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Sad June Sales: Should I Consider a Waiver?

In summary, the author is depressed and feels like they are stuck in a cycle of not hitting their sales goals and having their team sales decrease. They are considering stepping away from directorship because it is just too much stress.
I am so depressed....we have been 3 months with no relinquishment and now my sales suck and so does my TEAM's....................June's sales totals are only $1600 plus change.....mine are only $400...........should I consider a waiver????
Oh no Margaret! I really don't know b/c I"m not sure how the waiver works exactly. How many times are we allowed to take a waiver?
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  • #3
I have no clue.

I am SOOOOO tired of this. I just want to be a Director that has a good, workable team and not stress about this all the time.....

pity party over....
You can do it!! Get on the phone and get some new consultants on your team!!

Right now, I have $3500 turned in and my team has $1600. Why am I telling you this? Because I have 9 girls on my team and COMBINED they have $1600!! I'm only ONE person and have $3500. I just don't get it!:grumpy:
If you've requested a waiver in the last year, you can't request another one.Is this your first month of not hitting the target? I've been there... actually I've been down to the wire on month 3 twice. If it's your first month, I'd put it behind you and get everyone (and yourself) as excited as possible to work July.
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  • #6
I just re-read the requirements and I wouldn't be eligible anyway.

To answer Colleen: this is the first month, so it really isn't that big of a deal, but I am d@mn sick of this....we seem to have this happen every 3-4 months and I am just tried of worrying about it...I am seriously considering about stepping away from Directorship...it's just too much to worry about.
Was typing at the same time so changing my response.

I am sorry you are having to deal with it. It is stressful and frustrating. I know from personal experience.

Does your team have July booked? If not, they have plenty of time to book the week of July 21-25. Hosts are booking those dates for a chance at winning the cookware.

Vent away and good luck!
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} I know it's really stressful at these times but hang in there! It is too big a deal to achieve directorship to walk away from it without a major fight!

I was going to say that I would not worry about it - let this month slide, in fact if you haven't submitted your shows yet wait for tomorrow to do it - that gives you some sales head start for July.

I had one month that we were about $400 from making the $4000 IF I paid for a new consultant's show (she hadn't gotten payment yet - it was shipping to her) and an $800 show of my own. After discussing my options and all the math with DH, director, etc. and double checking with my whole team I decided to not submit either show. That made us under $2300 as a team but the next month started with those 2 shows ($1300+) for insurance. I didn't lose much at all that month - not even HO leads - so it was a much smaller deal then I thought.

Our company is so awesome with all the chances they give us! Have faith!
Sounds like you might need to work on and train on the 90 day rule. It seems like you might be in a 90 day cycle.
  • #10
proper ChefMeg, hang in there as others have said. It used to be my sales and team sales were just like yours. Just keep on recruiting and trying to get your current team members motivated some how.

I have some that submit a mere $200 in sales every other month just to stay active. Well, one that does this is at about $8,000 career sales so in my newsletter I make a big deal on who is next to reaching $15,000 in sales. She is on my list and in big letters is tells how to achieve this and in red letters...make sure you stay active! It may take them 3 years to get there, but if I can get them to do just that much, then others will come along that want to do more.

Get them excited about a fall kickoff to see the new products. If you earn any, consider doing a contest of different level of sales so they can earn a free product. You never know what might spark them.

I too have been in the dumpers about my business, but I am coming back fighting because I know it is worth it! Hang in there and keep talking to us about what we may be able to help you with.
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  • #11
you guys are great! thanks for all of the kind thoughts and words.
I have just been in such a slump and it is no one's fault but my own...when my Dad got so sick in March and April, I took alot of time away from PC. We all knows what happens 90 days later..........

I have been making phone calls and have 2 July and 1 August show booked, so that is better than what I had yesterday! Because I haven't been doing shows this month, I haven't been in front of anyone to recruit, so now I will just have to follow up with any leads~I am going to call all of my HO orders like Kate suggested, so we will see where that leads!

I'm not giving up~when I actually typed it out, I thought to myself,
"I really don't want that!"
  • #12
Way to turn it around Meg.:sun: Sometimes we just need to kick ourselves in the butt.

You really shouldn't be kicking yourself so much right now you know! You have been through a lot. Think of this down time as a perk of being with The Pampered Chef. When we have to put family first we can and they give us so much time to get back on track.
  • #13
Keep plugging away Meg; you got all of us watching your back!
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  • #14
OK-now do we think that God is working His magic....just got a HO lead...wants info about the OPPORTUNITY!!!!!!!!!!!
Going to call her in a few minutes...once I peel myself of the ceiling!
  • #15
Oh please let her answer the phone and really want to start her business!
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  • #16
CRUD.............no phone number, just an email and regular mailing address.

How do you all respond to these?
  • #17
I will e-mail and ask if she has specific questions or just wants general info... then you'll know what you're dealing with. Then ask her if you could follow up with her and see if she'll give you her phone number.And yes... the Big Guy does look out for us! Good luck and keep us posted!
  • #18
Meg, I hear ya. Very frustrating stuff.I have two consultants who need to submit SOMETHING tonight or they will go inactive. Two people who know better. It pisses me off.One gal literally needs $31. That's it. I offered her an order of $24.75 that I have sitting here and she told me she would make some calls to call in some favors and let me know. If she doesn't need it, I can add it to another show and it will bump my host up to the next level. I need to know! It's 9 p.m. and I need to get my show in and she better as heck be getting her orders in.The other one I talked to last week or even the week before and she was fully aware, just waiting for a host, blah blah....and nuthin'. I just left her a message at home and on cell.These girls better turn something in or I'll be majorly pissed. My team is dropping like flies. Time to find some new blood.
  • #19
DebbieJ said:
Meg, I hear ya. Very frustrating stuff.

I have two consultants who need to submit SOMETHING tonight or they will go inactive. Two people who know better. It pisses me off.

One gal literally needs $31. That's it. I offered her an order of $24.75 that I have sitting here and she told me she would make some calls to call in some favors and let me know. If she doesn't need it, I can add it to another show and it will bump my host up to the next level. I need to know! It's 9 p.m. and I need to get my show in and she better as heck be getting her orders in.

The other one I talked to last week or even the week before and she was fully aware, just waiting for a host, blah blah....and nuthin'. I just left her a message at home and on cell.

These girls better turn something in or I'll be majorly pissed.

My team is dropping like flies. Time to find some new blood.

If you can't change your team...change your team.
  • #20
DebbieJ said:
My team is dropping like flies. Time to find some new blood.

Oh Deb... I SOOOOO hear you! When they announced the Spa Rewards promotion at Leadership, I was like, "I'm SO there!" HA! Who was I kidding?

In May, I had 2, yes 2, consultants turn in shows. This month some of the others submitted something but out of the 11 I have, I have 5 active. That pisses me off.

So I went from wanting to promote to AD (I still do but that is a secondary goal) to having my #1 goal to be 20 first line consultants. I have one that should be signing this month and a few other good leads. Now is the time for me to CONSISTENTLY start asking EVERYONE!

I'm sick of my team being so unpredictable and I'm tired of listening to the endless excuses. I want new excited consultants so that is where my focus is now.

With that, ChefAnn passed along a great tip to me that she heard on a teleclass last week. The tip was to use the Your Life Your Way brochure as a receipt holder like they have at Talbots and other places to ensure that EVERYONE goes home with opportunity information. I LOVED that idea!!!!
  • #21
Ya'll are starting to scare me!
  • #22
pamperedlinda said:
Ya'll are starting to scare me!

Yikes, please don't be scared. You are going to be a GREAT Director. Yes, little bumps happen to some of us, but they do not happen to everyone.
When they do happen, we have the opportunity to pull ourselves out of it. Of course, the HO Leads are a big help for that!
  • #23
finley1991 said:
With that, ChefAnn passed along a great tip to me that she heard on a teleclass last week. The tip was to use the Your Life Your Way brochure as a receipt holder like they have at Talbots and other places to ensure that EVERYONE goes home with opportunity information. I LOVED that idea!!!!

I'm still on my first cup of coffee, but my brain isn't wrapping around this. You just fold the receipt and then put it in the brochure?

Sorry to hijack your thread Meg.:eek:
  • #24
legacypc46 said:
I'm still on my first cup of coffee, but my brain isn't wrapping around this. You just fold the receipt and then put it in the brochure?


Don't be scared Linda! What's great is that we have each other to support us when we are in a slump. :)
  • #25
ChefLisa said:
Yikes, please don't be scared. You are going to be a GREAT Director. Yes, little bumps happen to some of us, but they do not happen to everyone.
When they do happen, we have the opportunity to pull ourselves out of it. Of course, the HO Leads are a big help for that!

I'm not really scared, it's just making me face more of the reality of the biz. This is just reinforcing to me that I cannot sit back and watch my biz. I have to work it even harder and smarter now so I don't get into a situation like this. When my SED was working with a couple of us that were about to promote she asked us is we had any reservations about becoming a director. I told her that I was afraid of success. She said she'd not heard that one before. But I am. I guess really, I'm afraid of the failure to acheive success as a director....kwim?
  • #26
Linda, the key is to keep recruiting and growing your team and you will avoid lots of problems!I should heed my own advice! LOL!
  • #27
DebbieJ said:
Linda, the key is to keep recruiting and growing your team and you will avoid lots of problems!

I should heed my own advice! LOL!

Deb just gave you the best advice you will ever receive. I need to follow that advice also!
  • #28
DebbieJ said:
Linda, the key is to keep recruiting and growing your team and you will avoid lots of problems!

I should heed my own advice! LOL!

That's what a sister director told me. She lost her directorship shortly after she promoted b/c she quit recruiting. She's now a top recruiter in our cluster. She was even in the June CN for April recruiting :)
  • #29
pamperedlinda said:
I told her that I was afraid of success.

I have a FD that is dealing with the same issue in a little different way. Nonetheless, still something we're dealing with.
  • #30
I am right there with you Linda.
I have been a bad business owner the past 2 weeks, I caught it and I am kicking it up now. I need to kick ass the rest of the year...I am half way to MEXICO!!!!
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  • #31
I guess I am glad to hear I am not alone in this, but I'm not glad that some others are suffering the way I am! My plan is to work the phones, and recruit, recruit, recruit! That is all I can do in order to earn Mexico in the next 6 months.
I love the idea from Ann! Gonna have to try that!

Related to Sad June Sales: Should I Consider a Waiver?

1. Why are my June sales so low compared to previous months?

There could be several reasons for low sales in June. It could be due to external factors such as a decrease in consumer spending or an economic downturn. It could also be due to internal factors such as changes in your target market or competition. Analyzing your sales data and identifying any patterns or trends can help pinpoint the specific reason for the decrease.

2. Should I be concerned about my team's sales performance?

If your team's sales are also low in June, it could be a sign of a larger issue. It's important to communicate with your team and identify any potential obstacles or challenges they may be facing. Collaborating and problem-solving together can help improve their performance and ultimately, the team's overall sales.

3. What is a waiver and how does it work?

A waiver is a document that releases someone from a specific obligation or requirement. In this case, a waiver may be referring to a waiver of sales targets or quotas for the month of June. This means that the company may choose to not hold you or your team accountable for meeting the sales targets for this month.

4. Should I consider requesting a waiver for my sales performance in June?

This decision ultimately depends on the specific circumstances and policies of your company. If you have a valid reason for the low sales, such as a major external factor or unexpected challenges, it may be worth considering requesting a waiver. However, if the low sales are due to internal factors or lack of effort, it may be better to focus on improving performance rather than relying on a waiver.

5. How can I improve my sales performance in the future to avoid low sales in June?

Reflecting on your sales strategies and analyzing your sales data can help identify areas for improvement. It's important to stay motivated and continue working towards your sales goals, even during slower months. Consider reaching out to your team or a mentor for support and advice on how to improve your sales performance in the future.

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