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Ugh...what Do I Do??? (Non-Pampered Chef)

fine, go ahead and do the interview. But if you're not sure if it's what you want or if you can handle it, then I think it's better to just stay quiet and see what happens.
Gold Member
So, they are starting up a county-wide dive team by me and both DH and I are certified divers, volunteer firefighters and EMTs. We both are interested so we both apply. He wants it SO much more than me. I want to be on the team but it won't kill me if I don't make it...

Anyway, there is also a "Team Leader" position opened, which I don't remember checking on the application, but I did.

Anyway 9 people applied for the spot and they are interviewing the top 5. The lieutenant in charge of the application process calls me yesterday to tell me that he has some further questions and explains the 9/top 5 thing and wants to ask questions not on the application because they plug data into a matrix and it determines top 5. He mentions that firefighters and EMTs get higher scores, asks education items and other things...

Anyway, he calls back today and wants to interview me for the spot next week (while I am out of state for the first time in ages!). I can't so he wants to interview me Monday at 10 a.m. before I leave...then says, oh, are you on a Fire Dept.? I said yes, for the past 7 years, I am a volunteer firefighter and EMT...he says, oh, I didn't put that in, but should to have our records straight - you made the top 5 without a problem without it anyway.

Add to this that during his first call yesterday I honestly told him that I'm not sure about the position, not sure how I can fit it in with my FT job and family and other activities...even after all this he is pushing to interview me...

...so I am doing the interview...but WHAT IF?????!!!!!!?!?!??!?! My dive experience/skills is probably lacking compared to some of the applicants but my education pulls me up...

I called DH and he is laughing about it and said go do it and even said accept the position if you want it...but I want HIM to be on the team and there are 30+ applications for that and only 4 spots...

UGH!!!!!!!!!! My mind is spinning right now...

(...and I find things to give up but I REFUSE to give up: family time, FT job, and PC!)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13

Listen to your heart.
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BethCooks4U said:
Listen to your heart.

I'm secretly hoping that I'm not the top person so I don't have to make the decision (God makes it for me) and it will just be great interview practice...haven't been the interviewee in quite a few years...
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...and also wondering what God does have planned...I want to pick up my PC business more, would LOVE to work less and stay home with the kids, but my FT job is our only REAL income - hubby doesn't bring in enough money on missionary support to even pay our mortgage on a 2 BR house, but can't give up my FT for anything like that...that is too "illogical".
If you really don't want to do it then gratefully decline. You are the only one who knows what your priorities and heart-tugs are!

PS: I KNOW how hard this kind of decision can be - you are torn both ways!!
Interview, and see what happens. Maybe they'll offer it to you - in which case worry about it then. But maybe there will be someone more qualified. Then you've tried, had some practice interviewing, but don't have to worry about it.
Let me just share a quick story with you. My mom wanted a promotion. So she put in for it but most of all she prayed about it everyday. Well she didn't get the position and she was very broken up about it because she really wanted it. Now she almost daily says that she is so glad that she didn't get that position because the girl that did has to deal with so much. So just keep that in mind. If you ask God for guidence he will show you the right way.
chefann said:
Interview, and see what happens. Maybe they'll offer it to you - in which case worry about it then. But maybe there will be someone more qualified. Then you've tried, had some practice interviewing, but don't have to worry about it.
I respectfully disagree - sort of.

If you think you want it or feel that you need more information about their expectations and such then interview but if you are honored that you were asked but really don't see it fitting in your schedule or life right now then I would not waste their time and would respectfully decline (don't want to completely shut that door though).

If I were you I would sit down and think it through, talk to your family about the added load it would give you, pray, and then decide if you should do the interview or not. I personally wouldn't go through the stress of an interview unless I was pretty sure I wanted the job - but that's me.
I do see your point, Beth. I guess I'm thinking in "work mode," in which we MUST do all interviews that are sent our way. We can be fired if we refuse/decline an interview. (Of course, we're also fired if we're offered the position and refuse it...)
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  • #10
BethCooks4U said:
I respectfully disagree - sort of.

If you think you want it or feel that you need more information about their expectations and such then interview but if you are honored that you were asked but really don't see it fitting in your schedule or life right now then I would not waste their time and would respectfully decline (don't want to completely shut that door though).

If I were you I would sit down and think it through, talk to your family about the added load it would give you, pray, and then decide if you should do the interview or not. I personally wouldn't go through the stress of an interview unless I was pretty sure I wanted the job - but that's me.

That's where I am torn...I want to interview but am so "realistic" in what I can handle because I do so much. I know I can rearrange but am not sure what...and do wonder if this is meant to be...after all, I didn't remember checking the box but I did. I thought about declining the interview but this guy after all I told him was pushing me to still do it...I guess all I can do is be honest and let the committee decide.

Actually, luckily I don't stress at all on interviews, so no worry there...but I stress about having to change my schedule...if that all makes sense!

Hubby already said GO FOR IT - loud and clear! That took that hurdle away...and he says he'll make it work if I want to do it...

I guess rather than worrying about it, I just need prayer....
  • #11
janetupnorth said:
they plug data into a matrix and it determines top 5. He mentions that firefighters and EMTs get higher scores, asks education items and other things...[\QUOTE]

Too bad YOU don't have a matrix program to plug in your pros and cons to help determine what decision you should make!:D :D

Wow, you could make millions if you could figure out a computer program to help people make decisions!!

I love Beth quoting your own signature back at you! God does know the plans He has for you so just keep seeking His will and it will be revealed to you :) God is obviously opening some doors, just keep walking through them until He closes them!
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GeorgiaPeach said:
janetupnorth said:
they plug data into a matrix and it determines top 5. He mentions that firefighters and EMTs get higher scores, asks education items and other things...[\QUOTE]

Too bad YOU don't have a matrix program to plug in your pros and cons to help determine what decision you should make!:D :D

Wow, you could make millions if you could figure out a computer program to help people make decisions!!

I love Beth quoting your own signature back at you! God does know the plans He has for you so just keep seeking His will and it will be revealed to you :) God is obviously opening some doors, just keep walking through them until He closes them!

Yeah, hard to tell what God has planned...I'm thinking this is just the conduit to something else so I'm going forward. I really don't think I'm the MOST qualified...in fact I HIGHLY doubt it...but obviously the doors are pushed open for a reason - too bad God doesn't show us that ahead of time too...we'd probably skip the learning then though... :D
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Ok, time to hijack my own thread...what movie is that where the guy's wife runs off on their honeymoon (the lady that played Grace on Will and Grace) and he dates Jennifer Anniston I think it is and plugs her into his "risk" program for an answer...kind of like that huh?
  • #14
janetupnorth said:
Ok, time to hijack my own thread...what movie is that where the guy's wife runs off on their honeymoon (the lady that played Grace on Will and Grace) and he dates Jennifer Anniston I think it is and plugs her into his "risk" program for an answer...kind of like that huh?

Haha!! Yes, it was "Along Came Polly", with Ben Stiller - too funny! I wish we all had that kind of "risk matrix" for every life decision we make, huh??

Best of luck with this, Janet. It sounds like an amazing opportunity, but only you can decide if you can do it with everything else you are juggling. I hope you're able to come to a decision that works for you and your family!! (((HUGS))) and good luck! :)
  • #15
Janet, I'll be keeping you in prayer. I know that I often need God to show me the great big neon sign, so I'll ask that He provide that for you.

Just a reminder--with God the logical isn't always the right choice. Probably doesn't help you any. :eek: Does it?
  • #16
Janet, no words of wisdom from me that haven't already been said. I don't believe that God hides His will from us....."If you seek Me, you will find Me, if you search with all your heart...."
I just went through this myself!;) Where is your heart in this.......I think that is the only question that needs to be answered.

You know I'll be praying!
  • #17
Go with your gut and what you think is best for you and your family! Good Luck Janet!
  • #18

I just read your post...prayers going up that God would show you His will in this situation. It can be hard seeing what God's plans are...when they are mixed in with man's plans too!!

I hope and pray that everything works out well for you and your family! Your DH sounds like he is very supportive of you...that is excellent!
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Well, I had my interview at 10 a.m. - it wasn't bad - kind of interesting - we'll see what they are looking for! They did say they'd be willing to bring up my dive training level if I need...hmm...will still be praying that God gives me a clear path and makes it easy.
  • #20

I know it is hard to determine where God will lead us. It sounds to me like you are praying and listening and God will honor this. I'm sure you'll make the right decision when the time comes.

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