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Struggling at a Crossroads: My Pampered Chef Journey

In summary, the author feels down about her business, but decides to step up after hearing a sign from God. She is currently working on 3 catalog shows, 4 cooking shows, and 2 fence sitters.
When you come to a crossroads with your business what made you decide to stay with Pampered Chef. Right now I feel like my life doesn't have enough time to deal with playing babysitter to some hosts or even working my business to its full potential.

I hate quitting something that I really enjoy, but it doesn't seem to be as rewarding as I thought it was going to be...
I've also had some major ups and downs, but the ups are so motivating. Though it says I've been selling for 7 years, I just started again in April. So just over 8 months this time around. I stopped at the end of 2001. Talk to someone who's been where you are but is now successful and get help. Find out what you don't like about the job and what you want to improve. A more experienced person may be able to see the flaws and help you work them out.
I have only been doing this for two years ... My first year of business was a really down year... Hardly any bookings and came close to going inactive twice the second time actually succeeding. Then last year in January with a lot of weekly coaching calls from my director I decided on what I needed and wanted out of this business. It's not easy at all at times..... But the rewards are the most amazing thing. their are up times and down times through out this business. Like JAE said find out what you don't like about the job and what you want to improve.
Heart TugI first have to remember why I started the Pampered Chef...my heart tug. You see I thought seriously about quitting this last fall. I was down and out and couldn't see the reason to continue the business. My husband asked me if I really wanted to give up all that I had worked for and if I wanted to leave the children with a babysitter. And I had to dig down deep and decide, YES it was time to STEP UP!! And since I made that decision in September my business has soared.

One suggestion is you say you babysit your hosts etc. What type of business persona are you showing your hosts? Do they think this is a hobby or do they think this is a business for you? Do you take your business seriously?

I let people know up front that this is my business and show them that I am serious about it. For example I send a note with my guest list saying if I don't have their guest list within 10 days of receipt of the guest list their show date will be given away to the next host. I have hosts calling me on day 9 and 10 saying "Am I too late? Have you given my date away?" Of course I don't give away a show date until I talk to the host. But this just shows them that I am serious about my business.

Another thing, do you feel like you are talking people into hosting? Seems like when we feel this way, we feel like they are doing a favor for us and we bend over backwards trying to accomodate them. And are often time trampled in the process.

My biggest advice is to just try and remember why you wanted to start the Pampered Chef.:)
I was inactive for almost a full year, so I've been where you are right now. I gather I wasn't following the Lord's path for me, because he sent me some sure signs at the end of September that I needed to refocus on PC again. I had first signed up 3 months after the death of my husband, which while I do believe it was something the Lord wanted me to do, I mentally wasn't ready.

Since the death of my husband I tend to go into a downward spiral right after Thanksgiving and it stays with me until after the anniversary of his death in the middle of January. The depression this year didn't hit me until after my last show for December (the 9th), and I almost missed an upcoming show because of it. I was able to reschedule that upcoming show, and I am "faking it till I make it" to bring myself out of this depression. I now have 3 catalog shows scheduled, the 1 rescheduled cooking show, 4 cooking shows I'm trying to get dated and I'm working on 2 fence sitters for recruiting. My next step is to get myself organized, both in my kitchen and in my office.

My point is, if you pray, ask the Lord to lead you. He will lead you down the path He wants you to take, which just might be to continue with PC.

Remember, you have a year of inactive status before you would need to sign back up as a new consultant all over again if you wanted to come back.
I just noticed where you are, is your director Robin? I would try talking to your director about helping you set some guidelines for your business. I think you will probably feel less like you are babysitting your hosts if you have really clear direction. Both for you and them. Of course there are still those hosts that you would like to drop kick, but there are also the ones that will do exactly what you say. I hope you do what makes you happy, with or without PC
I don't have much to add...there are some really good posts above. I just wanted to tell you that I feel for you...I think a lot of us have been in that position of not knowing if this is where they are supposed to be. I would say to pray about it...think about how you would feel if you "quit" today...would you miss it, would you be relieved, etc. I pray that God reveals to you in a very real way how this business can affect your life. Then, go with your "gut/heart"...that's normally how He speaks to me!

I'm starting my 8th month and I'm having the same feelings. I started PC to get the product I wanted with my commission... I did that... now I don't know what I want next. The bookings keep trickling in and I can't seem to pick a date that I'm quitting. I was pumped about my business this weekend then this morning I woke up and I'm thinking I don't want to do this anymore. I think my problem is I don't have a clear goal of what I want from this business. I met my initial goal... so now what? I need to spend some time this weekend looking at what I really want to accomplish with this and talk to my husband and see how we can fit this into our lives. I don't do well when I'm just floating along... I need a goal to strive towards. Maybe that is what you need also.
Where are you going?That is definately something that many people find happening. When you set a goal and reach it many people don't reset a goal and so they just meander doing whatever comes their way. A goal seems so final but it is so important to reset your goals.

Do you know where you are going? Would you just go get in your car and start driving? What if your husband or friend calls and says where are you going? Would you reply "I don't know, I am just driving."

Now if you have a trip set for Disney World and you start driving, would you turn around if there was a detour? Of course not, you would follow the detour then re-evaluate your time line to see what hotel you would stay in that night.

What I have done for my team is to have them consider small goals as mile markers in their journey. A goal seems so final while a mile marker is just one step along the way. In order to be able to set mile markers along your journey, you have to have an idea of what your final destination is. Remember your final destination ideally is at least a year long goal or even better a goal that you hope to achieve in a few years. (Ex. Earn level 1, Make $10,000, promote to Director, etc)

And remember that your journey is never over! And of course there will be detours and road blocks along your journey. Just remember to re-evaluate at least 2 times throughout the year.

The example I give my team is earning my trip to Vienna. The reason why I choose this trip is because I had more detours and obsticles to get through.
You see, at Leadership when Vienna was announce I was 6 months pregnant, so I knew to earn the premier trip I would have to have some serious planning! So here is part of this journey plan:

Ultimate Destination: Vienna
Time Frame: 1 year
Why I want this: To take my husband on a dream vacation
Amount of Points needed: Can't remember this now LOL:rolleyes:

(Of course on a journey map it is actually mapped out)
Milemarker 1 - January
Book a strong February (12 shows)

Milemarker 2- February
$10,000 in sales (double pts that year)

Milemarker 3- March
32,000 points by March 31 (1/2 way) (I made this goal!! I was halfway even before I had Peyton!!)

Milemarker 4- April
Have shows schedule for June (after my 6 wks)
Have a healthy baby (scheduled April 19th);)

Milemarker 5-May


You can see that I chose to make my milemarker months, it is an easy way to start!

Hope this helps!!:)
  • #10
Marlene, that was great. Thanks.

Related to Struggling at a Crossroads: My Pampered Chef Journey

What is "Struggling at a Crossroads: My Pampered Chef Journey" about?

"Struggling at a Crossroads: My Pampered Chef Journey" is a personal memoir written by a Pampered Chef consultant about their experiences and challenges in building their business with the company.

Is this book only for Pampered Chef consultants?

No, this book can be enjoyed by anyone who is interested in entrepreneurship, direct sales, or personal growth. While it focuses on the author's journey with Pampered Chef, the themes and lessons can apply to any type of business or career.

What makes this book different from other Pampered Chef success stories?

This book offers a raw and honest perspective on the struggles and setbacks that come with building a business. It also provides valuable insights and lessons learned from the author's personal experiences, rather than just listing tips and strategies for success.

Will this book help me if I am currently struggling with my Pampered Chef business?

Yes, this book can offer valuable advice and inspiration for anyone who is facing challenges and obstacles in their Pampered Chef journey. It may also provide a sense of comfort and solidarity, knowing that others have gone through similar struggles.

Can I purchase this book through Pampered Chef?

No, this book is not sold through Pampered Chef. It can be purchased through various online retailers, such as Amazon, or through the author's personal website.

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