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Wave 2 Meet N Greet at McCormick Center | Join us for lunch on Day 1!

In summary, the CS MNG will be held on Day 1 - lunchtime. The Plate Room cafeteria is on level 2.5 in the South building, overlooking the fountain. South building is where many workshops are (based on last year's logstics) - across the skyway from the building with the theater. Several Cheffers met there for lunch purely on coincidence last year, and we had a good time. The food was decent, and the prices weren't too exorbitant. Plus, since you'll need lunch anyway, it might as well be in good company, right?
Gold Member
The last couple of years, we've had a CS MNG both the evening before conference, and the evening of Day 1. After much consideration, this year, I'm only coordinating one, and it will be Day 1 - lunchtime.

Day 1 evening is busy, with people trying to get dinner with their clusters and connect with others to whom they are actually "related" in the biz. I know that I was late to a couple of planned MNGs because of dinner with my cluster.

So, since we all have to eat anyway, let's plan to meet at The Plate Room cafeteria at McCormick Center on Day 1. Shall we say 11:00?

The Plate Room is on level 2.5 in the South building, overlooking the fountain. South building is where many workshops are (based on last year's logstics) - across the skyway from the building with the theater. Several Cheffers met there for lunch purely on coincidence last year, and we had a good time. The food was decent, and the prices weren't too exorbitant. Plus, since you'll need lunch anyway, it might as well be in good company, right?
Sounds good to me Ann. Thanks for the directions, too, for all of us first timers! We'll just have to keep bumping this thread, as there is no way I'll remember all of this over the next 3 months!
I'm sure gonna miss ya'll this year :..(
Wow! I've been to 4 NC's and didn't know there was a place there that sold real food!!! I'm excited!

I went to the MNG last year (? year before?) but got there late. Lamar was the only one I met. Had a nice visit, though.

Looking forward to meeting more of us this time!

A cafeteria in the bldg...who knew!?
Is that the area with the McDonalds and the pizza place? Or am I thinking of the wrong area?
Ann, I just looked at the registration, and the HO tour doesn't get back until 11:30 for the first tour (which I'm taking) and 12:30 for the second. Workshop starts at 1pm, so this would give those on the first tour time to MNG, but not too much for the second.

This is my first time at Conference, so I don't have any idea what the scheduling is like, but could the MNG possibly be 2:15, after the workshop ends (giving people time to get to the cafeteria)?
  • Thread starter
  • #7
pampchefsarah said:
Ann, I just looked at the registration, and the HO tour doesn't get back until 11:30 for the first tour (which I'm taking) and 12:30 for the second. Workshop starts at 1pm, so this would give those on the first tour time to MNG, but not too much for the second.

This is my first time at Conference, so I don't have any idea what the scheduling is like, but could the MNG possibly be 2:15, after the workshop ends (giving people time to get to the cafeteria)?

There's a general session after the workshop, and there won't be time to have it then.

If anyone else wants to organize one in the evening, they're more than welcome to. (This is going to come out sounding colder than I mean it....but...) I'm not going to make a special case for a few people who may be on the HO tours, when there are far more people who WON'T be on the tours. Directors also won't be able to make the MNG at 11, because they'll have their Day 1 training and lunch. But the whole conference time is so busy that it's hard to find a single time that will work for everyone. (I'm also not as enthused about an evening one this year because I was invited to stay in my NED's suite, and I plan to use every possible moment to pick her brain and the brains of the other people staying there.)
Yeah, I got my confirmation after posting here, so I realized the scheduling conflict then.

Well, I'll make it to the lunch, I'll just be a little late. I'm hoping there'll be Cheffers in some of the workshops, too. Whatever happened with the CS Buttons?
chefann said:
......I was invited to stay in my NED's suite, and I plan to use every possible moment to pick her brain and the brains of the other people staying there.)

WOW - how'd you score that?! You act like sponge girlfriend! (then teach us everything that you learned!) That is awesome :)
  • Thread starter
  • #10
pampchefsarah said:
Yeah, I got my confirmation after posting here, so I realized the scheduling conflict then.

Well, I'll make it to the lunch, I'll just be a little late. I'm hoping there'll be Cheffers in some of the workshops, too. Whatever happened with the CS Buttons?

Buttons will still be available. I haven't created a dated version yet (that's on the list for this week), but the plain ones are currently available. There's a thread with them here. If you skip the poll, the first post has links to several versions of the buttons.

And you'll run into Cheffers all over. :)
  • #11
That is a good move Ann! Especially if you are not around her a lot!
I know what you mean. It does get very, well, confusing on day 1. I am planning on being there on Sunday so I at this moment do not have plans for Sunday night but really would rather go out to do dinner instead of Kitty's. Don't get me wrong but geez! Chicago, July, who wants to be stuck in the hotels for all three nights? If I get the info, I really want to try to get reservations at Rick Bayless's restaurant, Le Frontera. It is a Mexican restaurant and it is highly rated and yes, a little pricey from what I have heard. I can post a menu if anyone is interested. I hate eating alone! Besides, get a few margaritas in me and who knows what time we would get back!!! I have a few friends down there who I bet could point us in the right direction for dancing!
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  • #12
Ooh... I'm all for Margaritas for dinner!
  • #14
Aww, Linda, are you sure there's no way you can go? We'll miss you. Promise to take lots of notes and pictures, and update you when we're allowed!

John, I talked to my director immediately after reading your post. We will be flying in early Sunday afternoon, but she said usually the team (including our ED) has dinner together the first night, and it's at another restaurant (I don't remember the name). Can we plan a dessert/after dinner drinks get together?
  • #15
pampchefsarah said:
Aww, Linda, are you sure there's no way you can go? We'll miss you. Promise to take lots of notes and pictures, and update you when we're allowed!

John, I talked to my director immediately after reading your post. We will be flying in early Sunday afternoon, but she said usually the team (including our ED) has dinner together the first night, and it's at another restaurant (I don't remember the name). Can we plan a dessert/after dinner drinks get together?

Positive! I'll be in China. Ya'll better take lots of notes and pictures for me.
  • #16
Oh ok, I knew you had a really good reason. I guess China trumps NC, haha.
  • #17
That is until she needs to go!! (And I don't me to China!)
That still grosses me out! And what I heard about the guys just picking a building! EEEWWWW!!!
Once it gets closer, we will need to coordinate something. And Ann, you gotta have something other than margaritas for dinner! Can you imagine the hangover at General Session! Yipes!
Linda, can I have more than one for you?
  • #17
John and Sarah,

I'm flying in early on sunday....wanted to hang out a bit before heading to "work". Let me know if you do decide to meet for drinks after dinner.....would love to join you. First timer here, so I plan on relishing any and every moment....by day 2 I may be singing a different tune, but it sure sounds nice at the moment. :D
  • #18
Looks like the group from my cluster will be travelling in on Sunday, and the couple of us that aren't first-timers or directors appear to be at loose ends Monday morning. I'll plan to look y'all up for lunch :)
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  • #19
Hey, John... looks like I won't be able to make dinner on Sunday. My Director has something planned for the people who will be in town that night. I don't know what/when exactly is it yet.
  • #20
Is lunch not provided on day 1? Anyway, I'm going to try to make it - now that I'm going to conference:)!! I'm going to conference!!!:):):)!!! Sorry it just sounds so good I had to say it again:)!
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  • #21
Day 1 officially starts after lunch, so it's not provided. With the following exceptions: HO tours include a box lunch, and Directors and above get lunch after the Director training event.
  • #22
Okay, couldn't remember - I guess because I have always done the tour, but won't be this year. Thanks Ann! Looking forward to meeting everyone:)!
  • #23
works for me too.. :)
  • #24
We have our meeting on Tuesday the 9th so I am hoping to find out more about who is going in on Sunday and if anyone does have anything planned. I am not even sure who is going yet!
I know Monday night we have a pizza party so...
Just gotta remember not ot revo od eht niwe! (I last much too little drank a year!) Tuesday a.m. came way to soon!
And now I am not sure if I will be able to afford much more than McDonalds on Sunday. Money is really tight right now and thanks to Terry C. at least some us are saving on a room! Can't wait to meet you guys!

Related to Wave 2 Meet N Greet at McCormick Center | Join us for lunch on Day 1!

1. What is the Wave 2 Meet N Greet (Mng)?

The Wave 2 Meet N Greet (Mng) is a networking event for Pampered Chef consultants in the second wave of management. It is an opportunity for consultants to connect with each other, learn from experienced leaders, and gain valuable insights and tips for building a successful business.

2. When and where is the Wave 2 Meet N Greet (Mng) held?

The Wave 2 Meet N Greet (Mng) is typically held in the spring at various locations across the country. The specific date and location for each event can be found on the Pampered Chef website or by contacting your upline manager.

3. Who can attend the Wave 2 Meet N Greet (Mng)?

The Wave 2 Meet N Greet (Mng) is open to all Pampered Chef consultants who are in the second wave of management. This includes senior consultants, team leaders, and directors. Consultants who are close to promoting to the second wave may also be invited at the discretion of their upline manager.

4. Is there a cost to attend the Wave 2 Meet N Greet (Mng)?

Yes, there is a registration fee to attend the Wave 2 Meet N Greet (Mng). The fee covers the cost of the event, including materials, meals, and any special activities. The amount may vary each year, so be sure to check the registration information for the specific event you plan to attend.

5. What can I expect from the Wave 2 Meet N Greet (Mng)?

The Wave 2 Meet N Greet (Mng) is designed to provide valuable training and networking opportunities for consultants in the second wave of management. You can expect to learn from experienced leaders, connect with other consultants in your wave, and gain insights and tips for growing your business. There may also be special activities and events planned, such as keynote speakers, workshops, and team building exercises.

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