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Those of You Who Are Left-Handed...

In summary, my son, 4, is a lefty. I want to get him a left handed mouse. I asked my other girlfriend who is left handed and what she did on the computer and she said "us lefty's have to use our right hand sometimes in this right handed world". So, she uses her right hand for the mouse. I want to know if I should get my son a left handed mouse, (you know you can also change the clicks on the mouse for left handed people), or let this be one of the things he'll have to deal with?
My son, 4, is a lefty. I want to get him a left handed mouse. I asked my other girlfriend who is left handed and what she did on the computer and she said "us lefty's have to use our right hand sometimes in this right handed world". So, she uses her right hand for the mouse. I want to know if I should get my son a left handed mouse, (you know you can also change the clicks on the mouse for left handed people), or let this be one of the things he'll have to deal with? I'm sure when he starts school they'll all be right handed mouses!

Also, do you have a "left handed" website where you order some things for lefty's? TIA!
Both of my children are left handed. One's in school, one's not until next year. The elementary school will not get a left-handed mouse - she said the kids will adjust. My daughter didn't "adjust" and my son is following in her footsteps. They move the mouse to the left side of the computer and use their middle finger to left-click, index finger to right click. The teacher said she's never seen any other kids do this, but as long as it works it's fine.

Haven't ordered any lefty things yet, so can't help you out on that one.

Good luck!
dianevill said:
Both of my children are left handed. One's in school, one's not until next year. The elementary school will not get a left-handed mouse - she said the kids will adjust. My daughter didn't "adjust" and my son is following in her footsteps. They move the mouse to the left side of the computer and use their middle finger to left-click, index finger to right click. The teacher said she's never seen any other kids do this, but as long as it works it's fine.

Haven't ordered any lefty things yet, so can't help you out on that one.

Good luck!
My MIL had a little carpal tunnel problem in her right wrist so she did the same thing and just retrained herself to the adjustment.
I am left handed and have adjusted quite well to so many things right handed. I think part of the reason is I just never had a choice. However, I look at it as an advantage.

When I worked at a bank, I used a 10-key all of the time. I learned it using my right hand. It was great because I could keep a pen in my left hand and 10-key with my right hand.

I am so used to using a mouse in my right hand, I cannot even use a left handed mouse.

I think if you just teach your child to use whatever you want your child to us, he will adjust very well to it.
My 4 year old is a lefty too! I just had him come use the computer so I could watch him. He did it with his right hand and used the correct finger. I have also seen him move it to the left side of the keyboard when he is playing online. I don't think I will buy him a lefty mouse just because I don't think very many places would provide that for him later in life and I don't want him to get used to a "different" one. We really don't buy special things for him, He even has a right hand mitt he uses on his left hand. I did try to find a left handed gun holster last year and couldn't. I love that he can use the kitchen shears. The old ones are great for him.
I am lefty - I actually use my right hand for the mouse - and its not like I was trained that way - it just happened. I would let him try and see what works for him - don't sway him one way or the other - let it happen naturally. All 5 of my kids are right handed but two of the 3 who play lacrosse shoot lefty - and one of my sons shoots lefty in soccer as well - (I of course take credit for that!! LOL)
I'm left-handed, but I use my right hand with the mouse, and with most other things except writing. I had a teacher in elementary school that said that it was a right handed society, and I was just going to have to get used to it, and she tried to force me to write with my right hand. It didn't work. I'm still a leftie, however, like your friend, I've just adjusted to certain things, because I've had to. In school, they probably will not have a left-handed mouse, nor will they in any libraries or computer labs. I didn't struggle that much with using a mouse with my right hand, but everyone is different. I would see how he does with a regular mouse first, and then go from there.

If anyone does know of any stores, I'd love to check them out. There used to be a lefties store in Boston, but it closed before I had a chance to go there.
cincychef said:
My 4 year old is a lefty too! I just had him come use the computer so I could watch him. He did it with his right hand and used the correct finger. I have also seen him move it to the left side of the keyboard when he is playing online. I don't think I will buy him a lefty mouse just because I don't think very many places would provide that for him later in life and I don't want him to get used to a "different" one. We really don't buy special things for him, He even has a right hand mitt he uses on his left hand. I did try to find a left handed gun holster last year and couldn't. I love that he can use the kitchen shears. The old ones are great for him.

I think I would tend to agree with this one. There are other things that lefty's really shouldn't have to adjust to, but it sounds like a mouse is something that they will be OK with. I wouldn't worry about it. If you DO get a left handed mouse, and then at school and other places it would be sooo much more difficult to use a normal one, since he would be used to the lefty one.
chefbritt said:
I'm left-handed, but I use my right hand with the mouse, and with most other things except writing. I had a teacher in elementary school that said that it was a right handed society, and I was just going to have to get used to it, and she tried to force me to write with my right hand. It didn't work. I'm still a leftie, however, like your friend, I've just adjusted to certain things, because I've had to. In school, they probably will not have a left-handed mouse, nor will they in any libraries or computer labs. I didn't struggle that much with using a mouse with my right hand, but everyone is different. I would see how he does with a regular mouse first, and then go from there.

If anyone does know of any stores, I'd love to check them out. There used to be a lefties store in Boston, but it closed before I had a chance to go there.

It was all those left-handed turns to get there that did them in, too hard to manage in Boston! :D :D :D
  • #10
My DH takes the mouse and puts it on the left side of the computer - uses his left hand but doesn't change the buttons.DS (another lefty) just uses it with his right hand - he is 4 and hasn't learned anything else.DD and I who are righties with left-tendencies use it right-handed, but there are other things we do left handed. I made cookies last night and was halfway through taking them off the pan when DD noticed I was doing it left-handed.I also mini-golf, and play broomball and hockey as a lefty...softball and football and other things I do as a righty... I write right-handed.I am teaching DD to use whatever hand she is comfortable with for the task.DS is predominately a lefty so he gets to do whatever he wants that way.I figure if there is an option, let them choose, if it is a set thing (like controls on the car), adjust to the equipment.
  • #11
Like, ChefBritt, I'm a lefty, but do most things right-handed. Actually, I can do very little left-handed, except write (and some would argue I don't do that well! lol). I also write with the "hook" method, where I basically drag my hand over what I wrote, so I have to be very careful with the type of ink I use and the size of point. Usually, medium point leaves too much ink and I smudge. It just depends upon the ink. I have very curly, froo-froo writing, which garners lots of comments, some compliments, but when I write on lined paper (and I prefer college rule), it just looks like one big page of hoops! When I want to make sure I don't smudge (like on party planners for host packets) I fill in the bottom line first and go up.

I don't recall ever being discouraged from being a lefty, but there weren't many accommodations made for me either. I remember taking shorthand in high school. Talk about a trip! Trying to write on a spiral notebook was hell! Thank goodness for the perforated notebooks that are available now. My teacher just had me use the tablet upside down.

I'm very comfortable with a right-handed mouse. My bf is a right-y, but uses her left hand for the mouse, and it DRIVES ME CRAZY! Whenever I try to use her mouse, I end up cursing or telling her to get a mouse that works! She always has to remind me it's backwards, which takes me a minute to get used to.

We have a lot of lefties in my family: my paternal grandfather, a brother, a nephew, just offhand. I have to laugh when I think about bowling. My nephew, Kyle, bowls left-handed. I don't--if I did, the ball would probably end up 2 or 3 lanes over!

I think lefthandedness is becoming more predominant because there's less coersion into using right hands. Plus, we're the only people in our right minds! (A friend got me a door sign in high school that said that. I always loved it!)

Let him feel things out. Find out what works for him before going to a lot of trouble to change things for him. Most people are fairly adaptable. You'll be able to figure out what works best.

  • #12
Oh, and is it just me, or do we lefties have a tendency to notice, and comment, when we see other left-handed writers?! I always comment with someone on TV or in a movie is a lefty. Or, whenever anyone writes with their left-hand in my presence. I guess because we feel like such a "minority". I don't know... I was notarizing a document for someone the other day, and he said, "Another lefty." So, I know it's not just me who does it. Just one of our quirks, I guess!! lol

  • #13
You don't have to buy a left-handed mouse - you just change the settings for the mouse to switch the left- and right-click features. Where I work, people do both (lefties use right-hand mouses or use left-hand mouses with the settings changed).
  • #14
A girl I work with is a leftie... she just moves the mouse to the left side - doesn't change the buttons though. She does have a cordless mouse which makes life a little easier for her... and us when we go to use her computer so we can move it where we need it.
  • #15
my son is a lefty and he handles the mouse fine using it with his right hand. He bats as a righty though
  • #16
ChefLisa said:
I am left handed and have adjusted quite well to so many things right handed. I think part of the reason is I just never had a choice. However, I look at it as an advantage.

When I worked at a bank, I used a 10-key all of the time. I learned it using my right hand. It was great because I could keep a pen in my left hand and 10-key with my right hand.

I am so used to using a mouse in my right hand, I cannot even use a left handed mouse.

I think if you just teach your child to use whatever you want your child to us, he will adjust very well to it.

I agree! It's great at shows to type in the item #s and still write.
  • #17
RaggedyAunt said:
Oh, and is it just me, or do we lefties have a tendency to notice, and comment, when we see other left-handed writers?! I always comment with someone on TV or in a movie is a lefty. Or, whenever anyone writes with their left-hand in my presence. I guess because we feel like such a "minority". I don't know... I was notarizing a document for someone the other day, and he said, "Another lefty." So, I know it's not just me who does it. Just one of our quirks, I guess!! lol

Oh another lefty!! Me too! LOL. I had to chime in because I do that! I do the hook writing thing too! On the mouse issue, I use my right hand. I learned it that way and maybe I am just a little non-technical but I didn't even know it could be put on the left side. ooo. I just now noticed the port. Wow. I feel sheepish.:blushing: Hey if your little guy learns with his right and left he will connect to both sides of his brain. Though my mom says that my left handed-ness is why I am an artist and my right handed skills are what makes me get so dizzy minded some times!
  • #18
My boss is a rightie, but because of the placement of his computer and because he is really tall, he has more room if the mouse is on the left side. So he moved it and taught himself to use it as a leftie - but without changing the buttons.
  • #19
RaggedyAunt said:
Oh, and is it just me, or do we lefties have a tendency to notice, and comment, when we see other left-handed writers?! I always comment with someone on TV or in a movie is a lefty. Or, whenever anyone writes with their left-hand in my presence. I guess because we feel like such a "minority". I don't know... I was notarizing a document for someone the other day, and he said, "Another lefty." So, I know it's not just me who does it. Just one of our quirks, I guess!! lol


Yup Tammy - I think its all leftys !! I do notice when others eat with their left as well - I LOVE sitting next to a lefty when I eat!! (only happens when my BIL comes over - he is the only other in my family!)

Big show of appreciation to all the Southpaws!!!:love: :love:
  • #20
katie0128 said:
My boss is a rightie, but because of the placement of his computer and because he is really tall, he has more room if the mouse is on the left side. So he moved it and taught himself to use it as a leftie - but without changing the buttons.

I'm half-taught that way...I can function but not as fast as on the right.

For me it was due to the fact that DH kept putting it on the left...
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Thank you everyone for their responses! I was doubting myself "my son should be able to use his left hand for everything" but then again schools and other places aren't very accomdating to this. I think I won't change the settings on my mouse and he'll adapt. Thanks for making me feel better!
  • #22
A point on just having him adapt on the mouse is that not always in his life will he be using his own PC. He may be using a shared one at work or in the lab at school, wherever. People aren't always going to have the knowledge (or necessarily the security rights) on the system to change it for them and change it back for the next person.I'm all for letting my lefty do all he can left-handed and encourage it, but like I said before, you aren't going to put the stick-shift in your car on the left side just for lefties, etc....and who knows, 20 years from now things may start to be designed to be more for lefties because with people not forcing them to write right-handed, more and more may truly become lefties and learn that way evening out things a bit...
  • #23
I've never seen a lefty mouse. Most are built for both and then you just change the setting on your computer. I'm both, I do most things with my right hand but there are a lot of things I do left handed because my dad was a lefty and taught me that way. I throw a frisbee left handed and couldn't throw it right handed to save my own life!
  • #24
I'm new here (although been reading for a while)...but just had to answer this.

I'm a lefty too and I think with mice that it's one of the things we 'get used to'. There are some fantastic left handed items (scissors being one of them) when the right handed stuff won't do, but for the most part we do adapt. When I first started using a mouse (1992 ish?), there was no option so I just learned that way...now I couldn't imagine it any other way.

And I should note I am VERY left-hand dominant. I don't find many things that work with my right.
  • #25
I don't know why but when I see this thred title, every time I think it says "those left-behind." HA!
  • #26
I'm a lefty but use my mouse with my right hand as well. I found growing up I had to adjust. I play sports with my right as well.
  • #27
My son is 5 and has been using the computer since he was 2. He is a lefty and up until I saw this thread, I never gave it any thought about how he uses the mouse. He never had a problem with it. I think that when they are younger, it's easier for them to adjust to doing some things right handed.

My dad is a police officer. Does everything left handed except shooting his gun and swinging a baseball bat. :confused:
  • #28
RaggedyAunt said:
Oh, and is it just me, or do we lefties have a tendency to notice, and comment, when we see other left-handed writers?! I always comment with someone on TV or in a movie is a lefty. Or, whenever anyone writes with their left-hand in my presence. I guess because we feel like such a "minority". I don't know... I was notarizing a document for someone the other day, and he said, "Another lefty." So, I know it's not just me who does it. Just one of our quirks, I guess!! lol

I am not left handed, but I always notice if people are using their left hand. I especially notice on t.v. because aren't lefties supposed to be more creative because the creative side of the brain is the right side?

I must be a creative pool player. For some reason I play pool the left handed way.
  • #29
dianevill said:
They move the mouse to the left side of the computer and use their middle finger to left-click, index finger to right click.

This is exactly what I do at home. I have a cordless mouse, and it sits on the left side of my keyboard. I mouse the left button with my index finger, and the right button with my pointer finger (does everyone else sing the song when they see that....."where is pointer? where is pointer?")

It must be noted, however, that I only did it this way because my computer is on a stand on the left side of my couch (when sitting on it), and it's easier to put the mouse on the armrest and use it that way. Bad for tennis elbow, though.

At work, however, my mouse is on the right hand side and I just adjust.

Lefties unite!

  • #30
janetupnorth said:
I'm all for letting my lefty do all he can left-handed and encourage it, but like I said before, you aren't going to put the stick-shift in your car on the left side just for lefties, etc.

Except in England!

(ooh...I'll bet it's tough to be a right-y with a stick shift in England....):)
  • #31
well ----story time---I am a recovering lefty--I went to a STRICT CATHOLIC school---and was switched---I still remember-like it was yesterday---to my benefit-I played with soccer with both feet---its a gift to be a lefty---Just ask Doris---
  • #32
Jean DeVries said:
Except in England!

(ooh...I'll bet it's tough to be a right-y with a stick shift in England....):)

Ya but there they also drive on the opposite side - so it kinda works - The worse part is the windshield wipers and the signal - they are reversed as well and everytime I go to Ireland I have the cleanest windows in Co Clare!!! LOL
  • #33
I am left handed. The only thing I do left handed is eat and write.

Related to Those of You Who Are Left-Handed...

1. Should I get my left-handed son a left-handed mouse?

It is ultimately up to your personal preference and what works best for your son. Some left-handed individuals find it easier to use a left-handed mouse, while others are comfortable using a right-handed mouse. Our recommendation would be to let your son try both and see which one he feels more comfortable with.

2. Can I change the clicks on my mouse for left-handed use?

Yes, most computer mice have the option to switch the button clicks for left-handed use. This can usually be done through the computer's settings or the mouse's software.

3. Do left-handed individuals have to use their right hand sometimes in a right-handed world?

Unfortunately, yes. Many everyday items and tools are designed for right-handed use, making it difficult for left-handed individuals to use them. However, with the increasing awareness and demand for left-handed products, there are now more options available for left-handed individuals.

4. Will my son have to use a right-handed mouse in school?

It is possible that your son may have to use a right-handed mouse in school, as most schools do not provide left-handed options for computer equipment. However, you can always speak with your son's teacher or the school's IT department to see if they can accommodate his left-handedness.

5. Is there a website where I can purchase items specifically for left-handed individuals?

Yes, there are several websites that offer left-handed products, including computer mice. A simple internet search for "left-handed products" should provide you with a list of options to choose from.

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