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In summary, the conversation discusses different options for voicemail messages for a home phone that also serves as a contact number for a direct sales business. Suggestions include leaving a message for the family and the consultant, having a separate mailbox for business messages, and incorporating a promotional message for the business in the voicemail.
Gold Member
I'm trying to figure out what type of message I should leave on my machine to let people know that they have reached my family home and that I am also a PC consultant. Does anyone have some suggestions? TIA
Mine says:
You have reached 954-555-1212 and the home office of Carolyn Kraham, Independent Director and Trainer for The Pampered Chef. I am unable to take you call at the moment. Please leave your anme, number and a brief message after the tone and I will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks and have a great day!"
Mine says..."You have reached the Smith Family, we cannot take your call at this time so please leave your name, number and a brief message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you are calling for Erin Smith( insert title), please dial 757-555-1212. Thanks and have a wonderful day."

My cell phone says pretty much the same thing...."Hello, you have reached Erin Smith, Independent Future Director of Sales and Training with the Pampered Chef. I cannot take your call at this time but it is very important to me. Please leave your name, number and a breif message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you and have a wonderful day."

Mine says "You have reached The Stephens' residence and also Jennifer Stephens, Pampered Chef Consultant. Please, leave a message after the beep."

I had a longer one but my husband kept making fun of me for being so long and I shortened it some.
Can you have more than one mailbox? Our phone provider provides up to 5 voicemail mailboxes with one phone number. So our message is:
Hi! You've reached the Empke household and also Marg Empke of the Pampered Chef. To leave a Pampered Chef message please push one. To leave a message for Marg, Colin, Sloane, Parker, Rhys or Walker, please do so after the beep. Thanks and have a great day!
If they push one they get:
"Hi, you've reached the home office of Marg Empke, independent consultant with the Pampered Chef, Canada." Then I usually leave a teaser about the host/guest special.
Marg, how do you find out whether you have the multi-voicemailbox option on your phone service?
Mine says, "Hi, you've reached the home of the Aebi's and Wendy Aebi, Pampered Chef consultant. Please leave a message and we'll call you back. Thanks for calling and have a great day!"

I have a friend with another direct sales company whose message always has her specials and an invitation to book, which must be a great idea, because it always makes me feel a little guilty if I'm just calling about a playdate, so it's obviously working on my subconscious.
Our phone has 3 "mailboxes". So my message is:

"Hello, you have reached the Kearns residence and Sandra Kearns, Pampered Chef consultant. If you have a message for the Kearns' family please press 1. If you have a Pampered Chef message please press 2 or you can try me on my cell phone 623-XXx-XXXX. Thank you and have a blessed day."

It's kinda long, but helps us when we are checking our messages. My husband doesn't have to sit through 3 or 4 of my business messages to receive one for him and the family.
Mine is basically the same. My daughter says. Hi you've reached the Widmayer Family.. (and I say) and Tina Widmayer, independent consultant for the pampered chef.. leave a message after the beep and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Have a great day.

Related to Welcome to Our Home & Pampered Chef Consulting!

What is Pampered Chef Consulting?

Pampered Chef Consulting is a program designed for individuals who are passionate about cooking and entertaining. It allows them to share their love for cooking with others by hosting cooking shows and selling high-quality kitchen tools and products from Pampered Chef.

How do I become a Pampered Chef Consultant?

To become a Pampered Chef Consultant, you can sign up online or through a current consultant. You will need to purchase a starter kit, which includes all the necessary materials to start your business. You will also receive training and support from our team to help you succeed.

What are the benefits of being a Pampered Chef Consultant?

As a Pampered Chef Consultant, you will have the opportunity to earn income through your sales and team building efforts. You will also receive discounts on products, free products, and have the flexibility to work on your own schedule. Additionally, you will be part of a supportive community of consultants and have access to training and resources to help you grow your business.

What is a cooking show and how do I host one?

A cooking show is an interactive cooking demonstration that you can host in your home or online. As a consultant, you will receive training on how to prepare and present recipes using Pampered Chef products. To host a show, you can invite friends, family, and acquaintances to join you and learn about our products while enjoying delicious food.

What kind of products does Pampered Chef offer?

Pampered Chef offers a wide range of high-quality kitchen tools and products, including cookware, bakeware, cutlery, kitchen gadgets, and more. Our products are designed to make cooking and entertaining easier and more enjoyable. We also offer exclusive products that are only available to consultants and their customers.

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