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Rooming Question?????????? (Long)

In summary, the girl in our cluster is no one's favorite and her recruiter can't stand her. Her director is trying to get her into a room with someone else so she doesn't have to room with Kt, but Kt is refusing and wants to room with someone who is more compatible with her. There is a possibility that the rooms will be full, so the two of them will have to switch.
Silver Member
Okay, there is a girl in our cluster who no one can stand even her recruiter can't. Well she is going to conference this year and I told my director absolutely no way that she is rooming w/ me. I feel that is is my investment for my biz, and it's not my job to babysit her. I know myself, and I don't want to be grumpy.

Anyways her director my 2nd dir filled her room so she doesn't have to have her in her room. So my dir & 2nd dir are all upset saying we are not being team players and that we should help out a cluster mate. Then I get an email from my 2nd dir w/ a line about ruining a first conference for someone.
We have already ran into a snag for housing at conference. K could not get a room for the last night. If no more people go to conference she will cancel it. My room consists of K (my dir), M, T (her daughter not a consultant), and myself therefore I do not have room for another. Are you truly opposed to having Kt in your room? There may be a chance that the two of you will be the only ones in your room if no one else goes to conference, therefore, be more costly. If you are unable to help out with situation, we would be disappointed but will make it work out. I will just try to put her in to a room with someone on the loop who wants to have help with the cost of the room. Please let me ASAP your feelings on this matter. I don't want to ruin anyone's first time at conference.

So my DH sugest us having K or M switching w/ Kt, and put the ball back in her court about being a team player.

Am I totally off here, afterall she is not my recruit & her recruiter is bringing her daughter so she doesn't have to stay w/ Kt? TIA if you made it this far.
I agree with your DH! What a smart man! :)
or turn the tables and take your DH & kids (thats what I do) :)
I think it is up to each person going who they want to room with. I wouldn't want to pay good money to room with someone I couldn't stand (of course you don't spend much time there...).Anyway, 1. It is only the 2nd day of registration! They have 3 1/2 months to sort this out.
2. Rooms will released later probably like last year, they'll find more - to address that point.
3. Tell her to put her into a room with someone who wants help with the cost like she said.
4. Don't let them portray the guilt on you when her own recruiter is avoiding her...push it back to them to deal with.
I'd say make them switch.
Why can't you guys stand her?
Rooming with someone you don't want to will sour your entire conference experience... been there done that! My old director insisted she pick who stayed with who and it always ended up being a HUGE nightmare for everyone. It's not worth it. PS: DON'T GIVE IN... If you do, you'll end up compromising a lot of other things down the line. You will be expected in the future to "offer it up" just like you did this time. DO NOT set that precedent.
Great advice Colleen. As we get closer to conference, there should be lots of opportunities to resolve rooms.
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  • #8
Okay I talked w/ Ida and here is our responce to my 2nd dir...... she was a lot nicer in my opinion.
As for the housing....why don't we trade K so you can be with your recruits and your daughter. I know we won't be in the rooms that long but Kt might feel more comfortable with you since you have been there more then I or Amanda have you might have more insight on what is going on since you've been there several times.

Like you said this is a large investment for any consultant that goes and I do not want to babysit and if we can't get the rooms filled Amanda and I will pay the difference. I still think that A and R might be coming. So our room may be full.

We have until mid June to cancel K's room so we might be jumping the gun. I know planning a head is always good but sometimes it can cause more stress then necessary.

I do have to address the comment about ruining someones first conference. I don't feel that me not wanting to room with Kt would ruin her conference but it would make my experience not good and she is not my recruit.

Sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear but you did ask how I felt.
That sounds good!
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  • #10
I feel a little bit better. I totally agree w/ rooming w/ someone you don't like can ruin your experience, & I don't want that. I just feel why do we have to give when it's their recruit. I am all about helping my team members, but there is a line I have to draw.Then my dir calls me earlier today after I told her absolutely not, and says B is going to conference and she has no problem rooming w/ Kt just to let you know. All I could say was okay. Thanks for letting me vent..... I can't yell my son is sleeping.
  • #11
Good for you!!!!There is so much going on at conference and you want time to absorb what you have seen and heard during the day. I too think it would be much harder for you to do that with someone you have nothing to do with or want anything to do with, sharing your room. Now, may I suggest that if it comes down to people being a pain on the other end of that message, simply DO NOT book via them, find roomies out here and do your own thing!
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  • #12
That is what we planned if we needed roomies, we could find some fellow cheffers.
  • #13
Ok so I have been to conference twice. The first year it was with my hosp. group. When arranging rooms they asked us to be honest if we snore.... Well I said yes... well no one in my group would room with me. I ended up rooming with 3 awesome ladies I had never met before. 1 I still see at multi cluster events and love chatting with her. The room was small (non conf hotel) but we only were there long enough to sleep. Everything worked out...

Last year I was very upset because my dir. booked 5 of us into a room without consulting the rest of us first. I thought it would be a nightmare. I had only met my Dir once and never met the others in my cluster. Again it all went very well. My Dir. can get a bit loopy but you just gotta know her to love her. ... I did not spend all my time with them, I did go down to the meet and greet with my fellow cheffers and had a blast. Conference can be what you make it.

I would do what makes you comfortable and stick to your guns. I like to socialize but am glad at times like conference that I'm pretty independent. I just say I'm going off to do... see you later. No worries... If this chick says hey can I come? just say you are meeting someone....

Sorry I rambled so much but reading your post made me remember the stresses of planning my conferences. Concentrate on why you are there and you will have a blast!!!
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  • #14
Stick to your guns! :)

Everyone is different and have different tolerance levels. It's easy to say that we aren't in the room for very long so annoying people can be tolerated for short amounts of time. But you still are in a small area long enough that you should be able to enjoy your roommates.

I know myself well enough that I insist on paying extra to have a bed to myself. I have a hard enough time sharing a bed with my husband :D I don't want to lay awake all night afraid I'm going to bump into someone I barely know.

I had been to about 5 conferences when I had a neck injury and my roomies offered me a bed to myself. I slept like a baby!! It was so nice and I throughly enjoyed conference because I was well rested. From then on I have paid the extra money for my own bed. But every year I still get the comments about how that's stupid, why can't you just suck it up for a couple days, etc. No one would consider asking 4 guys to share a room so why is it so bizarre that I don't want to sleep with someone else?? :rolleyes:
  • #15
I would get my own room! UGH! I wouldn't let anyone tell me who I had to room with.That said, I did allow 2 girls from our EDs downline to room with me and one of my recruits at NC 2 years ago. They ended up being really nice, but I was not happy about being forced into doing it. My recruit and I had planned to pay for the hotel room just for the 2 of us and really didn't want to share with anyone else (only 1 bathroom!), so I didn't like that I was "forced" to do it (My director roomed with a friend and a recruit - if the friend hadn't gone, she could have had them in her room). She basically forced us to do something we didn't want to do, and although it worked out ok, I still had a bad taste in my mouth about the whole thing. I say, stick to your guns and don't let them strong-arm you into doing something you don't want to do. It's YOUR business, and you get to decide how you want to do everything regarding your business - yes, that means deciding on your own rooming arrangements for conference, too!! If I go this year, it will be on my terms. OK, hopping off of my soapbox now! ;)
  • #16
GeorgiaPeach said:
No one would consider asking 4 guys to share a room so why is it so bizarre that I don't want to sleep with someone else?? :rolleyes:

EXACTLY!!! I want my own bed, and I'm willing to pay for it - why should I be FORCED to room with someone so THEY can save money?!?!?!!!!:mad:
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  • #17
Thanks guys, we are sticking to our guns. We will not room w/ her period. I love conference and I like to feel comfortable. Okay I am out of the yelling phase. oh here is my 2nd dir response to our email.
Thank you so much for sharing your feelings. I really appreciate it. It is a good thing to be able to have the lines of communication open. K and I have everything under control, but like you said, so much can happen between now and then.

Be rest assured I was not directing anything to you about ruining conference for anyone. K and I have been the ones to get it "all together" for years. Guess it is time for us to cut back and let others take charge. We just try to get all this figured out before hand. We always try to make conference or any other event a pleasant experience for everyone, whether they are our recuits or not. We have seen so many rooms get screwed up and no where for people to stay. There are nightmare stories about housing at conference. All the hotels are full already with no more rooms available. After 12 years of going to conference I have learned that preplanning is a must. I am so excited that R and A may go. That would be so great for you to have some of the gals who got you promoted be there to "harrah" with us..
  • #18
Okay...a few hours later and a little cooled down. I feel better about my response to my director.

Amanda and I have worked hard and have supported each other this whole year. I will not be told to do something from a director who has not helped me get to where I am. After all she's the one who took one of my clients and signed her husband who was calling for me.

Last year I stayed with family during conferance and my Director bugged me about not staying with them so I can help with the cost of the room. Well if I had changed my mind there would of been no room. How would she have helped me then?

I really get upset when people think they can try and make me feel bad for something I have nothing to do with. This recruit is hers and I don't feel like babysitting and taking care of her. I know that I would and then regret it all conferance.

Wow. I feel a little better. Hopefully I can do lots of shows and pay for both Amanda and I tohave our own bed. That sound get. I only snore after a few drinks. :)

I like how my director said that she like to help all recruites whether their hers or not. BULL!!!.
  • #19
Opps I forgot to say that I'm in on this with pamperedalf.
  • #20
My hubby hates it when I'm planning conference. His remarks are "Why would you stay 4 to a room? I'd want my own room! Why do you have to stay at those hotels. I would find something cheaper closer to the conf. center and figure out my own transportation." blah, blah, blah... he likes to rain on my parade.... sometimes I'd like to tell him to go play in the puddles! LOL...

Guys (well... non PC guys) just do not get the whoe "experience" thing.

Oh and the good thing about 5 to a room at the hilton... we had 2 bathrooms and a roll away... guess who called the roll away? Just couldn't bring my self to share one of those beds. They are a bit on the smallish side if you ask me.
  • #21
Thats so funny. My DH is rolling his eyes each time I bring it up. All he said is if I'm going to conferance he get a new rototiller the his pumpkin patch.
  • #22
etteluap70PC said:
My hubby hates it when I'm planning conference. His remarks are "Why would you stay 4 to a room? I'd want my own room! Why do you have to stay at those hotels. I would find something cheaper closer to the conf. center and figure out my own transportation." blah, blah, blah... he likes to rain on my parade.... sometimes I'd like to tell him to go play in the puddles! LOL...

Guys (well... non PC guys) just do not get the whoe "experience" thing.

Oh and the good thing about 5 to a room at the hilton... we had 2 bathrooms and a roll away... guess who called the roll away? Just couldn't bring my self to share one of those beds. They are a bit on the smallish side if you ask me.

LOL - my DH always says the same thing. He cannot believe that I will sleep in a bed with someone else, and possibly even someone I don't know. (first year, I slept with someone I met in the hotel room!) He goes to a 4 day Car Show with some buddies - and they sleep 3 to a room. 1 on each bed, and 1 on the rollaway. I'm always suggesting to him that they could save money if they would bunk together - but he screws up his face and says "Guys don't do that".
  • #23
Wow Amanda & Ida! I am having deja vu! Over and over and over again! I think even though we are on different sides of the country we must have the same director!
Last year was my first conference and I didn't know what to expect so I just went along with what my AD said and really made no decisions. I hated having to do everything by commitee especially if there were people involved that I didn't want to hang with anyway! I loved meeting the cheffers, and even the meet & Greet was a line of questions about who you all are and how do I know you and what have I told you about her. geez.
I have resolved to make conference fun for me and I will not Babysit her recruits or her! I have made friends in the PC world and I fully intend to go out and play with them while I am there this year :)
I am glad you have Ida, Amanda :) I have a sister consultant and we just decided what we are doing and getting our own rooms and bringing our own consultants and I am not stressing. You are lucky you have each other for support!
I am so looking forward to conference!!!!
See ya then...
  • #24
Ok, if you are paying for your part of the room why does your director feel she has the right to pick your roommate? I would never do that to one of my clustermates. There will be a flurry of "our roomate dropped out, now have room for 1 more" emails flying around in June, I guarantee it.
  • #25
Last year I went for the first time. No Director,recruiter or cluster...totally alone. Booked my flight, paid for Conference & called & booked a room for 1. When the rest found out I was asked to room 1 cause she had nowhere else, so I did. Changed from 1 queen to 2 doubles. She was the nicest person but drove me CRAZY!:eek: Also DID NOT leave my side. Slept the same,ate the same etc.....It was so bad that I changed my flight & came home a day early. This year I'm going & rooming with someone I get along with & I AM gonna have a BLAST!!:D, because thats what its about! HTH ;) :cool:
  • #26
I think it's sort of weird that people sleep in the same bed with almost strangers (and from this post - strangers!).

I don't have a problem sharing a room and splitting it 4 ways is definitely helpful. I was thinking of sleeping on the floor honestly.
  • #27
Last year we had a "stranger" in our room, a cheffer from here.I shared a bed with my recruiter and having 2 kids who like to do "sleepovers" in the basement with mom (basically we camp inside) I've learned to be VERY still in a bed. Sleeping in a queen or king sized bed is not invasive of space. Besides, we're fully clothed in jammies - don't know how guys are sleeping when out and about!!!!We let our "stranger" have a bed to herself...speaking of which - haven't seen her on here in ages!!!!
  • #28
Have to add, I'd sleep on the floor, but I'd better get a discounted rate if someone else has the bed! LOL!
  • #29
So how does the whole rooming thing work?? Like if you get the hotel room that is $167 per night and you put 4 people in there they all spilt that $167?? I just am a little confused on how the whole hotel thing works. Seems like whenever we ( DH and I) go to a hotel and we tell them two people are going to be in the room instead of one, we get charged more than if one person was going to be in the same room.
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  • #30
We get a special rate, so they won't charge us extra and they will slpit it evenly betweent the four of you. Just make sure that everyone has paid. I put the room in my name last year and one of the girls in our cluster left really early and her debit card was declined. So since the room was in my name they charged me. (she did give me cash, but it was the point)
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  • #31
Cheryl we are lucky to have each other, because w/o her I would probably not have stayed as long. My DH says your girlfriend's calling or your other husband. I think he's a little jealous. LOL
  • #32
My thoughts on the whole room situation...

Last year my director played "room tour guide" and it totally fried her. She is awesome, but come on, we are all grown ups but one person didn't want to room with Person X, another person only wanted to stay with Person's R &Y, but Y wanted to be with Person A, who didn't want person X, etc, etc. You get the idea. She decided this year everyone is on their own to arrange roomies.

I made the reservation for my foursome, my director made the reservation for her foursome, etc. So far, everyone seems happy.
  • #33
redsoxgirl said:
I think it's sort of weird that people sleep in the same bed with almost strangers (and from this post - strangers!).

I don't have a problem sharing a room and splitting it 4 ways is definitely helpful. I was thinking of sleeping on the floor honestly.

There never seems to be alot of sleeping at conference anyway, so for me it's not a big deal.

Now, if my bed mate is a cuddler, unless he's Bruce Willis or Nicolas Cage, we're gonna problems!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #34
Now, if my bed mate is a cuddler, unless he's Bruce Willis or Nicolas Cage, we're gonna problems!!!
This is so funny........
  • #35
Speaking as a Girl Scout Leader, rooming with 3 other women will be a breeze!

Try camping with 10 girls (ages 10 & 11), in a platform tent (a tent - with flaps, no zippers - on a platform that you could see thru the boards down to the ground) no electricity, cold running water and no flushy toilets!!!:eek:

I'll take "strangers" and a real bed, electricity, hot water amd a flush toilet anyday :D

I forgot to mention it poured the whole weekend and all around our tent was puddles the size of the Atlantic.
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  • #36
pamperedalf said:
We get a special rate, so they won't charge us extra and they will slpit it evenly betweent the four of you. Just make sure that everyone has paid. I put the room in my name last year and one of the girls in our cluster left really early and her debit card was declined. So since the room was in my name they charged me. (she did give me cash, but it was the point)

I saw where we can reserve a room on CC. So if you are reserving it for more than 1 person how do you do that??
  • Thread starter
  • #37
I saw where we can reserve a room on CC. So if you are reserving it for more than 1 person how do you do that??
When you reserve the room, you put everyone's name down who is staying with you. Then when you check in you give them a card.
  • #38
janetupnorth said:
Sleeping in a queen or king sized bed is not invasive of space.

Unfortunately the beds (at least at the Hilton) are not Queen or King . . . they are only doubles. Too close for comfort for me. I'm lucky that I have very minimal travel expenses. I'm willing to pay extra for two to a room.
  • #39
I feel pretty weird about sleeping in a bed with someone that didn't give birth to me or have created children with me. Plus I tend to be a bed and cover hog.
The idea of sleeping with someone else...even a sweetie like jenniferlynne, just kinda creeps me out.
On a different note, I don't know if I would want to pay that kind of money to sleep on the floor either.
  • #40
Does anyone know how big the rooms are at the Sheraton? I may just bring an air mattress if there might be room to set it up... to avoid sleeping with someone else. Oh, and of course if I drive...
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  • #41
The rooms w/ 2 beds are not big enough for a double or bigger air mattress. If you have a twin in may work. Unless you are in a suite.
  • #42
Most hotels have enough space between two beds for a TWIN airmattress.I have no problem sharing a bed ... as long as the person is OK with the covers being untucked and is not a cover hog!When I was in youth ministry the guys talked about their experience sharing a hotel room ... one slept on the box spring, one slept on the mattress on the floor and the other slept on the couch! God forbid they should sleep within a foot of one another!
  • #43
My sons are all adult now and they have not even considered sleeping in the same bed since they became teens. We always had to get a rollaway for the room when we stayed in hotels.

When they're all visiting us we have air mattresses all over the place because heaven forbit they'd have to sleep together.

That being said, my youngest (19) travels at times with his acting and improv groups and he recently said that he has slept in the same bed as another guy on trips and doesn't see that as a problem. Go figure, will sleep with a friend but not a brother. ...and he's definitely not gay*.

*I am not judging here. I have friends who are gay. The comment is meant to clarify that he's heterosexual in the context of the discussion, just as we are heterosexual women sharing beds for conference.
  • #44
Ok, girls, let me just break it down for you....

It's a guy thing (gay or not). You want your own space. If you want to sleep :indif: with someone, you want to be able to pick the person, not have them assigned to you!;)

Also - I don't see how you gals stay 4 (or more) to a room....hello - bathroom time!! :yuck: There is not enough Lysol or matches in the world to solve the problem with that many folks in the room. And we all know that girl poots are worse than guys!!!!!:eek:

I'm just saying.......
  • #45
ljeffries said:
Ok, girls, let me just break it down for you....

It's a guy thing (gay or not). You want your own space. If you want to sleep :indif: with someone, you want to be able to pick the person, not have them assigned to you!;)

Also - I don't see how you gals stay 4 (or more) to a room....hello - bathroom time!! :yuck: There is not enough Lysol or matches in the world to solve the problem with that many folks in the room. And we all know that girl poots are worse than guys!!!!!:eek:

I'm just saying.......
Well, luckily, we've never had THAT problem in our rooms. Maybe women are more polite than guys. I've never been with a group of women who just "let loose" but I have been with plenty of guys who do, and it doesn't seem to matter when or where with the guys (I have 5 sons).
  • #46
Please just remember that no matter how many people are in your room, please tip the maids daily accordingly as to how many are in your room.
  • #47
I stayed with 4 other women with 1 bathroom my first conference.... NEVER again!

If you have a room with the 2 bathrooms it is not too big of a deal. Mots of the bathrooms also have vent fans.... Got used to using that with my hubby and kids. It can be a lifesaver...... ;)
  • #48
At the Chicago Hilton they have 2 beds and 2 bathrooms.... We split the room 4 ways and dont spend much time there... We all are friends and deal with a little closeness for 3 days just go have fun and make the best of it....
  • #49
Do they have cots you can rent at the Hilton?
  • #50
redsoxgirl said:
Do they have cots you can rent at the Hilton?
According to the information on CC they have rollaways at the Sheridan only.
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<h2>1. What is the situation with rooming at conference?</h2><p>The situation is that there is a girl in our cluster who is not well-liked and is going to conference. The person asking the question does not want to room with her and believes it is their personal investment and not their responsibility to take care of her. However, their director and second director are upset about this and believe they should be a team player and help out their cluster mate.</p><h2>2. Can the person requesting to not room with the girl make arrangements to room with someone else?</h2><p>Yes, they can suggest switching roommates with someone else, but ultimately it is up to the person in charge of room assignments.</p><h2>3. Is there a possibility of not having enough room for everyone at conference?</h2><p>Yes, there is a possibility that there may not be enough rooms for everyone attending conference. In this case, the person in charge of room assignments may need to make alternative arrangements.</p><h2>4. Can the person requesting to not room with the girl be forced to room with her?</h2><p>No, they cannot be forced to room with someone they are uncomfortable with. It is ultimately up to the person in charge of room assignments to find a suitable solution.</p><h2>5. Is it necessary to help out a cluster mate by rooming with them at conference?</h2><p>It is not necessary to help out a cluster mate by rooming with them at conference, but it is encouraged to be a team player and support each other as a cluster. However, it is ultimately up to the individual if they feel comfortable rooming with someone they do not get along with.</p>

Related to Rooming Question?????????? (Long)

1. What is the situation with rooming at conference?

The situation is that there is a girl in our cluster who is not well-liked and is going to conference. The person asking the question does not want to room with her and believes it is their personal investment and not their responsibility to take care of her. However, their director and second director are upset about this and believe they should be a team player and help out their cluster mate.

2. Can the person requesting to not room with the girl make arrangements to room with someone else?

Yes, they can suggest switching roommates with someone else, but ultimately it is up to the person in charge of room assignments.

3. Is there a possibility of not having enough room for everyone at conference?

Yes, there is a possibility that there may not be enough rooms for everyone attending conference. In this case, the person in charge of room assignments may need to make alternative arrangements.

4. Can the person requesting to not room with the girl be forced to room with her?

No, they cannot be forced to room with someone they are uncomfortable with. It is ultimately up to the person in charge of room assignments to find a suitable solution.

5. Is it necessary to help out a cluster mate by rooming with them at conference?

It is not necessary to help out a cluster mate by rooming with them at conference, but it is encouraged to be a team player and support each other as a cluster. However, it is ultimately up to the individual if they feel comfortable rooming with someone they do not get along with.

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