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Director Thought I Would Share... 4Th of July Christmas in July Sales

In summary, Jenni is hosting her 1st Annual Pampered Chef 4th of July/Christmas in July Sale where customers can shop from home and receive discounts and free products with their orders. There is also a chance to win the host benefits. Jenni has already received $600 in orders and counting. Customers can also book a show with Jenni and receive a free BBQ sauce with their order. Jenni also shares a recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookie Sensation. Other consultants are impressed and inspired by Jenni's success.
I sent this out this morning and already have $300 in sales

Jenni's 1st Annual Pampered Chef
4th of July/Christmas in July Sale!!

Are you thinking ahead, buying a bit at a time, need to replenish your spices, had your eye on something special for yourself??!!
Shop from home, sipping coffee, while in your pajamas? Beat the clock on my 1st Annual 4th of July/Christmas in July Sale and you might even Win the host benefits!

I will be running a sale of Pampered
Chef Products and here is how it works!!
Orders over $60 retail value will receive a FREE Ice Cream Scoop with your order ($9 value)

Here’s how it works!!!

If you email or call me with your order on or before Monday July 2nd but no later than 8 pm on Tuesday July 3rd, you will receive 20% off
your Pampered Chef order. *

If you email me from before 9 am on Wednesday July 4th local time, you will receive 15% off your Pampered
Chef order.*

If you email me from 9:01am to 11:59AM local time on July 4th, you can get 10% off your Pampered
Chef order.*

If you email me from any time after 12:00 pm on July 4th, you can get a Season’s Best Recipe
Collection Cookbook FREE in your order.*

*Date/time stamped per my computer.

If you are a past host and still within the year of your show, that 10% could count also so you
can get up to 30% off your order!! Depending on when you e-mail me.

If you need products shipped as a gift, I can direct ship the products for a slightly higher shipping cost.

The sales tax differs in each county but I will give you the total once I get your email.

I can take Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express or debit cards for this sale.

What a great way to shop for the greatest Kitchen items in the world.

***If you book a show with me in July or August, I will give you your choice of any one of your new BBQ sauces: Beer, Korean, Carolina Mustard or Cherry Chiptole with your order. I have a few spots left for our awesome JULY HOST SPECIAL OF Extra FREE product for shows $650 or more in guest sales!

This sale is only valid for this email sale and cannot be combined with any other Cooking or
Catalog shows. Everyone that places an order for this sale, will be entered into a drawing to
win the host benefits! I will call you by Thursday July 5th to let you know you won.

And to thank you for reading this email - here’s a recipe for you!
Chocolate Chip Cookie Sensation
1 ½ tubes of refrigerated chocolate chip cookie dough
2 regular size Snickers bars, chopped
½ cup chopped pecans
½ cup chocolate chips
Caramel ice cream topping (optional)
Ice cream (optional)
Place small scoops of chocolate chip cookie dough on bottom – push down with tart shaper (or your fingers). Chop 2 regular size Snickers candy bars and place on cookie dough. Sprinkle with chopped pecans and chocolate chips. Bake 350 for 20-22 mins. Top with ice cream and caramel ice cream topping if desired.

I hope you have a memorable and Happy 4th of July!
  • Thread starter
  • #2
I alerady have $600 in orders and climbing, 2 moer have said they will place orders but haven't. So will have $1000 show for July on the 1st of the month plus $400 in free products for ME :)! My team is having success as well
Consider this stolen...um I mean thanks for sharing!! LOL! Great job, Jenni and keep us posted with your great results!!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Just earned Level 1 in the SAT from my 4th of July sale!!!
Hey Jenni, is this your recipe or a PC recipe? Looks like there is a step missing in it - is this on a pizza stone or the MMP?
  • Thread starter
  • #6
it came from the brownie pan cook book that was going around
Thanks for this idea, I think it is great!
pcjenni said:
it came from the brownie pan cook book that was going around

I knew it sounded familiar, thanks!

Related to Thought I Would Share... 4Th of July Christmas in July Sales

What is "Thought I Would Share... 4Th of July Christmas in July Sales"?

"Thought I Would Share... 4Th of July Christmas in July Sales" is a special promotion that combines the celebration of the 4th of July and Christmas in July sales. It is a unique opportunity to get great deals on products and services from various retailers.

When does "Thought I Would Share... 4Th of July Christmas in July Sales" take place?

This promotion typically takes place during the month of July, specifically around the 4th of July holiday. However, some retailers may offer sales throughout the entire month or during specific days within the month.

What kind of deals can I expect from "Thought I Would Share... 4Th of July Christmas in July Sales"?

You can expect to find a variety of discounts and promotions during this event, similar to those offered during traditional Christmas sales. This can include discounts on products, free shipping, buy one get one deals, and more.

Do I have to wait until the 4th of July to participate in "Thought I Would Share... 4Th of July Christmas in July Sales"?

No, some retailers may offer pre-sales or early access to their Christmas in July promotions. It is best to check with individual retailers to see if they have any special offers or early access for their customers.

Are there any specific retailers or brands that participate in "Thought I Would Share... 4Th of July Christmas in July Sales"?

There is no set list of retailers or brands that participate in this promotion. It is up to each individual retailer to decide if they want to offer Christmas in July sales. However, you can expect to see sales from a variety of retailers including clothing stores, electronics stores, home goods stores, and more.

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