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Recruiting Superstars: Share Your Wisdom!

In summary, Gillian found that her director taught her the importance of just asking questions and listening attentively to potential recruits. She shared that she has found that this is the most successful recruitment strategy for her. She suggests not trying to sign people up just because they receive a lot of free products, but convincing them that joining the business will result in a variety of rewards.
Silver Member
What has worked BEST for you? We know part of the secret is to "Just ask!", but after that was has been your most successful recruiting strategy? What would you avoid doing again?
I am obviously not a recruiting superstar, but my director taught double digit recruiting at NC last year and has been helping me achieve director. I also noticed she in "quoted" in the monthly planner!! Her main points
-find what they want (free products, financial freedom) and play up those aspects of our business
-I notice she says "what is stopping you from giving this a try" and people just fold...
-she makes her job look fun and effortless
That is all I have now but I am trying to work it out so I can go see one of her shows tonight and take notes!
Gillian--is Jana your director?
Yep- she is my immediate upline, and a senior director with the company. She called yesterday and told me that her goal was to become an executive director. She needs 8 directors under her and currently has 5. I shared my goal to become director and we made a plan for me to promote by March 1st, 2007! She is awesome and it is so inspiring to see her $20,000 in monthly sales EVERY month in the CN. I always check for her, and she is ALWAYS there!!
Gillian, You are so lucky to have Jana as your director. Especially in Alaska, where I think most would think it is hard she is quite the inspiration that it is all in how you think of it. I have heard her on a recruiting training CD and she has wonderful ideas and I am sure is one of the best cheerleaders to get you psyched toi be a director!
Good luck to you :)
Not a superstar but getting better!Recruiting for me has been a "mindset" game. My first year...my mind was set against it!!! I now share with my downline of 15 -18 that it was the biggest mistake I ever made in my business.
The HO is telling us to sell the dream not the deal. The deal will come up, but that is not what will sell to the potential recruit (well, kit nappers) For me learning the art of asking an open ended question about the person interested and listening intently has been my secret. Once you know what their dream is for their business, you can share with them how others have made that dream come true. I go into the interview telling the person that I am only going to share information with them and from there it is up to them to decide if it is right for them. I assure them that I have no magical powers to make them come on board (if so, I would sign everyone! They laugh but like that.) I also tell them I am only going to educate them without any pressure to sign. Then we just talk about what they want (also called their hearttug) and answer any questions they may have. Only when I answer the question will I fill in what my experience has been...a short answer, then I either listen for a response or ask an open ended question. Getting comfortable doing this took time and I kept pushing myself to do it. Now it is very relaxing. If they say no, I really have learned to say and mean....NEXT!!!
Keep working on it. This new kit will be worth every penny to new consultants but it is our job to make them see their dream and not the cost.
Gill: I was wondering if she was your director!
I"m waiting to hear some more bits of wisdom....:D
I don't think I will be able to go to her show tonight because I can't find a sitter, but I am REALLY trying to go to the cluster meeting (I have never been to one because she lives 75 minutes from me on some pretty nasty roads!) on Monday because she wants the cluster to know who I am when I become director!
This is really helpful... keep the tips coming girls!Ann, could you elaborate a bit more? How do you sell the DREAM not the DEAL?
  • #10
I am not Anne, but I do know about the dream, not the deal.

Don't try to sign people because they get all these products for $XX. They will get the products and be done. Convince them that if they "give this a try" they can pay for preschool, a new car, that dream vacation, or just have some extra spending money. making it a constant reward it much more appealing than a few free products.
  • #11
I was SHOCKED SHOCKED SHOCKED to earn top recruiter in my lcuster for 2006...but I think the big change I made this year that helped so much was the 7 QUESTIONS I ask my potentials...and learning to SHUT UP and listen to their answers...
1 Why did you meet w/me today?
2 Have you ever done anything like this before?
3 What other work experience have you had? What are the srtngths you have that you think will help you succeed in this business?
4 What clubs/organizations/social groups do you belong to?
5 How would your family feel if you were to do something like this? (if they won't be supportive...then get those first 4-6 shows in ASAP to show them the immediate rewards of this business)
6 How much time would you have available each week if you decided to do this?
7 How much money would you LIKE to make? If you knew you could count on at least $100/show...how many nights/month would you need to work to make the amount of money you want?
  • #12
I don't know if I'm considered a "superstar"... but I promoted in my 8th month as a Consultant. I have personally signed 19 or so people, and my "secret" is simply ASKING them if I can give them more information about what it is I do. I dont have magical one-liners, cute flyers, or anything. I have myself, a smile, and a genuine enthusiasm for the company and my own business... and a willingness to ask every single person I come in contact with if they've ever thought about doing what I do. :D
  • #13
GREAT advice Laura and Carolyn!
  • #14
gilliandanielle said:
GREAT advice Laura and Carolyn!

I can't take credit for what I shared - I learned it from Adv Director Tammi Bellmer in Texas
  • #15
You all really have such wonderful wisdom. I have been in Pampered Chef since February. I have not recruited anyone thus far. I am really wanting to be a director by Conference 2007. I know that I can do this. It is that whole fear of asking and being considered pushy. I have to get past that.
  • #16
The way I got past the pushy thing was telling people during the show that I was going to be asking. At the beginning of the show say "Watch what I do tonight, and picture yourself doing it. If it looks like something you would be interested in doing, let me know when I ask at the end of the night and I can give you some information to take home." That way I am accountable and have to remember to ask, and they are prepared to say yes or no at checkout.
  • #17
Same here. I hate the idea of seeming pushy. Ugh. I need to get over it!
  • #18
gilliandanielle said:
The way I got past the pushy thing was telling people during the show that I was going to be asking. At the beginning of the show say "Watch what I do tonight, and picture yourself doing it. If it looks like something you would be interested in doing, let me know when I ask at the end of the night and I can give you some information to take home." That way I am accountable and have to remember to ask, and they are prepared to say yes or no at checkout.
I love this idea and think I may use it at my next show. My question is how do you sell the idea and get people to sign up when I dont know everything, or have all the answers yet? I am only in my SS mth 2. I really do want to recruite. I want to do the best I can.
  • #19
You are the best person to recruit because you are going through it now! You can get all the answers here or from your upline, but you are having the same experiences that she would, which ultimately is a better set of info!
  • Thread starter
  • #20
Thanks for all of the great input so far!
  • #21
Thanks, Laura, Carolyn & Gillian! I have not recruited anyone yet, but now that I have opened my eyes to looking for leads, they are popping up around every corner.

Gillian, I love the way you say how you will ask them tonight. From my very first show, I decided I would ask everyone to have a show (& do for the most part), but I've always shied away from asking if they have thought about doing this. Now I have a way to hold myself accountable!
Also, I was in Jana's workshop at Conference & she was GREAT! SO much enthusiasm!
  • #22
It is a great way to remember to ask because people will be offended if you ask some and not others!!
  • #23
gilliandanielle said:
It is a great way to remember to ask because people will be offended if you ask some and not others!!
True! I usually end up asking noone! :eek: But my goal this year is to promote to director by conference & one of my subgoals is to ask everyone at shows if they have thought of this. The worst they can say is no & then I know! That's what I've done about bookings! Ask everyone!

Boy, I'll tell ya--PC has really made me come out of my shell. I used to be really quiet & never would approach someone to talk to them. Now I look forward to it!
  • #24
I know that I can do this. It is that whole fear of asking and being considered pushy. I have to get past that.[/QUOTE said:
We have all hesitated because we didn't want to be pushy. My ED (Executive Director...not the other ED!!!:eek: ) told us to remember that we not doing something "to" someone but we are "offering" something to someone.
Sara Philbin and Belinda Ellsworth use the waitress senerio. When you walk into a restauarant does the waitress wait in the corner until you ask them to be seated or does the waitress ask you if you would like a table? You still have the option of looking at the menu and leaving...just as our potential recruits have the option to say no thank you. Just because we decided not to eat at the restaurant, do they decide to close? No, they serve the next people who want to look at their menu.
If the waitress offers you ketchup and you say no thank you...will she be so hurt from the answer no that she will never ask another customer if they want ketchup?
All of these scenarios helped me start thinking about recruiting differently. It's also great to let them know that you would be happy to sit down with them and their husband or a friend when you talk with them. Let them know that you are simply going to share information with them so they can make an informed decision. Ask them to think of any questions they may have so you can answer them when you meet. This not only makes potential recruits comfortable with learning more, but it make me feel comfortable that I am not harassing, pushing or trying to trick someone inot doing what I want.
All of these ideas are extending a service. It feels pushy because we are not in our comfort zone.
Selling the dream is for one example, asking them what they would do with $400 extra dollars a month? Our business offers income, products, travel, friendships, personal growth, independence and so much more! It is finding out what they want out of a Pampered Chef business and explaining to them how they can make that dream come true. As I look over the new kit products and the reward program...I am now seeing what a deal it really is. Tonight I spoke with a potential recruit who has wanted to sign this month. We went over the options of both kits. She was SO excited about the new kit that instead of signing this week, she will wait until the 22nd.
I have rambled enough. I loved all of the suggestions that I am reading off this thread!! Keep them coming!!
  • Thread starter
  • #25
Wow Ann! That was great info!
  • #26
I have been afraid to ask to. Afraid of what I am not sure. So I decided to ask myself "What is the worst that could happen?" The worst thing is they would say no thanks. That's it! No biggie. Just ask. I gave out 2 recruiting packets at my last show using this philosophy. If I wouldn't have asked I wouldn't of given any packets out. hmmmmm.
  • #27
Think back when YOU were asked??? Did your recruit seem pushy?? Did he/she seem affraid?? Was he/she selling you the "deal"?? Did they hang up on you or tell you they had to hang up before they threw up!!! We all go through those fearful moments....

What made you sign?? Why should they sign with you or PC??

Why would your potential recruits not have some of the same feelings you had when yu were anticipating signing???


If they say NO - accept it and move on - don't take it to heart... keep working and asking...
  • #28
queenjean said:
I have been afraid to ask to. Afraid of what I am not sure. So I decided to ask myself "What is the worst that could happen?" The worst thing is they would say no thanks. That's it! No biggie. Just ask. I gave out 2 recruiting packets at my last show using this philosophy. If I wouldn't have asked I wouldn't of given any packets out. hmmmmm.

This is EXACTLY why I keep a stack of recipe cards next to me at acheck-out. This way it ends that icky feeling when you ask and they say no. You just say, Ok, well, if you ever change your mind, my contact info is right here on this recipe card for the delicious Phyllo Wrapped Asparagus...try this recipe out at home, I bet you'll love it!
  • #29
Such great ideas! Thank you, Anne for the compliment! Just sharing what others have shared with me. It took awhile for me to remember all of what I wrote. For me, recruiting is now as simple as having a conversation with someone. And that is all it is. If anyone told me that I would be able to travel to all of the places I have for free...I would have first told them they were nuts, but then asked them where do I sign up?!?!? :D
For the one post that said she feels she doesn't know everything at the SS level...just invite them to learn with you. Each week can bring a new experience with The Pampered Chef. Take into consideration that ALL of us are learning constantly...about the new products, the new consultant kit...there is always something new and exciting just around the corner!:)
  • #30
Great idea Carolyn!! I too have a hard time hiding the "rejection" in my voice when talking to someone.
  • #31
dannyzmom said:
This is EXACTLY why I keep a stack of recipe cards next to me at acheck-out. This way it ends that icky feeling when you ask and they say no. You just say, Ok, well, if you ever change your mind, my contact info is right here on this recipe card for the delicious Phyllo Wrapped Asparagus...try this recipe out at home, I bet you'll love it!

Nice way to end, Carolyn! I always give out recipe cards, but I like how you say about the contact info if they change their minds. Leaves the option open too!
  • #32
dannyzmom said:
I was SHOCKED SHOCKED SHOCKED to earn top recruiter in my lcuster for 2006...but I think the big change I made this year that helped so much was the 7 QUESTIONS I ask my potentials...and learning to SHUT UP and listen to their answers...
1 Why did you meet w/me today?
2 Have you ever done anything like this before?
3 What other work experience have you had? What are the srtngths you have that you think will help you succeed in this business?
4 What clubs/organizations/social groups do you belong to?
5 How would your family feel if you were to do something like this? (if they won't be supportive...then get those first 4-6 shows in ASAP to show them the immediate rewards of this business)
6 How much time would you have available each week if you decided to do this?
7 How much money would you LIKE to make? If you knew you could count on at least $100/show...how many nights/month would you need to work to make the amount of money you want?

Susie Lite (a HO Sales Manager) gave us this info in September and I LOVE it!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #33
Just wanted to bump this... I know we have some star recruiters here!
  • Thread starter
  • #34
Just wanted to bump this...

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