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Urgent How Can Prayer Support a Struggling Marriage?

In summary, the family is going through a lot of struggles. Their daughter has decided to go back to being a young person and not a wife and mother. Her husband is devestated and angry. They spent last night trying to communicate with their daughter, but she spent time on the phone with her "friends" and decided to go spend the night at a friend's house instead. Prayers are being sent their way.
Gold Member
Sorry to seem like my family's going from crises to crises, but we are :yuck::yuck:

Our daughter has decided after about 6 weeks of marriage that she wants to be young and stupid again instead of a wife and mother. I am angry and hurt, and her husband, who loves her and his daughter so deeply, is devestated. We (hubby and myself) spent a long time with them last night, trying to open the doors of communications, and everything seemed to be going well. They walked away with the goal of being newlyweds last night and this morning while a good family friend has their daughter (or so we thought), but instead my daughter spent time on the phone with her "friends" (including a male friend who obviously has designs on her) and deciding that she needed some space so she was going to go spend the night at a friend's house instead (the female roommate of the male person)...

UGH! Sorry...got on a vent track there. Anyways, PRAY hard please! We always knew that they had a hard road, but have spent a huge amount of resources supporting and loving them, and it's breaking my heart...

I'm so sorry to hear about all this. I will definitely be praying for you!BTW, I'm from NM. I lived in ABQ for a while ;)
So sorry, Nikki. Thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.
How old is your daughter??
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  • #5
Just turned 20, with a 15 month old daughter
I was a young mother... I know how hard it can be. I hope it gives you hope that I am now 27 with three beautiful children, happily married for 3 1/2 years! Praying for you and your daughter, your son in law & grand baby :)
My prayers that she can find her way to be the right person for her daughter and husband.
Prayers said.
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  • #10
WHEW! Somebody stop this ride...I WANT OFF! Without going into too many details, Mary is doing better, has come out of whatever weirdness happened. Things are by no means great, and a lot of healing needs to happen (her poor husband), but they are communicating, meeting with dear friends of the family who work as couple with marriages in trouble (a calling for them, no charge). I met with her individually a few years ago when I was struggling a few years ago, and they are wonderful...

Anyways, today I saw for the first time some spontaneous hugging and touching being initiated by Mary, and they are out on a date (using a groupon I had) while I'm watching the baby.

Encouraging signs, but still so nervous. Continued prayers for love and compassion, healing and patience, and whatever else God lays on your hearts are appreciated!

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  • #11
Well, she's at it again. Please be praying...
  • #12
Prayers sent! Hang in there and keep the faith.
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  • #13
It is a very sad in the Uebel household today. Our beautiful, sweet granddaughter and wonderful son-in-law are returning to Georgia for a fresh start. Prayers for their safety and peace as they travel, a job to be found quickly in GA, and thankfulness for his father and family opening up their lives to embrace them during this time are appreciated. Even though I know it is best, especially for our granddaughter's safety and stability right now, My heart is heavy...
  • #14
Praying. So hard when they are so young; praying for wisdom for all.
  • #15
I am sorry, Nicole. Prayers for you and your family.
  • #16
It is very hard to not be able to have our children follow the path that we think/know is right for them. Having a granddaughter move away has to be very difficult, also. It is comforting that you are able to keep good communications with your son-in-law, and that he is trying to do the best for their daughter. Prayers and hugs coming your way.
  • #17
Prayers for all of you.
  • #18
Prayers on the way!
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  • #19
Thanks all. I sobbed my way through praise & worship, surrounded by friends and church family. Then spent the sermon with a dear friend who prayed and listened, comforted and listened, and listened, and listened, and listended...Have a new resolve, am determined to leave my daughter in His more than capable hands, and trusting Him for our son-in-law's salvation to come soon! Can't wait for that phone call! Am blessed that Julian is returning to family who believes and will continue to pour into him during this time. Thank you all for your prayers over the years for Mary, and now her family. Please continue to pray as the Lord leads you. I'll let you know when Julian and Odette get to GA safely.

Thank you again.
  • #20
Prayers for strength for your family, safe travels & a great job for Julian & that grand baby
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  • #21
Julian ended up getting stopped in Amarillo by the weather, but is hoping to press on to Tulsa today. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Thanks for your continued prayers...
  • #22
I'm sorry. Prayers said.
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  • #23
Thanks all for your continued prayers. Julian is in GA and getting settled in at his dad's house. Please continue to pray for all involved. And as God leads you, please pray for our 11 year old, Theresa. This has hit her really hard and she's having a rough go of it.

Thank you.

Related to How Can Prayer Support a Struggling Marriage?

1. How can I pray for my daughter's future husband?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, I am not a religious expert but I believe that the most important thing you can do is pray for your daughter's future spouse to have a strong relationship with God. Ask for God's guidance and protection over their life and for them to be a godly partner for your daughter.

2. What specific things should I pray for in regards to my daughter's marriage?

Again, I am not a religious expert, but some common things to pray for include wisdom and discernment for your daughter in choosing a spouse, open communication and understanding, and a strong foundation of love and commitment in their marriage.

3. Is there a specific prayer I can recite for my daughter's marriage?

While there is no one set prayer for a daughter's marriage, you can always pray from your heart and ask for God's blessings and guidance in all aspects of their marriage. You can also find specific prayers for marriage in religious texts or online resources.

4. Should I pray for my daughter's future husband even if she is not currently in a relationship?

Absolutely! It is never too early to pray for your daughter's future spouse. Pray for them to grow in their faith and prepare their heart for a loving and healthy marriage.

5. Can I ask others to pray for my daughter's marriage?

Yes, of course! Prayer is powerful and the more people praying for your daughter's marriage, the better. Don't be afraid to reach out to your close friends and family and ask them to join you in praying for God's plan and blessings in your daughter's future marriage.

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