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Struggling with Building My Business in 90 Days - Seeking Advice and Support

In Summary, You have 90 days to MAKE your business successful, but you may have to do a show sooner if you don't have a place to do one. You can also try reaching out to your friends for help.
I need advice, encouragement, suggestions or maybe just a good kick in the rear...

When I decided to sign I had 2 cooking shows and 2 catalog shows lined up. As of 10 minutes ago, all but one have canceled or said they want to move their show to Aug. And the one show I do have is a good friend "helping me out"! I know I have 90 days and I dont HAVE to qualify in the first 30 but it is so disappointing to think that I may have to pass up all those PC dollars!

My struggle is how to find business...my family isn't supporting my decision, I have a small group of friends and am at a new job where I am not really "friends" with too many people and it is mostly guys anyway. I thought my boyfriends family would be great...and they would have been but we ended our relationship this week! I have been trying my best to think of businesses to Pamper but the only places I really go are to the gym and I am starting WW today so is there a way to approach them ... ???:confused:
When does your 30 days end?1. Your friends show
2. Put together your own PC kick off show - you can invite people from work - make it a couple's thing and tell them to bring their wives (I'm doing one like this at the end of the month = an icecream social)
3. Do you have a website yet? -- Call some friends that you know that are out out of town and they can help you out.Then, put some business cards in your purse and muster up the courage to say to "EVERYONE" at the bank, at the store, where ever... "Hey I'm just starting my own business with The Pampered Chef that I am really excited about, do you know anyone that would be willing to help me get started that would like to enjoy a Pampered Chef Shopping Spree?" Or something along those lines.
Lastly, with that same courage call those friends back that had shows lined up for you, or that said no, -- let them know that you respect their decision (and are excited about their upcoming show) then ask - do you know someone that would be willing to do a show sooner or that is interested in getting the food chopper or mandoline for a great price....?Just some ideas... HTH
jcsmilez said:
When does your 30 days end?

Put together your own PC kick off show - you can invite people from work - make it a couple's thing and tell them to bring their wives (I'm doing one like this at the end of the month = an icecream social)

Just some ideas... HTH

My kickoff show was the highest I have ever had! This is a great way to kickstart your business! Even if you don't know your neighbors go and use this as an excuse to meet them and invite them over to your "no-pressure" open house! Once you get them over and you feed them they will see how much fun it is and want to book a show for your and order products! It happens naturally! Goodluck and Godspeed with everything!
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  • #4
Here is my problem with the grand opening show...I have no where to do one. I live with my mother right now...I just bought a house and it is being remodeled. My mother is not supporting me in this at all so I know she would not be open to me having a show at her house. Once my house is ready which will be Aug or later I plan on having one then...but that is well after my 90 days. My 30 days is up 7/7 and 90 is at 9/7.

I know there has to be a way to make it in 30 days and I will figure it out...I refuse to give up...just need a little direction...
Kelli - lots of use consultants have been through the same obstacles as you are going through right now! So, don't feel like you are alone....

You could rent somewhere cheap (sometimes a church basement is inexpensive) and have a Grand Opening there. Or ask a friend for help - even if they are not supportive (which BTW, I find MOST people to be skeptical of someone starting a PC biz initially). Guys are PERFECT for hosting a Show - they can be even MORE FUN - especially with the upcoming Theme Shows you could do (King of the Grill, Couples). You can have a catalogue show where YOU are the one doing the work - and then give away the Host Benefits to someone at the end (Mystery Host) OR just ask your friends for referrals - ESPECIALLY for Pampered Bride Shows!!!!

Tell people that you want to qualify within your first 30 days - and you need their help - if they aren't willing - I am SURE they KNOW OF SOMEONE who WILL help!....
KellARooni said:
Here is my problem with the grand opening show...I have no where to do one. I live with my mother right now...I just bought a house and it is being remodeled. My mother is not supporting me in this at all so I know she would not be open to me having a show at her house. Once my house is ready which will be Aug or later I plan on having one then...but that is well after my 90 days. My 30 days is up 7/7 and 90 is at 9/7.

I know there has to be a way to make it in 30 days and I will figure it out...I refuse to give up...just need a little direction...

Hm. Well, you do weight watchers, I dont know much about that, but maybe you could tell the person there, "Hey, I just started a new business that I am so excited about, and would love to be able to do a demonstration sometime this month to show everyone how easy Pampered Chef makes it to prepare healty snacks, meals and even desserts!" and see if she will allow you do do a demo, or maybe even just bring something in along with some catalogs?! I am just thinking of anything that you could try...
And I would still have your Grand Opening when your house is done in August (wait until late August for doing a Fall Kickoff!!!!)
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  • #8
I will still have that show! I think it will be a great way to have a great show PC wise and show my house off to the all the people who have been eager to see the final results...and to meet my new neighboors. I just have to get qualified and actually a big show in August would help with not going inactive...
What about putting an ad in the newspaper?
Ads up around town?
Offering a Referral System? - AND TELLING EVERYONE?
Leaving catalogues in the local businesses?
Asking acquaintenances?
  • #10
Plus mention the Charter Host gift as an extra incentive for having a Show - people love FREE
  • #11
See if you can find a fair or festival in your area and set up a table/booth to get leads. Do a drawing for a cookbook, then follow up with your leads. You might want to offer a "free" cooking show (you pay for the demo ingredients) for June/July bookings to entice those leads to book now. When I moved into my house 4 years ago, I did a kick off show (Ice Cream Social). I walked around the neighborhood to introduce myself and hand out invitations. It was mostly those people I was able to speak to personally who actually attended the show.

Good luck! Don't give up!
  • #12
Try sending out an email to all of your email contacts - they can help you out or place an order!! Be sure to mention the guest special etc -

I sent out an email when I started my business and got 6 bookings (all held) in my first month - you can do it!!!

Come out of the comfort zone and ask for a favor - you will be surprised!!
  • #13
Have a Kick off show/Open house at the house of a supportive friend or perhaps your recruiter/director's house... Pamper any business... not just ones you frequent. Banks, hair salons, real estate offices, even doc/dental offices... see everyone as an opportunity to ask... get a catalog tote and carry it with you EVERYWHERE... yes, you'll feel like a walking billboard but after a time you'll forget you have it til someone asks you "oh, do you sell Pampered Chef?"... get a PC shirt... wear it on your errands along with your tote... SMILE... craft fairs... even if you don't get a booth, go with your tote and shirt on and just browse... folks WILL notice and ask, be prepared and don't just say "yes"... say "Sure, would you like more information?"... I screw this up all the time and need to work on it myself. LOL
  • #14
See if you can find a fair or festival in your area and set up a table/booth to get leads.
Yes, Craft Fairs and festivals are definitely great, if you can get in on one.Weight Watchers is also a great idea! Our 6 O Clock Salads shows would be a great hit with the weight watchers crowd -- You could say something like - "Everyone keeps talking about our 6 O'clock salads shows, how delicious the recipes are, and how wonderful it is to have something tasty without heating up the kitchen, could we get some ladies together so I can try one of these recipes on you?" Also, if you search for "weight watchers" in the files section you will find a ton of flyers, and the actual WW point amounts for many of the PC recipes. As far as the kick off show goes, definitely look into inexpensive options like Jenna said. In my town I have found a coffee shop that has a nice conference room to be a nice option, also Round Table will often let you use their conference room for free when you purchase a couple of pizzas -- I have had kick off shows there and suggest it to hosts that are nervous about doing a show at their house for whatever reason. You simply purchase a pizza (uncut) cut it with our pizza cutter, and demo a dessert. Another option, depending on your weather could be a local park...Who is your recruiter or Director? Could they let you have a kick off show at their house?
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  • #15
My recruiter is 3 hours away and we are in the process of finding me a hospitality director. I think I just need to BREATHE and I will be fine...I just expect it all to start coming to me and I know it is going to take time...Just needed some imput as where to start. My closest friend offered this morning to do a catalog show for me. I had not asked her because I didn't want her to feel obligated. She volenteered this morning so I am taking her up on it. She is also going to take some catalogs to her sister and see if her sister would be interested in doing a catalog show...so things are looking up. I know that it is best to get outside your group of friends/family for bookings and I just want to do that ASAP! If you can't tell...I am NOT a patient person! :D Thank you all for the support and suggestions...I LOVE this site!
  • #16

Most people rely on their family and friends JUST to get them started with their PC biz - You WILL get out of 'your circle' - but it will take some time.

If you are finding others are NOT supporting you - You had signed up FOR YOURSELF in the first place - so just worry about yourself :) YOU KNOW YOU CAN DO IT - and the others will jump on your band wagon soon.

Positive thoughts, positive thoughts, positive thoughts, right? :)
  • #17
I haven't tried this yet but a girl in my cluster did. She wanted to earn the free Conference registration. She was $300 short so she got on the phone with some contacts and asked if they would be willing to help her get $100 in sales. One lady bought the whole $100 herself to help LaTrell out! She ended up with $400 ordered in 24 hours!!
Like I said, I haven't tried it but it's worth a shot!
  • #18
I feel silly offering advice on this subject when I'm having so much trouble getting started myself. But how about doing a catalog show? You don't need a space for it, just a bunch of catalogs and a mailing list. Write a nice letter, enclose a catalog and an outside order form, and fire away.

I read a post here from a newbie who qualified in 30 days by doing four catalog shows!

I wanted to qualify in 30 days but it just wasn't possible. So I let go of that and focused on doing it in 90. I made it in half that.

I don't do a lot of shows, but the ones I've done have been quite successful, so maybe that's where you should put your energy.

Just some ideas from a rank newcomer!
  • #19
Try theseHey Kelli Kelli Kelli...

Here are some things I've gathered over the months. I'm not sure which ones I got here or got from friends, but either way take what you can and toss the rest. I have a few other things I'd like to email you. Email me your email address at [email protected] And be prepared for quite a bit of word docs and a large PDF file to come your way!:)


  • 118 ways to get bookings.doc
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  • Bookings Objections and Responses.doc
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  • booking tips.doc
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  • Bookings Binder for Shows.doc
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  • #20
I skimmed through the answers that people have already given you. The 6 O'Clock Salad idea was a good idea. The other thing that I would suggest is bringing some of your prep bowls in your purse or bag to the meetings. You can measure out your snack. Then you when they have suggestions...just let them know that that's what you've been using to make sure you're not eating too much. The measurements are on the side. I had a lot of friends that were on weight watchers like them for that purpose.
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  • #21
BrookeGroh said:
I skimmed through the answers that people have already given you. The 6 O'Clock Salad idea was a good idea. The other thing that I would suggest is bringing some of your prep bowls in your purse or bag to the meetings. You can measure out your snack. Then you when they have suggestions...just let them know that that's what you've been using to make sure you're not eating too much. The measurements are on the side. I had a lot of friends that were on weight watchers like them for that purpose.

That is a great idea!! I will def try that for my next meeting!! Thank you!

Kasey...I emailed you...thank you for all the info...and everyone else that responded.

I have a friend who took some catalogs and gave some to her sister and has now given a few to another friend who is going to try to get a show up at her work, so homefully between the 3 of them and the one cooking show I still have booked I can make it in 30 days!! :)
  • #22
Kelly I hope it all works out and I hope those emails I sent you help you as well! :)
  • #23
Kacey sent me some great, helpful e-mails to that I am using to help me with my business! You rock Kacey :)

Don't give up, you can do it in 30 days!!!
Did you try to Pamper a Business?
  • #24
I offer a referal program, anyone who gets me a show gets $10 to use at that show, this way I get a show and the person who didn't want to host still buys something from me and may love the product so much she'll change her mind.
  • #25
how are you doing with this? you andI both have the same 30 day end period and I am trying like heck to get one more show in by then
  • #26
Hope you are doing well, I am sinking too, but had 1 $650 party this month and have a catty show going on now, but that is it for June, I had 2 cancel and my May was terrible. I have 3 in July, so we'll see. Every month I get so excited and then it all falls apart. I have been calling, e-mailing, going to businesses. I have put so much effort into this for the apst 4 months and am just exhausted. I e-mailed my director yesterday because I am so bummed. I know this business has its ups and downs, but while I am thrileed for all the cheffers with awesome success, I think what are some us that are struggling doing wrong?? :(
  • #27
I am new too and someone gave me this flyer to pass out in my neighborhood. I'm printing it double sided with the July special flyer on the back. I hope this helps!


  • Consultant in Neighborhood flyer-generic.doc
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  • #28
That's an awesome flyer! I am going to try it also and see what happens...can't hurt!
  • #29
sk8rgrrl99 said:
I am new too and someone gave me this flyer to pass out in my neighborhood. I'm printing it double sided with the July special flyer on the back. I hope this helps!

That is a great flyer, All my neighbors who I am close to have had parties. I qualified in 30 days, but used up all my contacts and all the others keep moving it to the next month and then the next, then the next. I finally have said either you do or don't, just tell me, stopp jerking my chain.

Related to Struggling with Building My Business in 90 Days - Seeking Advice and Support

1. How do I use the "My Ship Is Sinking..." tool?

To use the "My Ship Is Sinking..." tool, simply place it on a flat surface and fill it with your desired ingredients. Then, place the lid on top and use the pump to create a vacuum seal. Finally, turn the tool over to release the air and watch as your ingredients are perfectly mixed and blended.

2. Is the "My Ship Is Sinking..." tool dishwasher safe?

Yes, the "My Ship Is Sinking..." tool is dishwasher safe for easy and convenient cleaning. Simply place it on the top rack of your dishwasher and run it through a normal cycle.

3. Can I use the "My Ship Is Sinking..." tool for hot ingredients?

No, the "My Ship Is Sinking..." tool is not designed to be used with hot ingredients. It is recommended to only use it with room temperature or chilled ingredients.

4. What is the capacity of the "My Ship Is Sinking..." tool?

The "My Ship Is Sinking..." tool has a total capacity of 4 cups, making it perfect for small to medium batches of ingredients.

5. Can I use the "My Ship Is Sinking..." tool for both wet and dry ingredients?

Yes, the "My Ship Is Sinking..." tool can be used for both wet and dry ingredients. It is versatile and can handle a wide range of ingredients, making it a must-have tool in any kitchen.

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