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Went to a Salad Master Show Tonight!

My husband & I went to a friends house tonight for a Salad Master show. Of course all of my friends knew that I sell Pampered Chef, so they kept making funny comments about Pampered Chef. Finally the SM guy said, "Does someone here like Pampered Chef?", when I told him I was a consultant - he was so rude to me!:yuck: I just couldn't believe how rude he was! Has anyone else ever experienced anything similar? :chef:
I went to one a few months ago - he didn't know I sold PC until half way through the presentation. He said 'you don't bash my company, and I won't bash yours'. I really didn't like the 'consultant' (or whatever they are called). I was SHOCKED at the price - but 2 of the couples there booked a show?! When it came time to test the baking soda water - NO BODY said anything about the Executive Cookware taste - I think to be nice to me. It was pretty gross but NOT AS GROSS as the cheap-o pots - LOL.
Ok... newbie here... what is the Executive Cookware taste?
It is something that Salad master does. They add baking soda in a glass with water then pour the mixture into a pan or pot that the host has. They then put it on the stove and bring it to a boil. They pour it back into a cup and spoon out a spoonful for each guest to taste. My friend's frying pan tasted discusting! Pans that are of high quality should only taste like baking soda, because there would be no chemicals or elements in the pan for the baking soda to absorb. The Salad Master pans had no taste other than the baking soda. I have done a lot of research on stainless steel, haven't done the test on our stainless steel, but I'm happy with ours and I think ours could withstand the test.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I dont understand why other DS people get offended if someone there sells for another DS company. It happens more often then we think. I am polite, but when they start booking shows for THEM then I get annoyed.
So, maybe I don't fully understand. Is the purpose of that 'test' to show us that our food is taking on the taste of metal?
Wow. What jerks.
I don't understand bashing other DS companies. I am proudly a supporter of other DS companies...just come look around my house! LOL!!!
In fact, I am "supporting" another DS by having a show next month! I love me some SLAH!!!LOL!!
He was only rude to you because he felt threatened... he was afraid that you'd know that his baking soda pitch is BS and might call him out on it in front of the others and make him look bad. Although, he made himself look bad by being rude to you. I've had that happen at other parties... parties who's host plans and consultant opportunity are FAR inferior to PC's. They are just jealous and are afraid that they might be found out. When that happens... it actually makes me feel great because I know we don't have to BS people and have no "hiddens" about our host or consultant plans.
  • #10
you look better when you hold your head high and are proud of what you do... period!
  • #11
I have never heard of Salad Master around here (heard people talk about it on this board, though) but it doesn't sound like they teach their consultants to be too reputable. Any time I see someone bashing other companies when they are talking (wether they are bashing PC or someone else) it makes me VERY LEARY of dealing with them. If you have to climb to the top stepping on others, there is a real problem with the way you do business. I am sooooooo glad that PC consultants (well, 99% of us) aren't like that!
  • #12
stefani2 said:
So, maybe I don't fully understand. Is the purpose of that 'test' to show us that our food is taking on the taste of metal?

That is exactly correct! I had a host that had purchased a set of pans many moons ago and it was time to replace them. She asked me if I'd ever done this test before and I told her I'd never heard of it, but could guarantee that our cookware was a high quality product. So, I did a show for her and brought both sets of cookware for her to do a test in using the baking soda. She compared our SS cookware to some Wal-mart cookware and you could definitely taste a difference. Our cookware tasted just like baking soda while the other was very rancid! I can only imagine how much that cheap cookware changes the true flavor of your recipe!

I don't know if it really means anything, but she was satisfied and purchased the cookware as a half-off item and I've not heard from her since about the cookware.
  • #13
Not to be disprespectful to the salad master's but I would not be able to keep a straight face if I was a consultant for that company and someone asked me what I did for a living.

Who makes salad in stainless steel cookware?- Their name makes me think that all they sell are gadgets to make one mean salad!
  • #14
Kitchen Diva said:
Not to be disprespectful to the salad master's but I would not be able to keep a straight face if I was a consultant for that company and someone asked me what I did for a living.

Who makes salad in stainless steel cookware?- Their name makes me think that all they sell are gadgets to make one mean salad!

They named the company after a product of theirs called the salad master......

There company has had many names over the years, "New Era" being one of them. I actually purchased their ss cookware in 1995 and I have to say it is the BEST ss cookware out there, even better then ours. Sorry to say that but it's true. I have our nonstick which I love however each type of cookware has it's purpose and both my sets meet those purposes. They also have a life time guarentee on their cookware. And the actual salad master is the bomb!! Anywho just wanted to say that. Just cause there are a couple of bad consultants out there doesn't make it a bad company, I know were have some bad apples as well. LOL :eek:)
  • #15
I agree with smarteez2. They do make a quality product, but geez... It is expensive. I have only gone to a handful of other direct sales parties and I try very hard not to let the consultant know that I sell Pampered Chef. I do this out of respect for the other DS rep. It can be very difficult to give your pitch to a bunch of strangers, but just image how you would feel if you were giving your pitch and there was another DS rep in the group critizing what you do and say. We have all been to those parties were there is a DS rep and she makes sure that everyone knows what she does. I hate when people do this to me at my shows, so I try hard not to do it at their shows.

Now speaking of DS reps... I hate doing show for other DS reps. I find that they are the worst hosts. They never call me back on my follow up and they are terrible at inviting people. I have a party coming up with a rep and I left 3 messages to get her guest list and she still has not contacted me. It is not just this one person, but most of the other ds reps. I did a show for another candle person and she only had 3 people at her show. She had all of her candles out and a drawing set up for her candles and a candle party schedule for an hour after our show was done! I found it really rude. More people came for her candle party than for her PC party.

Anyway that was a bit off topic...
  • #16
Don't get me wrong - I am SURE Salad Master cookware is probably top of the line - BUT I also know that I personally don't have/want to spend $2,600 for a set of cookware! I think PC is just fine for my familys needs.

Again, maybe I don't understand - but the baking soda causes a chemical reaction with the cookware - so I don't get why this would relate to food taking on the taste of the cookware (food doesn't cause a chemical reaction).

Now, maybe this is getting way OT - but at the show - the consultant promoted the cookware to be 'completely safe for cooking food' (meaning that their cookware doesn't leak chemicals/toxins into the food - therefore changing the taste of the food). I figure that I would have to change A LOT more of what my family does to make that a significance difference (ex: not eat foods that are packaged and stored in certain material, watching the processed foods that we eat, etc. etc. etc) - now i hope I haven't p*ssed anyone off by saying that - it is just my opinion.

BTW, I think the Salad Master consultant I met was completely NOT EDUCATED and informed on non-stick cookware (or maybe he just generalized that ALL non-stick coating is 'harmful').....
  • #17
is salad master the cookware that you stack on top of each other and can cook a cake on top of the stove? I had a party many years ago for some company...guy came to our house and cooked a meal for several couples...I didn't buy the set because I couldn't afford it, but I got an 8" skillet and a devise that cut potatoes, cheese, etc...had several attachments and you turned a handle to make it work...like our cheese grater except stainless.

My SIL has the set that stacks on top of each other and she loves it...but it was like 1600 dollars when she bought it about 6 years ago or so.
  • #18
Shawnna - you are talking about Salad Master. Isn't the 'tool' you are talking about that you got (to do potatoes, carrots, etc) actually called the Salad Master? (I never really understood). I think you get that free for hosting, don't you?
  • #19
I just went to their website to take a peek, nice pictures but you can't tell much from the site about the products. It would be nice if they had descriptions and prices with the items. I can't stand it when you HAVE to give your contact info just to learn a price. I'd be willing to bet that the PC test kitchens have compared their products to ours though.
  • #20
First of all I totally agree when other DS company reps get rude it is usually insecurity. I have also discovered there are few "Bad" companies. It is usually a bad experience with one or more bad consultants, or cons. who just do not know their biz.

As far as salad master goes I can say that my mom bought these pans before I was born and they are still going strong! (I was 38 in may) I hope my exec and stainless are still going strong in 30+ years!
  • #21
Yes it is,
Shawnna said:
is salad master the cookware that you stack on top of each other and can cook a cake on top of the stove? I had a party many years ago for some company...guy came to our house and cooked a meal for several couples...I didn't buy the set because I couldn't afford it, but I got an 8" skillet and a devise that cut potatoes, cheese, etc...had several attachments and you turned a handle to make it work...like our cheese grater except stainless.

My SIL has the set that stacks on top of each other and she loves it...but it was like 1600 dollars when she bought it about 6 years ago or so.

They are also know for waterless cooking as well. I know from first hand experience how good it is. Yes it is wayyyyyyyy expensive, when I bought mine I paid it off in 6 months. I spent like $4000. total. HOWEVER it is very energy effecient. Stack cooking etc. Plus there is wayyyy less meat shrinkage when you cook say like a roast in the oven in their big covered ss roaster. I also got their oil in core electric skillet and it makes the best fried chicken ever in like 30 minutes!! I am telling you this stuff rocks and in my opinion is so worth the money. I know it's not for everyone but what seems really expensive to some, i.e our own cookware, is well worth it to others.

I also got the Salad master with my set, a set of 3 SS bowls and a convection plate which let me tell you sure comes in handy when you run out of burners on the stove!! Anywho, like I said each set serves it's purpose. I really love mine!!
  • Thread starter
  • #22
stefani2- yes, you're right. The tool that slices the food is called the Salad Master & it's also the name of their company. You do get the Salad Master for free if you host a show & have at least "3 qualifying couples" present. I don't know what makes a qualifying couple, but they seem to stress that. I didn't think that my husband was going to make it to the show, because he had to work late & I thought about bringing my mom with me, but they let me know that wouldn't count, if we did that, then my friend wouldn't get her free gift.
I also agree that the products seem very nice. However, the price is very steep & the sales pitch makes you feel like your just a horrible person/parent if you cook for your family in anything but Salad Master! I didn't plan on telling him that I was a PC consultant. I'm certainly not ashamed of it, but as someone else said, I was trying to be courteous & not cause any akward tension during his show. However, the couples that were at the show are good friends & really just a bunch of goof balls who loved to throw out random Pc comments during the show. My friend that hosted the show is one of my best customers & her kitchen is stocked with PC, so every time he grabbed a bowl (stainless steel mixing bowl) or spoons, etc. . . they would all look at me & say, "what kind of bowl is he using?"
At the end of the show he wanted the couples to come up & speak with him (one couple at a time) about their purchase, booking a party or selling Salad Master. No one at the party went forward, so he then decided to talk to us in front of everyone. Of course by then he found out that I sold PC & went to me first. He said, "If these items were free, which set of cookware would you like to take home today?" I was still trying to be courteous & said, "I do agree that your cookware is nice." Apparently this offended him because he quickly came back & said "No, they're not nice, they're the absolute best!" Then he said, "If you had a set of Salad Master cookware at your home, which one would you cook with?" So, without hesitation I said, "I love my PC cookware & would use it!" I think he was done with me after that!
  • #23
FWIW, at the county fair there is always a Salad Master cooking demo. With deep discounts on the products (based on full retail price--but don't know if that is the same as party plan prices).I've bought the SM itself, perhaps 12 years ago. Used it quite a bit and loved it, but turning the handle was literally a pain after I developed joint problems. Ought to dig it out and put it on Ebay lol
  • #24
I've been known to say to guest who say "Is it as good as Salad master?" and I say.... "Salad master is a great product but our SS cookware is just as good and you don't need to make a mortage payment to buy our set."
That always gets a few laughs because people know who expensive it is
  • #25
So, for those that HAVE purchased SM - can I ask what the main reason for buying it was? - And do you own PC Cookware too? - just curious :)

I don't think I had a negative view about SM until I learned that 2 of my friends had the complete set - plus one of my friends mother as well. When I asked my friend Colleen if she would buy them again - she said 'definately not just because they are so expensive....I am sure PC are good too.'

But then again, I LOVE my Executive.

I think the SS would stand up well to the SM, don't you think?
  • #26
I have seen this company at fairs and such and have to agree that some of the consultants are a little snotty. I never paid much attention to their display though, because they just seem really cheesy to me.

I have found that time-share presentations also ask that the husband and wife be present so that they don't get the "well, it's nice, but I'll have to talk to my husband..." That's a sign of a major investment. But who am I to talk? I bought the $1,900 Kirby and LOVE IT!!!
  • #27
linojackie said:
I have seen this company at fairs and such and have to agree that some of the consultants are a little snotty. I never paid much attention to their display though, because they just seem really cheesy to me.

I have found that time-share presentations also ask that the husband and wife be present so that they don't get the "well, it's nice, but I'll have to talk to my husband..." That's a sign of a major investment. But who am I to talk? I bought the $1,900 Kirby and LOVE IT!!!

This conversation made me think of Kirby too, years ago we had them come out and we were impressed with the vacuum, MIL has had one for many years and my husband knew how good they were. We couldn't afford it though, my kids were little. So just joking we said we would trade him a motorcycle for it. He asked to see it, it was a kawaski, took him to the garage, he called his director or boss or something and they said OK. So they left the vacuum and came back the next day and loaded up the motorcycle. Worked out perfect for us because we couldn't seem to sell the thing and didn't want it anymore anyway! Plus it makes for a fun story to tell people that I traded a motorcycle for a Kirby vacuum cleaner!
  • #28
erinyourpclady said:
I don't understand bashing other DS companies. I am proudly a supporter of other DS companies...just come look around my house! LOL!!!
In fact, I am "supporting" another DS by having a show next month! I love me some SLAH!!!LOL!!

HAHA..I completely agree with you..I host other DS parties all the time..even TS..I know we have great pantry items..but..I love TS..and a very good friend of mine sells it.
  • #29
I always go to their demonstration at the fair because I tell my dh "I gotta hear what this guy says to get people to spend 3 grand on pans", LOL.
  • #30
I had never, ever heard of Salad Master until I bought my Craigslist Furniture. The lady said it was great and said she paid a fortune for her pans but they were well worth it. She believes that cooking with high quality food makes us healthier.

I am dismayed that they don't have prices on their web site.

I need to call her and explain that our parties and products are very different ... high quality but also affordable, and no serious sales pitch or high pressure tactics. Maybe she'd be interested in booking?
  • #31
I am a caterer and have been in the food industry for awhile. Paying that much for a cookware doesn't make you a better cooker or cook healthier for your family...IMO. There are alot of way to go about this. Personally, I had never heard of SM until this post. I did check out their website and wasn't that impressed. With prices like that, I can see why it's a "couple" thing. It's a major decision. My dh would flip at those prices...I would NEVER pay that much for cookware set.
  • #32
stefani2 said:
So, maybe I don't fully understand. Is the purpose of that 'test' to show us that our food is taking on the taste of metal?

The purpose of the test is to show you how the pans retain flavors etc. When I went to one years ago, they test the glass pans, a cast iron skillet, non stick etc. It all tasted disgusting!! I am a die hard PC fan but I did buy their stainless steel cookware in 94' for $4000 AMAZING cookware and I dont regret it for a second. Back then it was called "New Era". But their test does prove a point!! For instance did you know while cooking in a cast iron skillet and say you cook fish, well as the cast iron heats up the pours of the pan open up and expand during the cooking process. Well as the pan cools down and the pours close it traps the fishy residue so when you go to cook pancakes the next time and the pan heats up guess what comes out? It's a simple test really and works well. I do have PC executive cookware as well, do do the fact that me and my hubby had to live in 2 separate places over the years. I love out cookware as well HOWEVER I would NEVER give up my New Era SS ever. And like I said a couple of posts ago, to each his own, our stuff is crazy expensive to some people as well. The way I look at it cooking tools are an investment so I have no problem dropping the money on good tools. Hope this information helps.
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Related to Went to a Salad Master Show Tonight!

1. What is a Salad Master show?

A Salad Master show is a demonstration of a high-end cooking system that uses specialized cookware to prepare healthy and delicious meals.

2. Why were there funny comments about Pampered Chef at the Salad Master show?

Pampered Chef and Salad Master are both direct sales companies that offer kitchen products, so there may be some friendly competition between the two brands.

3. What happened when the Salad Master representative found out you work for Pampered Chef?

The representative's reaction may vary, but in this particular instance, he was rude and dismissive towards the Pampered Chef consultant.

4. Have others experienced similar situations at Salad Master shows?

It's possible that other Pampered Chef consultants or representatives from other direct sales companies have experienced similar treatment at Salad Master shows.

5. Is there a rivalry between Salad Master and Pampered Chef?

While there may be some competition between the two companies, it's important to remember that both offer quality products and there is room for both in the market. It's always best to support and uplift fellow consultants and representatives from other companies, rather than engaging in rivalry or negativity.

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