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Share Your Worst Show Story - No Judgement Allowed!

In summary, the worst show I have done was when a host insisted on me making a dish for her show and I did not have the layout to do it.
  • #51
Please don't freak out!Hi all!

To those of you who are new to Pampered Chef, please don't freak out as you are reading these posts. These are the worse shows the Consultants worked. We have all experienced them, but the majority of our shows are awesome.

People love our products. You became a Pampered Chef Consultant so you know how wonderful our products are and how great the host benefits are. That drives a lot more great shows than bad shows.

  • #52
For all the newcomers--these worst shows are few and far between! They just make for funny stories and great sharing. Plus, it's the small shows that keep you humble!

Here's mine--it's a doozy (and I wish you were all sitting here in my office with me so that I could tell the story the way it needs to be told):

Catalog Show--booked from a fund-raiser. She lives an hour away. I send her a packet with five catalogs (she says, " I work at a school, and I am going to send some with my husband to his work, too"), twenty OOFs, a show planner, and some tips for catalog shows. I call her five days after I send the packet (which cost me like $3 or $4 to send) to see if she has any questions and to go over some strategies. No questions, no problems.

A week goes by. I call. Leave message. No response. Another week. Same. Another day. Same. Closing date goes by. Same. Next month (new special). I call to say that the special is no longer valid unless I can close the show ASAP. "I don't have any orders yet. Things have been busy. Can I have OOFs for this month? I'll get the orders this week now that things have slowed down." I send more OOFs (ten this time with a note to call me if she needs more or to feel free to copy them at school). I call a week later. Leave message, No response. Two days later. Same. Day after that. Same.

Long story short--this goes on for another month (yep, more OOFs), and I finally reach her at the end of that month (now three months in, and about $10 in postage and so on). She finally is ready to close! (Do you hear the Hallelujah chorus?) Her show total--including her own order--$22.00. THREE MONTHS FOR $22??!!!! Am I an idiot?

This is the best part (I am laughing as I type): I explain that the sales minimum hasn't been met (a possibility that we discussed in a prior phone call), so she'll have to pay for shipping, but with the other order, she only has to pay an extra 10 cents. I am thinking about how lucky she is to only have to pay the 10 cents. She says, "okay," I sbumit the order, and I am released from my PC purgatory. Or so I think.

Two weeks later, I get a letter in the mail (with her check--a little late). She tells me how wrong it was of me to charge her the extra ten cents! How hard she worked even though it didn't work out, and how it was such a bad business practice to charge extra of a host! I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry!

You just have to love a business where you get to work with people! You just never know what they're going to do! I love it!
  • #53
SillyChef said:
I completely understand this quote. Though when you are enthusiastic about something and people shut you down, or say that you talk about "Pampered Chef" too much, you get a little discouraged.

Also, I don't know about any of you, but I get a little ego bruise when I don't make at least 150.00 in sales on a show.

So I guess this quote kinda only relates to some people and not all...

I think if you have a pulse...this is true for everyone. Enthusiasm IS contagious as well as being negative is contagious.

Everyone is in a different place when they read about some of our bad shows. I will be celebrating my 7th year in a few weeks and I find reading about these posts entertaining, funny and can relate to most!! (which makes me not feel so bad about some of my own parties!)

However, if you are new to PC or doubting your business, these posts would stand a greater chance of pushing you away from PC. One of the struggles we face doing PC or even life in general is keeping a positive prospective when things don't go as we would like or plan...despite our best efforts.

If you are new to PC, realize that this is new to you and we ALL recall the fear we had doing our first shows. Try to pick out that we are laughing at these "experiences" we have had and that even though they may not have been fun at all...everyone who has shared has become a stronger person and consultant! (Just one more benefit from PC!!!!)

I had a new consultant observe me yesterday and I think the best thing she got out of it was that I was not perfect. (I REALLY screwed up...I thought I was doing very well with my time. As I got on the road...I realized that I was NOT doing well...the party started at 11 am and it was 10:45.:eek: I had a 1/2 hour drive even if I drove between 70 and 80...which I did!!) I called the host to explain my dumb mistake. Of course at this party, the guests had to be on time!!! This was a HO referral so I knew no one!! I gave everyone free shipping because I wanted them to know how sincerely sorry that I was for holding up their day. That was not where it ended, however. The recipe the host wanted was one I hadn't made in 5 years. The Cherry Cheesecake Coffee Cake in the old Classics book. You put one roll of cresents down, put the fillings in and lay the other roll of cresents over the filling. I was still so flustered at myself that I put both rolls down and before I realized it....I had the filling on. But we made the best and I took guests suggestions on how to "fix" it!! The party is at $725 and I have no doubt it will reach $800 plus. One booking...possible recruit lead and a new consultant trained in the art of inperfection!!:rolleyes: My worst show was not this one either!!
  • #54
My very first show was under $150, so my host bought some things as a guest to make the show minimum....she told me that she was doing me a favor by making it an easy one with only 3 people:rolleyes: Since then, I have been close, but have always hit at least the $150 mark.Edited to add that this is my 1,500 post!! I have a filled in stripper star! :)
  • #55
People are usually understanding when we screw up, esp if we can laugh at ourseves or apologize when appropriate. If they aren't understanding, you could probably be perfect (are we ever?) and they would still find something to complain about. We tend to be harder on ourselves. We can't help the shows that are hard b/c people don't show or the host is rude or whatever. But like others have said, you can learn from it like all of life experiences. I've been lucky and have only had a couple of low shows (which would be my "worst" experience). I love PC more than ever now despite the downs. The ups keep me going. Have a high show or a great host is the best. Also, the people that I've met b/c of PC is just amazing. Some of my best friends either PC or other direct sales people since we seem to gravitate towards each other.But this thread is definitely better for the more experienced consultants b/c we can laugh. I would have been scared in the beginning to know that a show could be hard or bad (not having to be perfect is good to know).
  • #56
Jules711 said:
People are usually understanding when we screw up, esp if we can laugh at ourseves or apologize when appropriate. If they aren't understanding, you could probably be perfect (are we ever?) and they would still find something to complain about. We tend to be harder on ourselves. We can't help the shows that are hard b/c people don't show or the host is rude or whatever. But like others have said, you can learn from it like all of life experiences. I've been lucky and have only had a couple of low shows (which would be my "worst" experience). I love PC more than ever now despite the downs. The ups keep me going. Have a high show or a great host is the best. Also, the people that I've met b/c of PC is just amazing. Some of my best friends either PC or other direct sales people since we seem to gravitate towards each other.

But this thread is definitely better for the more experienced consultants b/c we can laugh. I would have been scared in the beginning to know that a show could be hard or bad (not having to be perfect is good to know).
Well said!!
I tell people that I have come up with an excuse for my mistakes. Although it is a lame excuse...I have "blonde senior moments" That is gray hair colored with blonde hairdye!!! I have an excuse for all mistakes now and forever!!:D
  • #57
I am right there with you this month, I didn't even make super starter this month (way bummed out) fundraiser flopped turned into a barley qualified party. Cheer up your not alone at least here in Hanford.
  • #58
ok...I'm coming out and saying it. I understand the new consultants getting worried. ALthough I AM one and this thread does NOT make me worry. It's fun, entertaining, and encouraging that when we screw up or have yucky shows ....it's still OK! and it's GOING to be ok and it's GOING TO GET BETTER.

So, thank you to whomever started this thread....and I for one...am sorry there have been some ppl who basically negated the purpose and fun out of this thread by HAVING to criticize or even in one case get a little catty (IMO).

I just think that while different things CAN be contagious...others can be encouraging in many ways. And, you have your choice whether to read and follow those posts....it's the beauty of freedom darlings!
You don't like it? Don't read it!
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  • #59
Great job deanna.. :D Also. This wasn't actually about what happened so to speak at your worst show. Just sales. I was specifically talking about sales since there is a higher "pressure" on me to succeed. HIGH Shows will help my family. Just a bummer that I didn't get those "high" sales the other day.
  • #60
Who was being catty?

Some great info has been shared... and encouragement given... advice given... it's a great thread, but reminding others to find the positive, even mixed in with the negatives can be helpful. It took someone pointing out to me how negative I sounded about things that made me stop and look for the positive in every situation.
  • Thread starter
  • #61
ngracey said:
I am right there with you this month, I didn't even make super starter this month (way bummed out) fundraiser flopped turned into a barley qualified party. Cheer up your not alone at least here in Hanford.

Thank you Nikki!
  • #62
OK try this one on for sizePicture this:
1) A One hour, 15 minute drive to the party
2) 60 invited guests - it is a double party - two hosts - a mom and DIL.
3) Couples show
4) I spent over $60 on food
5) The kitchen was about 120 degrees and I am a sweater any way.
6) The ladies are watching the demo - about 24 of them
7) The guys are in the connected family room getting drunk and cheering the
football game. I still have no clue how anyone heard anything.
8) The party started at 7 p.m. - I left at 11 p.m. after cleaning up and finally
getting the final order from a lady who was, well, three sheets to the wind.
9) Grand total sales for the 4 hours, all the noice and heat and food cost -
Needless to say, I was not a happy camper. A week later we finally closed out each show at $155 and $162.
Next time I hear that they want to serve booze, forget it!
The really bad part, the mom, is the sister of one of my very best hosts!
We all have em, we all chalk it up to experience and then we simply run screaming in the other direction if they want another show!
  • #63
I, as a new consultant am not seriously "worried" reading this thread because I've been around PC (and life) long enough to know these things happen. Any worries for my first show are superficial... ...I am enjoying the stories seriously and only worry on this thread in jest.

:) Keep going...some are really funny!
  • #64
Here's mine - I'm posting because I haven't heard this one yet!!

One of my first 6 shows - a booking off my 3rd show. This Host was so sweet, excited to Host etc. So I say "Sure." Get home, realize she is over 1 hour away!

So, go to her show - way out there (Hubby thinks I'm nuts). She has about 15 people, great! Her Mom comes in late, introducing her "new boyfriend" to the group (everyone screams) - then she says "we are in Love & Getting married" (totally lost the crowd)! In the meantime, two sister-in-laws come with their two babies who are 2 weeks apart and only about 2 months old. Lost the crowd again! It was a HUGE family reunion that I ended up catering!! During the show, the only person watching me/listening was the Past Host!!! She kept apologizing. I actually stopped talking and just finished my demo.

Anyway, left the show with about $300 in orders - not bad. That WEEK, three people call me and say "I changed my mind, I need to cancel my order, I can't afford it, etc" So her show goes down to about $130. I can't get the Host to meet with me to close it - she scheduled meetings then didn't show up! So about a month later, we meet to close out a show and the GUESTS who cancelled, NEVER told her!! She barely made $200 and was shocked! I was embarrassed.:eek:

Here's the funny part... First Host (one who paid attention to me at the nightmare show) repeats a show THIS Feb - the same Guest/Past Host is there and can't wait to book again!! The Host tells me "Book her show and then cancel on her because you can't go through that again!" How am I supposed to do that?!?!? So, I scheduled a show for this past Sunday, and prayed she would cancel!! She ended up cancelling due to weather (ice storm) and didn't say anything about rescheduling, so I let it go! WHEW!!!

Anyone ever have a worst show/host try to repeat!?!?! How did you handle it??

Open Houses - I did one. Too much money, too much time. I did get 3 bookings out of it, but it wasn't worth it. I was warned told by various directors, my recruiter, etc, that they weren't worth it. Pampered Chef doesn't seem to be that type of business - it seems like your Guests come for the Host - personal friends and family to help the host out. That's what I learned. Now, I did a "Mystery Host" catalog show in Nov - and that was HUGE success. I only picked my "Top Hosts" of the year though and they worked it, not me!

This was a fun thread!!
  • Thread starter
  • #65
ChefinHarmony said:
Open Houses - I did one. Too much money, too much time. I did get 3 bookings out of it, but it wasn't worth it. I was warned told by various directors, my recruiter, etc, that they weren't worth it. Pampered Chef doesn't seem to be that type of business - it seems like your Guests come for the Host - personal friends and family to help the host out. That's what I learned. Now, I did a "Mystery Host" catalog show in Nov - and that was HUGE success. I only picked my "Top Hosts" of the year though and they worked it, not me!

This was a fun thread!!

I am starting to begin to think that my open houses are the ones that are bogging me down. I love having cooking shows and seem to reap MORE rewards off that, personally and in a business sense. But Open Houses totally bomb for me. I think that is where I went wrong. As a matter of factly that IS where I went wrong...
  • #66
My worst show would have to be the one I did tonight. Commissionable sales are $154. I get ready to leave her house, and back up my car....right into her boyfriends car. Oh...and let me add he is a cop and it was his patrol car that I hit. No damage to his car, but I dented mine pretty good. At least he was very nice to me and I didn't get a ticket. I have been selling PC for 4 1/2 yrs so this isn't going to discourage me in my business...it just really sucks!
  • #67
Nice to see more people from NW Arkansas
  • #68
Hi Melissa! I rarely see people on this board from NW Arkansas.
  • #69
I love these threads!!!! I love to read the stories. Almost all of my shows are just fine, but there is one that I will never forget!!

Ok, it started with a friend of mine booking a Mommy and Me show. One of her friends came that has three out of control kids. They were jumping on the couch, destroying my friends kid's bedroom, and she never said a word to them! My friend had to keep getting onto them. Her oldest son kept walking up to me in the middle of the demo and yelling "Drink!!!!" in my face. He is about 8 years old or so and he just kept screaming one word sentences. I knew that his Father was a brick shy of a full load, so I just assumed he had inherited it. I honestly thought he had a mental disability.

Anyway, the Mother of these kids books a show and this is where my worst show comes in. I don't get as many shows during the warmer months, so I was offering free shows last year during the Spring Sell-A-Thon. I mailed out the invites and bought all the food. I kept it simple by doing Hot Pizza Dip and a pull apart bread. Both easy and fairly cheap, especially if bought in bulk for all of my shows. A week or so before show I have to stop at her house and pick up her guest list because she is behind in sending it out. I have the whole family with me because we were on our way home from Church. Her two boys are outside on bikes and they run up to the van when I pulled in. I asked if their Mom was home and they just stare at me. I go and knock on the door. She answers and lets me in. The house is a total nasty mess. It takes her forever to find the guest list. When I finally get back out to the van, her kids have their faces pressed up against the window and one of them is even licking the window! I try to get in but the doors are locked. My husband said he had to lock them because they kept opening them and trying to get in. When I go to back out, I have to drive like 1 mile an hour because they are chasing me like a dog would. I was afriad I might hit one of them.

The day of the show, I make my step-daughter Emily go with me so she can help me keep the kids out of my stuff. When we get there I notice the host's car is sitting there with the doors open. I saw her oldest boy (the one I thought had a mental disability). I try to make small talk by asking him where his younger brother is. He answers in a normal voice that he is sleeping. I start carrying my stuff in. On one of my trips in, I see the younger brother come climbing out of the car. I said "Oh, there you are!" The older one says "I told you he was asleep!" Can you believe she left him in the car to sleep!! He was probably only about 4 or 5, and it was 90 degrees outside!!
Anyway, as I'm getting set up, it becomes clear that there is nothing wrong with the older boy at all. He can talk normal and was actually behaving fairly well. I guess he was just being a major brat at the other show. However, the younger brother and the baby sister were into everything!!! Emily had to guard my stuff while I was carrying it in. Time for the show to start and no one is there. We wait and finally a Sister-In-Law shows up. I start doing the demo. While I am doing it the younger boy picks up a bamboo stick and hits me across the back with it. The Mother never says a word so the SIL has to get onto him. He won't listen so she finally gets up and just takes it away from him. I set the food out on the coffee table. Before I can move, the older boy grabs my bamboo tongs out of my TTA and sticks them up his nose. Then he sticks them in the pull-apart bread. The baby sister goes over and starts playing in the pizza dip. Not only is she covered in it, it's all over the coffee table and carpet (this house was very dirty to start with). The Mother just lets her do it!! I could not wait to get out of there! I ended up with about $75in orders, so I added her's on to another show and just gave her $10 free plus the tongs that had been up her kids nose.

The first host from the Mommy and Me show is a new recruit of mine, so I guess this friend of hers will be one of her customers. I feel sorry for her.
  • #70
WOW Jennifer! That is obscene! I have no idea what I'd do in that situation!! I was at one show where the kids were screaming and running around in the background and I wanted someone to stop them, but they were just being kids, they weren't being destructive or sticking things in their nose and the food...They just needed to be a little further away than the next room...
  • #71
Holy Moses! I thought my story was bad, but yours should win some sort of prize! I can't stop laughing thinking about the tongs up the nose--how awful!
  • #72
Short and sweet. This is not neccesarily a bad show, ended up quite well because the guest felt bad for the host, but it is funny.

Before the show started I noticed the host was very nervous. I was constantly reassuring her people would come and we will all fit. (Extremely small house) I went to the rest room and fixed my apron and "got ready" about a few minutes before the show started and this is when the chaos began. Upon flushing the toilet (o.k you can laugh) the toilet OVERFLOWS EVERYWHERE!!!!

Trying to be calm because of my nervous host I pulled her aside to inform her of the not so good news and start cleaning up when she looses it and almost yells...."That ****toilet" Well all of her "crammed in 15 guests" started laughing. She calmed down and we continued on.

Trying to keep my composure and keep her calm we did continue on but needless to say after about 20 minutes into my demo. the doorbell rand and in walked the ROTO ROOTER guy!! I am glad I don't embarrass easily!

We all had a laugh and moved on. It was quite awhile ago but a very rememerable experience and one I laugh at all the time. It could always have been worse. But, the host, believe it or not said she had a great time. We did have another show together. And yes, at that show we laughed then too......

If you can't have fun, be the fun!
  • #73
A year ago I did a show over an hour away.
halfway down the sidewalk I was gagging from the smell.
Every surface was sticky & dirty, food on plates scattered everywhere even on the window sills, clumps of mac and cheese on the carpet under the table, hard candy stuck to the tiles, chewed gum on the arm of the sofa. sofa cushions ripped and /or missing. (tricky for the guests)
the house reeked of something I'm unsure what it was.
There were roaches were everywhere walls, counters all over my products.
I have never witnessed anything that nasty. Her guests were late so I had to keep "busy" on my laptop to avoid sitting down. I was totally freaked out and stripped my clothes off as soon as I walked in the garage and chunked them in the washer.
My products were thoroughly washed that night & I left my showcase outside...... didn't even talk about bookings or the opportunity.
  • #74

This was my worst party I think - some of you guys will remember...its where the host mooned me!

However, I had a TERRIBLE open house in December but the hubby of the host who was doing the joint OH with me (she sells fancy candles) just signed under me and booked his first party! I think that something good comes from EVERY situation. Even if its just spreading your name or learning what you can fix, there is always a silver lining.

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  • #75
mistym said:

This was my worst party I think - some of you guys will remember...its where the host mooned me!

However, I had a TERRIBLE open house in December but the hubby of the host just signed under me and booked his first party! I think that something good comes from EVERY situation. Even if its just spreading your name or learning what you can fix, there is always a silver lining.


ROFLOL!!!! Glad things are getting MUCH better!
  • #76
I went to a pc party the other night to watch and learn. The pc lady did awesome keeping her cool I wouldve gone nuts. It was for this one host who i guess she had done shows for before. Well the Host had a daughter who was seven. She was into EVERYTHING. And she kept sneezing right over the table. And playing with all of her stuff. The mom would SCREAM at the top of her lungs at her. I jumped a few times not expecting it. So finally her SIL showed up with her 3 kids then another SIL with her 3 kids the kids were from 7 to 5 mo. All running around screaming Crying. I was going insane. But she just kept talking even though you couldnt hardly hear her over the kids. When she was finished with the spinach dip, the same 7 yr old girl had her hair all in it :eek: .By the end of the night the hostess' wedding pic ended up being broken, and two figurines she had. I couldnt wait to leave. Not to mention the sales were only 224.00 which isnt bad i guess seeing how there was only 5 people there.
Its amazing to me how rude people are.
  • #77
Teresa-EEW! One of my friends did a show and there were FLEAS! She was also grossed out, but I've never heard of anyone having a show at such a NASTY place!
  • #78
(Actually, I think she told me she had taken off work to clean )
I NEVER open my door to anyone if I haven't vacuumed (ok, I'm a little OCD)
I can't imagine INVITING guests over knowing the condition of the house.
  • #79
Teresa, that sounds horrible!!!!

One house I was in REEKED of cats. And just one cat lived there. I guess he had problems or she didn't clean the little enough or something...ick!
  • #81
OMGosh! The mooning story was hilarious!
I would've changed into evil deanna and had alot of fun at her expense at that one!
Ok so I'm hearing alot of ppl have horror stories about children and while I know it's not always possible to keep them away I still try. Here's part of my host coaching letter.....
*While everyone loves your furries, they may not feel it is appetizing to have Lassie licking their toes while watching a cooking demonstration. So, it is recommended that if you have pets they be put in a room somewhere nice and comfy so that we can be too.

*Kitchen shows are a fun time out for many parents, so I encourage those with small children to find a babysitter or bring along something to occupy their child away from the demo area. I have sharp objects in my display and we’ll have hot stones or cookware around. Your children are of course welcome! Older kids are great; whereas toddlers can be very curious and want to touch everything. I truly want all little people to be safe at the same time the adults are enjoying our show!"

I've found just having that in there helps alot.
Ya might try it if you don't already have something like that in yours.
  • #82
One more for the record...I did not use this one as to me it was just the absolutely weirdest thing.
I did our State Fair and got a booking from a very nice young lady. She lives about 40 minutes away in a very old farm house. Nothing odd there. The date of the show is October 13th, 2002. Now, I get everything together in the a.m. and start out early as I don't know where this place is. Already the day has had a few odd quirks. I had trouble with our garage door closing, I dropped a bag of flour in the kitchen. Or should I say all over the kitchen. Just an odd feeling to the day all around. Now thankfully I have a cell phone. I get into Muskego where Yahoo Maps pointed me. I can't find the address so I call the host. Well, I am on the phone with her and I notice that something seems odd but I get directions to a certain point and she tells me to call back when I get there. I am back on the right track. I was totally lost and needed to go almost to the next town over. Well, I get to the turn off point but I can't find the little side road I need. I call the host again. Well, this time I know what is off. SHE IS MAJORLY DRUNK! I can't get the right instructions out of her and I am worried. Her boyfriend gets on the phone and directs me all the way to the driveway. He too sounds rather odd. Well, I pull up this 1/2 mile driveway and Mary is standing outside with a drink in her hand. She is swaying slightly. I also notice the neat Halloween decorations. As I am getting out of the car and with a handfull of stuff, I am appologizing for not getting directions ahead of time and getting lost, she simply says it doesn't matter. I take a few bags into the house and come back for round two. That's when I notice that the entire front of the house is splattered with red blotches. I am thinking, "Wow, these people go all out for Halloween." There is a really scary looking scarecrow, with a big knife or something in his hand and a few bales of hay strewn around and blood all over the place. I mention the neat decorations to the host and she's says, and I don't remember exactly what she said but something to the jist of "Oh, that. My best friend from California shot himself in the head last night. The police just left a few hours ago." And walked into the house. My mouth simply hit the driveway. She had decided mot to cancel as it was only two left until show time. So relatively no one else knew what had happened either. It wasn't the worst show I ever did because we closed at $835. I left almost 5 hours later. There really wasn't a show. Some of the guests and I simply made the recipes and consoled the host and her boyfriend. I remember barely remember leaving but got about two miles away and stopped at a little gas station. I called my director. I went into shock somewhere along the way and was babling to her. She calmed me down, I got home and just still can not get the sight of the front of that house out of my mind!
  • #83
Have you shared that story before? It sounds familiar.
  • #85
I would be freaked out at the house with all the blood.

As far as those horrible children are concerned, I would've had to say something and I probably wouldn't have been very nice about it.
  • Thread starter
  • #86
pampered1224 said:
I did not use this one as to me it was just the absolutely weirdest thing.
I did our State Fair and got a booking from a very nice young lady. She lives about 40 minutes away in a very old farm house. Nothing odd there. The date of the show is October 13th, 2002. Now, I get everything together in the a.m. and start out early as I don't know where this place is. Already the day has had a few odd quirks. I had trouble with our garage door closing, I dropped a bag of flour in the kitchen. Or should I say all over the kitchen. Just an odd feeling to the day all around. Now thankfully I have a cell phone. I get into Muskego where Yahoo Maps pointed me. I can't find the address so I call the host. Well, I am on the phone with her and I notice that something seems odd but I get directions to a certain point and she tells me to call back when I get there. I am back on the right track. I was totally lost and needed to go almost to the next town over. Well, I get to the turn off point but I can't find the little side road I need. I call the host again. Well, this time I know what is off. SHE IS MAJORLY DRUNK! I can't get the right instructions out of her and I am worried. Her boyfriend gets on the phone and directs me all the way to the driveway. He too sounds rather odd. Well, I pull up this 1/2 mile driveway and Mary is standing outside with a drink in her hand. She is swaying slightly. I also notice the neat Halloween decorations. As I am getting out of the car and with a handfull of stuff, I am appologizing for not getting directions ahead of time and getting lost, she simply says it doesn't matter. I take a few bags into the house and come back for round two. That's when I notice that the entire front of the house is splattered with red blotches. I am thinking, "Wow, these people go all out for Halloween." There is a really scary looking scarecrow, with a big knife or something in his hand and a few bales of hay strewn around and blood all over the place. I mention the neat decorations to the host and she's says, and I don't remember exactly what she said but something to the jist of "Oh, that. My best friend from California shot himself in the head last night. The police just left a few hours ago." And walked into the house. My mouth simply hit the driveway. She had decided mot to cancel as it was only two left until show time. So relatively no one else knew what had happened either. It wasn't the worst show I ever did because we closed at $835. I left almost 5 hours later. There really wasn't a show. Some of the guests and I simply made the recipes and consoled the host and her boyfriend. I remember barely remember leaving but got about two miles away and stopped at a little gas station. I called my director. I went into shock somewhere along the way and was babling to her. She calmed me down, I got home and just still can not get the sight of the front of that house out of my mind!

WTHeck? OH MY! I can't imagine that!!! Holy Moly!
<h2>1. What is the purpose of sharing a "worst show" story?</h2><p>The purpose of sharing a "worst show" story is to create a non-judgmental space for consultants to share their experiences and learn from each other's mistakes. It can also serve as a reminder that even the most seasoned consultants have had difficult shows, and it's important to stay positive and learn from each experience.</p><h2>2. Will sharing a "worst show" story make me look bad as a consultant?</h2><p>No, sharing a "worst show" story does not make you look bad as a consultant. In fact, it shows your honesty and vulnerability, which can be relatable and endearing to potential customers. It also allows for others to offer advice and support, which can ultimately help improve your future shows.</p><h2>3. Is it necessary to share a "worst show" story?</h2><p>No, it is not necessary to share a "worst show" story. It is completely optional and up to the individual. Some consultants may find it helpful to share their experiences, while others may prefer to keep them private.</p><h2>4. Can I share a "worst show" story without disclosing specific details?</h2><p>Yes, you can share a "worst show" story without sharing specific details. It's important to respect the privacy of your host and guests, so it's perfectly acceptable to share a general overview of the challenges you faced without revealing specific names or details.</p><h2>5. Is there a limit to how many "worst show" stories I can share?</h2><p>No, there is no limit to how many "worst show" stories you can share. However, it's important to strike a balance and also share positive experiences to maintain a well-rounded perspective. Remember, the goal is to learn and grow from each experience, not dwell on the negatives.</p>

Related to Share Your Worst Show Story - No Judgement Allowed!

1. What is the purpose of sharing a "worst show" story?

The purpose of sharing a "worst show" story is to create a non-judgmental space for consultants to share their experiences and learn from each other's mistakes. It can also serve as a reminder that even the most seasoned consultants have had difficult shows, and it's important to stay positive and learn from each experience.

2. Will sharing a "worst show" story make me look bad as a consultant?

No, sharing a "worst show" story does not make you look bad as a consultant. In fact, it shows your honesty and vulnerability, which can be relatable and endearing to potential customers. It also allows for others to offer advice and support, which can ultimately help improve your future shows.

3. Is it necessary to share a "worst show" story?

No, it is not necessary to share a "worst show" story. It is completely optional and up to the individual. Some consultants may find it helpful to share their experiences, while others may prefer to keep them private.

4. Can I share a "worst show" story without disclosing specific details?

Yes, you can share a "worst show" story without sharing specific details. It's important to respect the privacy of your host and guests, so it's perfectly acceptable to share a general overview of the challenges you faced without revealing specific names or details.

5. Is there a limit to how many "worst show" stories I can share?

No, there is no limit to how many "worst show" stories you can share. However, it's important to strike a balance and also share positive experiences to maintain a well-rounded perspective. Remember, the goal is to learn and grow from each experience, not dwell on the negatives.

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