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Paperwork for My 1st Show: Tips for New pps

In summary, if you are preparing for your first show, just take a few minutes to go over the information before you get there. And be sure to add the guest special if the order is over $60.
My 1st show is Tuesday and I am actually the most nervous about getting the darn paperwork done correctly and entered and sent via Pampered Partner. I assume it isn't that difficult!?!?! Any tips for me?
You will be just fine. Just take a few minutes to go over the information before you get there! I didn't think about it at all and when it came time to add up orders, I was like, "what the heck is all this?!" It's pretty self-explanatory. And with Pampered Partner, that's pretty user-friendly, but if you're confused, check out the tutorial that comes with it. Good luck at your show and most importantly, have fun!!
Remember to add the guest special if the order is over $60. I almost forgot on a couple orders!
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  • #4
So do I add the guest special in and just put it as $0??????????????
My director is out of town for all my last minute ?'s! :)
yes...if you will click on the little magnifying glass to the left of where you enter the item numbers onto pp, a list of all the products will come up and click on the word price twice and you will see the top one will be the guest special if your pp is updated and it will say $0.00. click on that twice and it will automatically show up on your list of items.
On the monthly special flyers there are the numbers (guest and host specials start with two letters, then two numbers) Just enter in the letters and numbers then press enter, and the price will automatically show up as $0.
One thing I forgot to do at my first show was to put my consultant number, show # and the date at the bottom of the order forms. So make sure you do that when people are checking out. Just review the whole form before you go and while you are checking people out. Good luck!!!
The host special also has a special number. Be sure on both the host and guest specials that you use the special number that PC gives us for the month. If you use the regular number it will not show up as free or at the special price.

Be especially careful in September when hosts can get one piece of glazed stoneware for 60% off and guests can buy the same stoneware for 20% off. The numbers are different for each!
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  • #9
Thank you guys! I have the giant PITA 3 sheet order forms to start off with- I see where I put it, but is show # chronological???? Like this is 1? or is it 0001?
  • #10
leannvv said:
Thank you guys! I have the giant PITA 3 sheet order forms to start off with- I see where I put it, but is show # chronological???? Like this is 1? or is it 0001?
Show number 1 is 0001. Actually it's your consultant #, type of show and show number.

For instance the last cooking show I did was: 293128K0340

That's what PC will want if I or a customer calls with an adjustment on any products from the show.
  • #11
Chef Michelle D said:
One thing I forgot to do at my first show was to put my consultant number, show # and the date at the bottom of the order forms. So make sure you do that when people are checking out. Just review the whole form before you go and while you are checking people out. Good luck!!!

I get this information on each order form by having the guests fill it in at the start of the show.

I thank the host, thank the guests and then tell them I'm going to start by putting them all to work. We fill in the numbers and go on with the show. This does require you to know (write down) the show number before you leave your house.
  • #12
Another tip - for the host's order, put in the half price items first and it will automatically deduct the 50%.
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  • #13
Do you use the big 3 fold order forms? I cannot find the fill in kind for the life of me!
  • #14
They are call Write-In Sales Receipts & their item # is EE94.
  • #15
I LOVE the write in form. It is so much simplier than that big tri-fold order form. I also have PP downloaded on my laptop so I just do the orders in that and give my guests a copy of their write-in form as a receipt.
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  • #16
Thanks, ladies! I did $600 from 12 guests, so not a bad start! :) I have started entering and it wasn't too hard...now to submit it! LOL
  • #17
It is really easy once you get used to it, and an essential to our business! My only advice is to not wait until the last minute to submit it so you don't have to panic if your internet connection doesn't work for some reason!

Related to Paperwork for My 1st Show: Tips for New pps

1. What paperwork do I need to have for my first show?

For your first show, you will need to have a hostess packet, order forms, catalogs, and any additional materials that your upline or team leader recommends. You may also want to have a notebook or planner to keep track of important information and details for your show.

2. How do I create a hostess packet?

To create a hostess packet, you can use materials provided by Pampered Chef or create your own. Your packet should include a hostess invitation, a catalog, order forms, and any other information about hosting a show with Pampered Chef. You can also include a small gift or incentive to encourage your hostess to book a show with you.

3. How can I make sure my paperwork is organized and easy to access during my show?

One tip for organizing paperwork for your show is to use a binder or folder with labeled dividers for each section. This will make it easy to find the materials you need during your show. You can also use sticky notes or tabs to mark important pages in your catalog or order forms.

4. Can I use digital or online paperwork for my show?

Yes, you can use digital or online paperwork for your show if it is more convenient for you and your hostess. Pampered Chef offers a digital hostess packet and order forms that you can use to save time and paper. However, it is always recommended to have physical copies as well in case of technical difficulties.

5. How can I keep track of my orders and payments after my show?

One way to keep track of orders and payments after your show is to use a tracking sheet or spreadsheet. You can also use the Pampered Chef Consultant's Corner to track your orders and payments online. It is important to keep detailed records of your sales and payments for tax purposes and to stay organized for future shows.

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