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Unlocking the Joy of Pampered Chef - A Consultant's Perspective

In summary, the speaker had a friend from church who expressed interest in hosting a Facebook show for Pampered Chef products. However, after several unsuccessful attempts at contacting her, the speaker finally got to talk to her friend who said she didn't want to seem pushy or salesy by promoting products on Facebook. The speaker loves Pampered Chef and being a consultant, but she is unsure how to convince her friend and others to see it as a fun and enjoyable opportunity rather than just a way to make money. The speaker's gum analogy is a good reminder that sometimes people change their minds and it's important not to take it personally. The speaker suggests discussing the host specials and giving the friend a goal to work towards, but ultimately it's important
I had a friend from church express interest in booking a Facebook show. I called and left messages over a span of a couple of weeks. She didn't return a single one. I finally got to talk to her and she said that she had just returned to FB and didn't want people to think she was saying "Ok , I'm back...Now buy something!" I know she has pampered chef products, as does other family members of hers. So, I was taken aback when she said this, and to be totally honest, hurt. Part of me thinks, "Is that what you think I am asking you to do? Force your friends and family to buy something that they don't want? Do you think I am just in this for the money?" The truth is, I LOVE Pampered Chef. I love being a consultant, not because I want the monetary benefits, but because I love sharing something I am passionate about with other people. I know that once people have the chance to try out Pampered Chef they will love it as much as I do. So, my question is, how do I get this person, as well as, others to see that?
Think of it like a piece of gum. You offered, she thought she wanted it & now she's changed her mind. It's not a personal attack on you and it doesn't mean she won't want it the next time you offer, she just doesn't want gum right now. There are ways to overcome objections like offering her the catalog route where she can invite friends via e-mail & in person & still be able to have the chance to earn lots of items off her wish list for free & at a discount, or telling them that the paycheck is just the bonus, the real fun is in seeing people acquire things that they'll use and LOVE in their kitchens, etc. But at some point we just have to accept when someone's not interested. The more you try to "convince" them, the less interested they become. And remember, if she sees another mutual friend succeed at the Facebook show, she's likely to change her mind. So see where other church leads might go. It might be enough to convince her. ;)
Shelia, I love the gum analogy! It's a perfect way to think of offering a show.As to the potential host, I can see her point. If she's been away & is again touching base with friends via facebook, it does seem 'pushy' to suddenly say "I'm having a PC show" because it seems like that's why she's back. I would talk about the host specials for the next two months and see which she's "most interested in" and try to get her to mentally have a 'goal' time frame to get what she wants. That gives her a chance to be active again for a while on facebook so it doesn't seem like she's just back for a show. Whatever you do - don't take it personally. You know she has & likes PC, so it's just not the right time for her. Good Luck!
I think sometimes when someone says "yes"- they aren't thinking and then all the issues can come into play. And the "yes" turns into a "no." Pressuring never works- so I bless and release and just keep sending my email newsletters.
I agree with the others. I would just follow up after a month or so. If she really wants to host she will.

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