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Show Last Night... No New Bookings From It

In summary, a show host did a show for a customer that won a $15 GC from the host. The show had a good turn out and the show was over $500. However, no one booked the show.
Gold Member
Last night I did a show for a host that won a $15 GC from me at a fair. She had a good turn out and her show is over $500. Bad news is that no one booked. :(

I feel like the show was a bit out of control. I made a recipe that I hadn't done in a while for a show. The hard thing was that I had a tiny work surface. I did have great guest involvement. Everyone was up around the area, checking things out I had on a display table set back from the work station, helping out, visiting with each other. It felt very social and relaxed, except for me. I was busy answering questions, showing people things when they were pulling me away from the recipe to do so. I'd try to stay on track with the recipe, but there were just so many distractions. Good distractions, but it seemed like it took forever to get it made. I pre-baked the crust too long, we didn't have enough cheese on top. When it was done, I finally found the extra cheese (it was hiding under my mandolin. Which reminds me....I hate grating cheese at shows. I actually had an okay time with the mandolin, but it just took so long because everyone wanted to try it. I had some people try with the rotary grater also, so they could see how that worked. Next time though, I'm going to let the host know that they can buy the preshredded cheese, if they want. (This host bought the blocks because that's what the recipe called for, but at the show she said, "I could've bought the shredded kind if you wanted...")

Oh, and are you guys getting comments from people that they wish they could turn in the old products and get credit on buying the redesigned ones? My host made that comment before the show, and then at the show a guest said it. I tried to be sympathetic, but tried using the lines that they used in one of the training CD's that came in the change over kit. THat didn't seem to convince them. I also likened the situation to when you buy a shirt one year, to needing to get a new one in the future because styles change. They still griped.

So anyway, the show felt like it took forever to get through the recipe and felt chaotic, so I'm not surprised I didn't get any bookings. I was bummed because I didn't even have the opportunity to go through the host benefits, cause I was self-conscious about the time. I sprinkled the info throughout the demo, so they knew some of the benefits. But that just wasn't ideal.

Oh well, it's still not submitted, so I can't say it's all over yet. Maybe the host will re-book when I go through that with her.
Make your morning after calls!
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I'm scared to! :cry: The guests seemed hesitant to give me info, like I'm going to harass them or something. When I asked them to fill out their forms, I explained that I like to call them a couple weeks later to make sure everything is okay with their order, they understood and were okay with that. I also promised that their email info is just so I can send a newsletter to them and that I won't spam them. The other reason I can't is because it's not quiet here. My house is out of control with kids off of school today. :eek: I'm also trying to get ready for my daughter's B-day party. I know, excuses, excuses.... :rolleyes:
I've been there done that and have a dozen tee shirts! lol ;-) I think 9 times out of 10 I don't get bookings, but when I do, its multiple at a show so it kind of balances out. Like right now I don't have any shows for dec or Jan so I really need to step it up tomorrow night and next Sat. I'll do whatever it takes to get shows on my books!

Good luck!
If everyone wants to try the mandoline - don't stop buying block cheese! You want them to get their hands on it!! It doesn't matter if it takes a long time - they're having fun doing it.

Do you have someone else read the recipe or do you read it? I found when I had someone else read, the show stayed on track better and I was more relaxed.
Omg! the same thing happened to me last weekend. I'm just starting out and this was my second cooking show so I was kind of banking on it to get bookings for SAT. But no go! Things were so out of hand and I got so flustered I couldn't get the mandoline to work! (I didn't have the blade all the way pushed in):eek: I don't think that I even mentioned the booking benefits except the host specials for november. I also told everyone I'd be making follow up calls in a couple weeks to make sure that their products were all ok. So I don't feel I can call them before that. Actually i want them to forget how i made a fool of myself.. Hopefully when you do your follow up calls you can get some bookings then. That's what I'm hoping anyway.
When people complain that they want the new products but their old ones are still good, I tell them to find a college student or newly married young couple to give their old one to. That way they'll "need" a new one.
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Winnipegk said:
If everyone wants to try the mandoline - don't stop buying block cheese! You want them to get their hands on it!! It doesn't matter if it takes a long time - they're having fun doing it.

Do you have someone else read the recipe or do you read it? I found when I had someone else read, the show stayed on track better and I was more relaxed.

:blushing: I know, that did sound pretty bad, huh?! I guess I was just thinking that they used the mandolin on the onions and tomatoes, that that was enough. I found with the cheese that when it gets to the end of the block in the food holder, it doesn't grate well and mushes all over. So then we would throw the remainder piece into the the rotary grater and the person using that was quick at getting it done. They were liking both products. If I had to do it over again, I would have shredded some of the cheese before the show started, or I would have one person using the rotary grater with the cheese and another person using the UM with the onions and tomatoes. This way I can refer to how the UM can do the cheese too, but say that since it's in use I'd show off the rotary grater. Or something like that. I think if I had put someone in charge of keeping me on track with the recipe it would have been better. I remembered that after it was too late.

Overall, it went well. They seemed relaxed and to have enjoyed themselves. They liked the products, and a lot of them were saying out loud all the selling points, so that was really good. Each of them bought just a little bit, but thankfully there were enough of them plus outside orders, that it added up to be pretty good. Just too bad about the bookings. I was hoping that the fair would be the start of getting into new territory. I'm glad for this booking, just sad it won't get too much further. But I have to be optimistic that maybe when I do the out of the box calls I'll win brownie points and possibly future bookings. :)
It must have been the day! My show last night was the exact same! I made the Mini Pesto Pizzas which should have been easy, but people were late and it took longer to make the pesto than I expected (should have done it beforehand but wanted to show off the forged cutlery and cookware). Then when I tried to do the tomatoes with the "V" blade in the mandolin it sliced 3 slices perfect and then would NOT work! I was so embarrassed that I couldn't get it to work and ended up using the chef's knife to finish them off. It seemed like the recipe was just taking forever so I was feeling distracted and frustrated then I finally put it in the oven and realize I forgot the mozz. cheese! I quickly shredded some and sprinkled on each pizza without the guests knowing (good thing they were busy talking!).

Sales weren't bad at $354 with only 6 guests, but I also didn't get to talk much about the bookings benefits and did not get any. I do have O/S orders coming in though which I'm hoping will push the show way up! Oh well - I'll just keep plugging along and next show will KISS (keep it simple stupid). Easy recipe and be totally prepared. :)
  • #10
Wow, at least you had $500+ in sales! Way to go! My show last night on the other hand was a complete and total bust. I mean total. NO sales. So the host had 20+ people coming for a "thank god the election is over" party. She had a cookie lee lady set up in her L.Room and me in the dining room--the catch? SHE NEVER TOLD THEM IT WAS A PAMPERED CHEF PARTY. Uh, what????? So they all came in, chatted with each other, couldn't get ANYONE to even begin to watch me cook the food, they all thought I was the caterer I guess. I couldn't even get anyone to look at the catalog--they were all too busy yakking. The cookie lee lady did $300+ in sales because she had her stuff out (yes, I had a display, too). Turns out that they next door neighbor to this lady is having a PC show on Saturday, with another consultant that I know (didn't want to tell them that I have seen her show--I am much more fun), so the few that did even speak to me said "oh we're going to wait and buy stuff at ______'s show on Saturday". This lady knew her friend was having a show, but I really don't get the idea she was using me, I think she just was a ding. And then to top thing off, when I was loading my car up my shirt sleeve got caught on her screen door and I DROPPED, on her driveway, my fluted stone, cranberry deep dish baker, and SA round platter. Shattersville. So no sales, have to replace about $100+ in product, not a good evening. Not one sale. Bupkis, nada. Sheesh!
  • #11
One great tip for your recipes is to do some items before hand. If you want to use the Mandoline to shred the cheese, have most of it shredded and finish the last little bit in front of everyone. Same with things that need chopping. Tomatoes, onions, chocolate, etc. Have most of it pre-chopped and on the cutting board or sitting in a measuring cup.I had two shows last weekend. One was a $700 show with 16 buying guests (was hoping that one would be more) and NO BOOKINGS. The next show was the same evening. 6 buying guests, $250 in sales and 2 bookings! You just never know, honestly with larger crowds it seems harder to get them to book.
  • #12
I had a party just a couple weeks ago and it was the not a good one either. Granted I got 2 bookings, both catalog. But I told the host before hand that we would make it interactive and have everyone participate etc. Well don't you know when things get rolling after the intros not a one person would help to make the demo they just kept on gabbing and gabbing no matter how much I tried to discuss the recipe, products, benefits. After the recipe was done, we played bingo and the game with the timers and tickets so they did get some information. But the kicker was after the items were delivered I started making my out of the box phone calls and what do I hear? I don't like the party, we were there to be Pampered and you wanted us to cook? When I go to these parties I want to be Pampered! What the heck? And so far there are three adjustments mostly on the coating trays. UGH!!!!!
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I just heard from my host. She's gathering a few more orders. She is going to wait till Monday to close her show because her mom is trying to decide what to do. She has over $300 worth of stuff she wants to get. She's trying to decide if she should add her order as a guest, boost her daughter's total and then share the rewards (we held the show at her mom's, so she was going to share the rewards anyway), or do her own catalog show putting her large order in her husband's name. They are going to crunch numbers and see which way works out best. Then my host says that she has a niece and a friend who both are wanting to do some future shows. So....I'm so excited! I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought! :)
  • #14
My HD was telling us about what one of the other Directors does when people are talking and ignoring her. She stops what she is doing and starts looking around everywhere like she is searching for something. After a minute or so, someone will ask, "what are you looking for?" or "Did you lose something?" She will smile sweetly and say, "I've lost control of the Show." It usually gets a good laugh and they realize they are being rude! I thought it sounded so cute!

Related to Show Last Night... No New Bookings From It

1. How do I handle a show with no new bookings?

If you had a show last night and did not receive any new bookings, don't worry! It's important to remember that not every show will result in new bookings. It's also possible that some guests may reach out to you later to book a show, so be sure to follow up with them.

2. What should I do if I didn't get any new bookings from my show last night?

If you didn't get any new bookings from your show, it's important to stay positive and not get discouraged. Remember that there are many factors that can contribute to not receiving new bookings, and it's not a reflection of your skills as a consultant. Keep reaching out to potential hosts and promoting your business, and new bookings will come.

3. Should I still follow up with guests from my show last night even if I didn't get any new bookings?

Yes, it's always a good idea to follow up with guests from your show, even if you didn't receive any new bookings. This shows that you value their attendance and are grateful for their support. It also gives you the opportunity to answer any questions they may have and potentially book future shows with them.

4. What are some possible reasons for not getting any new bookings from my show last night?

There could be a variety of reasons why you didn't get any new bookings from your show. Some possible reasons could include guests not being interested in hosting a show at the moment, already having a consultant they regularly work with, or simply not being able to commit to a future date. It's important not to take it personally and keep focusing on promoting your business.

5. How can I use my show last night to improve my future shows and bookings?

Your show last night may not have resulted in new bookings, but it can still be a valuable learning experience. Take note of what worked well and what didn't, and use that knowledge to improve your future shows. You can also ask for feedback from guests to see if there are any areas you can improve on. Additionally, use your show as a chance to network and potentially book future shows with guests who may have expressed interest in hosting.

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