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Troubles on Valentine's Day: Struggling to Make Rent & Get Son Vaccinations

In summary, our rental company was notified today that our January rent check was returned for ISF (Income Tax Fraud). Because it was more than 7 days past due, we were given 72 hours notice to pay or we move out. We've been struggling the past year, and it still hasn't hit me that we may have to leave our home. We have two vehicles, but our older car isn't worth much, and we have no money to sell anything. Our son missed all of January due to the H1N1 and recent hospitalization for staph in his eye, and we were given today to register him in school
Today I'm hope sick with a staph infection in my nose. We get a call from our rental company. Our January rent check was returned for ISF. This was Jan. not our current rent check. They were just notified today. Since it is more than 7 days past due, we were given 72 hours notice to pay or we move out. We've had a terrible year. It still hasn't hit me. What am I going to do? I have nothing of monetary value to even sell. My big TV is not worth more than $100, as it is 15 years old. I have two vehicles, but my older car isn't worth much. We turned in some medical bills for reimbursement today, so that will help. I then go to the rental company and they tell me they realize they've never gotton proof of vacinations from our cat or dog. They're giving us a week extension, as it was due to them in Dec. This also is attached to a termination of rent if not brought to them.

I open the mail and get a letter from my son's school. He missed all of Jan. due to the H1N1 and recent hospitalization for staph in his eye. We were given today to register him in school or we would be sent to court.

It's hard to stay positive, but when my 6 year old is telling me how excited she is for Valentine's day tomorrow, I just have to. My husband may have someone who can loan us the money. Please pray that we find a way before Valentine's Day, our deadline. happy Valentine's Day!

I now have to figure out how to pay for the vacinations to show the proof.
You have my prayers, Julie.
lockhartkitchen said:
Today I'm hope sick with a staph infection in my nose. We get a call from our rental company. Our January rent check was returned for ISF. This was Jan. not our current rent check. They were just notified today. Since it is more than 7 days past due, we were given 72 hours notice to pay or we move out. We've had a terrible year. It still hasn't hit me. What am I going to do? I have nothing of monetary value to even sell. My big TV is not worth more than $100, as it is 15 years old. I have two vehicles, but my older car isn't worth much. We turned in some medical bills for reimbursement today, so that will help. I then go to the rental company and they tell me they realize they've never gotton proof of vacinations from our cat or dog. They're giving us a week extension, as it was due to them in Dec. This also is attached to a termination of rent if not brought to them.

I open the mail and get a letter from my son's school. He missed all of Jan. due to the H1N1 and recent hospitalization for staph in his eye. We were given today to register him in school or we would be sent to court.

It's hard to stay positive, but when my 6 year old is telling me how excited she is for Valentine's day tomorrow, I just have to. My husband may have someone who can loan us the money. Please pray that we find a way before Valentine's Day, our deadline. happy Valentine's Day!

I now have to figure out how to pay for the vacinations to show the proof.

I can't be of direct assistance, but I can give some advice for your animals. There are organizations (of which one I volunteer for), whom can help with getting all of your pets vaccinations and even now they have "food banks" set up for the animals. There is a big nationwide push for this to help families keep their pet's in their homes and to keep loving the pet's as the shelter's are becoming overwhelmed.

Do a google search, or call your local ASPCA for advice on such low cost spay/neuter locations in your area. Many places that advertise as low cost spay/neuter will do just the shots if you call them.
I"m sorry you are going through this, but I do have a few questions about your delimma....

when you say your Jan check was returned, did you know that it wouldn't clear? If so, then you knew they would come after you for the money for that months' rent. Sometimes it's easier to just try to work something out w/ the rental company if you know you are going to be late, rather than give a bad check knowingly. Even if you have to pay late fees until you are caught up, which I know alot of companies do.

As for the animals, again, you seem to have known you were to show proof of vaccination in Dec and yet it is Feb and now they are after you for the proof. Can you have them stay w/ a friend or family member temporarily until you can make arrangements to have this taken care of?

Was your son not registered in school and now he has to be or is this due to his illness? I know a letter from a dr can sometimes help those situations for children who have been out for a long time. I hope he's better!

I don't mean to be unsympathetic about your situation, I certainly am! I know what it's like to be in a bad situation but it seems that you knew all these problems were going to surface in a matter of time. I don't blame you for feeling like the walls are going to close in on you. I'm glad you are staying positive for your 6 yr old. At least there is that glimmer of happiness for you.

I'm praying that you and your husband can come up w/ the funds for the Jan rent in the week that you were given for your extension. Please keep us posted!
I know how you feel Julie. We almost lost everything as well due to some extremely ridiculously high medical and credit card bills. Most of which we incurred trying to pay bills for 4 months while Pat was sick and not getting paid. So... Like the proverbial dog chasing ones tail. However, that said, we too goofed and we did know some of the things we were doing would come back to bite us. Once we figured out what we needed to do, we went back to the places we could not file bankruptcy on, we told them the entire, total, truth. We had lawyer to back our words though so this is something you may need to also do. There are places that offer free legal advice. That said, I do not want to worry you any more than you are already but you do know that if you can not make good on that check, they can file charges. I am going to tell you exactly what we were told. There are two bills you NEED to pay. You need to always pay for your home and your car. Credit cards can wait, student loans can wait, even most utility companies will work with you these days. You do not have a choice here. You have to get your rent figured out. As for the animals, if you can not get them vaccinated, definitely farm them out to someone. I hate to be blunt, even if it means giving them up completely. I too do not understand the issue with your son. If there is medical evidence and a doctor involved, I do not believe the school can do anything. Unless he is in private school that is. If that is the case, find the nearest public school. Plain and simple. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you figure out what you need to do.
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  • #6
I did not write a check I knew I couldn't cover. We pay our rent on time every month. I paid the first of Jan. with Christmas and medical bills I didn't pay attention, my fault, that the check had not cleared. They had not ran it through until the end of January, and then there were no funds.

I was aware that I would have to have vaccinations proof, but when we moved in September, they were allowing us to split up the pet fees over several months. We've never been asked in prior rentals for this, so I just spaced it. I had planned on vaccinations the first of the year, but medical issues hit with my son, that didn't allow that extra expense.

My son has been very ill this year. He's diabetic and has gotten everything under the son. Our state unenrolls students who are absent 10 days in a row. We had an appointment to reenroll, but it ended up being the day he was hospitalized and then out 10 more days with staph and flu. He just got released from Dr. to go back this week. Dr. will write a note. I was jut posting that is was one more thing on our plate to deal with.

We are looking for cheap vaccinations. Thanks for the ideas.

We have no credit cards and own both of our cars. We filed bankrupty last April due to my son's medical bills. Our house is number one priority. Right now, I have no TV, internet, just the basics. I'm using my wireless computer in my room thanks to whoever "Amber" is. She has an open wi accessible only from my bed. I'm able to submit my shows this week, and check emails.
Please don't feel I am judging you, just seeing if there was some other ideas for things for you! I can't imagine the spot you are in at the moment. Are you still doing ok w/ your show schedule? I know this seems like an obvious idea, but maybe put out a mass email to your contacts and explain that your financial situation is dire and ask for more shows for this month? Are you and your husband working or is PC your only source of income at the moment?
It's a shame that an oversight on your checking acct could result in your loss of home, I remember you posting about trying to find a place over the summer and what problems you were having! I will pray for your situation to get better!
You are definitely in my thoughts in prayers. Sounds like you've been hit with some really awful situations. I can't even imagine what you must be going through. There's gotta be a light at the end of this tunnel eventually. Keep your faith!
Me neither. Like I said I have been there. Those are questions we heard over and over and over again. By the way I think your school system is a pain in the arse!
OK. Now, all I will say is this. If there is any way you can, and because you have already filled bankruptcy, see if you can find the department of housing or any agency in your city that may help with housing costs. Because of the amount of medical bills you have accrued, there may be a way they can help you keep a roof over your heads. I gotta say that you my dear have balls! You know exactly what you are doing so all you need to do is keep a clear head. I know it is hard. My doctor had to put me on pills for depression before we filed and with my loosing my job a month later just as we thought we were in the clear, I am on them again. It is the only thing keeping me going right now. I know I need to keep a clear head. And that is all you need to do right now. You are working on it as hard and as fast as you can. One more thing. I know this will be hard but the rent has to come first. You and your family can not afford to be out on the streets. Call your normal vet. Explain the situation to them. Maybe, they can help you out. I will keep praying for you. I wish I could do more but as fate would have it, it ain't in the cards. Bless you!
  • #10
Call your local United Way and ask what agencies are out there that provide help with housing. The Salvation Army and other agencies provide short-term assistance to people in need.

Also ... doesn't anybody in Oregon homeschool? How do THEY deal with pressure from the govt. to enroll their kids? And STUPID school system!

You are in my prayers.
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  • #11
Thanks for all your prayers. ChefStef, I didn't think you were judging. It's hard to explain an entire situation on here for someone to understand all. I work full-time outside of PC. I am a teacher, and it would like like I make good money except the fact that my income has been it for five people. My husband owns his own computer business. With the economy it has been very slow this last six months. My husband is going to finish his last 16 hours to get his BS, so he can do something else. With my son ill this the last couple of years, and with our youngest just starting school this year, we needed my husband's flexible schedule.

Money always comes to us when we are in need. I pray and prayers are answered, I believe for those who put in the effort too. I have worked my PC hard these last 6 months to help supplement. I have a good schedule in February. I'm doing the booking in close thing now, and just booked a show this week, scheduled for the 20th. I'm going to a Weight Watchers open house Saturday to get bookings. I'm all the phone making calls to get the bookings.
  • #12
(((hugs))) Julie! It sounds like it's all piling up on you at once. :(
  • #13
I know how you feel (partially). I'm 19 years old, got married last August and had a premature son in September. We have TONS of medical bills, and over the last few months have been having a hard time with paying for things. We aren't being kicked out as my parents own the apartment complex we live in, but it's tough. All I can say is that God will provide. That's the only way that we have gotten through these last few months is faith. My husband and I do not have any college under our belts yet because of all thats happened and we have to make money to keep our place. And all we pay for is our apartment and our electricity. (we have no cable, internet, car etc) and California is way expensive when it comes to housing!
I will be praying for you. :)

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:25-34
  • #14
Julie- do you have some extra products you can sell? I've seen a few people do that lately to raise extra funds. I know about the one item that I'm buying from you obviously, ;), but that's what made me wonder if you had a few other PC items perhaps that you can part with? Given your situation, it seems alot of folks will be able to help out by buying things you might have (i've seen cheffers do it on here before....:))
  • #15
Julie, for the future, if your son is ill again for a length of time, you might want to check to see if the school system has "tutors" that will come to your home to do schoolwork with him. I have known people that have had children out of school due to medical reasons, and there were teachers that came to the house to do the schoolwork, etc.
  • #16
Bren706 said:
Julie, for the future, if your son is ill again for a length of time, you might want to check to see if the school system has "tutors" that will come to your home to do schoolwork with him. I have known people that have had children out of school due to medical reasons, and there were teachers that came to the house to do the schoolwork, etc.

I know we do that here in Texas. I have a consultant on my team who's son is too medically fragile to attend school, so they send a teacher out to him.
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  • #17
Thank you for all your prayers. Beth, you are right. God will provide. My husband shared with my boss (principal) today our situation. She called the district office and within two hours, I was granted an emergency draw on my February check. I am able to pay rent tomorrow.

My husband got a call today for a computer job, which he'll get paid for tomorrow. He also was given a job lead, which he is applying for Monday. Our county has 16% unemployment, so we are very glad this opportunity has come his way.

I went back to the doctor today, because my infection got worse and the antibiotic was not working. He diagnosed it as Merca (a worse form of Staph). I started a new antibiotic tonight and was given a large dose injection at the doctor office.

If my face is not better by morning, the doctor told me I need to go to the hospital and get admitted. I will need to have IV antibiotics. I think my nose is looking slightly better, but we'll see. I'm having to stay in bed with hot compresses. I'm on Vicadin.

My lovely husband is driving an hour from here, to do my table booth at the Weight Watchers open house tomorrow.

Spencer, my son, will probably be doing the online schooling we have available here, which provides a teacher to come and visit him, and do his work via the internet. I'll keep everyone posted. I'm hoping to stay home, not the hospital.
  • #18
Julie, I'm so sorry to hear about all this. It is so sad to hear how much you are having to deal with all at once. I'm glad some of the things are falling into place for you so that some of the urgency is letting up. I hope your health improves and that you can avoid a hospital stay. You and your family are in my prayers.
  • #19
Julie, I'm so glad that your situation, at least for the most part, seems to be looking up for you! You can pay your rent and get the school situation fixed!

MERSA is nothing to mess with, if they want you to go to the hospital, do it! I'm actually surprised they didn't admit you today. Hope things get better for your infection. Please keep us posted! Saying a prayer for you!
  • #20
Adding you to my prayers. You have been hit hard, and am happy that God has provided. Know that your blessings are on its way. It may be hard, but remember that storms do end, announced by a beautiful rainbow. God takes care of his own and will keep you afloat. I am now praying that he open the windows of heaven and heap blessing upon blessing to you and your family. May his healing hands be put upon you and your household, may opportunities and work pop up consistently and may your finances be bountiful. May he send you strength and comfort through this turbulence.

God Bless You.
  • #21
jolie_paradoxe said:
adding you to my prayers. You have been hit hard, and am happy that god has provided. Know that your blessings are on its way. It may be hard, but remember that storms do end, announced by a beautiful rainbow. God takes care of his own and will keep you afloat. I am now praying that he open the windows of heaven and heap blessing upon blessing to you and your family. May his healing hands be put upon you and your household, may opportunities and work pop up consistently and may your finances be bountiful. May he send you strength and comfort through this turbulence.

God bless you.

amen and amen!
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  • #22
Thank you Diane. God has provided for us. I was granted and emergency draw on my Feb. check and my husband got a computer job yesterday and was paid. He got a job lead he is applying for on Tuesday.
  • #23
All great things Julie! How is your staph infection? Hopefully you are doing better!
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  • #24
I avoided the hospital. 24 hours was 2 pm yesterday, but my nose was still sore and very swollen. I waited until evening and my nose was considerably smaller and less sore. I've only had to take one vicadin today. My nose is back to normal size, still red, but only slightly sore. I'll go back to work Tuesday. Thanks for all your prayers. My hubby did my PC weight watcher event yesterday and got many leads and an order. He's putting my office together tomorrow, so boxes can get out of my bedroom. I'm just on the couch or bed, feeling useless, but much better. I have my little 6 year old nurse helping me out.
  • #25
Sounds to me you have an AWESOME hubby!!! And a great little helper as well! Glad things are looking up for you! :)
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  • #26
He is awesome. Not only did he do the event for me, he had to drive more than an hour for it. He knew it was important for me in building my business. That was a nice valentine's present for me.
  • #27
Sounds like you should 'train him' to be your stand-in when needed! Shows, events, etc. ;)
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  • #28
God answers prayers! Today we got a call from the rental company. My husband cringed, thinking something else was wrong. Instead, the rental company tells us that they made a mistake and our rent check HAD gone through. I had taken a draw on my check to keep from moving, and had been stressed. Therefore, instead of having to pay rent this month, plus $750 in the animal move-in fees we still owed and late fees, we only had to pay $450!!!! The rest is paying the water and electricity. We are all caught up with everything, and at the end of the month, I out right own my van and will no longer have $400 payments. We will be able to start a savings account.

Thank you for all the prayers!!!
  • #29
Great news Julie!!!! I'm so glad to hear things are turning around for you!
  • #30
That's great! I am so happy for you :)
  • #31
YEAH!!! That's awesome!
Definitely the verse in my signature applies (Jer. 29:11)!!
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  • #32
Bobbi, I've never noticed your verse until today. It is perfect! God truly watches out for us. Today really boosted our spirits!
  • #33
Julie, so happy things fell into place for you and your family...
  • #34
lockhartkitchen said:
God answers prayers! Today we got a call from the rental company. My husband cringed, thinking something else was wrong. Instead, the rental company tells us that they made a mistake and our rent check HAD gone through. I had taken a draw on my check to keep from moving, and had been stressed. Therefore, instead of having to pay rent this month, plus $750 in the animal move-in fees we still owed and late fees, we only had to pay $450!!!! The rest is paying the water and electricity. We are all caught up with everything, and at the end of the month, I out right own my van and will no longer have $400 payments. We will be able to start a savings account.

Thank you for all the prayers!!!

That's awesome, but I would be SERIOUSLY ticked at the rental company for making such a horrible and stressful mistake!!! That is just unacceptable! :mad:
  • #35
What wonderful news! I'm glad this all worked out.
  • #36
Julie, I've been away from CS for awhile, so I didn't see this until today. What a roller coaster read; can't imagine what it was like to live through! Although I would also be very upset with the rental agency for putting you through this, I'm glad it worked out.

How's your nose?
  • #37

I am so glad things worked out for you. I have been there a few times, but never with a family. I am sure it is a bit weight off your shoulders.
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  • #38
My nose is good now. Thanks for asking. I have a prescription cream to use if I see the first sign of it again. My son's eye is better now too. He should be released from the doctor to go back to school soon.

Related to Troubles on Valentine's Day: Struggling to Make Rent & Get Son Vaccinations

1. How can I make my rent payment if I don't have any valuable items to sell?

One option could be to reach out to friends or family members to see if they can lend you the money. You could also consider taking on a part-time job or selling items you no longer need online. It may also be worth speaking to your landlord to see if they can offer any alternative payment options or a payment plan.

2. What should I do if my rental company is giving me a notice to move out due to a returned rent check?

First, try to speak with your rental company and explain your situation. They may be willing to work with you and offer an extension or alternative payment plan. It may also be helpful to seek assistance from a financial advisor or housing assistance program in your area.

3. What can I do if my son's school is threatening to take legal action if he is not registered?

Reach out to the school and explain your circumstances. They may be willing to work with you and offer an extension or alternative registration options. You could also consider seeking legal advice or speaking to a school counselor for assistance.

4. How can I stay positive in such a difficult situation?

Remember to take care of yourself and your family during this challenging time. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people, and try to focus on the things you are grateful for. Seek help from a therapist or support group if needed.

5. What can I do if I need to provide proof of vaccinations for my pets but can't afford it?

Consider reaching out to local animal shelters or organizations that offer low-cost or free vaccinations for pets. You could also speak to your veterinarian and explain your situation, they may be willing to work with you on a payment plan or offer discounted services. It may also be worth speaking to your rental company to see if they can offer any assistance in this matter.

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