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Setting Office Hours & Sticking to Them: Advice from Mompreneurs

In summary, this woman says that she knows when it is time to retire because she starts to lose the battles with her kids. She says that she will start to lose the battles with her kids when she starts to tell them that she needs to work on this or that. She says that she will know
Gold Member
I need help in this area. I need to set office hours and STICK to them. Could any of you that do this please share? With all the people in my home, I find it hard to do this but with all the people in my house, I NEED to do this so that I don't "work" all the time. I hope that makes sense. I tried harder today and I got more done around the house. For my dh and kids I have GOT to get this under control. I know once school begins that will help but I have to have a plan in place so that it works whether the family is here or not. HELP! I know it will take discipline but I also heard God clearly at Leadership and NC telling me to get this straight or my business won't grow so it's a must do for all the right reasons.
I posted this on CS and I came behind the curtain here just so we can be completely open. Any help y'all can offer would be wonderful. I think some of you who have had teams longer may have worked through these issues already and I can't wait to hear your ideas...after I clean my kitchen! :)
A turning point for me was when I went out to lunch with a friend that is an ex-SD. She quit PC because her and her husband were starting another business that was a conflict of interest with PC. She always said that she worked her PC business part time, but after she stared working 90+ hours a week at their new business she realized that she hardly work PC at all. Part time is 4 hours a day. She says that if she would've put 1/4 the effert into her PC biz as she does her new one, she would've been up there with $100,000+ income.

It hit home, 4 hours a day. Why am I willing to work harder for someone else than I am for myself.? So, I sat down with my family and said that I will do shows Mon, Wed and Thu nights. Tue nights I will be on the phone with my team. I will be in my office Tues 1:00-9:00 and Wed and Thus 9:00-4:00. If I have a show cancel I will be in my office working that night. Friday is our clean and run errand day. If there are appointments I try to schedule them for Mondays or Fridays. I will set appointments to close shows on Mondays or Fridays, but I do not take any other calls. I set my voice mail to say my office hours. I use my cell phone as my biz phone. If a call comes in when I am not working, if it is not a personal friend, I do not answer the phone.

When my kids complain about me working "all the time," I remind them of what it would be like if I worked eight hours a day away from home. I give them a list of things that need to be done while I am working. They are capable of dusting, vaccuuming, sweep the floor, load and unload the dishwasher, mow the lawn, care for the pets, water the plants and a few loads of laundry. If they complain about doing it or don't do it at all, then we spend Saturday cleaning. It does not take too many Saturdays cleaning before they realize they need to do this while I am working.

My hubby was very good at saying that I don't do anything all day so I am able to run for him whenever he needed something done. He then complained that I wasn't making enough money and that I needed a "real" job. He thinks I can work a full time job and be successful with PC and keep up with the shopping and cleaning. So I spent one week doing NOTHING around the house for 9 hours a day (1 hr commute and 8 hours at a job). I then spent my nights doing PC. He quickly figured it out.

You are not superwoman and you have a family that can pull their share of the work around the house. It does not take them long to figure out that the more they interrupt you at work the less time you have for them. I told my kids that when I am in my office with the door shut, unless someone has severed a limb, I am not to be interrupted.

A few years ago I was at a Sue Rusch seminar and something she said really hit home too. She was telling a story of meeting a lady that had grown up with her mom in direct sales. This woman absolutely hated anything to do with DS. When Sue asked her what experience did she have that caused such a strong reaction. The lady said that her mom was always on the business phone. Always. The middle of dinner, the middle of doing her hair, the middle of meals, the middle of a family night, the middle of laundry, the middle of sport events. When the phone rang, she answered it, everything else was dropped. Her family was second to her biz. I don't want my kids growing up with such bad memories of me or of what I do for a living.

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  • #3
wdpmap said:
A middle of sport events. When the phone rang, she answered it, everything else was dropped. Her family was second to her biz. I don't want my kids growing up with such bad memories of me or of what I do for a living.


This is EXACTLY what I am trying to stop doing. I know it will take discipline and my team will have to learn when and when not to call but I cannot thank you enough for this post. I will have to pray hard to implement this but I truly am going to try. Please keep the ideas and help coming. The kids and I just got home from running errands and we are beginning a quick 1 hour tidy and than I can make a plan to really whip things into shape. My home, other than the utility room, doesn't look like a "Clean Sweep" house or anything. I just think I've let my kids, especially my older ones, off too easy and they are now making me feel a bit abused with their lack of picking up after themselves. They are adult age after all. It's time for major change. I can't continue to let the younger ones I have do this. Thanks SO much! Please keep the ideas coming! This is so helpful to me.
Michelle, what a great plan! I am not sure if I have the guts and cutzpa to do it.....I think I need a plan similar to yours, but one that works for my family. I truly admire you for instituting this...now I want to know what success you saw in your business once you did this?
I've heard Sheri Carr talk about this and when her kids were younger she did something similar to Michelle. She had set work hours and set show nights. So if her son had a baseball game and it was a show night, she missed the game, but her kids knew why. And they also knew that she wouldn't work on the nights she said she would. It sets clear expectations for everyone involved. And I think we know how successful Sheri has been... :D
quiverfull7 said:
This is EXACTLY what I am trying to stop doing. I know it will take discipline and my team will have to learn when and when not to call but I cannot thank you enough for this post. I will have to pray hard to implement this but I truly am going to try. Please keep the ideas and help coming. The kids and I just got home from running errands and we are beginning a quick 1 hour tidy and than I can make a plan to really whip things into shape. My home, other than the utility room, doesn't look like a "Clean Sweep" house or anything. I just think I've let my kids, especially my older ones, off too easy and they are now making me feel a bit abused with their lack of picking up after themselves. They are adult age after all. It's time for major change. I can't continue to let the younger ones I have do this. Thanks SO much! Please keep the ideas coming! This is so helpful to me.

I promoted July 1st, 2007 and all I have to say is Kudos for you to figuring out you need to get things straight now and not way down the line. I let my team consume my life for about 8 months after I promoted. I don't have kids/am not married, but I felt like Pampered Chef was running my life. My team called all the time, e-mailed, etc. I felt like I had to answer, they needed me!! I read something Colleen (I believe) wrote on here about how she told her team that they had to leave questions on her answering machine, no question, no call back. And gave them the Solution Center's phone number (as I tell my team, they know a heck of a lot more than I do). Cora Fischer did a training and when I told her the predicament I had gotten myself in with my team, she asked me how many people did I think I had on my team who wanted to be a director after seeing me always answer the phone, always answer e-mails, etc?? Everything just clicked. So it was hard, but I set new rules. I set coaching times for each week and let them know that I would not be able to answer every phone call, e-mail immediately. I would return all phone calls and e-mails within 24-48 hours and if it was an emergency and they couldn't get me to call the Solution Center. The first time the phone rang and I didn't answer, wow, that was empowering. If I'm not doing something and they call, do I answer, of course, but I don't stop something I'm doing to talk. They know how things work now. Letting this business overcome your life is easy...taking control of it, makes life so much easier!!

Michelle your post inspired me. I've been saying I need to set office hours for over a year. I teach so some nights I come home and I just don't want to work, but I need to. I'm excited about having a set schedule. I know it will make life so much easier!! Good Luck!!
wdpmap said:
My hubby was very good at saying that I don't do anything all day so I am able to run for him whenever he needed something done. He then complained that I wasn't making enough money and that I needed a "real" job. He thinks I can work a full time job and be successful with PC and keep up with the shopping and cleaning. So I spent one week doing NOTHING around the house for 9 hours a day (1 hr commute and 8 hours at a job). I then spent my nights doing PC. He quickly figured it out.

I'm snorting laughing at this!!!:D:D

And thank you for the tips. I made it my goal at NC to learn to become a Coach vs. a Cheerleader. I will get there with these great ideas too!:approve:
DebbieJ said:
I've heard Sheri Carr talk about this and when her kids were younger she did something similar to Michelle. She had set work hours and set show nights. So if her son had a baseball game and it was a show night, she missed the game, but her kids knew why. And they also knew that she wouldn't work on the nights she said she would. It sets clear expectations for everyone involved. And I think we know how successful Sheri has been... :D

I'm sure we have all heard "I'm doing PC for my family," but then they don't do anything because then they "miss" a game. It will not scar my kids for life if I don't go to every single one of their games. Actually, it generates a whole conversation, we actually have something to talk about the next day.

I also have started telling my consultants that I do not return messages that say "call me". I also do not return any calls that show on my caller ID that do not leave a message. Have any of you called a wrong number and then had them call you back wanting to know who you are? I absolutely hate that....I think it is my biggest pet peeve. So I refuse to do it back. In fact, if I dial a wrong number, I'll leave a message saying that I dialed the wrong number, don't call me back!

Have I seen any big changes in my business?

I don't feel like I am working all the time.

I also can't remember anything....if I have to deveate from my normal route through town for an extra stop, I forget it everytime! I have to make a list of everything I need to do that day (or the next). If I need to call Susie at 4:00 tomorrow, I HAVE to write it down and post it on the screen of my computer for me to remember.

I am less stressed. When I lock myself in my office, because I have made a list, I know what I need to get done today. If I don't get something done then it goes to the top of the list for tomorrow. I remind myself that if I had a "real" job, I would be done a 4:00, I would punch out and go home. It is the same when I am in my office. It is 4:00, I am done for the day. I have time to make supper and eat before I leave for a show or a kid's game.

I think I have noticed the biggest difference with myself. My house will never be perfect...I have finally accepted that. I no longer apologize to people about the state of my house when they drop in. My kids do not clean it as well as I would have, but I don't care, it is good enough. If we are getting company I will make sure I clean the bathrooms, otherwise the kids do a great job! My kids have less time to fight because they have "jobs" to do. They get up in the morning looking for their list. They know not to complain or whine because then the list gets longer. It is not like I run them like slaves, they have...maybe...an hour's worth of "jobs" to do. I am not constantly screeching at them to pick up after themselves. It is a much calmer household.

My team knows that if they call me "off-hours" I will call them back when I am working. If it is an emergency, it is amazing what they can find out for themselves! I will call them back and ask them if they found a solution. The greatest line I have ever heard for people that call all the time wanting answers for everything is, "If you did know, what would you do?" It is amazing! It even works on my kids! My team does not do the ideas that I suggest anyway. If I make them give me the idea (it is usually something they don't want to do) they actually do it!

My hubby had the hardest time with letting the phone ring. His philosophy was to answer the call and get it done with. He had a job that he was on call 24/7. He had a cell phone that would ring from the minute he left work until he went to bed and then a lot of times it would ring well after 11:00. He finally got a new job. He has a work cell phone, the two months that he has worked there it has wrung 3 times after hours. I think he finally gets it and now he doesn't nag me to answer the phone. I have to remind him a lot that when it is my scheduled work time I cannot be running his erronds, it will have to wait until Friday.

Sorry this is so long, I tend to write a book!

wdpmap said:
I also do not return any calls that show on my caller ID that do not leave a message.

I do the same. My best friend, even though I've told her a gazillion times to leave a message, never does. There was one week when she called so often and never left messages. By the time we finally connected the following week she said "you must have been busy." LOL No, you never left a message!

Bugs me to no end.
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  • #10
wdpmap said:
Sorry this is so long, I tend to write a book!


I love that it's long because it's FULL of great stuff! Thanks SO much!
My 21 yr old that lives with us (has a 5 mo. old son) read me the riot act today about PC taking over my life. While she is right on some issues, she's alsoa young, got the world by the tail new mom who thinks, rather KNOWS, that SHE is going to do things different and better. I failed she and her older sisters by not making them do enough at home because they had to work on our farm. Now she thinks I'm out of line by making the younger ones do chores around the house. sigh ... Sorry for the vent. It's hard having adult kids living with you while you are raising younger ones as well. I MUST get this all straight and quick.
  • #11
Michelle & Jennifer I really want to thank you guys! I just sent an email to my team outlining my goal and desire to coach them. I put the days AND times that i will be available to do these calls.

THEN, I took it a step further by outlining the "rules" of calling me:
1. they must leave a message with their question
2. They must be prepared to tell me where they have looked for the answer. (thanks colleen) & also to be aware that unless it is specific to our area and/or team, they have basically the same access to information that I have
3. I reminded them of my personal limits to calls. None before 9am or after 9pm. And that I will NOT answer between 5pm-6:30pm

it's very empowering to set the limits. I'm proud of myself, normally I'm afraid that I will hurt someone's feelings. Even if i am a socializer, sometimes I act like a relater.:p
I'm good at setting my personal calling times each evening. Now I just need to discipline myself to handle the "business" side of my business. Like keeping up with paperwork and record keeping. Does having a designated "area" count as organization?:eek:
  • #12
Don't answer the phone! What a novel idea. Ah ha moment there! I tend to jump when it rings since it must be a host that I haven't been able to connect with (I have 2 phones that do not have caller ID and of course they are the ones I'm usually near).

I need to draw out my office hours plan more clearly - TODAY! I have a son & husband who both say that I'm always doing PC and my husband is one that at the same time will say that's all I do and on the other side will say I need to do more so we can get a trip. lol
  • #13
I have to say again that this site is awesome!! What great support and accountability we all give each other. ...among other things!!:love0010::candyheart:
  • #14
my husband has said the same thing to me about "always doing PC"...I need to draw the line between work and family better...preferably with a BIG FAT BLACK marker! What a novel idea to set the ground rules and then actually follow them...geez, you would think I had been living in a cave or something with as enlightening as this thread has been for me!
  • #15
My hubby thinks I am working all of the time because I spend so much time on the phone with my Director. However, she is my friend first so we spend a lot of time on the phone, but a so much of that time is spent talking about non PC subjects.

We get together every couple of weeks and I am starting to go into mourning. She is moving to Ohio in early August. At least we still have our phones!:D
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  • #16
wdpmap said:
So, I sat down with my family and said that I will do shows Mon, Wed and Thu nights. Tue nights I will be on the phone with my team. I will be in my office Tues 1:00-9:00 and Wed and Thus 9:00-4:00. If I have a show cancel I will be in my office working that night. Friday is our clean and run errand day. If there are appointments I try to schedule them for Mondays or Fridays. I will set appointments to close shows on Mondays or Fridays, but I do not take any other calls. I set my voice mail to say my office hours. I use my cell phone as my biz phone. If a call comes in when I am not working, if it is not a personal friend, I do not answer the phone.


Quick question Michelle: What day do you do your calls to your team? Is that worked in during one of the office hours days? Thanks
  • #17
quiverfull7 said:
Quick question Michelle: What day do you do your calls to your team? Is that worked in during one of the office hours days? Thanks

I reserve Tuesdays for my team. If they call me during my office hours, of course I help them. But Tuesdays are the days that I schedule appointments. I have my hours 1:00pm -9:00pm so that I can have appointments with my team members that work all day. If they don't answer the phone I'll leave a message saying, "We had an appointment, I'm sure something important must have come up that you missed it. Please call me back so we can set an appointment for next week." If they should call me back expecting to get their 30-60 minute appointment I say, "I'm sorry that you missed our appointment. I have another appointment in a few minutes. We will have to reschedule your call until next week. I have 9:00am or 1:00pm open, what works for you?" Even if I don't have an appointment in a few minutes, I still say the same thing. I do not feel quilty...why should I, she was the one that stood me up. I might not have scheduled any phone appointments for Tuesday yet, but I'm not going to let her dictate when we will talk. Just like our hosts, if you give them two dates to pick from they will most likely pick one of them. After this happens once, they usually don't miss future appointments!;)

Like I said in my earlier post, I can't remember anything. :grumpy: So any deviation from the norm and I have to leave myself HUGE notes all over the house. :blushing: So, because of this, I do not scheduled appointments on any other days....I will forget them!


Related to Setting Office Hours & Sticking to Them: Advice from Mompreneurs

1. What are recommended office hours for mompreneurs?

It varies for each mompreneur, but a general recommendation is to work during school hours, which is typically 9am-3pm. This allows for time with family in the morning and evening, while still having a solid chunk of time to focus on work during the day.

2. How can I stick to my office hours with distractions at home?

Set clear boundaries with your family and communicate your office hours. Use tools like noise-cancelling headphones or a designated workspace to minimize distractions. Prioritize your tasks and use time management techniques such as the Pomodoro method to stay focused during your designated work time.

3. Is it okay to adjust my office hours based on my family's schedule?

Absolutely. The beauty of being a mompreneur is having flexibility in your schedule. If you need to adjust your office hours to accommodate your family's needs, communicate this with your clients or customers and make up the time at a later point.

4. How can I ensure my clients or customers respect my office hours?

Communicate your office hours clearly and consistently. Be firm in setting boundaries and stick to them. If a client or customer contacts you outside of your office hours, respond the next day during your designated work time. If necessary, have a clause in your contract or terms of service stating your office hours and availability.

5. How can I balance work and family time as a mompreneur?

It can be challenging, but it's important to prioritize and set boundaries. Schedule dedicated family time and stick to it, just as you would with your work hours. Delegate tasks and outsource when possible to free up more time for both work and family. Remember to also take breaks and practice self-care to avoid burnout.

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