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Pws Newsletter Sent to "Opt Out" Customer

In summary, a consultant received an email from a past customer requesting to be removed from the newsletter. The consultant checked the customer's contact information in PWS and found that the privacy option was already selected. The consultant also has a "Remove from Newsletter" group in PP3, which the customer is a part of. The consultant has experienced "opt outs" in the past and believes it may be due to the high volume of emails during the holiday season. They use iContact for their newsletters and cannot add customers back once they have been removed. The consultant also mentions that it is necessary to remove customers from both Customer Connection and the Newsletter setup. Some consultants use Mail Chimp, a free email service, and others manually remove customers from their
Gold Member
I just received an e-mail as a reply to my newsletter in large bold letters from a past customer to be removed from the newsletter. When I checked her contact information in the PWS, the privacy option was already there :confused:. (I also have a "Remove from Newsletter" group in PP3 to keep track of these as well, and she is checked as part of that group category).

Have you had a newsletter sent to someone that had opted out in the past? Not sure what happened.
I don't use the PC Newsletter, I do my own through iContact. Once they are removed there, it's not possible for me to add them again. Haven't heard of it happening with the HO newsletter, but the only sure fire way to make sure she doesn't get another one is to remove her e-mail address in P3 on your PWS. If you feel you just can't delete it for good, put it in the notes section of P3. That way you can still have it but be sure that the system won't accidentally mail something to her.
I had several "opt outs" when they sent out the cyber Monday flyer. I was so bummed because I debated about having it sent out for that very reason. It seems if I send out anything other than the monthly newsletter, I'll get "opt outs". I think our customers are really inundated with "junk mail" at this time of year and are frustrated with another flyer.
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  • #4
Sheila said:
I don't use the PC Newsletter, I do my own through iContact. Once they are removed there, it's not possible for me to add them again.

Haven't heard of it happening with the HO newsletter, but the only sure fire way to make sure she doesn't get another one is to remove her e-mail address in P3 on your PWS. If you feel you just can't delete it for good, put it in the notes section of P3. That way you can still have it but be sure that the system won't accidentally mail something to her.

Great idea! Thanks!

I used to use Joy's with iContact, but really had to cut the expense out of my budget :(. Someday.....
You cannot just remove them from your contacts in Customer Connection. You have to go into your Newsletter set up and remove them there as well. They are not linked together.
cookingwithlove said:
You cannot just remove them from your contacts in Customer Connection. You have to go into your Newsletter set up and remove them there as well. They are not linked together.
That's just crazy. Seems like it should sync with the PWS or P3. Someone wasn't thinking that one through when they designed it, huh?ETA: I really do love iContact. LOL
Bren706 said:
Great idea! Thanks!

I used to use Joy's with iContact, but really had to cut the expense out of my budget :(. Someday.....

Mail Chimp is free. I don't personally use it, but others use it and likes it. I'm not yet big enough that I can't send from my personal e-mail
I had an upset customer with me today as well. I think what happens is they e-mail me to take them off vs. clicking the link at the bottom. I go into the site and delete them out. I'm wondering when I sync if it then adds them back into the newsletter/customer connection. I'm now starting to find them in pp+ and delete the e-mail out of my contact screen and make a note in the note field. Then, I remove them from the on-line data base. If that doesn't remove them, I'm not sure what will.
I don't use the HO Newsletter, but from what Wendy said above, you have to go into the newsletter side & mark them there too.
  • #10
The same thing happened to me. I let her know that I can see where she opted out and where I manually removed her from my contact list on my work program. I asked that if it happens again to hit opt out and then call me so I can see what the heck is going on...tried calling PC earlier, but after 30 minutes I hung up.
  • #11
Vickie Button said:
I had several "opt outs" when they sent out the cyber Monday flyer. I was so bummed because I debated about having it sent out for that very reason. It seems if I send out anything other than the monthly newsletter, I'll get "opt outs". I think our customers are really inundated with "junk mail" at this time of year and are frustrated with another flyer.

I also have this same problem! I dont know what the reason is really, but I see an increase in Opt Out emails if I send more than the monthly newsletter.

I also have had this happen to me, with people receiving the emails when they have requested to opt out. I dont know what I did to fix it but I went in and fooled around with it and told the customer I was sorry that I have done everything on my end to fix it, if she receives any other emails from me to please let me know. I havent had that happen so I am assuming whatever I did worked. : )

Related to Pws Newsletter Sent to "Opt Out" Customer

1. How do I opt out of receiving the Pws Newsletter?

To opt out of receiving the Pws Newsletter, simply click on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the newsletter. This will automatically remove you from our mailing list.

2. Will opting out of the Pws Newsletter affect my account with Pampered Chef?

No, opting out of the Pws Newsletter will not affect your account with Pampered Chef. You will still be able to make purchases and access your account as usual.

3. Can I opt back in to receive the Pws Newsletter after opting out?

Yes, you can opt back in to receive the Pws Newsletter at any time. Simply click on the "Subscribe" link at the bottom of the newsletter or contact our customer service team for assistance.

4. Will I still receive promotional emails from Pampered Chef if I opt out of the Pws Newsletter?

Opting out of the Pws Newsletter will only remove you from our newsletter mailing list. You may still receive promotional emails from us, unless you choose to opt out of those as well.

5. How often will I receive the Pws Newsletter if I choose to continue receiving it?

The Pws Newsletter is sent out on a monthly basis, so you can expect to receive it once a month. However, there may be occasional special editions or updates that are sent out in addition to the monthly newsletter.

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