Chicago. Don't forget to bring an umbrella in case of rain!</p><h2>2. Do I need to bring anything to identify myself as a Pampered Chef consultant?</h2><p>Yes, it's a good idea to wear your Chef Success badge so that other consultants can easily identify you. This will also help you connect with other consultants and build your network.</p><h2>3. What supplies should I bring to take notes and organize information?</h2><p>A binder or legal pad with pens is always helpful for taking notes during sessions and keeping handouts organized. You may also want to bring business cards to share your contact information with others you meet.</p><h2>4. Is there anything specific I should bring for networking and making connections?</h2><p>It's always a good idea to have some spending money on hand for any potential networking opportunities. You may also want to bring some goodies or snacks to share with other consultants back at the hotel.</p><h2>5. What are some other items that may be useful to bring to conference?</h2><p>Don't forget to bring your camera along with extra batteries and memory cards for capturing all the great moments at conference. And of course, don't forget your enthusiasm and excitement to learn and grow your business! </p>

Related to What Are Must Haves to Bring to Conference?

1. What should I wear to conference?

It's best to dress in business casual attire that is comfortable and breathable, as the conference can be quite humid in Chicago. Don't forget to bring an umbrella in case of rain!

2. Do I need to bring anything to identify myself as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Yes, it's a good idea to wear your Chef Success badge so that other consultants can easily identify you. This will also help you connect with other consultants and build your network.

3. What supplies should I bring to take notes and organize information?

A binder or legal pad with pens is always helpful for taking notes during sessions and keeping handouts organized. You may also want to bring business cards to share your contact information with others you meet.

4. Is there anything specific I should bring for networking and making connections?

It's always a good idea to have some spending money on hand for any potential networking opportunities. You may also want to bring some goodies or snacks to share with other consultants back at the hotel.

5. What are some other items that may be useful to bring to conference?

Don't forget to bring your camera along with extra batteries and memory cards for capturing all the great moments at conference. And of course, don't forget your enthusiasm and excitement to learn and grow your business!

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