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Saturday Night Blues: Is Anyone Else Feeling Old?

In summary, the person is saying that they feel old because they are already in their pajamas and are exhausted from what has happened today. They also mention that they watch a college basketball game and think back to their college years when they were out partying every night. They compare their current life to those days and feel grateful for the present. They conclude by saying that they would not trade their life for any of the fun days of the past.
Silver Member
Is anyone else out there feeling old?? Here I sit on a Saturday night, I am already in my jammies and am exhausted from all that has gone on today. It is only 7:30!!!!
I just got done watching a college basketball game (Go Bucks) and started thinking back to the college years and how I never was home on Saturday night.
I need to plan a big Saturday or Friday night out.
I feel old but then I am!

Actually, I usually feel a lot younger than my chronological age. Enjoy the quiet evening!
nicki25 said:
I never was home on Saturday night.

Back in the day I was out Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. I don't know how I did it!
I work with a bunch of teenagers.........man can those little buggers make me feel old sometimes:D I always say your only as old as you feel and act. I feel about 35 and act about 20...so there you go lets say I'm 27;)
chefjeanine said:
Back in the day I was out Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. I don't know how I did it!

I'm with you on that. Look on the bright side in the morning you won't be face down in the bathroom:D :D :D
Nicki, like you I'm sitting at home in my jammies, watching TV (I'm also a Buckeye fan...go BUCKS!!!) and messing around on the PC. I was in bed by 8:45 last night. I'm not the night owl type!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
rennea said:
I'm with you on that. Look on the bright side in the morning you won't be face down in the bathroom:D :D :D

It is good to know that I won't be face down in the morning. I will also not be as tired as I was "back in the day".
I remember the good ol days, going out to bars dancin till 2am (closing) and still having energy, oh to be young and single ~LOL! Now, it's in bed by 10pm watching tv until 11pm and that's the latest for me on a weekend no less!
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  • #9
That is so me. I go to bed and lay there and watch tv till 11. The other night when Ohio State played I was up till 12:40 watching the game and then couldn't go to sleep because I was so worked up over the game. I still don't know how I stayed awake for the whole game.
  • #10
nicki25 said:
Is anyone else out there feeling old?? Here I sit on a Saturday night, I am already in my jammies and am exhausted from all that has gone on today. It is only 7:30!!!!
I just got done watching a college basketball game (Go Bucks) and started thinking back to the college years and how I never was home on Saturday night.
I need to plan a big Saturday or Friday night out.
That is SO funny because I was just thinking the same thing!

My hubby and I start to pass out around 8 every night, and as I sit here and listen to him snore, I'm thinking, wasn't it just 3 years ago I was young, wild, and care free with hardly any responsibilities and lots of daddy's money?!!! From where I was in life just 3 years ago, I can't imagine that now I would, first, be married, second, be a mommy, and third, well... dull if you ask my old friends who are still out and about doing their college lifestyle thing! LoL

But if truth be told, I wouldn't trade my life at this very moment for all the fun and care free days I had in the past! I'm even excited for tomorrow morning so I can get up early and clean on our day off! LoL
  • #11
hahaha, i was thinking the same thing. i was falling asleep at 8pm on the couch next to my almost 3yr old and she is still going strong!

off to put her to bed finally--then i'll be snoring on the couch again--by myself :)
  • #12
I used to be out all night, come home, shower and go to work. Now, seeing midnight is a struggle.
  • #13
nicki25 said:
Is anyone else out there feeling old?? Here I sit on a Saturday night, I am already in my jammies and am exhausted from all that has gone on today. It is only 7:30!!!!
I just got done watching a college basketball game (Go Bucks) and started thinking back to the college years and how I never was home on Saturday night.
I need to plan a big Saturday or Friday night out.
I feel with my fingers.

Picking of Nits Department: The Bucks play in Milwaukee. The Buckeyes play in Columbus. There are also "Bucs" ("Buccaneers") that play in Pittsburgh and Tampa but those are another story.)
  • #14
rennea said:
I always say your only as old as you feel and act. I feel about 35 and act about 20...so there you go lets say I'm 27;)
I totally got busted by a bunch of (cute) firemen the other day riding my shopping cart at the grocery store! They told me "you kicked a$$ on that thing!" I was half embarrased, but secretly a little giddy!

Related to Saturday Night Blues: Is Anyone Else Feeling Old?

1. What is "Saturday Night Blues: Is Anyone Else Feeling Old?"

"Saturday Night Blues: Is Anyone Else Feeling Old?" is a popular cookbook from Pampered Chef that focuses on delicious and easy recipes for busy individuals to enjoy on a Saturday night.

2. What types of recipes are included in "Saturday Night Blues: Is Anyone Else Feeling Old?"

The cookbook features a variety of recipes including appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, and desserts. These recipes are designed to be quick and easy to make, allowing you to spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying your Saturday night.

3. Are the recipes in "Saturday Night Blues: Is Anyone Else Feeling Old?" healthy?

Yes, the recipes in this cookbook are created with a focus on using fresh and nutritious ingredients. They are also designed to be balanced and portion-controlled, making them a great option for those looking for healthier options on their Saturday night.

4. Is "Saturday Night Blues: Is Anyone Else Feeling Old?" suitable for beginner cooks?

Absolutely! This cookbook is perfect for beginners as it includes step-by-step instructions and simple ingredients. It's a great way to learn new cooking skills and build confidence in the kitchen.

5. Can I find ingredients for the recipes in "Saturday Night Blues: Is Anyone Else Feeling Old?" at my local grocery store?

Yes, the ingredients used in the recipes are readily available at most grocery stores. They are also budget-friendly, making it easy to prepare delicious meals without breaking the bank.

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