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Urgent Prayers for My Mom and Her Friend After Severe Car Accident

In summary, my mom was driving her friend, Jim, to the hospital because he was bleeding from somewhere and they were hit head on by a drunk driver. Their Expedition is totaled and the driver has been caught. Jim has a hole in his stomach and fluid around his heart and he just had knee surgery. They are in separate rooms and are still in contact by phone. Mom is the medical POA for him in case of emergency.
Gold Member
My Mom was driving her "friend", Jim, to the hospital (about 60 miles away) because he's bleeding eternally from somewhere, and they were hit headon by a drunk driver.

Their Expedition is totaled. The driver drove off, but has been caught.

The accident happened around 6 or 7 MST.

My mom (Mary) thinks she's okay, but she's still in a neckbrace (at 12 midnight).

Jim has a hole in the top of his stomach and fluid around his heart. He just had knee surgery a couple of weeks ago, and his heart was fine then, so this is new development.

They are in separate rooms right now, and staying in contact by phone. They are not married, but they might as well be. Mom is the medical POA for him in case of emergency. His kids all live in CA.

That's all I know right now. Thank you so much praying my Cheffer family. I'll post updates as I get them.
I'm glad that the authorities caught the other driver!I'll keep your Mom and her friend in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that they both have a speedy recovery from their injuries. (((hugs)))
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  • #3
Thanks, Sheila.

Just talked to Mom. She just got to her sister's house (in the same town). She finally did check out okay, but according to her: "I never really did believe that whiplash was real...now I have it, and now I know"

My mom has some pretty severe chronic health issues, and this is the last thing her poor body needed! Some quick healing is definitely in order.

Now on to Jim:

They think the fluid around the heart is from the trauma of the accident. Maybe the seatbelt across his chest (he was passenger). They still don't know what's going on with his stomach. He's been put into ICU "because there was no room anywhere else", but Mom is glad he's there. Jim's an ex-Marine and retired LA County Sherriff. He's a tough, stubborn old man, but we all love him.

He'll see a string of specialists in the morning (GI, Heart, back & knee [he has chronic issues due to injuries sustained on the job]).

That's all I know for now. I'm gonna go wake up my hubby and cry on his shoulder for a little bit...:(

Thanks for your prayers!
Oh Girl... I'll be praying for them and for you!
I'll be praying for your mom and Jim - how awful! May their bodies heal quickly.
I'll stick my prayers in there for them and the DRs.....
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  • #7
Mom is in a LOT of pain, but is otherwise okay.

They just finished Jim's scope, and he has something called a "Mallory Weiss" tear. It's already showing signs of healing, and the bleeding has stopped, Praise God! They are still waiting to see the cardiologist, and there is still a question about a spot on his liver they've discovered (that Jim thinks he's had for a long time, but still needs to be looked at). He, too, is in an extreme amount of pain from the accident, exacerbated by his ongoing health problems with his back, neck & shoulders. At this point, Mom just wants to get him home so he can be in his comfortable Tempurpedic bed and rest.

I'll post again after the echo is done and I have another update. Thank you all so much for your prayers!
Prayers for strength for all of you. Thank God they are alive! Damn drinking and driving...so needless. Keep us posted!
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  • #9
Well, it seems like the crisis has passed, but we are still waiting on word about the liver thing.

Jim's echocardiogram showed a dramatic DECREASE in the fluid around his heart, and he has been moved to the step down unit, so all is looking well. We should know more tomorrow about the spot on his liver, but from what I'm hearing from my mom, it should be a non-issue.

Unless something dramatic happens, I think we can call this matter closed, THANK GOD. You're continued prayers for a speedy healing from the accident and in Jim's tummy & heart are appreciated!

Thank you so much for your prayers!
  • #10
I just read this, but my praise and prayers are going up. Glad healing is taking place, and prayers it continues with no complications.
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  • #11
Well, mom has been admitted to the hospital. Mostly for pain management, but her liver enzymes are going haywire, which means the Lupus is going haywire. We were so hoping that the worst was over, but now we're back in limbo.

Jim is doing much better. They will allow him to eat tonight and see how he handles it. If all goes well, he should be relased tomorrow.

My mom is actually relieved that she's being admitted. Where's she's been staying at (with her sister and family) is not restful, although it is loving. Hopefully, her body can get the rest that she needs.

Thank you for your continued prayers...
  • #12
will pray for all the family, it effects everyone. i know your mom will get good rest at the hospital, sometime things happen to help us slow down and get rest we need when we have so many others to take care of. i know when i had my cancer, it was almost a relief i could just lay down with no one expecting anything of me, funny how our mind and bodies work. God is the great physician and i pray all are well soon.
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  • #13
Just got off the phone with mom. The docs said that the bottom of her lungs are showing signs of collapsing, they think/hope just from the fact that she has been in so much pain that she hasn't been able to breathe deeply. So, the hope is that by getting some pain meds, muscle relaxers, whatever they're doing, will help her to breathe better and open things back up.

Please also be praying for her sugar levels. I know they are putting her on steroids for the Lupus flare, but that causes her sugars to go nutso.

  • #14
Sending lots of prayers
  • #15
Glad that Jim is doing better. Sorry to hear that your Mom is back in the hospital. I hope that they are both doing better and home very soon!
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  • #16
Mom had a rought night, with low oxygen levels and extremely low blood pressure (which she is prone to when the lupus acts up). There is a concern that she may have inhaled some of the powder that coats the air bags, and because she can't breath deeply or cough because of the injury to her ribs/chest, she isn't clearing it out, leaving the possibility of pneumonia developing.

They are giving her lots of breathing treatments, and had to adjust her pain medication because morphine is a respitory depressant. Unfortunatly, what they've given her is as effective, so she's in more pain, meaning she isn't breathing deeply, coughing, etc. What a CIRCLE!

She's hoping to be released this afternoon, but I'm not holding my breath. Jim should definitely be released today, and he'll go home to tend to the bird who is extremely lonely (but being cared for by a neighbor).

I'm planning on going out this weekend, but am trying to work out the details. My husband has a TDY he can't get out of from Sun to Wed, so we're figuring out where the kids can go and how to make everything happen.

Thank you all again so much. I feel like such a whiner sometimes. I know there are worse things going on in other's lives...I just feel so overwhelmed right now. I appreciate all your prayers!
  • #17
sounds like we need to lift you up in Prayer too along with your mom and her friend Jim.

which you have from this end of the country.
  • #18
Just saw this Nicole,, we're so sorry and will keep the prayers coming. If you need anything give me a call.
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  • #19
Well, my WONDERFUL husband worked a miracle, and was able to get out of his TDY, so that's a HUGE relief. Now, to figure everything else out!
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  • #20
Mom does not have pneumonia at this point, but her lungs are showing a lot of inflamation. They are upping her steroids, and are continuing to keep her hospitalized. She is hoping to go home sometime tomorrow.

I am leaving first thing in the morning for Arizona. It's about a six hour drive. Your prayers for traveling mercies (and alertness for me) are appreciated!
  • #21
Praying for your mom and Jim to recover quickly and for you to have a safe journey......please keep us posted...you are in alot of peoples thoughts all over this country and beyond...right fellow cheffers? I also just wanted to add that you seem to have been carrying so much on your shoulders lately:angel:...wish I could help unburden you,...I will pray for some relief for you,too!!!
  • #22
More prayers said.
  • #23
have a safe trip. you will be in my prayers.
  • #24
lots of prayers..
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  • #25
Sorry for the delay on the update...We have been in the throws of a blizzard, and had no internet reception in the rural area where we are.

The trip was non-eventful, fast (I won't say how fast:eek:), and wonderful. I haven't traveled without kids for a LONG time (try 18 years), and it was amazing how fast the trip went when I didn't have to stop!

Mom and Jim are okay, but having some problems. Specifically, about 2 weeks before the accident, he had knee surgery, and it is not in good shape. He sees his knee doctor tomorrow to find out what's going on.

Mom is still having troubles with her lungs, but is doing better. Her liver and lungs are really bruised, as well as the issue of the air bag dust.

I would like to leave for home on Thursday, but as of right now, am unable to move my van. It's completely buried. We have more snow coming in on Friday, so YIKES!

Oh Yeah...a HUGE praise report. My mom's blood pressure and sugars stayed level on their own for over a week during the most intense parts of her recovery and treatment. That is such a HUGE miracle! The hospital staff kept asking if she was sure that she had diabetes because her sugars stayed so normal on their own. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your specific prayers on this issue!

As always, I thank you much, my Cheffer Family. Your prayers are so highly appreciated!
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  • #26
One last update ladies!

Well, Folks...I'm home. I got home yesterday (Monday) at about 6:15 pm to a frazzled husband and kids who REALLY missed me. It was crazy last night, so I couldn't email! The trip was perfectly clear and uneventful...except that I got the BEST fry bread ever at the Allentown exit just inside the AZ border (if any of you travel that way, it's well worth the stop)!

I so appreciate everyone's prayers...those prayers made a HUGE difference in Mom & Jim's recovery. By the time I left on Monday, I felt that they were "ready" to stand on their own, although they still have a ways to go recovery wise and legally. I guess because of the accident happening right before the big snow hit, they are having a dickens of a time getting the ball rolling...It's been two weeks, and they still don't have a rental car or even know if the other guy had insurance. Through contacts, they have been connected with a GREAT attorney in Phoenix who has started helping get the mess sort out.

Specific prayer requests:

1. Jim: Knee and back/neck. Because he was severly injured in the line of duty in LA County Sherriff's Dept in the 1980's (the only part of his body not covered by Workman's Comp is his left leg), it's hard to sort out what is accident related and what is prior.

2. Mom: Blood pressure and sugar levels; lungs (I want her to see a pulmonologist...she see's her primary today); liver (already has issues from the Lupus, and is not healing well from the accident); and nerves (she almost seems to have a little bit of PTSD(??)...she get's real shaky and nervous whenever she has to talk about the accident....not like her at all)

3. Case: That Jim's insurance would be reasonable about the value of his Expedition (they are REALLY lowballing him); that they would get their rental this week, and find the right replacement vehicle soon; and the attorney in PHX would quickly be able to sort this mess out.

Thank you all again for your prayers and words of support and kindness. The Fam survived without injury, Tony did an AWESOME job, and I am FINALLY home! Whoo-hoo!!!!

Related to Prayers for My Mom and Her Friend After Severe Car Accident

1. How can I support my mom and her friend after a severe car accident?

First and foremost, offer your emotional support and let them know you are there for them. You can also help with practical tasks such as running errands, cooking meals, or taking care of their pets while they recover. Additionally, consider setting up a donation page or organizing a fundraiser to help with any medical expenses.

2. What are some appropriate prayers for my mom and her friend after a car accident?

Prayers for healing, strength, and comfort are always appropriate. You can also pray for the doctors and medical staff caring for them, as well as for their families and loved ones. Ultimately, any heartfelt prayer for their well-being and recovery will be meaningful.

3. How can I involve our community in praying for my mom and her friend?

You can reach out to your local church or religious community and ask for them to include your mom and her friend in their prayers. You can also create a social media post or group dedicated to sharing updates and asking for prayers from friends and acquaintances.

4. Can I hold a prayer circle or gathering for my mom and her friend?

Absolutely. A prayer circle or gathering can be a powerful way to come together and lift up your mom and her friend in prayer. Consider inviting close friends and family or reaching out to your church or community for support.

5. What are some specific scriptures or prayers I can use for my mom and her friend?

Some suggested scriptures for healing and comfort include Psalm 23, Isaiah 41:10, and Philippians 4:6-7. You can also find specific prayers for healing and strength in times of illness or suffering in many religious texts or online resources.

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