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Success! I Sold 5 Cheese Graters at My Show!

In summary, the cheese story is about selling five cheese graters and telling the story. The cheese story is a myth but is still a good story to tell. The cheese story is a story about preventing frozen shredded cheese from clumping.
Hi all!! Just wanted to let you guys know that I just got home from a show and I told the "cheese story" and sold FIVE cheese graters!!! I couldn't believe it!!! Thanks for the info.....keep it coming please! :p
Cheese StoryWhat is the "cheese story"?
You will find the cheese story under quick tips and deluxe cheese grater solutions. Follow the link below.

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Deluxe Cheese Grater Solutions!!

AWESOME job on selling 5 cheese graters! Remember to talk to them about the Grate Container as an add on when they check out. Talk about it during your show too...demo if possible. If they see it used (even if you don't really need to measure), they will usually add it on because it is so inexpensive.
Cheese storyI thought about telling the cheese story at my next party but what if it is a myth. I hate to say something that I can not verify is true. When I told my husband the story he did not believe it.
You can look on the back of shredded cheese and cellulose is listed. If you go to define it on the internet it says it is derived from fiberous plant material, and is insoluble. The page I looked at it was listed above silicia. So personally I am not afraid to tell it.
What part of the story don't you believe? If you look at the ingredients on the grated cheese, you will see cellulose. Here is some information I found online about cheese....


Cheese must be well wrapped to protect it from picking up other aromas in the refrigerator, and also to prevent its flavor from migrating to other foods. Foil is the best wrapping; plastic wrap traps moisture that may cause cheese to mold more quickly. Placing the wrapped cheese in a covered container provides an extra measure of protection for strong-smelling cheese.

Generally, the softer the cheese, the more perishable it is. Firm cheeses such as Cheddar will keep for a month or more, and hard grating cheese such as Parmesan can be stored for several months.

Cheese Anti-Caking
Shredded Cheese

International Fiber Corporation was the first company to petition the FDA to permit the use of powdered cellulose as an anti-caking agent in shredded cheese and grated cheese in 1986. Eventually powdered cellulose replaced the use of microcrystalline cellulose as the anti-caking agent of choice within the dairy industry. Anti-caking agents are used in the production process to provide improved flowability while preventing clumping. Fill weights are better controlled to enhance quality while packaging and manufacturing processes can be operated at higher efficiencies.

Antimicrobial Preservative Improves Shredded Cheese Quality and Shelf Life

Quality and performance are vital to maintaining consumer acceptance and sales of cheese in the United States. Despite the industry’s scrupulous attention to product superiority, however, natural enemies such as mold may sometimes hinder the quality-control process.

Researchers have found that the application of an antimicrobial preservative such as natamycin to cheese reduces the incidence of mold growth. Natamycin, which has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in the food industry, is particularly beneficial when used on shredded cheeses, which are especially prone to mold.

One way to prevent mold is to freeze hard cheeses. That's a sure way to avoid waste and save money, she says. Hard cheese can be shredded and stored in the freezer for up to six months. The texture will become crumbly, however, so using such cheeses in cooked dishes may be best.
More Cheese GratingAnother great tip for the cheese grater.

A lot of times, the cheese will jam up in your grater, and a lot of my customers have experienced this.

Tell them to cut their cheese to the size they need to fit the hopper, and then microwave for 8 seconds (soft cheeses only). The cheese will grate 10X easier, and won't gum up in the drum!

Preventing Post Grating ClumpingI wanted to share this tip I just got. The thread of the discussion it was in was preventing frozen shredded cheese from clumping, most of which tending toward flash-freezing. One lady, however, said she mixes a small amount of cornstarch in the cheese she grates and it helps prevent clumping. Might be helpful to point out for people who grate more than they use in 1 recipe.

Hope this helps someone.

Paula in TN
great idea!
pelamm said:
I wanted to share this tip I just got. The thread of the discussion it was in was preventing frozen shredded cheese from clumping, most of which tending toward flash-freezing. One lady, however, said she mixes a small amount of cornstarch in the cheese she grates and it helps prevent clumping. Might be helpful to point out for people who grate more than they use in 1 recipe.

Hope this helps someone.

Paula in TN

Cornstarch sounds a lot better than the cellulose the manufacturers use!!

  • #10
celluloseIn the ice breakers attachment Ginger posted(I can't recall which thread it is in at the moment) it mentioned that cellulose is also used in making paper, textiles, and explosives. :eek: I mentioned that at my show last week and sold a couple of cheese graters! I usually tell people though that the main reason I love my cheese grater is because fresh grated cheese tastes soooo much better than pregrated cheese. I like that cornstarch idea.
  • #11
Well, cornstarch probably actually contains cellulose, as cellulose is just a term referring to a fiber found in all plant cells. Veggies have cellulose. Cellulose is one of the dietary fibers a lot of us try to increase. However, I don't know exactly what kind of cellulose is used with pregrated cheese, how it is processed, etc. At least by adding cornstarch, you have a better idea of what kind of processing went into your ingredients. :)

Just my two cents worth.

Paula in TN

Related to Success! I Sold 5 Cheese Graters at My Show!

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