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Picking Name for Baby #2 - Boy & Girl Ideas Welcome!

In summary, Daniel Peter is having another baby and is expecting his second child in September. He has a son named Ryan Aaron and a daughter named Maddy. Congratulations to Michelle who is also pregnant.
Gold Member
Well it looks as though I will be having another one in September! Wooohooo! This will be number 2 and final. (Or at least the hubby says so) I have quite a while to figure it out but it takes me forever to pick out a name. So... what is your favorite name for a boy and girl. I already have a boy named Ryan Aaron.
Congratulations!! daniel peter
taylor jacob
christopher alexandermadison lynn (I LOVE Maddy for short)
Congrats! I just had my 4th last month. (We thought we were going to stop with 2 also) I have Michael Rogan, James Dominic, Katherine "Katie" Ann, and now Alexander "Xander" Dylan. There are several websites you can go to that have some great lists of names, meanings and origins.
Congradulations Michelle! How awesome!
pcheframsey said:
Congrats! I just had my 4th last month. (We thought we were going to stop with 2 also) I have Michael Rogan, James Dominic, Katherine "Katie" Ann, and now Alexander "Xander" Dylan. There are several websites you can go to that have some great lists of names, meanings and origins.

I have an Alexander Vincent called Xander as well, and my oldest is Dominic Sebastian.

I've been naming my babies since I was little. I think that's why I started writing stories: I like so many names, I knew I could never use them all! I named characters after them instead.

There are a lot of great websites out there. One suggestion that I was given while naming children is this: Take a baby name book and you and your husband each take a highlighter of different colors. Preferably two colors that will make another color: one takes pink, the other yellow, to make orange. And you just go through and highlight all the names you like, and your DH does the same. You can narrow it down to ones you both highlighted, and go from there.

Let us know what you come up with! Congrats!
I am expecting #2 also, due the end of March and we don't know what it is. We like to be surprised. But if it is a boy his name will be Cooper Shaun and if it is a girl she will be named Shaylee.

I have a 3 yr old girl named Sydney, her birthday was on Tuesday and I was lucky enough to have the day off (because of Pres. Ford's Funeral) so the 2 of us got to spend the day together, it was really fun.

Good luck and CONGRATS!
I don't have any children myself, but if I was ever lucky to have them if I had a girl I would name her Sarah Kate and a boy it would be William David (after my Dad).

My 2 are Joanna Nicole and Emily Kathleen. We are definitely done but the other names I had picked out were Michael William and Bethany Michelle.
ChefAggi said:
I don't have any children myself, but if I was ever lucky to have them if I had a girl I would name her Sarah Kate and a boy it would be William David (after my Dad).


My dad is a William David!!
  • #10
Mine are Nicholas Matthew & Alexander (Xander and Xandy) Tyler. :)
  • #11
I love the name Bethany. If my son had been a girl that was what I wanted to name her. His name is Todd Nicholas. We call him TJ. Everyone asks what the J stands for. His Dad is Todd Eugene, so he isn't a Jr. We just tell everyone it stands for Todd and Jennifer ;)
  • #12
I have: Alicia Faye, Amanda Elaine, Kayla Renae, Kristina Joy, Kendra Marie, Wilson Reid and Jayna Sue My husband's test for names is this: Go stand outside and hollar the name as LOUD as you can several times... if you like the sound if it then... it's a keeper! :) As you can see... we've had lots of experience calling out names! Be Blessed!
  • #13
Aww Congrats!!!
  • #14
I have a Jacquelyne "Jac" Ashlee and a Russell "Russ or Gus" James. And we even have a Jack Russell terrier because of them both...LOL. His name is Terror.

If my son turned out to be a girl her name would have been Molly Joan.
  • #15

My favorite boys name is still Ethan Thomas! It is my son's name he will be 5 in August. When I chose the name Ethan it wasn't so popular and that is why I chose it. But now it is on the top 10 list. If he was a girl he would have been Chloe Ann.
  • #16
It's so funny because when I named my kids I thought they were unique (well, except for middle names, because those are family names) but now I see them everywhere! Even on here! I have Sydney Marie, Tyler Joseph, and Alexander (Alex) Rowan. If Alex had been a girl, he would have been Brooke Elaine. I love the name Chloe, but it is getting so popular! I always love to hear new baby names! Oh yeah, and my God-daughter (who will join this world on January 25th) will be named Johannah Sue. :)
Congratulations and good luck!
  • #17
...If I had a girl, she would have been Elayna Victoria or Victoria Elaine.
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Thanks everyone for your opinions! Its great to see how everyone picks out their favorite names.

Ryan was easy to pick out because my mom always wanted a boy named Ryan Paul, guess what, she had 3 girls!! So the deal was the first one of us three girls to have a boy was going to name him Ryan. My hubby wanted to pick his middle name so that is where he got Aaron from.

So far for a girl I like Trista. I have not been hit by a boy name yet that made me just go crazy.

Its such a challenge to do, this child has to live with this name for the rest of their lives. I do want something that is not so common but not something out there like Apple! lol.
  • #19
My son was going to be Jacob Lee (Lee is Daddy's middle name too) until a week before he was born - then I read an article that said that Jacob was the #1 boys name for the 3rd yr in a row.......didn't want him to be the 3rd or 4th Jacob in his class - so we went back to the drawing board.....the name that we both liked and agreed on was Micah Lee. (Micah is an Old Test. prophet and book in the Bible - Micah 6:8 reminds me so totally of my husband, and I wanted my son to have that legacy.) Now I can't imagine him with any other name!
(He's now 2 1/2)

If he had been a girl, his name would have been Meredith Leigh (Meredith was my grandpa's name - but I couldn't see naming a boy after him!)
  • #20
Mine are Marissa Lynn, Jordan Anthony, Isabella Italia, Robert Richard Jr. (Bobby).!
  • #21
Everyone in my family is named after two other people (me-both my grandmother's first names, my bro-after my dad and grandpa, my mom-after my grandmother and her father, etc etc.) so my husband and I picked names that no one else in the family (close or extended/his or mine) already had so that we'd break the tradition. We have a Tera Deann and a Houston Alexander. Yes, that's spelled right and yes the other one is along the lines of 'we have a problem' lol. We couldn't agree on any in the baby name books at all!
  • #22
I am pregnant with baby #5. So far I have:
Nicole Faith
Naomi Grace
Isaac Paul,
and if it's a girl I think I am going with
Lydia Hope

If it's a boy, I am not sure yet. I like these bible names:

We'll see, I am not due until July 30th. I will be 11 wks tomorrow.

Debbie :D
  • #23
My son (age 8) is Evan Robert (both grandpas are Roberts).
My daughter (age 5) is Emily Marie (all girls in my family have Marie).

The other name I really like is Erin for a girl, but with our second being a girl, I thought Evan and Erin sounded too similar (like twins or something). Can't imagine my Emily now as an Erin.

To me they are Ev and Em all the time (hence my license plate is EV N EM). :)
  • #24
My son is named Anthony Ryan, Anthony is after my DH grandfather our son is the first great grandchild. Ryan is my maiden name so we covered both families in one name. We don't call him Tony he is and always will be Anthony to us.

If he was a girl we really did not pick a name that we both liked. But Nicole, was one that we both thought about. The middle name would have been either Ryan or Jacqueline (for my mom).
  • #25
I have kaitlyn Harmony Alexis Nicole and Samuel Elias

I really like Anika (short a sound) for a girl. Like erika, but replace er with an
and I still like Elias (Eli) for a boy. It would have been my boys first name, but we chose Sam after my husbands grandfather.
  • #26
DebbieSAChef said:
We'll see, I am not due until July 30th. I will be 11 wks tomorrow.

Debbie :D

That's a good day to have a baby... It's my birthday. :) But then again, you're probably hoping to go a little sooner than that!
  • #27
My daughter's name is Elyse Michele (my grandma is Elizabeth and my mom is Alice, so Elyse just kind of fits in there) and my son is Michael Thomas (Thomas was my dad's middle name).

We didn't have a name picked out for Michael when he was born. The funny thing was that we had a whole bunch we liked but decided they were all too popular, so we were "nameless". When he was born, my husband took one look at him and said, "Now that's a Michael!" and I have to admit, he really is! Although his name is popular, he hasn't had any classes with any other Michaels.

Good luck, and congratulations!!

  • #28
sillylittlechef said:
I have kaitlyn Harmony Alexis Nicole and Samuel Elias

I really like Anika (short a sound) for a girl. Like erika, but replace er with an

that was the name I wanted for both my little girls but one is Taylor Roni (Roni after MIL) and Brianna Glenn Glen after me, grandma and great grandma)

my sons name is Benjamin Jack and if our 3rd was a boy I wanted either Micheal Terry or Terry Micheal
  • #29
Congratulations to you! Since my last name is Miller I needed to have name's that were a bit different - I have a Zachary Paul, Noah John and Madolyn Grace. My husband's name is John and I just couldn't seeing having another John Miller therefore he got the middle name. I always loved the name Zach which is what we call our oldest and I always loved Madolyn (thought I would call her Maddie but never do - her name is just too beautiful not to use the whole name!) Noah just fits my Noah to a tee. It's fun picking out names - good luck!
  • #30
Well since we are putting out the names of our babies; might as well add mine. :D

I have: Caleb McGuire.
I am trying to get pregnant right now: Our future names would be

Girl: Isabel Guadalupe *lupe* (she would be named after my grandma) - Also Kennedy Rose
Boy: Mateo Andrice *pron: is Ma-te-o *matthew is spanish* An-dress *Andrew in spanish* (named after my dad) - Cayden Andrew
  • #31

I have two boys, Ethan Joseph and Evan Andrew. Ethan will be 5 in October and Evan will be 2 in April.

(Kristin, same here!! When we picked the name Ethan, we didn't know any others. NOW we know 4 other Ethans (all younger than mine)!! Evan is also getting pretty popular too!!)
  • #32
DebbieSAChef said:
I am pregnant with baby #5.

Congratulations to you too Debbie!! Wow, #5!!

We are THINKING about trying for #3!
  • #33
I don't have kids yet but the girl's names I like are Brielle and Aubrey and for boy's names I like Kayden and Kalob.
  • #34
I have a Joseph (Joe) Michael and an Abigail (Abbey, like the road) Claire. Girl names are way more fun than boy names...espeically with our last name of Niklas...the boy always ends up with 3 first names!

I also love: Samuel, Molly, Clara, Bethany (that is beautiful)...boy names that are the older names: Gus (my father-in-law), William (my dad, too), Leo...I love strong boy names.
  • #35
Mine are Gage Garand and Camille Caprice. I also love the names Quinn and Jack for boys and Chloe, Genevieve, and Ivy for girls.
  • #36
My boys names are Mason Dean and Andrew Lawrence. I think picking out a name that you and your significant other can agree on is the hardest thing. We are done having kids but if we would of had a girl it would have been Jaime Elizabeth.
  • #37
I have 5, all have same initials
Dylan Brian 17
Dakotah Brianna 16
Dana BoShay 14
Devin Bronson 11
Darby Bailey 7
  • #38
37 weeks!
supergirljennie said:
That's a good day to have a baby... It's my birthday. :) But then again, you're probably hoping to go a little sooner than that!

I have had my first three at 37 weeks and my youngest at 36 weeks 6 days. Although my doctor for my third child stretched me out during an examination and that caused my water to break. It wasn't natural and so they had to give me that dreaded potosin. It made my labor hard and longer than it should have been. I don't have that doctor anymore!! :eek:

I heard that the more children you have the faster the delivery and labor. Well that does seem true for me. Considering my oldest took 11 hours and my youngest took about 4 hours.
By the seventh child we should be driving by the hospital each day in my last month just in case!! :p

Debbie :D
  • #39
I hope that is true about each coming faster!! My first was 43 hours (induced with pitocin, uggg!) at 36 weeks 4 days and my second was 11 hours at 37 weeks!

Maybe you can just move into the hospital the last month by the time you get to seven!!
  • #40
I have 2 girls, Brooklynne Elizabeth and Kaelyn Michelle. We're not planning any more, but if K was a boy, she was going to be Connor Henderson (after DH's dad)
  • #41
My two year old niece is Zaryn Lane (Lane after my father's middle name, my middle name being Elane after the same and a friend of the family named her son Evan Lane nearly twenty years ago) Evan is becoming very popular but still one of my favorites.
I do not have children but some of my favorite names are Illeanna, Audrey(great-grandmother), Aeryn, Addison, Travis, Sam, Simon.
Some of my friends that have recently had children have named them:
Jason James
Sarah Jane
Marleen (Marlee) Nicole

Congratulations to all the mothers to be!
  • #42
My children names:
Jason David 6/77-1/82
Justin Paul age 27
Jessica Marie age 25

My ex-mother in law had all grandchildren with names that started with J.

Grandchilren names:
Hailey Marie
Alex James

Other names I like are:
Ella Marie
Courtney Ann
Mary Alice
David Lee
Josuha Paul
Robert Micheal

  • #43
aww I love ella marie! that might have to go in my book! ;)
  • #44
cbord said:
My children names:
Jason David 6/77-1/82


I'm so sorry to read about your loss. I have a four year old son and just couldn't imagine.

  • #45
My 2 are Matthew James and Aaron Daniel. Matthew was my maiden name, actually if you add an "S" to the end of it, and my DH and my brother are both James. Aaron is a name that both my DH and I really liked and Daniel is for my father. The only names that we have ever had pick out were the middle names. I have always had the baby before picking a name out. With Aaron we went thru the 5 names on our list before deciding that he looked like an Aaron.
  • #46
dianevill said:

I'm so sorry to read about your loss. I have a four year old son and just couldn't imagine.


Thanks Diane.

My son Jason was born with multiple heart defects. We were blessed to have him with us for as long as we did. All our other children and grandchildren have had no heart problems.

  • #47
namesCongrat too
I have Peter John
and Christina Rose , what ever you pick You will love . Be sure you like the middle name too cause I find myself calling them by both names when they are bad haha
Doreen Zaino wave 2:eek:
  • #48
Congrats! :)
You too debbie!
I have three
Brinna lynne
Melody Star
Calvin Thomas
I thought my Calvin was going to be a girl and I would have named her Piper
I have a hard time picking out names too. They are stuck with our choice forever...good or bad.
My oldest daughter thinks she and her siblings are destined to take over the world...
They all have 6 letters in their first names , they were all born on the 16th of the month and they were all born in a J month....January, June and July!
Very freaky, not planned but cool for them, especially when they are little :)
  • #49
I have two boys, Jacob Daniel (9) and Ryan Thomas (<1).

Jacob's name was picked out when I was just a 14, I loved that name. Then when we had him, it shot up to #1 on the charts, and hadn't even been on the charts the year before that.

I never wanted to do that to my kids, because I was a "Jennifer" growing up in the '80's! OMgoodness... too many of those! So, lo and behold, I name a Jacob and there were SEVEN Jacobs born the same day in the same hospital!! Unbelievable!

Then when choosing Ryan's name... I just couldn't find one that I liked, that was it for me.

My hubby and I are deciding whether to have one more child, boy names we have NO idea, but for a girl I love;


But, with my luck now that I have girl names all ready to go, I would end up with another boy! ;)

Good luck!! Best wishes to all the mommies to be! Wish you well!!
Jaye :)
  • #50
cat said:

I have two boys, Ethan Joseph and Evan Andrew. Ethan will be 5 in October and Evan will be 2 in April.

(Kristin, same here!! When we picked the name Ethan, we didn't know any others. NOW we know 4 other Ethans (all younger than mine)!! Evan is also getting pretty popular too!!)
The other funny thing is that my husbands name is Andrew--LOL!!! We have a lot in common!

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