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Venting Over Sister-in-Law Hosting Avon at Pampered Chef Party

In summary, my sister in law is planning on selling Avon, making it a joint party, and has not told me about it. I'm more than willing to support her, but to sound selfish - not at my party.
I approached my sister in law about hosting a show in January (when I'm starting) and she said of course she'd love to host a show and proceeded to tell me how many of her friends *love* PC and how excited she was about the stoneware sale. Since I live out of town, not only would her friends be there, but my family as well...plus people my mom invited too! So it looks to be a fairly large party. Sounds great, right? I was talking to my brother yesterday and he told me that my sister in law was planning on selling Avon that day too and making it a joint party! :eek: She hasn't said a word to me about it!!! I'm more than willing to support her...but to sound selfish - not at my party!! :grumpy: Does she realize that people come to these parties with a set amount in mind (but with PC, they often change their mind :angel: ) and by doing this...both our sales will go down??? Especially mine! Her friends and my/our family will feel obligated to buy from her, b/c how rude would it be to buy from me and not her? :rolleyes: (I'm just saying - it's how they think)

I just wanted to vent a bit, before DH, Emily, and I left to go home tomorrow and I see her tomorrow night. I'm a little disappointed. I know that if I was in an "established" business (she's been selling for a year or 2), that I wouldn't even think of doing this in her charter month. Goes to show how she thinks...but that's a whole other thread. :) Should I even say anything when she asks what I think? Being straight isn't the best idea, b/c she can be sensitive, plus she *did* agree to host a party that is guaranteed over $150 in sales. Should I just suck it up and deal, knowing that PC products are better than Avon?

Thanks guys! I didn't know where to put this - I figure, this directly affects my sales and you guys might have some fabulous nuggets of wisdom for me! :)
Hi Joy. I understand your disappointment, but at least she wants to host a show. Make the best of it and you may gain some other bookings and some customers for life.I've had a few multi-vendor parties, some were great, some not so great. Just give the best presentation you can and let the chips fall where they may.Good luck!Tina
Be glad she's at least hosting a show for you. I have two SIL's - one is more like a sister to me (but has never hosted a show) and one is more like satan, and well...I don't expect much from her.
I agree - be glad she's hosting and PC products sell themselves - how much Avon does one person need?:) Go in with a good attitude and you're bound to come out with a lot.
Pretty uncomfortable situation because it wasn't your SIL that told you about the joint party. Personally, I dislike joint parties but what you will find is that the two product lines are very different. IMO, if her friends like PC and they like your SIL...they will want to help her out and will buy. Also, I have had other direct sales books come out before my party is over and that irritates the crap out of me, but I just ignore it.

My two SIL have never hosted parties, but one did a fundraiser when my nephew was a Senior in High School. She was one of the advisors and it turned out very well. The other lives several hundred miles away, but rarely cooks. I don't even bother!!

I do give my Mom PC for gifts and she does like them when she remembers to use them! Today she used the Roaster. My brother likes that pan and admires it every year. I was showing him how the easy opener works and he said that he would like one of those...I had one with me so he was in luck! We used the Meat Lifters and digital thermometer. Last night we both peeled potatoes and she had one PC and one other vegetable peeler. She said she wanted another (her birthday is about a week away) and I gave her one today. My family isn't cheap, but sometimes a little skeptical. My one SIL was looking at the catalog and gasped at the $200 SS pan. I explained about the top line of pans, etc, etc. Also, my SIL took the catalog because her sister wanted to look at one and order a vegetable peeler. I am such a PC slut...I sell on holidays!!:D

Nothing against Avon, but you are selling an excellent product. Whenever I bring the Deep Dish Cranberry Baker and make the 30 minute chicken, I sell bakers!!! Also, really stress outside orders with your sister so she can make the $500 mark to get the extra savings!!
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This past Sunday I did a joint party. It was the best party I have done ever. Good luck. Keep us informed!
I did a show a couple of weeks ago and a younger girl was there (around 21 I think). The host told me she was coming and bringing her Mom. Well, Mom didn't come with her. The girl couldn't wait for the food to be ready because she was starving. She ate two servings of the main course and then two servings of the dessert. She was sitting beside another girl and during the demo, I turned and was answering a question that the girl beside her asked. The younger girl had an Avon book out and was showing her different items. I stopped for a minute, didn't say anything, and answered the question. Then when the show was over and people were turning in their orders, this girl came over to the host, who was right beside me, and asked her did she have her Avon order ready. She told another girl she would call her on Sunday to get her order. THEN, she asked me if I wanted to see a book and place an order with her. I politely told her no but thanks anyway. She bought nothing at the PC show, ate till she was full, and left with Avon orders.

There's something wrong with that picture!

I don't like joint vendor shows. Especially when I know nothing about it taking place.
And I don't think the host realized what she was doing and when she did, she didn't care. I thought it was a bit tacky. It would have been ok to give the girl beside her a book but don't be talking about Avon during my demo. I would never do that to anybody. And I've been to other types of shows and have my PC bag with me with a book in the front (I carry it as a pocketbook) but I don't mention it and I certainly don't bring out the books.

Some people just don't think.........or they just don't care!
I can not believe the nerve or stupidity people have. Personally, I think it is not using the gray matter that lies between their ears.

Hats off to you for keeping your professionalism in tack with the tacky! I too would NEVER try to sell or even show a book at another company's party. If I was asked for one, I would probably send it later...it would be worth the postage.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
You know, after I posted this last night, I got to thinking...at least she's hosting a party and PC is so much better than Avon! As a PP said - how much Avon does someone need? And PC does sell itself - great quality product that helps cut down your time in the kitchen - what could be better? :D

So you're right - at least she's hosting a party! I'll go in, with a great attitude, sell my product - and use the time she's doing her demo to put my daugther to bed. The party will be at my mom's house and starting at 3...my daughter goes down to nap at 3:30ish (as late as 4), so I'll go first, do my demo, let them snack as they look at her Avon and run upstairs to nurse Emily and lay her down for nap! Then as I "put away" some of the food for demo and we're getting ready for orders, remind about some of the products we used and the host/guest specials for the month and let them know Febs special's if they want to book a party then. Sound okay?
  • #10
Do Avon reps do Demos? I didn't know that. Really WOW them with how great our tools are - and make sure and let them know that by purchasing PC, they are helping out SIL - this also brings up a wonderful opportunity to talk about our amazing Host Benefits!
They are probably used to buying Avon from SIL by this point, and maybe have for Christmas gifts, etc.....so they will be liking the idea of PC - and it will be something different for them to purchase. Who knows, when she brings out the Avon, they may all be groaning inside, saying "Oh boy, here comes the Avon, AGAIN!);)
  • #11
One of my consultants did a joint party with Tastefully simple...it was her first over 1,000 show! You never know what will happen...in my opinion our products will sell better than Avon :) Good luck with your show!
Also think of the customer base you are building if she has a lot of people there!
  • Thread starter
  • #12
You know, I'm not sure if Avon reps do demos, but I know she's had parties in the past. She has done some at those parties, I think - fingernail stuff, etc...but maybe she just puts out the products and talks about them. I don't know. (as long as I get 10-15 minutes to nurse Emily and put her down for nap, I'm all good...)

I'm excited about building a customer base....the only problem is that they are 3 1/2 hours away. Not such a big deal, b/c my entire family lives there and they don't feel like they see my daughter enough (they really don't). Between my grandparents and my parents, plus aunts, uncles, and cousins, I've got babysitters galore to watch her while I'm at the parties...plus they'll be so excited to spend time with her. This will give me an added excuse to go visit the whole family - plus I can write off the mileage on my taxes - bonus!! :D

If someone at my SIL's party wants to become a consultant, can she still be counted as my recruit even if I'm not in the same area? How does that work?
  • #13
On my side, my sister and SIL are both PC consultants. On my husbands side, my 3 SIL have no interest in hosting a party. None of them have bought a thing from me since I started. It's irritating, they don't buy my kids fundraiser stuff either. I have bought their kids junk for the last 10 years and now that I have kids, I thought they would return the favor. None of them even look at the catalogs.
  • #14
ChefJoyJ said:
If someone at my SIL's party wants to become a consultant, can she still be counted as my recruit even if I'm not in the same area? How does that work?

Yes, she would still be your recruit. I have a recruit 2 hours away from me (back home where my family is also). Recruit away!
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  • #15
Maybe I'll try to recruit my SIL away from Avon and into the PC family. :) A huge bonus is not having to have any inventory. I know my brother mentioned she has a lot of stuff she purchased for the Christmas seaon she needs to sell...and doesn't know if it will all get sold. :eek: Plus - I personally feel you can make more money with PC than Avon... I know that I have a hard time buying makeup from a catalog, b/c I like to see it and see how it might look on me...and the colors often look different in real life than in the catalog. Besides, how much make-up do you need?? You have to eat every day and great tools that help in the kitchen are a necessity. Know what I mean?

I'd lose "territory" there...but help my SIL (and get a recruit) to boot! :cool:
  • #16
fikibiff said:
On my side, my sister and SIL are both PC consultants. On my husbands side, my 3 SIL have no interest in hosting a party. None of them have bought a thing from me since I started. It's irritating, they don't buy my kids fundraiser stuff either. I have bought their kids junk for the last 10 years and now that I have kids, I thought they would return the favor. None of them even look at the catalogs.

I would be so mad at that too!! I am the youngest of 5 kids and the last to have kids. I have bought fundraiser stuff from them since the oldest (now 15) started preschool at 3! Thank goodness my sister realizes that she needs to return the favor, although, I haven't really let her forget!!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #17
fikibiff said:
On my husbands side, my 3 SIL have no interest in hosting a party. None of them have bought a thing from me since I started. It's irritating, they don't buy my kids fundraiser stuff either. I have bought their kids junk for the last 10 years and now that I have kids, I thought they would return the favor. None of them even look at the catalogs.

I wouldn't be too happy about that that at all! Perhaps it's time to remind them that it's time to return the favor...since you supported their kids...they need to support yours!
  • #18
Just a few comments...

My Director has recruits all over the country - Hawaii, WA, FL, etc. There are no "territories" and such. So you don't have to worry about that. I have other consultants that go to my church (previous church and present), in my circle of friends, homeschool groups, etc. I'm even trying to eventually recruit my sister-in-law. :D

The great thing is that they know people we don't know, and vice versa, so we don't have to worry about "losing" customers or potential customers. I just started over the summer and I had people who had never been to a party before come to my shows. I've also met people at our state fair PC booth who had never heard of Pampered Chef. So the possibilities are endless, even when we know other PC consultants, or have them nearby and inside our circle of friends.

Good luck and I wouldn't worry about the show. Just be real with the guests and show them how easy our tools and recipes are. It will ALL sell itself. I've sold more things because they LOVED the recipe and just HAD to have the tools I used. :cool:

Also, make it a point to NEVER bash another DS company. I'm not saying that you do or will. I'm just saying in general, keep your outwardly attitude toward other DS companies pleasant. Being negative or bashing them not only does it make you look bad, but it sheds a bad light on PC consultants as a whole. I make it a point that I don't bash ANY DS company in the presence of anyone, or agree with their negative comments, except to my closest family. I'm just honest with facts about the differences in each, and why PC is better. If your guests at the party pick up that you are positive toward Avon, they may be more willing to buy more from you than had you "snubbed" the Avon part.

I've had friends do dual parties, and I know that guests will watch both/all the consultants to see how they interact with each other and if they are miffed or just being polite, or are genuinely nice to each. I just feel there is the potential that sales could be affected based on things like that. So just keep that in mind. ;)

Hope that helps some,
  • #19
Bashing BalanceSo Vicks: How do you point out the positives of PC without pointing out the negatives of another direct sell company if a person is a rep? I agree that we don't want to "bash" another company but it seems like people who are selling another product (perhaps with some difficulty) won't change to PC if they don't know why we are better. Thanks for helping me know how to point out the differences without being negative....BEE
  • #20
Great post, Vicks. Just my two cents. This is a conversation just like all other conversations when recruiting. There may be a complaint made about another DS company from their consultant such as, "I don't make any money at ****** because I have this inventory (or catalogs) I had to purchase just to remain a rep." Sympathize with the person. The initial reaction is to say...well with PC, we don't have to carry and inventory, blah, blah, blah. But it may put the other rep on the defense. Instead, ask them more about how they have thought of solving this dilema or maybe ask them something else about their company. This gets a conversation going. Eventually, if she doesn't ask you about PC, you may want to ask, "Would you like to hear how PC works?"

If put on the defense, they will quickly defend their company and become more loyal than ever. Also, it will look as if you are putting their company down (even if that is not your intention at all!)
  • #21
Good question, Bee! And that can be tricky sometimes.

My sister-in-law, whom I'm trying to recruit, sells MK. She gets VERY defensive when I talk to her about MK and compare it to PC. Her biggest hang up is we get a base 20% comission and she gets a 50% comission, and she wants that cadilac. Her goal is to put my nephew through private school on just her MK paychecks, however, she hasn't done a "class" in I don't even know how long. She's trying to start it back up again, but is working full-time and my nephew is 7 1/2 months old, so has her hands full at the moment. I can totally see how PC would meet that need, but the time isn't exactly right for me to push PC again. I see her lose money on inventory and samples that expire before she has a chance to do classes.

Basically, what I do is talk up our Consultant benefits and just stick to the facts I know about the difference between us and others out there. I always try to keep things "general" and not mention specific companies. I may talk about specifics, just don't mention which company it is. It of course depends on who I'm talking to, and why. If it's someone I know or someone interested, that's one thing, but if I don't know them or just met them I keep it general until I know where they are coming from and their feelings toward PC and other DS companies. Ex. "There are no inventories to keep on hand. Some companies require, or strongly encourage you to have products on hand so customers don't have to wait for it to be shipped." OR "Free is FREE. Our hosts never pay for tax on their free products, and they never pay shipping. Nor do those things come out of my commission. Some companies make the host pay for the tax on their free products, or pay shipping, but if they don't, it comes out of the consultant's paycheck. PC pays for all that, not me."

Anyway, I have a "How is PC different than other DS companies" that I got from a site. Must not be here because I can't find it here to link it to you. I'm not sure how to upload it either, but I could e-mail it to whoever wants it. It's kinda out-of-date because it has the kit as $90. But the info is still valid.

Basically, to answer your question simply (lol yeah I'm not good at keeping it simple) - I focus on the FACTS and leave my OPINIONS OUT of it! There's a big difference, and people respect fact-givers far more than opinion-givers. There is also a difference in discussing the downside of some business ventures and talking bad about their way of doing it. There are downsides to PC, too, I'm sure. And I'd want the person I'm recruiting to make an educated decision based on solid facts and respect me, and not based on me wanting them to be a PC consultant because I don't like X DS company, or think they shouldn't sell X.

I hope that answered your question. :angel: :blushing:

P.S. Great points, Ann! Which is why I try to keep it positive, and in general. Unless I'm in a situation like you mention. In that case I never try to "one up them" like you mention - "Well, PC does it this way..."

I like the way you mention to ask them more and later ask them if they've thought about other ways to solve their problem. We find we learn far more from listening, than from talking. We can better help them in their situations, if we know exactly what it is they need.

To go back to the original dilema, I'd keep the kitchen show positive, and be very nice and pleasant toward the Avon part. It's not ideal and frustrating, just don't let on that it may be a sore issue, which was what I meant by snubbing that person/part of the night. :)
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  • #22
Compare paychecks with her. She may get 50%, but what is her show average? Also, I think that MK has to pay for the host benefits out of their 50% commission.

20% sounds low, but let's figure that your average month may be @ $2000
  • Your base commission is $460 (you made it to the 23% range)
  • When you get your 2% raise you'll make $500 (25% range)
  • If your a Future Director you'll make $520 on your own sales and 1% on your team's sales (say they had $2500, that's an additional $25 for you) = $545 total
  • And if you are a Director then you'll make $560 on your sales and 3% on your team (so on $2500 that would be an extra $75 for you) = $635

And, don't forget about all the extras we can earn

So, maybe she just needs to see the numbers. Or maybe she is happy with MK and has no desire to change.
  • #23
Vicks said:
Anyway, I have a "How is PC different than other DS companies" that I got from a site. Must not be here because I can't find it here to link it to you. I'm not sure how to upload it either, but I could e-mail it to whoever wants it. It's kinda out-of-date because it has the kit as $90. But the info is still valid.

If you would like to email it to me at [email protected] I can try to post it here for you. I would be interested in seeing it and sharing it as well.

  • #24
beepampered said:
So Vicks: How do you point out the positives of PC without pointing out the negatives of another direct sell company if a person is a rep? I agree that we don't want to "bash" another company but it seems like people who are selling another product (perhaps with some difficulty) won't change to PC if they don't know why we are better. Thanks for helping me know how to point out the differences without being negative....BEE

If I can offer a suggestion. Any rep with another DS will "KNOW" the benefits they get with their company and what commissions they make there. They know what they need to keep on hand and how it all works. All you do is point out the benefits of your company to them, what YOU get out of it and how happy YOU are with what they do for you. I promise you, human nature for the other person is to mentally compare what your telling them to what their getting. The more encouraged you are about your company, the more you'll sell them without saying one word about their company at all. Don't do any comparing, trust me, they know what their company gives and does for them, they'll do all the comparing for you. Your enthusiasm will sell them more than anything else you could do.
  • #25
Kateryn said:
Your enthusiasm will sell them more than anything else you could do.

This is so very true, Katheryn!
  • #26
pamperedlinda said:
Compare paychecks with her. She may get 50%, but what is her show average? Also, I think that MK has to pay for the host benefits out of their 50% commission.

20% sounds low, but let's figure that your average month may be @ $2000
  • Your base commission is $460 (you made it to the 23% range)
  • When you get your 2% raise you'll make $500 (25% range)
  • If your a Future Director you'll make $520 on your own sales and 1% on your team's sales (say they had $2500, that's an additional $25 for you) = $545 total
  • And if you are a Director then you'll make $560 on your sales and 3% on your team (so on $2500 that would be an extra $75 for you) = $635

And, don't forget about all the extras we can earn

So, maybe she just needs to see the numbers. Or maybe she is happy with MK and has no desire to change.

You're right........MK consultants have to pay for EVERYTHING out of their commission. The host will expect a hostess gift, then the consultant gives a discount based on total sales and most of the time there's a game played and someone wins a prize. All this is paid for by the consultant. So the 50% profit ends up being around 20% when you figure the cost of samples, reordering inventory, buying hostess gifts, guest prizes and giving discounts. How do I know this??? I sold MK for a while and it just wasn't for me. I love PC and don't have to "push" it on anybody.
To each their own.........but I'd rather play in cookware than makeup.

Related to Venting Over Sister-in-Law Hosting Avon at Pampered Chef Party

1. Can my sister-in-law host an Avon party at my Pampered Chef party?

Yes, your sister-in-law can host an Avon party at your Pampered Chef party. As a consultant, you have the option to collaborate with other direct sales companies like Avon to offer a wider range of products to your guests.

2. How will the sales and rewards be divided between Pampered Chef and Avon?

The sales and rewards will be divided based on the sales of each company's products. Your sister-in-law will receive the commission and rewards for the Avon products sold at the party, while you will receive the commission and rewards for the Pampered Chef products sold.

3. Will there be any conflicts between the two companies during the party?

No, there should not be any conflicts between Pampered Chef and Avon during the party. Both companies have agreements in place to ensure a smooth collaboration and allow each consultant to focus on their own products and customers.

4. Can my guests purchase products from both Pampered Chef and Avon at the same time?

Yes, your guests can purchase products from both companies at the same time. This allows them to see a wider variety of products and make purchases that best suit their needs and preferences.

5. How can I ensure that my Pampered Chef party and my sister-in-law's Avon party are both successful?

To ensure the success of both parties, it is important to communicate and plan with your sister-in-law beforehand. This includes coordinating product displays, scheduling demos and games, and dividing the party space and time effectively. You can also promote the collaboration on your social media and invite guests from both parties to attend.

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