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The Unexpected Pampered Chef Show: A School Nurse's Story

In summary, the school nurse called me this afternoon saying my son was sick. I was annoyed that I had to stop what I was doing (working on invites for a show and signs for a fair I'm doing in a few weeks) and go pick him up. I was especially upset because I know it's his allergies and not that he's sick. Anyway, the nurse's secretary saw my tote and asked me if I sell PC. Of course I gave her a catalog and shared my excitement for the products. The nurse then decided it was time to buy one of these stones that she's been hearing about. When I went to take the nurser's order she said to give her the night to look at the book and
Gold Member
The school nurse called me this afternoon saying my son was sick. I was annoyed that I had to stop what I was doing (working on invites for a show and signs for a fair I'm doing in a few weeks) and go pick him up. I was especially upset because I know it's his allergies and not that he's sick. Anyway, the nurse's secretary saw my tote and asked me if I sell PC. Of course I gave her a catalog and shared my excitement for the products. The nurse then decided it was time to buy one of these stones that she's been hearing about. When I went to take the nurser's order she said to give her the night to look at the book and call tomorrow. Her secretary then said, "Hold on, maybe I'll do a show." She asked me to call her in the morning so she can go home and check her calendar and give me a date that will stick. What a surprise that was. Gotta love days like this with PC. Sometimes it seems like such a struggle getting shows and orders and other days everything just falls into place!! :cheerleader:
Logo wear/tote works all the time. But the unexpected are the best :).
And you bought your son an ice-cream, right? ;)
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He can have anything he wants. Especially since I just came from the doctor and he DOES have strep throat. It wasn't allergies. Ooops!!

I had a little difficulty reading the story though, because first I was in awe of the fact that you have a School Nurse! And then that the Nurse has a secretary! WOW! :D:D:D
Don't worry about the strep v. allergies thing. I've had some "bad mommy" moments, esp. when it took me a month to take my daughter to the doctor for a rash and they thought it was Lyme's Disease. Turns out my instinct that it was ring worm was correct, but I certainly felt horrible when they did the initial diagnosis.

I got stopped as I was leaving the check-out line at Staples today by a woman saying "do you have a catalog?" I thought she was asking the cashier! She saw the minis in my sling bag and said "you did a good job advertising." We'll see if she comes through with anything.
We'll see if she comes through with anything.

I liked the suggestion (I think it was in one of the training videos) that the consultant told the person that was her last catalog and she was just on her way to meet up with a client. She offered to mail the catalog directly to the person. That way, she would get the name and phone ## and could contact the person to follow up with them to see if they were interested in anything the company had to offer, such as scheduling a show or becoming a consultant themselves. If you don't get their information, they just walked away with you catalog and you will probably get nothing. Does it work better one way or the other? I don't know....but I cut back from carrying a couple catalogs to just one. ;)
I asked if she wanted to be on my e-mail list. I have a post-it on each mini to collect info. She didn't want to give her info. She has hosted in the past. That's why it's a "we'll see if anything comes of it" instead of having an avenue to follow-up. Just being friendly and cheerful with her instead of "pushy." I don't think I could do the "this is my last catalog and I'm on my way to meet someone" thing. Also, a mini doesn't cost me much. I haven't had any success in my out-and-about contacts, not even a random order.
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Becca - I actually almost put my tote bag in the closet last night. Decided I really didn't get too much business from it and I really like my Coach bag much better LOL!! I think that's why I was so shocked today when the secretary asked me for a catalog. I decided it's just like recruiting....you have to be willing to hear a ton of No's before you hear a yes.
  • #10
I wear the logo wear as often as I can. I have catalog shows from 4 of the local banks in the area. My best "cold" order was from a lady that was stopped near me at a red light and wrote down the info on my car decals. $100+ order!
  • #11
Dawn4 said:
He can have anything he wants. Especially since I just came from the doctor and he DOES have strep throat. It wasn't allergies. Ooops!!

That's why I hate this time of year. When the kids (or DH) get sick, we always think it's a cold or something else, not realizing allergies are upon us (starts getting them around late Feb/early march for pollens). Then when it's full-blown, you assume it's all allergy related.

----as far as catalogs in the bag:
Lately, I've been putting ONE current one in the flap, but tucking a couple of the F/W catalogs in there. If someone asks, I can tell them I don't have any more new ones and then give the old one and hope to get their contact info to send them a new one. I did this the other day at Target with the cashier. She gave me her phone number, and somehow ended on the subject that she had no internet, because she had just lost her full-time job. She went on and on....I asked her if she worked much at Target. Nope- just Sat/Sun, could get more hours, but $8 an hr wasn't enough. So I popped the question! ;) Well, asked if she'd ever thought about something like PC. Would she like more info? She said we could talk about it when I called her (which I did yesterday). She's a talker! But I'm sending a think-about it packet to her along with a current catalog.

You're right, sometimes you never know when that ONE comes along. At the very least, I know when she works, and she's the only Pat there, so I'll try to look out for her often....if nothing else, just to start a relationship- you never know where it may lead.
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Called the school nurse today to collect her secretary's order. She said she couldn't come to the phone because she was walking through the school collecting PC orders. I haven't set her up with a catalog show or any paperwork yet. LOL!! She's so excited to get those free products she's doing it all on her own. I think I smell a recruit!!!
  • #13
Love it, love it, love it!!!

Related to The Unexpected Pampered Chef Show: A School Nurse's Story

What is "The Unexpected Pampered Chef Show: A School Nurse's Story" about?

"The Unexpected Pampered Chef Show: A School Nurse's Story" is a heartwarming story about a school nurse who discovers the joy of cooking and sharing meals with her students. It follows her journey as she learns new recipes and techniques with the help of Pampered Chef products, and how she uses these skills to make a positive impact on the students' lives.

How does Pampered Chef products play a role in the story?

Pampered Chef products play a central role in the story as they are what inspire the school nurse to start cooking and sharing meals with her students. They also help her to create delicious and healthy meals that are quick and easy to prepare, making it possible for her to balance her busy work schedule with cooking for her students.

What makes "The Unexpected Pampered Chef Show: A School Nurse's Story" unique?

This story is unique because it combines the heartwarming elements of a feel-good story with the practical aspects of using Pampered Chef products in everyday life. It showcases the power of food and cooking to bring people together and make a positive impact on others.

Is "The Unexpected Pampered Chef Show: A School Nurse's Story" suitable for all ages?

Yes, this story is suitable for all ages. It is a wholesome and uplifting story that can be enjoyed by children, teenagers, and adults alike. It also contains valuable lessons about the importance of healthy eating and caring for others.

How can I watch "The Unexpected Pampered Chef Show: A School Nurse's Story"?

"The Unexpected Pampered Chef Show: A School Nurse's Story" is available to stream on various platforms, including Amazon Prime Video and YouTube. You can also purchase the DVD or Blu-ray version on the Pampered Chef website or at a Pampered Chef party.

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